
     1  #
     2  # errcodes.txt
     3  #      PostgreSQL error codes
     4  #
     5  # Copyright (c) 2003-2016, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
     6  #
     7  # This list serves as the basis for generating source files containing error
     8  # codes. It is kept in a common format to make sure all these source files have
     9  # the same contents.
    10  # The files generated from this one are:
    11  #
    12  #   src/include/utils/errcodes.h
    13  #      macros defining errcode constants to be used in the rest of the source
    14  #
    15  #   src/pl/plpgsql/src/plerrcodes.h
    16  #      a list of PL/pgSQL condition names and their SQLSTATE codes
    17  #
    18  #   doc/src/sgml/errcodes-list.sgml
    19  #      a SGML table of error codes for inclusion in the documentation
    20  #
    21  # The format of this file is one error code per line, with the following
    22  # whitespace-separated fields:
    23  #
    24  #      sqlstate    E/W/S    errcode_macro_name    spec_name
    25  #
    26  # where sqlstate is a five-character string following the SQLSTATE conventions,
    27  # the second field indicates if the code means an error, a warning or success,
    28  # errcode_macro_name is the C macro name starting with ERRCODE that will be put
    29  # in errcodes.h, and spec_name is a lowercase, underscore-separated name that
    30  # will be used as the PL/pgSQL condition name and will also be included in the
    31  # SGML list. The last field is optional, if not present the PL/pgSQL condition
    32  # and the SGML entry will not be generated.
    33  #
    34  # Empty lines and lines starting with a hash are comments.
    35  #
    36  # There are also special lines in the format of:
    37  #
    38  #      Section: section description
    39  #
    40  # that is, lines starting with the string "Section:". They are used to delimit
    41  # error classes as defined in the SQL spec, and are necessary for SGML output.
    42  #
    43  #
    44  #      SQLSTATE codes for errors.
    45  #
    46  # The SQL99 code set is rather impoverished, especially in the area of
    47  # syntactical and semantic errors.  We have borrowed codes from IBM's DB2
    48  # and invented our own codes to develop a useful code set.
    49  #
    50  # When adding a new code, make sure it is placed in the most appropriate
    51  # class (the first two characters of the code value identify the class).
    52  # The listing is organized by class to make this prominent.
    53  #
    54  # Each class should have a generic '000' subclass.  However,
    55  # the generic '000' subclass code should be used for an error only
    56  # when there is not a more-specific subclass code defined.
    57  #
    58  # The SQL spec requires that all the elements of a SQLSTATE code be
    59  # either digits or upper-case ASCII characters.
    60  #
    61  # Classes that begin with 0-4 or A-H are defined by the
    62  # standard. Within such a class, subclass values defined by the
    63  # standard must begin with 0-4 or A-H. To define a new error code,
    64  # ensure that it is either in an "implementation-defined class" (it
    65  # begins with 5-9 or I-Z), or its subclass falls outside the range of
    66  # error codes that could be present in future versions of the
    67  # standard (i.e. the subclass value begins with 5-9 or I-Z).
    68  #
    69  # The convention is that new error codes defined by PostgreSQL in a
    70  # class defined by the standard have a subclass value that begins
    71  # with 'P'. In addition, error codes defined by PostgreSQL clients
    72  # (such as ecpg) have a class value that begins with 'Y'.
