
     1  // Copyright 2021 The Cockroach Authors.
     2  //
     3  // Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
     4  // included in the file licenses/BSL.txt.
     5  //
     6  // As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
     7  // the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
     8  // by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
     9  // licenses/APL.txt.
    11  package catconstants
    13  // PublicSchemaID redefines keys.PublicSchemaID to avoid an import. It exists
    14  // to deal with time-travel queries from moments before the time when all
    15  // databases other than system were given a public schema.
    16  const PublicSchemaID = 29
    18  // StaticSchemaIDMapVirtualPublicSchema is a map of statically known schema IDs
    19  // on versions prior to PublicSchemasWithDescriptors.
    20  var StaticSchemaIDMapVirtualPublicSchema = map[uint32]string{
    21  	PublicSchemaID:      PublicSchemaName,
    22  	PgCatalogID:         PgCatalogName,
    23  	InformationSchemaID: InformationSchemaName,
    24  	CrdbInternalID:      CRDBInternalSchemaName,
    25  	PgExtensionSchemaID: PgExtensionSchemaName,
    26  }
    28  // StaticSchemaIDMap is a map of statically known schema IDs on versions
    29  // PublicSchemasWithDescriptors and onwards.
    30  var StaticSchemaIDMap = map[uint32]string{
    31  	PgCatalogID:         PgCatalogName,
    32  	InformationSchemaID: InformationSchemaName,
    33  	CrdbInternalID:      CRDBInternalSchemaName,
    34  	PgExtensionSchemaID: PgExtensionSchemaName,
    35  }
    37  // GetStaticSchemaIDMap returns a map of schema ids to schema names for the
    38  // static schemas.
    39  func GetStaticSchemaIDMap() map[uint32]string {
    40  	return StaticSchemaIDMapVirtualPublicSchema
    41  }
    43  // PgCatalogName is the name of the pg_catalog system schema.
    44  const PgCatalogName = "pg_catalog"
    46  // PublicSchemaName is the name of the public schema.
    47  const PublicSchemaName = "public"
    49  // UserSchemaName is the alias for schema names for users.
    50  const UserSchemaName = "$user"
    52  // InformationSchemaName is the name of the information_schema system schema.
    53  const InformationSchemaName = "information_schema"
    55  // CRDBInternalSchemaName is the name of the crdb_internal system schema.
    56  const CRDBInternalSchemaName = "crdb_internal"
    58  // PgSchemaPrefix is a prefix for Postgres system schemas. Users cannot
    59  // create schemas with this prefix.
    60  const PgSchemaPrefix = "pg_"
    62  // PgTempSchemaName is the alias for temporary schemas across sessions.
    63  const PgTempSchemaName = "pg_temp"
    65  // PgExtensionSchemaName is the alias for schemas which are usually "public" in postgres
    66  // when installing an extension, but must be stored as a separate schema in CRDB.
    67  const PgExtensionSchemaName = "pg_extension"
    69  // VirtualSchemaNames is a set of all virtual schema names.
    70  var VirtualSchemaNames = map[string]struct{}{
    71  	PgCatalogName:          {},
    72  	InformationSchemaName:  {},
    73  	CRDBInternalSchemaName: {},
    74  	PgExtensionSchemaName:  {},
    75  }