
     1  // Copyright 2015 The Cockroach Authors.
     2  //
     3  // Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
     4  // included in the file licenses/BSL.txt.
     5  //
     6  // As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
     7  // the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
     8  // by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
     9  // licenses/APL.txt.
    11  package types
    13  import (
    14  	"bytes"
    15  	"fmt"
    16  	"regexp"
    17  	"runtime/debug"
    18  	"strings"
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  )
    34  // T is an instance of a SQL scalar, array, or tuple type. It describes the
    35  // domain of possible values which a column can return, or to which an
    36  // expression can evaluate. The type system does not differentiate between
    37  // nullable and non-nullable types. It is up to the caller to store that
    38  // information separately if it is needed. Here are some example types:
    39  //
    40  //	INT4                     - any 32-bit integer
    41  //	DECIMAL(10, 3)           - any base-10 value with at most 10 digits, with
    42  //	                           up to 3 to right of decimal point
    43  //	FLOAT[]                  - array of 64-bit IEEE 754 floating-point values
    44  //	TUPLE[TIME, VARCHAR(20)] - any pair of values where first value is a time
    45  //	                           of day and the second value is a string having
    46  //	                           up to 20 characters
    47  //
    48  // Fundamentally, a type consists of the following attributes, each of which has
    49  // a corresponding accessor method. Some of these attributes are only defined
    50  // for a subset of types. See the method comments for more details.
    51  //
    52  //	Family        - equivalence group of the type (enumeration)
    53  //	Oid           - Postgres Object ID that describes the type (enumeration)
    54  //	Precision     - maximum accuracy of the type (numeric)
    55  //	Width         - maximum size or scale of the type (numeric)
    56  //	Locale        - location which governs sorting, formatting, etc. (string)
    57  //	ArrayContents - array element type (T)
    58  //	TupleContents - slice of types of each tuple field ([]*T)
    59  //	TupleLabels   - slice of labels of each tuple field ([]string)
    60  //
    61  // Some types are not currently allowed as the type of a column (e.g. nested
    62  // arrays). Other usages of the types package may have similar restrictions.
    63  // Each such caller is responsible for enforcing their own restrictions; it's
    64  // not the concern of the types package.
    65  //
    66  // Implementation-wise, types.T wraps a protobuf-generated InternalType struct.
    67  // The generated protobuf code defines the struct fields, marshals/unmarshals
    68  // them, formats a string representation, etc. Meanwhile, the wrapper types.T
    69  // struct overrides the Marshal/Unmarshal methods in order to map to/from older
    70  // persisted InternalType representations. For example, older versions of
    71  // InternalType (previously called ColumnType) used a VisibleType field to
    72  // represent INT2, whereas newer versions use Width/Oid. Unmarshal upgrades from
    73  // this old format to the new, and Marshal downgrades, thus preserving backwards
    74  // compatibility.