    74  Section: Class 00 - Successful Completion
    76  00000    S    ERRCODE_SUCCESSFUL_COMPLETION                                  successful_completion
    78  Section: Class 01 - Warning
    80  # do not use this class for failure conditions
    81  01000    W    ERRCODE_WARNING                                                warning
    82  0100C    W    ERRCODE_WARNING_DYNAMIC_RESULT_SETS_RETURNED                   dynamic_result_sets_returned
    83  01008    W    ERRCODE_WARNING_IMPLICIT_ZERO_BIT_PADDING                      implicit_zero_bit_padding
    84  01003    W    ERRCODE_WARNING_NULL_VALUE_ELIMINATED_IN_SET_FUNCTION          null_value_eliminated_in_set_function
    85  01007    W    ERRCODE_WARNING_PRIVILEGE_NOT_GRANTED                          privilege_not_granted
    86  01006    W    ERRCODE_WARNING_PRIVILEGE_NOT_REVOKED                          privilege_not_revoked
    87  01004    W    ERRCODE_WARNING_STRING_DATA_RIGHT_TRUNCATION                   string_data_right_truncation
    88  01P01    W    ERRCODE_WARNING_DEPRECATED_FEATURE                             deprecated_feature
    90  Section: Class 02 - No Data (this is also a warning class per the SQL standard)
    92  # do not use this class for failure conditions
    93  02000    W    ERRCODE_NO_DATA                                                no_data
    94  02001    W    ERRCODE_NO_ADDITIONAL_DYNAMIC_RESULT_SETS_RETURNED             no_additional_dynamic_result_sets_returned
    96  Section: Class 03 - SQL Statement Not Yet Complete
    98  03000    E    ERRCODE_SQL_STATEMENT_NOT_YET_COMPLETE                         sql_statement_not_yet_complete
   100  Section: Class 08 - Connection Exception
   102  08000    E    ERRCODE_CONNECTION_EXCEPTION                                   connection_exception
   103  08003    E    ERRCODE_CONNECTION_DOES_NOT_EXIST                              connection_does_not_exist
   104  08006    E    ERRCODE_CONNECTION_FAILURE                                     connection_failure
   105  08001    E    ERRCODE_SQLCLIENT_UNABLE_TO_ESTABLISH_SQLCONNECTION            sqlclient_unable_to_establish_sqlconnection
   106  08004    E    ERRCODE_SQLSERVER_REJECTED_ESTABLISHMENT_OF_SQLCONNECTION      sqlserver_rejected_establishment_of_sqlconnection
   107  08007    E    ERRCODE_TRANSACTION_RESOLUTION_UNKNOWN                         transaction_resolution_unknown
   108  08P01    E    ERRCODE_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION                                     protocol_violation
   110  Section: Class 09 - Triggered Action Exception
   112  09000    E    ERRCODE_TRIGGERED_ACTION_EXCEPTION                             triggered_action_exception
   114  Section: Class 0A - Feature Not Supported
   116  0A000    E    ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED                                  feature_not_supported
   118  Section: Class 0B - Invalid Transaction Initiation
   120  0B000    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_TRANSACTION_INITIATION                         invalid_transaction_initiation
   122  Section: Class 0F - Locator Exception
   124  0F000    E    ERRCODE_LOCATOR_EXCEPTION                                      locator_exception
   125  0F001    E    ERRCODE_L_E_INVALID_SPECIFICATION                              invalid_locator_specification
   127  Section: Class 0L - Invalid Grantor
   129  0L000    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_GRANTOR                                        invalid_grantor
   130  0LP01    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_GRANT_OPERATION                                invalid_grant_operation
   132  Section: Class 0P - Invalid Role Specification
   134  0P000    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_ROLE_SPECIFICATION                             invalid_role_specification
   136  Section: Class 0Z - Diagnostics Exception
   138  0Z000    E    ERRCODE_DIAGNOSTICS_EXCEPTION                                  diagnostics_exception
   139  0Z002    E    ERRCODE_STACKED_DIAGNOSTICS_ACCESSED_WITHOUT_ACTIVE_HANDLER    stacked_diagnostics_accessed_without_active_handler
   141  Section: Class 20 - Case Not Found
   143  20000    E    ERRCODE_CASE_NOT_FOUND                                         case_not_found
   145  Section: Class 21 - Cardinality Violation
   147  # this means something returned the wrong number of rows
   148  21000    E    ERRCODE_CARDINALITY_VIOLATION                                  cardinality_violation
   150  Section: Class 22 - Data Exception
