
     1  // Copyright 2020 The Cockroach Authors.
     2  //
     3  // Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
     4  // included in the file licenses/BSL.txt.
     5  //
     6  // As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
     7  // the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
     8  // by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
     9  // licenses/APL.txt.
    11  syntax = "proto3";
    12  package cockroach.sql.sessiondatapb;
    13  option go_package = "";
    15  import "sql/lex/encode.proto";
    16  import "util/duration/duration.proto";
    17  import "util/timeutil/pgdate/pgdate.proto";
    18  import "gogoproto/gogo.proto";
    19  import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
    21  // SessionData contains session parameters that are easily serializable and are
    22  // required to be propagated to the remote nodes for the correct execution of
    23  // DistSQL flows.
    24  message SessionData {
    25    // Database indicates the "current" database for the purpose of resolving
    26    // names.
    27    string database = 1;
    28    // ApplicationName is the name of the application running the current
    29    // session. This can be used for logging and per-application statistics.
    30    string application_name = 2;
    31    // User is the name of the user logged into the session.
    32    string user_proto = 3 [(gogoproto.casttype) = ""];
    33    // DataConversion gives access to the data conversion configuration.
    34    DataConversionConfig data_conversion_config = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
    35    // VectorizeMode indicates which kinds of queries to use vectorized execution
    36    // engine for.
    37    VectorizeExecMode vectorize_mode = 5;
    38    // TestingVectorizeInjectPanics indicates whether random panics are injected
    39    // into the vectorized flow execution. The goal of such behavior is making
    40    // sure that errors that are propagated as panics in the vectorized engine
    41    // are caught in all scenarios.
    42    bool testing_vectorize_inject_panics = 6;
    43    // DefaultIntSize specifies the size in bits or bytes (preferred) of how a
    44    // "naked" INT type should be parsed.
    45    int32 default_int_size = 7;
    46    // The name of the location according to whose current timezone we're going to
    47    // parse timestamps. Used to initialize sessiondata.SessionData.Location on
    48    // the remote nodes.
    49    //
    50    // Note that the current serialization of the time.Location objects as
    51    // strings has many drawbacks which could lead to unstable computation on the
    52    // remote nodes. See #36864 and
    53    //
    54    // for more details.
    55    string location = 8;
    56    // SearchPath is a list of namespaces to search builtins in. Used to
    57    // initialize sessiondata.SessionData.SearchPath on the remote nodes.
    58    repeated string search_path = 9;
    59    string temporary_schema_name = 10;
    60    // SeqState gives access to the SQL sequences that have been manipulated by
    61    // the session.
    62    SequenceState seq_state = 11 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
    63    // WorkMemLimit determines how much RAM (in bytes) a single operation of a
    64    // single query can use before it has to spill to disk.
    65    int64 WorkMemLimit = 12;
    66    reserved 13;
    67    reserved 14;
    68    // LockTimeout is the maximum amount of time that a query will wait while
    69    // attempting to acquire a lock on a key or while blocking on an existing
    70    // lock in order to perform a non-locking read on a key.
    71    google.protobuf.Duration lock_timeout = 15 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false,
    72      (gogoproto.stdduration) = true];
    73    // Internal is true if this query came from InternalExecutor or an internal
    74    // planner.
    75    bool internal = 16;
    76    // OnUpdateRehomeRowEnabled controls whether the ON UPDATE rehome_row()
    77    // will actually trigger on row updates.
    78    bool on_update_rehome_row_enabled = 17;
    79    // JoinReaderOrderingStrategyBatchSize is the size limit on the input rows to
    80    // the joinReader processor (when ordering is required to be maintained) to
    81    // construct a single lookup KV batch.
    82    int64 join_reader_ordering_strategy_batch_size = 18;
    83    // ParallelizeMultiKeyLookupJoinsEnabled is true when the join reader should
    84    // parallelize lookup batches under all circumstances. Enabling this will
    85    // increase the speed of lookup joins when each input row might get multiple
    86    // looked up rows at the cost of increased memory usage.
    87    bool parallelize_multi_key_lookup_joins_enabled = 19;
    88    // TrigramSimilarityThreshold configures the value that's used to compare
    89    // trigram similarities to in order to evaluate the string % string overload.
    90    double trigram_similarity_threshold = 20;
    91    // Troubleshooting mode determines whether we refuse to do additional work
    92    // with the query (i.e. collect & emit telemetry data). Troubleshooting mode
    93    // is disabled by default.
    94    bool troubleshooting_mode = 21;
    95    // JoinReaderNoOrderingStrategyBatchSize is the size limit on the input rows
    96    // to the joinReader processor (when ordering is **not** required to be
    97    // maintained) to construct a single lookup KV batch.
    98    int64 join_reader_no_ordering_strategy_batch_size = 22;
    99    // JoinReaderIndexJoinStrategyBatchSize is the size limit on the input rows
   100    // to the joinReader processor (when performing index joins) to construct a
   101    // single lookup KV batch.