    75  //
    76  // Simple (unary) scalars types
    77  // ----------------------------
    78  //
    79  // | SQL type          | Family         | Oid           | Precision | Width |
    80  // |-------------------|----------------|---------------|-----------|-------|
    81  // | NULL (unknown)    | UNKNOWN        | T_unknown     | 0         | 0     |
    82  // | BOOL              | BOOL           | T_bool        | 0         | 0     |
    83  // | DATE              | DATE           | T_date        | 0         | 0     |
    84  // | TIMESTAMP         | TIMESTAMP      | T_timestamp   | 0         | 0     |
    85  // | INTERVAL          | INTERVAL       | T_interval    | 0         | 0     |
    86  // | TIMESTAMPTZ       | TIMESTAMPTZ    | T_timestamptz | 0         | 0     |
    87  // | OID               | OID            | T_oid         | 0         | 0     |
    88  // | UUID              | UUID           | T_uuid        | 0         | 0     |
    89  // | INET              | INET           | T_inet        | 0         | 0     |
    90  // | TIME              | TIME           | T_time        | 0         | 0     |
    91  // | TIMETZ            | TIMETZ         | T_timetz      | 0         | 0     |
    92  // | JSON              | JSONB          | T_json        | 0         | 0     |
    93  // | JSONB             | JSONB          | T_jsonb       | 0         | 0     |
    94  // |                   |                |               |           |       |
    95  // | BYTES             | BYTES          | T_bytea       | 0         | 0     |
    96  // |                   |                |               |           |       |
    97  // | STRING            | STRING         | T_text        | 0         | 0     |
    98  // | STRING(N)         | STRING         | T_text        | 0         | N     |
    99  // | VARCHAR           | STRING         | T_varchar     | 0         | 0     |
   100  // | VARCHAR(N)        | STRING         | T_varchar     | 0         | N     |
   101  // | CHAR              | STRING         | T_bpchar      | 0         | 1     |
   102  // | CHAR(N)           | STRING         | T_bpchar      | 0         | N     |
   103  // | "char"            | STRING         | T_char        | 0         | 0     |
   104  // | NAME              | STRING         | T_name        | 0         | 0     |
   105  // |                   |                |               |           |       |
   106  // | STRING COLLATE en | COLLATEDSTRING | T_text        | 0         | 0     |
   107  // | STRING(N) COL...  | COLLATEDSTRING | T_text        | 0         | N     |
   108  // | VARCHAR COL...    | COLLATEDSTRING | T_varchar     | 0         | N     |
   109  // | VARCHAR(N) COL... | COLLATEDSTRING | T_varchar     | 0         | N     |
   110  // | CHAR COL...       | COLLATEDSTRING | T_bpchar      | 0         | 1     |
   111  // | CHAR(N) COL...    | COLLATEDSTRING | T_bpchar      | 0         | N     |
   112  // | "char" COL...     | COLLATEDSTRING | T_char        | 0         | 0     |
   113  // |                   |                |               |           |       |
   114  // | DECIMAL           | DECIMAL        | T_decimal     | 0         | 0     |
   115  // | DECIMAL(N)        | DECIMAL        | T_decimal     | N         | 0     |
   116  // | DECIMAL(N,M)      | DECIMAL        | T_decimal     | N         | M     |
   117  // |                   |                |               |           |       |
   118  // | FLOAT8            | FLOAT          | T_float8      | 0         | 0     |
   119  // | FLOAT4            | FLOAT          | T_float4      | 0         | 0     |
   120  // |                   |                |               |           |       |
   121  // | BIT               | BIT            | T_bit         | 0         | 1     |
   122  // | BIT(N)            | BIT            | T_bit         | 0         | N     |
   123  // | VARBIT            | BIT            | T_varbit      | 0         | 0     |
   124  // | VARBIT(N)         | BIT            | T_varbit      | 0         | N     |
   125  // |                   |                |               |           |       |
   126  // | INT,INTEGER       | INT            | T_int8        | 0         | 64    |
   127  // | INT2,SMALLINT     | INT            | T_int2        | 0         | 16    |
   128  // | INT4              | INT            | T_int4        | 0         | 32    |
   129  // | INT8,INT64,BIGINT | INT            | T_int8        | 0         | 64    |
   130  //
   131  // Tuple types
   132  // -----------
   133  //
   134  // These cannot (yet) be used in tables but are used in DistSQL flow
   135  // processors for queries that have tuple-typed intermediate results.
   136  //
   137  // | Field           | Description                                             |
   138  // |-----------------|---------------------------------------------------------|
   139  // | Family          | TupleFamily                                             |
   140  // | Oid             | T_record                                                |
   141  // | TupleContents   | Contains tuple field types (can be recursively defined) |
   142  // | TupleLabels     | Contains labels for each tuple field                    |
   143  //
   144  // Array types
   145  // -----------
   146  //
   147  // | Field           | Description                                             |
   148  // |-----------------|---------------------------------------------------------|
   149  // | Family          | ArrayFamily                                             |
   150  // | Oid             | T__XXX (double underscores), where XXX is the Oid name  |
   151  // |                 | of a scalar type                                        |
   152  // | ArrayContents   | Type of array elements (scalar, array, or tuple)        |
   153  //
   154  // There are two special ARRAY types:
   155  //
   156  // | SQL type          | Family         | Oid           | ArrayContents |
   157  // |-------------------|----------------|---------------|---------------|
   158  // | INT2VECTOR        | ARRAY          | T_int2vector  | Int           |
   159  // | OIDVECTOR         | ARRAY          | T_oidvector   | Oid           |
   160  //
   161  // When these types are themselves made into arrays, the Oids become T__int2vector and
   162  // T__oidvector, respectively.