   152  22000    E    ERRCODE_DATA_EXCEPTION                                         data_exception
   154  # SQL99's actual definition of "array element error" is subscript error
   155  2202E    E    ERRCODE_ARRAY_SUBSCRIPT_ERROR                                  array_subscript_error
   156  22021    E    ERRCODE_CHARACTER_NOT_IN_REPERTOIRE                            character_not_in_repertoire
   157  22008    E    ERRCODE_DATETIME_FIELD_OVERFLOW                                datetime_field_overflow
   159  22012    E    ERRCODE_DIVISION_BY_ZERO                                       division_by_zero
   160  22005    E    ERRCODE_ERROR_IN_ASSIGNMENT                                    error_in_assignment
   161  2200B    E    ERRCODE_ESCAPE_CHARACTER_CONFLICT                              escape_character_conflict
   162  22022    E    ERRCODE_INDICATOR_OVERFLOW                                     indicator_overflow
   163  22015    E    ERRCODE_INTERVAL_FIELD_OVERFLOW                                interval_field_overflow
   164  2201E    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_ARGUMENT_FOR_LOG                               invalid_argument_for_logarithm
   165  22014    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_ARGUMENT_FOR_NTILE                             invalid_argument_for_ntile_function
   166  22016    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_ARGUMENT_FOR_NTH_VALUE                         invalid_argument_for_nth_value_function
   167  2201F    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_ARGUMENT_FOR_POWER_FUNCTION                    invalid_argument_for_power_function
   168  2201G    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_ARGUMENT_FOR_WIDTH_BUCKET_FUNCTION             invalid_argument_for_width_bucket_function
   169  22018    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_CHARACTER_VALUE_FOR_CAST                       invalid_character_value_for_cast
   170  22007    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_DATETIME_FORMAT                                invalid_datetime_format
   171  22019    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_ESCAPE_CHARACTER                               invalid_escape_character
   172  2200D    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_ESCAPE_OCTET                                   invalid_escape_octet
   173  22025    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE                                invalid_escape_sequence
   174  22P06    E    ERRCODE_NONSTANDARD_USE_OF_ESCAPE_CHARACTER                    nonstandard_use_of_escape_character
   175  22010    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_INDICATOR_PARAMETER_VALUE                      invalid_indicator_parameter_value
   176  22023    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE                                invalid_parameter_value
   177  2201B    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_REGULAR_EXPRESSION                             invalid_regular_expression
   178  2201W    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_ROW_COUNT_IN_LIMIT_CLAUSE                      invalid_row_count_in_limit_clause
   179  2201X    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_ROW_COUNT_IN_RESULT_OFFSET_CLAUSE              invalid_row_count_in_result_offset_clause
   180  2202H    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_TABLESAMPLE_ARGUMENT                           invalid_tablesample_argument
   181  2202G    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_TABLESAMPLE_REPEAT                             invalid_tablesample_repeat
   182  22009    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_TIME_ZONE_DISPLACEMENT_VALUE                   invalid_time_zone_displacement_value
   183  2200C    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_USE_OF_ESCAPE_CHARACTER                        invalid_use_of_escape_character
   184  2200G    E    ERRCODE_MOST_SPECIFIC_TYPE_MISMATCH                            most_specific_type_mismatch
   185  22004    E    ERRCODE_NULL_VALUE_NOT_ALLOWED                                 null_value_not_allowed
   186  22002    E    ERRCODE_NULL_VALUE_NO_INDICATOR_PARAMETER                      null_value_no_indicator_parameter
   187  22003    E    ERRCODE_NUMERIC_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE                             numeric_value_out_of_range
   188  22026    E    ERRCODE_STRING_DATA_LENGTH_MISMATCH                            string_data_length_mismatch
   189  22001    E    ERRCODE_STRING_DATA_RIGHT_TRUNCATION                           string_data_right_truncation
