
     1  // Copyright 2022 The Cockroach Authors.
     2  //
     3  // Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
     4  // included in the file licenses/BSL.txt.
     5  //
     6  // As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
     7  // the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
     8  // by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
     9  // licenses/APL.txt.
    11  // Code generated by eval_gen.go. DO NOT EDIT.
    12  // Regenerate this file with either of the following commands:
    13  //
    14  //   ./dev generate go
    15  //   go generate ./pkg/sql/sem/tree
    16  //
    17  // If you use the dev command and you have added a new tree expression, like
    18  // tree.XYZ in a new file, you may get the confusing error: undefined: XYZ.
    19  // Run './dev generate bazel' to fix this.
    20  package tree
    22  import "context"
    24  // ExprEvaluator is used to evaluate TypedExpr expressions.
    25  type ExprEvaluator interface {
    26  	EvalAllColumnsSelector(context.Context, *AllColumnsSelector) (Datum, error)
    27  	EvalAndExpr(context.Context, *AndExpr) (Datum, error)
    28  	EvalArray(context.Context, *Array) (Datum, error)
    29  	EvalArrayFlatten(context.Context, *ArrayFlatten) (Datum, error)
    30  	EvalBinaryExpr(context.Context, *BinaryExpr) (Datum, error)
    31  	EvalCaseExpr(context.Context, *CaseExpr) (Datum, error)
    32  	EvalCastExpr(context.Context, *CastExpr) (Datum, error)
    33  	EvalCoalesceExpr(context.Context, *CoalesceExpr) (Datum, error)
    34  	EvalCollateExpr(context.Context, *CollateExpr) (Datum, error)
    35  	EvalColumnAccessExpr(context.Context, *ColumnAccessExpr) (Datum, error)
    36  	EvalColumnItem(context.Context, *ColumnItem) (Datum, error)
    37  	EvalComparisonExpr(context.Context, *ComparisonExpr) (Datum, error)
    38  	EvalDefaultVal(context.Context, *DefaultVal) (Datum, error)
    39  	EvalFuncExpr(context.Context, *FuncExpr) (Datum, error)
    40  	EvalIfErrExpr(context.Context, *IfErrExpr) (Datum, error)
    41  	EvalIfExpr(context.Context, *IfExpr) (Datum, error)
    42  	EvalIndexedVar(context.Context, *IndexedVar) (Datum, error)
    43  	EvalIndirectionExpr(context.Context, *IndirectionExpr) (Datum, error)
    44  	EvalIsNotNullExpr(context.Context, *IsNotNullExpr) (Datum, error)
    45  	EvalIsNullExpr(context.Context, *IsNullExpr) (Datum, error)
    46  	EvalIsOfTypeExpr(context.Context, *IsOfTypeExpr) (Datum, error)
    47  	EvalNotExpr(context.Context, *NotExpr) (Datum, error)
    48  	EvalNullIfExpr(context.Context, *NullIfExpr) (Datum, error)
    49  	EvalOrExpr(context.Context, *OrExpr) (Datum, error)
    50  	EvalParenExpr(context.Context, *ParenExpr) (Datum, error)
    51  	EvalPlaceholder(context.Context, *Placeholder) (Datum, error)
    52  	EvalRangeCond(context.Context, *RangeCond) (Datum, error)
    53  	EvalRoutineExpr(context.Context, *RoutineExpr) (Datum, error)
    54  	EvalSubquery(context.Context, *Subquery) (Datum, error)
    55  	EvalTuple(context.Context, *Tuple) (Datum, error)
    56  	EvalTupleStar(context.Context, *TupleStar) (Datum, error)
    57  	EvalTypedDummy(context.Context, *TypedDummy) (Datum, error)
    58  	EvalUnaryExpr(context.Context, *UnaryExpr) (Datum, error)
    59  	EvalUnqualifiedStar(context.Context, UnqualifiedStar) (Datum, error)
    60  	EvalUnresolvedName(context.Context, *UnresolvedName) (Datum, error)
    61  }
    64  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
    65  func (node *AllColumnsSelector) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
    66  	return v.EvalAllColumnsSelector(ctx, node)
    67  }
    69  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
    70  func (node *AndExpr) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
    71  	return v.EvalAndExpr(ctx, node)
    72  }
    74  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
    75  func (node *Array) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
    76  	return v.EvalArray(ctx, node)
    77  }
    79  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
    80  func (node *ArrayFlatten) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
    81  	return v.EvalArrayFlatten(ctx, node)
    82  }
    84  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
    85  func (node *BinaryExpr) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
    86  	return v.EvalBinaryExpr(ctx, node)
    87  }
    89  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
    90  func (node *CaseExpr) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
    91  	return v.EvalCaseExpr(ctx, node)
    92  }
    94  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
    95  func (node *CastExpr) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
    96  	return v.EvalCastExpr(ctx, node)
    97  }
    99  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   100  func (node *CoalesceExpr) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   101  	return v.EvalCoalesceExpr(ctx, node)
   102  }
   104  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   105  func (node *CollateExpr) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   106  	return v.EvalCollateExpr(ctx, node)
   107  }
   109  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   110  func (node *ColumnAccessExpr) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   111  	return v.EvalColumnAccessExpr(ctx, node)
   112  }
   114  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   115  func (node *ColumnItem) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   116  	return v.EvalColumnItem(ctx, node)
   117  }
   119  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   120  func (node *ComparisonExpr) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   121  	return v.EvalComparisonExpr(ctx, node)
   122  }
   124  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   125  func (node *DArray) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   126  	return node, nil
   127  }
   129  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   130  func (node *DBitArray) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   131  	return node, nil
   132  }
   134  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   135  func (node *DBool) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   136  	return node, nil
   137  }
   139  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   140  func (node *DBox2D) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   141  	return node, nil
   142  }
   144  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   145  func (node *DBytes) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   146  	return node, nil
   147  }
   149  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   150  func (node *DCollatedString) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   151  	return node, nil
   152  }
   154  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   155  func (node *DDate) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   156  	return node, nil
   157  }
   159  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   160  func (node *DDecimal) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   161  	return node, nil
   162  }
   164  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   165  func (node *DEncodedKey) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   166  	return node, nil
   167  }
   169  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   170  func (node *DEnum) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   171  	return node, nil
   172  }
   174  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   175  func (node *DFloat) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   176  	return node, nil
   177  }
   179  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   180  func (node *DGeography) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   181  	return node, nil