   163  //
   164  // User defined types
   165  // ------------------
   166  //
   167  // * Enums
   168  // | Field         | Description                                |
   169  // |---------------|--------------------------------------------|
   170  // | Family        | EnumFamily                                 |
   171  // | Oid           | A unique OID generated upon enum creation  |
   172  //
   173  // See types.proto for the corresponding proto definition. Its automatic
   174  // type declaration is suppressed in the proto so that it is possible to
   175  // add additional fields to T without serializing them.
   176  type T struct {
   177  	// InternalType should never be directly referenced outside this package. The
   178  	// only reason it is exported is because gogoproto panics when printing the
   179  	// string representation of an unexported field. This is a problem when this
   180  	// struct is embedded in a larger struct (like a ColumnDescriptor).
   181  	InternalType InternalType
   183  	// Fields that are only populated when hydrating from a user defined
   184  	// type descriptor. It is assumed that a user defined type is only used
   185  	// once its metadata has been hydrated through the process of type resolution.
   186  	TypeMeta UserDefinedTypeMetadata
   187  }
   189  // UserDefinedTypeMetadata contains metadata needed for runtime
   190  // operations on user defined types. The metadata must be read only.
   191  type UserDefinedTypeMetadata struct {
   192  	// Name is the resolved name of this type.
   193  	Name *UserDefinedTypeName
   195  	// EnumData is non-nil iff the metadata is for an ENUM type.
   196  	EnumData *EnumMetadata
   198  	// Version is the descriptor version of the descriptor used to construct
   199  	// this version of the type metadata.
   200  	Version uint32
   202  	// ImplicitRecordType is true if the metadata is for an implicit record type
   203  	// for a table. Note: this can be deleted if we migrate implicit record types
   204  	// to ordinary persisted composite types.
   205  	ImplicitRecordType bool
   206  }
   208  // EnumMetadata is metadata about an ENUM needed for evaluation.
   209  type EnumMetadata struct {
   210  	// PhysicalRepresentations is a slice of the byte array
   211  	// physical representations of enum members.
   212  	PhysicalRepresentations [][]byte
   213  	// LogicalRepresentations is a slice of the string logical
   214  	// representations of enum members.
   215  	LogicalRepresentations []string
   216  	// IsMemberReadOnly holds whether the enum member at index i is
   217  	// read only or not.
   218  	IsMemberReadOnly []bool
   219  	// TODO (rohany): For small enums, having a map would be slower
   220  	//  than just an array. Investigate at what point the tradeoff
   221  	//  should occur, if at all.
   222  }
   224  func (e *EnumMetadata) debugString() string {
   225  	return fmt.Sprintf(
   226  		"PhysicalReps: %v; LogicalReps: %s",
   227  		e.PhysicalRepresentations,
   228  		e.LogicalRepresentations,
   229  	)
   230  }
   232  // UserDefinedTypeName is a struct representing a qualified user defined
   233  // type name. We redefine a common struct from higher level packages. We
   234  // do so because proto will panic if any members of a proto struct are
   235  // private. Rather than expose private members of higher level packages,
   236  // we define a separate type here to be safe.
   237  type UserDefinedTypeName struct {
   238  	Catalog        string
   239  	ExplicitSchema bool
   240  	Schema         string
   241  	Name           string
   242  }
   244  // Basename returns the unqualified name.
   245  func (u UserDefinedTypeName) Basename() string {
   246  	return u.Name
   247  }
   249  // FQName returns the fully qualified name.