   190  22011    E    ERRCODE_SUBSTRING_ERROR                                        substring_error
   191  22027    E    ERRCODE_TRIM_ERROR                                             trim_error
   192  22024    E    ERRCODE_UNTERMINATED_C_STRING                                  unterminated_c_string
   193  2200F    E    ERRCODE_ZERO_LENGTH_CHARACTER_STRING                           zero_length_character_string
   194  22P01    E    ERRCODE_FLOATING_POINT_EXCEPTION                               floating_point_exception
   195  22P02    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_TEXT_REPRESENTATION                            invalid_text_representation
   196  22P03    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_BINARY_REPRESENTATION                          invalid_binary_representation
   197  22P04    E    ERRCODE_BAD_COPY_FILE_FORMAT                                   bad_copy_file_format
   198  22P05    E    ERRCODE_UNTRANSLATABLE_CHARACTER                               untranslatable_character
   199  2200L    E    ERRCODE_NOT_AN_XML_DOCUMENT                                    not_an_xml_document
   200  2200M    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_XML_DOCUMENT                                   invalid_xml_document
   201  2200N    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_XML_CONTENT                                    invalid_xml_content
   202  2200S    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_XML_COMMENT                                    invalid_xml_comment
   203  2200T    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_XML_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION                     invalid_xml_processing_instruction
   205  Section: Class 23 - Integrity Constraint Violation
   207  23000    E    ERRCODE_INTEGRITY_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION                         integrity_constraint_violation
   208  23001    E    ERRCODE_RESTRICT_VIOLATION                                     restrict_violation
   209  23502    E    ERRCODE_NOT_NULL_VIOLATION                                     not_null_violation
   210  23503    E    ERRCODE_FOREIGN_KEY_VIOLATION                                  foreign_key_violation
   211  23505    E    ERRCODE_UNIQUE_VIOLATION                                       unique_violation
   212  23514    E    ERRCODE_CHECK_VIOLATION                                        check_violation
   213  23P01    E    ERRCODE_EXCLUSION_VIOLATION                                    exclusion_violation
   215  Section: Class 24 - Invalid Cursor State
   217  24000    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_CURSOR_STATE                                   invalid_cursor_state
   219  Section: Class 25 - Invalid Transaction State
   221  25000    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_TRANSACTION_STATE                              invalid_transaction_state
   222  25001    E    ERRCODE_ACTIVE_SQL_TRANSACTION                                 active_sql_transaction
   223  25002    E    ERRCODE_BRANCH_TRANSACTION_ALREADY_ACTIVE                      branch_transaction_already_active
   224  25008    E    ERRCODE_HELD_CURSOR_REQUIRES_SAME_ISOLATION_LEVEL              held_cursor_requires_same_isolation_level
   225  25003    E    ERRCODE_INAPPROPRIATE_ACCESS_MODE_FOR_BRANCH_TRANSACTION       inappropriate_access_mode_for_branch_transaction
   226  25004    E    ERRCODE_INAPPROPRIATE_ISOLATION_LEVEL_FOR_BRANCH_TRANSACTION   inappropriate_isolation_level_for_branch_transaction
   227  25005    E    ERRCODE_NO_ACTIVE_SQL_TRANSACTION_FOR_BRANCH_TRANSACTION       no_active_sql_transaction_for_branch_transaction
   228  25006    E    ERRCODE_READ_ONLY_SQL_TRANSACTION                              read_only_sql_transaction
   229  25007    E    ERRCODE_SCHEMA_AND_DATA_STATEMENT_MIXING_NOT_SUPPORTED         schema_and_data_statement_mixing_not_supported
   230  25P01    E    ERRCODE_NO_ACTIVE_SQL_TRANSACTION                              no_active_sql_transaction
   231  25P02    E    ERRCODE_IN_FAILED_SQL_TRANSACTION                              in_failed_sql_transaction
   233  Section: Class 26 - Invalid SQL Statement Name
   235  # (we take this to mean prepared statements
   236  26000    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_SQL_STATEMENT_NAME                             invalid_sql_statement_name
   238  Section: Class 27 - Triggered Data Change Violation
   240  27000    E    ERRCODE_TRIGGERED_DATA_CHANGE_VIOLATION                        triggered_data_change_violation