   182  }
   184  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   185  func (node *DGeometry) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   186  	return node, nil
   187  }
   189  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   190  func (node *DIPAddr) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   191  	return node, nil
   192  }
   194  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   195  func (node *DInt) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   196  	return node, nil
   197  }
   199  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   200  func (node *DInterval) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   201  	return node, nil
   202  }
   204  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   205  func (node *DJSON) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   206  	return node, nil
   207  }
   209  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   210  func (node *DOid) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   211  	return node, nil
   212  }
   214  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   215  func (node *DOidWrapper) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   216  	return node, nil
   217  }
   219  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   220  func (node *DPGLSN) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   221  	return node, nil
   222  }
   224  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   225  func (node *DString) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   226  	return node, nil
   227  }
   229  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   230  func (node *DTSQuery) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   231  	return node, nil
   232  }
   234  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   235  func (node *DTSVector) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   236  	return node, nil
   237  }
   239  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   240  func (node *DTime) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   241  	return node, nil
   242  }
   244  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   245  func (node *DTimeTZ) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   246  	return node, nil
   247  }
   249  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   250  func (node *DTimestamp) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   251  	return node, nil
   252  }
   254  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   255  func (node *DTimestampTZ) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   256  	return node, nil
   257  }
   259  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   260  func (node *DTuple) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   261  	return node, nil
   262  }
   264  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   265  func (node *DUuid) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   266  	return node, nil
   267  }
   269  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   270  func (node *DVoid) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   271  	return node, nil
   272  }
   274  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   275  func (node *DefaultVal) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   276  	return v.EvalDefaultVal(ctx, node)
   277  }
   279  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   280  func (node *FuncExpr) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   281  	return v.EvalFuncExpr(ctx, node)
   282  }
   284  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   285  func (node *IfErrExpr) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   286  	return v.EvalIfErrExpr(ctx, node)
   287  }
   289  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   290  func (node *IfExpr) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   291  	return v.EvalIfExpr(ctx, node)
   292  }
   294  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   295  func (node *IndexedVar) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   296  	return v.EvalIndexedVar(ctx, node)
   297  }
   299  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   300  func (node *IndirectionExpr) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   301  	return v.EvalIndirectionExpr(ctx, node)
   302  }
   304  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   305  func (node *IsNotNullExpr) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   306  	return v.EvalIsNotNullExpr(ctx, node)
   307  }
   309  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   310  func (node *IsNullExpr) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   311  	return v.EvalIsNullExpr(ctx, node)
   312  }
   314  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   315  func (node *IsOfTypeExpr) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   316  	return v.EvalIsOfTypeExpr(ctx, node)
   317  }
   319  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   320  func (node *NotExpr) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   321  	return v.EvalNotExpr(ctx, node)
   322  }
   324  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   325  func (node *NullIfExpr) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   326  	return v.EvalNullIfExpr(ctx, node)
   327  }
   329  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   330  func (node *OrExpr) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   331  	return v.EvalOrExpr(ctx, node)
   332  }
   334  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   335  func (node *ParenExpr) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   336  	return v.EvalParenExpr(ctx, node)
   337  }
   339  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   340  func (node *Placeholder) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   341  	return v.EvalPlaceholder(ctx, node)
   342  }
   344  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   345  func (node *RangeCond) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   346  	return v.EvalRangeCond(ctx, node)
   347  }
   349  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   350  func (node *RoutineExpr) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   351  	return v.EvalRoutineExpr(ctx, node)
   352  }
   354  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   355  func (node *Subquery) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   356  	return v.EvalSubquery(ctx, node)
   357  }
   359  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   360  func (node *Tuple) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   361  	return v.EvalTuple(ctx, node)
   362  }
   364  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   365  func (node *TupleStar) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   366  	return v.EvalTupleStar(ctx, node)
   367  }
   369  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   370  func (node *TypedDummy) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   371  	return v.EvalTypedDummy(ctx, node)
   372  }
   374  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   375  func (node *UnaryExpr) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   376  	return v.EvalUnaryExpr(ctx, node)
   377  }
   379  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   380  func (node UnqualifiedStar) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   381  	return v.EvalUnqualifiedStar(ctx, node)
   382  }
   384  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   385  func (node *UnresolvedName) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   386  	return v.EvalUnresolvedName(ctx, node)
   387  }
   389  // Eval is part of the TypedExpr interface.
   390  func (node dNull) Eval(ctx context.Context, v ExprEvaluator) (Datum, error) {
   391  	return node, nil
   392  }