   250  func (u UserDefinedTypeName) FQName() string {
   251  	return FormatTypeName(u)
   252  }
   254  // Convenience list of pre-constructed types. Caller code can use any of these
   255  // types, or use the MakeXXX methods to construct a custom type that is not
   256  // listed here (e.g. if a custom width is needed).
   257  var (
   258  	// Unknown is the type of an expression that statically evaluates to NULL.
   259  	// This type should never be returned for an expression that does not *always*
   260  	// evaluate to NULL.
   261  	Unknown = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   262  		Family: UnknownFamily, Oid: oid.T_unknown, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   264  	// Bool is the type of a boolean true/false value.
   265  	Bool = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   266  		Family: BoolFamily, Oid: oid.T_bool, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   268  	// VarBit is the type of an ordered list of bits (0 or 1 valued), with no
   269  	// specified limit on the count of bits.
   270  	VarBit = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   271  		Family: BitFamily, Oid: oid.T_varbit, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   273  	// Int is the type of a 64-bit signed integer. This is the canonical type
   274  	// for IntFamily.
   275  	Int = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   276  		Family: IntFamily, Width: 64, Oid: oid.T_int8, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   278  	// Int4 is the type of a 32-bit signed integer.
   279  	Int4 = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   280  		Family: IntFamily, Width: 32, Oid: oid.T_int4, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   282  	// Int2 is the type of a 16-bit signed integer.
   283  	Int2 = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   284  		Family: IntFamily, Width: 16, Oid: oid.T_int2, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   286  	// Float is the type of a 64-bit base-2 floating-point number (IEEE 754).
   287  	// This is the canonical type for FloatFamily.
   288  	Float = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   289  		Family: FloatFamily, Width: 64, Oid: oid.T_float8, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   291  	// Float4 is the type of a 32-bit base-2 floating-point number (IEEE 754).
   292  	Float4 = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   293  		Family: FloatFamily, Width: 32, Oid: oid.T_float4, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   295  	// Decimal is the type of a base-10 floating-point number, with no specified
   296  	// limit on precision (number of digits) or scale (digits to right of decimal
   297  	// point).
   298  	Decimal = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   299  		Family: DecimalFamily, Oid: oid.T_numeric, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   301  	// String is the type of a Unicode string, with no specified limit on the
   302  	// count of characters. This is the canonical type for StringFamily. It is
   303  	// reported as STRING in SHOW CREATE but "text" in introspection for
   304  	// compatibility with PostgreSQL.
   305  	String = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   306  		Family: StringFamily, Oid: oid.T_text, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   308  	// VarChar is equivalent to String, but has a differing OID (T_varchar),
   309  	// which makes it show up differently when displayed. It is reported as
   310  	// VARCHAR in SHOW CREATE and "character varying" in introspection for
   311  	// compatibility with PostgreSQL.
   312  	VarChar = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   313  		Family: StringFamily, Oid: oid.T_varchar, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   315  	// QChar is the special "char" type that is a single-character column type.
   316  	// It's used by system tables. It is reported as "char" (with double quotes
   317  	// included) in SHOW CREATE and "char" in introspection for compatibility
   318  	// with PostgreSQL.
   319  	//
   320  	// See
   321  	QChar = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   322  		Family: StringFamily, Width: 1, Oid: oid.T_char, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   324  	// Name is a type-alias for String with a different OID (T_name). It is
   325  	// reported as NAME in SHOW CREATE and "name" in introspection for
   326  	// compatibility with PostgreSQL.
   327  	Name = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   328  		Family: StringFamily, Oid: oid.T_name, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   330  	// Bytes is the type of a list of raw byte values.