   242  Section: Class 28 - Invalid Authorization Specification
   244  28000    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_AUTHORIZATION_SPECIFICATION                    invalid_authorization_specification
   245  28P01    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_PASSWORD                                       invalid_password
   247  Section: Class 2B - Dependent Privilege Descriptors Still Exist
   249  2B000    E    ERRCODE_DEPENDENT_PRIVILEGE_DESCRIPTORS_STILL_EXIST            dependent_privilege_descriptors_still_exist
   250  2BP01    E    ERRCODE_DEPENDENT_OBJECTS_STILL_EXIST                          dependent_objects_still_exist
   252  Section: Class 2D - Invalid Transaction Termination
   254  2D000    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_TRANSACTION_TERMINATION                        invalid_transaction_termination
   256  Section: Class 2F - SQL Routine Exception
   258  2F000    E    ERRCODE_SQL_ROUTINE_EXCEPTION                                  sql_routine_exception
   259  2F005    E    ERRCODE_S_R_E_FUNCTION_EXECUTED_NO_RETURN_STATEMENT            function_executed_no_return_statement
   260  2F002    E    ERRCODE_S_R_E_MODIFYING_SQL_DATA_NOT_PERMITTED                 modifying_sql_data_not_permitted
   261  2F003    E    ERRCODE_S_R_E_PROHIBITED_SQL_STATEMENT_ATTEMPTED               prohibited_sql_statement_attempted
   262  2F004    E    ERRCODE_S_R_E_READING_SQL_DATA_NOT_PERMITTED                   reading_sql_data_not_permitted
   264  Section: Class 34 - Invalid Cursor Name
   266  34000    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_CURSOR_NAME                                    invalid_cursor_name
   268  Section: Class 38 - External Routine Exception
   270  38000    E    ERRCODE_EXTERNAL_ROUTINE_EXCEPTION                             external_routine_exception
   271  38001    E    ERRCODE_E_R_E_CONTAINING_SQL_NOT_PERMITTED                     containing_sql_not_permitted
   272  38002    E    ERRCODE_E_R_E_MODIFYING_SQL_DATA_NOT_PERMITTED                 modifying_sql_data_not_permitted
   273  38003    E    ERRCODE_E_R_E_PROHIBITED_SQL_STATEMENT_ATTEMPTED               prohibited_sql_statement_attempted
   274  38004    E    ERRCODE_E_R_E_READING_SQL_DATA_NOT_PERMITTED                   reading_sql_data_not_permitted
   276  Section: Class 39 - External Routine Invocation Exception
   278  39000    E    ERRCODE_EXTERNAL_ROUTINE_INVOCATION_EXCEPTION                  external_routine_invocation_exception
   279  39001    E    ERRCODE_E_R_I_E_INVALID_SQLSTATE_RETURNED                      invalid_sqlstate_returned
   280  39004    E    ERRCODE_E_R_I_E_NULL_VALUE_NOT_ALLOWED                         null_value_not_allowed
   281  39P01    E    ERRCODE_E_R_I_E_TRIGGER_PROTOCOL_VIOLATED                      trigger_protocol_violated
   282  39P02    E    ERRCODE_E_R_I_E_SRF_PROTOCOL_VIOLATED                          srf_protocol_violated
   283  39P03    E    ERRCODE_E_R_I_E_EVENT_TRIGGER_PROTOCOL_VIOLATED                event_trigger_protocol_violated
   285  Section: Class 3B - Savepoint Exception
   287  3B000    E    ERRCODE_SAVEPOINT_EXCEPTION                                    savepoint_exception
   288  3B001    E    ERRCODE_S_E_INVALID_SPECIFICATION                              invalid_savepoint_specification
   290  Section: Class 3D - Invalid Catalog Name
   292  3D000    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_CATALOG_NAME                                   invalid_catalog_name
   294  Section: Class 3F - Invalid Schema Name
   296  3F000    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_SCHEMA_NAME                                    invalid_schema_name
   298  Section: Class 40 - Transaction Rollback
   300  40000    E    ERRCODE_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK                                   transaction_rollback
   301  40002    E    ERRCODE_T_R_INTEGRITY_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION                     transaction_integrity_constraint_violation
   302  40001    E    ERRCODE_T_R_SERIALIZATION_FAILURE                              serialization_failure
   303  40003    E    ERRCODE_T_R_STATEMENT_COMPLETION_UNKNOWN                       statement_completion_unknown
   304  40P01    E    ERRCODE_T_R_DEADLOCK_DETECTED                                  deadlock_detected
   306  Section: Class 42 - Syntax Error or Access Rule Violation
   308  42000    E    ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR_OR_ACCESS_RULE_VIOLATION                  syntax_error_or_access_rule_violation
