
     1  // Copyright 2021 The Cockroach Authors.
     2  //
     3  // Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
     4  // included in the file licenses/BSL.txt.
     5  //
     6  // As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
     7  // the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
     8  // by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
     9  // licenses/APL.txt.
    11  package tree
    13  import ""
    15  // AlterDefaultPrivileges represents an ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES statement.
    16  type AlterDefaultPrivileges struct {
    17  	Roles RoleSpecList
    18  	// True if `ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR ALL ROLES` is executed.
    19  	ForAllRoles bool
    20  	// If Schema is not specified, ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES is being
    21  	// run on the current database.
    22  	Schemas ObjectNamePrefixList
    24  	// Database is only used when converting a granting / revoking incompatible
    25  	// database privileges to an alter default privileges statement.
    26  	// If it is not set, the current database is used.
    27  	Database *Name
    29  	// Only one of Grant or Revoke should be set. IsGrant is used to determine
    30  	// which one is set.
    31  	IsGrant bool
    32  	Grant   AbbreviatedGrant
    33  	Revoke  AbbreviatedRevoke
    34  }
    36  // Format implements the NodeFormatter interface.
    37  func (n *AlterDefaultPrivileges) Format(ctx *FmtCtx) {
    38  	ctx.WriteString("ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES ")
    39  	if n.ForAllRoles {
    40  		ctx.WriteString("FOR ALL ROLES ")
    41  	} else if len(n.Roles) > 0 {
    42  		ctx.WriteString("FOR ROLE ")
    43  		for i := range n.Roles {
    44  			if i > 0 {
    45  				ctx.WriteString(", ")
    46  			}
    47  			ctx.FormatNode(&n.Roles[i])
    48  		}
    49  		ctx.WriteString(" ")
    50  	}
    51  	if len(n.Schemas) > 0 {
    52  		ctx.WriteString("IN SCHEMA ")
    53  		ctx.FormatNode(n.Schemas)
    54  		ctx.WriteString(" ")
    55  	}
    56  	if n.IsGrant {
    57  		n.Grant.Format(ctx)
    58  	} else {
    59  		n.Revoke.Format(ctx)
    60  	}
    61  }
    63  // AbbreviatedGrant represents the GRANT part of an
    64  // ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES statement.
    65  type AbbreviatedGrant struct {
    66  	Privileges      privilege.List
    67  	Target          privilege.TargetObjectType
    68  	Grantees        RoleSpecList
    69  	WithGrantOption bool
    70  }
    72  // Format implements the NodeFormatter interface.
    73  func (n *AbbreviatedGrant) Format(ctx *FmtCtx) {
    74  	ctx.WriteString("GRANT ")
    75  	n.Privileges.FormatNames(&ctx.Buffer)
    76  	ctx.WriteString(" ON ")
    77  	switch n.Target {
    78  	case privilege.Tables:
    79  		ctx.WriteString("TABLES ")
    80  	case privilege.Sequences:
    81  		ctx.WriteString("SEQUENCES ")
    82  	case privilege.Types:
    83  		ctx.WriteString("TYPES ")
    84  	case privilege.Schemas:
    85  		ctx.WriteString("SCHEMAS ")
    86  	case privilege.Routines:
    87  		ctx.WriteString("FUNCTIONS ")
    88  	}
    89  	ctx.WriteString("TO ")
    90  	n.Grantees.Format(ctx)
    91  	if n.WithGrantOption {
    92  		ctx.WriteString(" WITH GRANT OPTION")
    93  	}
    94  }
    96  // AbbreviatedRevoke represents the REVOKE part of an
    97  // ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES statement.
    98  type AbbreviatedRevoke struct {
    99  	Privileges     privilege.List
   100  	Target         privilege.TargetObjectType
   101  	Grantees       RoleSpecList
   102  	GrantOptionFor bool
   103  }
   105  // Format implements the NodeFormatter interface.
   106  func (n *AbbreviatedRevoke) Format(ctx *FmtCtx) {
   107  	ctx.WriteString("REVOKE ")
   108  	if n.GrantOptionFor {
   109  		ctx.WriteString("GRANT OPTION FOR ")
   110  	}
   111  	n.Privileges.FormatNames(&ctx.Buffer)
   112  	ctx.WriteString(" ON ")
   113  	switch n.Target {
   114  	case privilege.Tables:
   115  		ctx.WriteString("TABLES ")
   116  	case privilege.Sequences:
   117  		ctx.WriteString("SEQUENCES ")
   118  	case privilege.Types:
   119  		ctx.WriteString("TYPES ")
   120  	case privilege.Schemas:
   121  		ctx.WriteString("SCHEMAS ")
   122  	case privilege.Routines:
   123  		ctx.WriteString("FUNCTIONS ")
   124  	}
   125  	ctx.WriteString(" FROM ")
   126  	n.Grantees.Format(ctx)
   127  }