   102    int64 join_reader_index_join_strategy_batch_size = 23;
   103    // IndexJoinStreamerBatchSize is the size limit on the input rows to the
   104    // ColIndexJoin operator (when it is using the Streamer API) to construct a
   105    // single lookup KV batch.
   106    int64 index_join_streamer_batch_size = 24;
   107    // DirectColumnarScansEnabled indicates whether the COL_BATCH_RESPONSE scan
   108    // format should be used for ScanRequests and ReverseScanRequests whenever
   109    // possible.
   110    bool direct_columnar_scans_enabled = 25;
   111    // DefaultTextSearchConfig configures the default text search configuration
   112    // that is used for builtins like to_tsvector and to_tsquery if no
   113    // text search configuration is explicitly passed in.
   114    string default_text_search_config = 26;
   115    // StreamerAlwaysMaintainOrdering indicates that the SQL users of the Streamer
   116    // should always ask it to maintain the ordering, even when it might not be
   117    // strictly necessary for the query.
   118    //
   119    // This session variable is introduced as a possible workaround in case we
   120    // have more bugs like #113013.
   121    bool streamer_always_maintain_ordering = 27;
   122    // StreamerInOrderEagerMemoryUsageFraction controls the fraction of the
   123    // streamer's memory budget that might be used for issuing requests eagerly,
   124    // in the InOrder mode.
   125    double streamer_in_order_eager_memory_usage_fraction = 28;
   126    // StreamerOutOfOrderEagerMemoryUsageFraction controls the fraction of the
   127    // streamer's memory budget that might be used for issuing requests eagerly,
   128    // in the OutOfOrder mode.
   129    double streamer_out_of_order_eager_memory_usage_fraction = 29;
   130    // StreamerHeadOfLineOnlyFraction controls the fraction of the available
   131    // streamer's memory budget that will be used to set the TargetBytes limit on
   132    // head-of-the-line request in case the "eager" memory usage limit has been
   133    // exceeded.
   134    double streamer_head_of_line_only_fraction = 30;
   135    // DistSQLPlanGatewayBias controls the factor of times more partition spans
   136    // the gateway node is allowed to be assigned in the absence of a better
   137    // choice relative to the distribution of partition spans on other eligible
   138    // instances. Refer to `shouldPickGateway` for more details.
   139    //
   140    // This field is in SessionData because that is the format in which a job
   141    // serializes and stores session variables at the time of job creation. A job
   142    // could be adopted by any node in the cluster (not necessarily the gateway)
   143    // and so we will need this information available on all nodes.
   144    int64 distsql_plan_gateway_bias = 31;
   145  }
   147  // DataConversionConfig contains the parameters that influence the output
   148  // of certain data types as strings or bytes.
   149  message DataConversionConfig {
   150    // BytesEncodeFormat indicates how to encode byte arrays when converting to
   151    // string.
   152    BytesEncodeFormat bytes_encode_format = 1;
   153    // ExtraFloatDigits indicates the number of digits beyond the standard number
   154    // to use for float conversions.This must be set to a value between -15 and
   155    // 3, inclusive.
   156    int32 extra_float_digits = 2;
   157    // IntervalStyle indicates the style to parse and display intervals as.
   158    util.duration.IntervalStyle interval_style = 3;
   159    // DateStyle indicates the style to parse and display dates as.
   160    util.timeutil.pgdate.DateStyle date_style = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   161  }
   163  // VectorizeExecMode controls if an when the Executor executes queries using
   164  // the columnar execution engine.
   165  enum VectorizeExecMode {
   166    option (gogoproto.goproto_enum_prefix) = false;
   167    option (gogoproto.goproto_enum_stringer) = false;
   169    // VectorizeUnset means the VectorizeExecMode wasn't explicitly set. Having
   170    // the first enum value as zero is required by proto3. This is mapped to
   171    // VectorizeOn.
   172    unset = 0 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "VectorizeUnset"];
   173    reserved 1;
   174    // VectorizeOn means that any supported queries will be run using the
   175    // columnar execution.
   176    on = 2 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "VectorizeOn"];
   177    // VectorizeExperimentalAlways means that we attempt to vectorize all
   178    // queries; unsupported queries will fail. Mostly used for testing.
   179    experimental_always = 3 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "VectorizeExperimentalAlways"];
   180    // VectorizeOff means that columnar execution is disabled.
   181    off = 4 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "VectorizeOff"];
   182  }
   184  // SequenceState is used to marshall the sessiondata.SequenceState struct.
   185  message SequenceState {
   186    // Seq represents the last value of one sequence modified by the session.
   187    message Seq {
   188      uint32 seq_id = 1 [(gogoproto.customname) = "SeqID"];
   189      int64 latest_val = 2;
   190    }
   192    repeated Seq seqs = 1;
   193    // last_seq_incremented is the id of the last sequence incremented by the
   194    // session. This field is filled in iff seqs is not empty.
   195    uint32 last_seq_incremented = 2;
   196  }