   309  # never use the above; use one of these two if no specific code exists:
   310  42601    E    ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR                                           syntax_error
   311  42501    E    ERRCODE_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE                                 insufficient_privilege
   312  42846    E    ERRCODE_CANNOT_COERCE                                          cannot_coerce
   313  42803    E    ERRCODE_GROUPING_ERROR                                         grouping_error
   314  42P20    E    ERRCODE_WINDOWING_ERROR                                        windowing_error
   315  42P19    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_RECURSION                                      invalid_recursion
   316  42830    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_FOREIGN_KEY                                    invalid_foreign_key
   317  42602    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_NAME                                           invalid_name
   318  42622    E    ERRCODE_NAME_TOO_LONG                                          name_too_long
   319  42939    E    ERRCODE_RESERVED_NAME                                          reserved_name
   320  42804    E    ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH                                      datatype_mismatch
   321  42P18    E    ERRCODE_INDETERMINATE_DATATYPE                                 indeterminate_datatype
   322  42P21    E    ERRCODE_COLLATION_MISMATCH                                     collation_mismatch
   323  42P22    E    ERRCODE_INDETERMINATE_COLLATION                                indeterminate_collation
   324  42809    E    ERRCODE_WRONG_OBJECT_TYPE                                      wrong_object_type
   326  # Note: for ERRCODE purposes, we divide namable objects into these categories:
   327  # databases, schemas, prepared statements, cursors, tables, columns,
   328  # functions (including operators), and all else (lumped as "objects").
   329  # (The first four categories are mandated by the existence of separate
   330  # SQLSTATE classes for them in the spec; in this file, however, we group
   331  # the ERRCODE names with all the rest under class 42.)  Parameters are
   332  # sort-of-named objects and get their own ERRCODE.
   333  #
   334  # The same breakdown is used for "duplicate" and "ambiguous" complaints,
   335  # as well as complaints associated with incorrect declarations.
   337  42703    E    ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_COLUMN                                       undefined_column
   338  34000    E    ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_CURSOR
   340  42883    E    ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_FUNCTION                                     undefined_function
   343  42P01    E    ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_TABLE                                        undefined_table
   344  42P02    E    ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_PARAMETER                                    undefined_parameter
   345  42704    E    ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_OBJECT                                       undefined_object
   346  42701    E    ERRCODE_DUPLICATE_COLUMN                                       duplicate_column
   347  42P03    E    ERRCODE_DUPLICATE_CURSOR                                       duplicate_cursor
   348  42P04    E    ERRCODE_DUPLICATE_DATABASE                                     duplicate_database
   349  42723    E    ERRCODE_DUPLICATE_FUNCTION                                     duplicate_function
   350  42P05    E    ERRCODE_DUPLICATE_PSTATEMENT                                   duplicate_prepared_statement
   351  42P06    E    ERRCODE_DUPLICATE_SCHEMA                                       duplicate_schema
   352  42P07    E    ERRCODE_DUPLICATE_TABLE                                        duplicate_table
   353  42712    E    ERRCODE_DUPLICATE_ALIAS                                        duplicate_alias
   354  42710    E    ERRCODE_DUPLICATE_OBJECT                                       duplicate_object
   355  42702    E    ERRCODE_AMBIGUOUS_COLUMN                                       ambiguous_column
   356  42725    E    ERRCODE_AMBIGUOUS_FUNCTION                                     ambiguous_function
   357  42P08    E    ERRCODE_AMBIGUOUS_PARAMETER                                    ambiguous_parameter
   358  42P09    E    ERRCODE_AMBIGUOUS_ALIAS                                        ambiguous_alias
   359  42P10    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_COLUMN_REFERENCE                               invalid_column_reference
   360  42611    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_COLUMN_DEFINITION                              invalid_column_definition
   361  42P11    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_CURSOR_DEFINITION                              invalid_cursor_definition
   362  42P12    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_DATABASE_DEFINITION                            invalid_database_definition
   363  42P13    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_FUNCTION_DEFINITION                            invalid_function_definition
   364  42P14    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_PSTATEMENT_DEFINITION                          invalid_prepared_statement_definition
   365  42P15    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_SCHEMA_DEFINITION                              invalid_schema_definition
   366  42P16    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_TABLE_DEFINITION                               invalid_table_definition
   367  42P17    E    ERRCODE_INVALID_OBJECT_DEFINITION                              invalid_object_definition
   369  Section: Class 44 - WITH CHECK OPTION Violation
   371  44000    E    ERRCODE_WITH_CHECK_OPTION_VIOLATION                            with_check_option_violation
   373  Section: Class 53 - Insufficient Resources
   375  # (PostgreSQL-specific error class)
   376  53000    E    ERRCODE_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES                                 insufficient_resources
   377  53100    E    ERRCODE_DISK_FULL                                              disk_full
   378  53200    E    ERRCODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY                                          out_of_memory
   379  53300    E    ERRCODE_TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS                                   too_many_connections
   380  53400    E    ERRCODE_CONFIGURATION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED                           configuration_limit_exceeded
   382  Section: Class 54 - Program Limit Exceeded
   384  # this is for wired-in limits, not resource exhaustion problems (class borrowed from DB2)
   385  54000    E    ERRCODE_PROGRAM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED                                 program_limit_exceeded
   386  54001    E    ERRCODE_STATEMENT_TOO_COMPLEX                                  statement_too_complex
   387  54011    E    ERRCODE_TOO_MANY_COLUMNS                                       too_many_columns
   388  54023    E    ERRCODE_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS                                     too_many_arguments
   390  Section: Class 55 - Object Not In Prerequisite State
   392  # (class borrowed from DB2)
   393  55000    E    ERRCODE_OBJECT_NOT_IN_PREREQUISITE_STATE                       object_not_in_prerequisite_state
   394  55006    E    ERRCODE_OBJECT_IN_USE                                          object_in_use
   395  55P02    E    ERRCODE_CANT_CHANGE_RUNTIME_PARAM                              cant_change_runtime_param
   396  55P03    E    ERRCODE_LOCK_NOT_AVAILABLE                                     lock_not_available
   398  Section: Class 57 - Operator Intervention
   400  # (class borrowed from DB2)
   401  57000    E    ERRCODE_OPERATOR_INTERVENTION                                  operator_intervention
   402  57014    E    ERRCODE_QUERY_CANCELED                                         query_canceled
   403  57P01    E    ERRCODE_ADMIN_SHUTDOWN                                         admin_shutdown
   404  57P02    E    ERRCODE_CRASH_SHUTDOWN                                         crash_shutdown
   405  57P03    E    ERRCODE_CANNOT_CONNECT_NOW                                     cannot_connect_now
   406  57P04    E    ERRCODE_DATABASE_DROPPED                                       database_dropped
   408  Section: Class 58 - System Error (errors external to PostgreSQL itself)
   410  # (class borrowed from DB2)
   411  58000    E    ERRCODE_SYSTEM_ERROR                                           system_error
   412  58030    E    ERRCODE_IO_ERROR                                               io_error
   413  58P01    E    ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_FILE                                         undefined_file
   414  58P02    E    ERRCODE_DUPLICATE_FILE                                         duplicate_file
   416  Section: Class F0 - Configuration File Error
   418  # (PostgreSQL-specific error class)
   419  F0000    E    ERRCODE_CONFIG_FILE_ERROR                                      config_file_error
   420  F0001    E    ERRCODE_LOCK_FILE_EXISTS                                       lock_file_exists
   422  Section: Class HV - Foreign Data Wrapper Error (SQL/MED)
   424  # (SQL/MED-specific error class)
   425  HV000    E    ERRCODE_FDW_ERROR                                              fdw_error
   426  HV005    E    ERRCODE_FDW_COLUMN_NAME_NOT_FOUND                              fdw_column_name_not_found
   427  HV002    E    ERRCODE_FDW_DYNAMIC_PARAMETER_VALUE_NEEDED                     fdw_dynamic_parameter_value_needed
   428  HV010    E    ERRCODE_FDW_FUNCTION_SEQUENCE_ERROR                            fdw_function_sequence_error
   429  HV021    E    ERRCODE_FDW_INCONSISTENT_DESCRIPTOR_INFORMATION                fdw_inconsistent_descriptor_information
   430  HV024    E    ERRCODE_FDW_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE                            fdw_invalid_attribute_value
   431  HV007    E    ERRCODE_FDW_INVALID_COLUMN_NAME                                fdw_invalid_column_name
   432  HV008    E    ERRCODE_FDW_INVALID_COLUMN_NUMBER                              fdw_invalid_column_number
   433  HV004    E    ERRCODE_FDW_INVALID_DATA_TYPE                                  fdw_invalid_data_type
   434  HV006    E    ERRCODE_FDW_INVALID_DATA_TYPE_DESCRIPTORS                      fdw_invalid_data_type_descriptors
   435  HV091    E    ERRCODE_FDW_INVALID_DESCRIPTOR_FIELD_IDENTIFIER                fdw_invalid_descriptor_field_identifier
   436  HV00B    E    ERRCODE_FDW_INVALID_HANDLE                                     fdw_invalid_handle
   437  HV00C    E    ERRCODE_FDW_INVALID_OPTION_INDEX                               fdw_invalid_option_index
   438  HV00D    E    ERRCODE_FDW_INVALID_OPTION_NAME                                fdw_invalid_option_name
   439  HV090    E    ERRCODE_FDW_INVALID_STRING_LENGTH_OR_BUFFER_LENGTH             fdw_invalid_string_length_or_buffer_length
   440  HV00A    E    ERRCODE_FDW_INVALID_STRING_FORMAT                              fdw_invalid_string_format
   441  HV009    E    ERRCODE_FDW_INVALID_USE_OF_NULL_POINTER                        fdw_invalid_use_of_null_pointer
   442  HV014    E    ERRCODE_FDW_TOO_MANY_HANDLES                                   fdw_too_many_handles
   443  HV001    E    ERRCODE_FDW_OUT_OF_MEMORY                                      fdw_out_of_memory
   444  HV00P    E    ERRCODE_FDW_NO_SCHEMAS                                         fdw_no_schemas
   445  HV00J    E    ERRCODE_FDW_OPTION_NAME_NOT_FOUND                              fdw_option_name_not_found
   446  HV00K    E    ERRCODE_FDW_REPLY_HANDLE                                       fdw_reply_handle
   447  HV00Q    E    ERRCODE_FDW_SCHEMA_NOT_FOUND                                   fdw_schema_not_found
   448  HV00R    E    ERRCODE_FDW_TABLE_NOT_FOUND                                    fdw_table_not_found
   449  HV00L    E    ERRCODE_FDW_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_EXECUTION                         fdw_unable_to_create_execution
   450  HV00M    E    ERRCODE_FDW_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_REPLY                             fdw_unable_to_create_reply
   451  HV00N    E    ERRCODE_FDW_UNABLE_TO_ESTABLISH_CONNECTION                     fdw_unable_to_establish_connection
   453  Section: Class P0 - PL/pgSQL Error
   455  # (PostgreSQL-specific error class)
   456  P0000    E    ERRCODE_PLPGSQL_ERROR                                          plpgsql_error
   457  P0001    E    ERRCODE_RAISE_EXCEPTION                                        raise_exception
   458  P0002    E    ERRCODE_NO_DATA_FOUND                                          no_data_found
   459  P0003    E    ERRCODE_TOO_MANY_ROWS                                          too_many_rows
   460  P0004    E    ERRCODE_ASSERT_FAILURE                                         assert_failure
   462  Section: Class XX - Internal Error
   464  # this is for "can't-happen" conditions and software bugs (PostgreSQL-specific error class)
   465  XX000    E    ERRCODE_INTERNAL_ERROR                                         internal_error
   466  XX001    E    ERRCODE_DATA_CORRUPTED                                         data_corrupted
   467  XX002    E    ERRCODE_INDEX_CORRUPTED                                        index_corrupted