   331  	Bytes = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   332  		Family: BytesFamily, Oid: oid.T_bytea, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   334  	// Date is the type of a value specifying year, month, day (with no time
   335  	// component). There is no timezone associated with it. For example:
   336  	//
   337  	//   YYYY-MM-DD
   338  	//
   339  	Date = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   340  		Family: DateFamily, Oid: oid.T_date, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   342  	// Time is the type of a value specifying hour, minute, second (with no date
   343  	// component). By default, it has microsecond precision. There is no timezone
   344  	// associated with it. For example:
   345  	//
   346  	//   HH:MM:SS.ssssss
   347  	//
   348  	Time = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   349  		Family:             TimeFamily,
   350  		Precision:          0,
   351  		TimePrecisionIsSet: false,
   352  		Oid:                oid.T_time,
   353  		Locale:             &emptyLocale,
   354  	}}
   356  	// TimeTZ is the type specifying hour, minute, second and timezone with
   357  	// no date component. By default, it has microsecond precision.
   358  	// For example:
   359  	//
   360  	//   HH:MM:SS.ssssss+-ZZ:ZZ
   361  	TimeTZ = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   362  		Family:             TimeTZFamily,
   363  		Precision:          0,
   364  		TimePrecisionIsSet: false,
   365  		Oid:                oid.T_timetz,
   366  		Locale:             &emptyLocale,
   367  	}}
   369  	// Timestamp is the type of a value specifying year, month, day, hour, minute,
   370  	// and second, but with no associated timezone. By default, it has microsecond
   371  	// precision. For example:
   372  	//
   373  	//   YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.ssssss
   374  	//
   375  	Timestamp = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   376  		Family:             TimestampFamily,
   377  		Precision:          0,
   378  		TimePrecisionIsSet: false,
   379  		Oid:                oid.T_timestamp,
   380  		Locale:             &emptyLocale,
   381  	}}
   383  	// TimestampTZ is the type of a value specifying year, month, day, hour,
   384  	// minute, and second, as well as an associated timezone. By default, it has
   385  	// microsecond precision. For example:
   386  	//
   387  	//   YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.ssssss+-ZZ:ZZ
   388  	//
   389  	TimestampTZ = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   390  		Family:             TimestampTZFamily,
   391  		Precision:          0,
   392  		TimePrecisionIsSet: false,
   393  		Oid:                oid.T_timestamptz,
   394  		Locale:             &emptyLocale,
   395  	}}
   397  	// Interval is the type of a value describing a duration of time. By default,
   398  	// it has microsecond precision.
   399  	Interval = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   400  		Family:                IntervalFamily,
   401  		Precision:             0,
   402  		TimePrecisionIsSet:    false,
   403  		Oid:                   oid.T_interval,
   404  		Locale:                &emptyLocale,
   405  		IntervalDurationField: &IntervalDurationField{},
   406  	}}
   408  	// Jsonb is the type of a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) value that is
   409  	// stored in a decomposed binary format (hence the "b" in jsonb).
   410  	Jsonb = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   411  		Family: JsonFamily, Oid: oid.T_jsonb, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   413  	// Json is the type of a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) value. At the time
   414  	// of writing, these are stored the same as Jsonb types.
   415  	Json = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   416  		Family: JsonFamily, Oid: oid.T_json, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   418  	// Uuid is the type of a universally unique identifier (UUID), which is a
   419  	// 128-bit quantity that is very unlikely to ever be generated again, and so
   420  	// can be relied on to be distinct from all other UUID values.
   421  	Uuid = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   422  		Family: UuidFamily, Oid: oid.T_uuid, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   424  	// INet is the type of an IPv4 or IPv6 network address. For example:
   425  	//
   426  	//
   427  	//   FE80:CD00:0:CDE:1257:0:211E:729C
   428  	//
   429  	INet = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   430  		Family: INetFamily, Oid: oid.T_inet, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   432  	// Geometry is the type of a geospatial Geometry object.
   433  	Geometry = &T{
   434  		InternalType: InternalType{
   435  			Family:      GeometryFamily,
   436  			Oid:         oidext.T_geometry,
   437  			Locale:      &emptyLocale,
   438  			GeoMetadata: &GeoMetadata{},
   439  		},
   440  	}
   442  	// Geography is the type of a geospatial Geography object.
   443  	Geography = &T{
   444  		InternalType: InternalType{
   445  			Family:      GeographyFamily,
   446  			Oid:         oidext.T_geography,
   447  			Locale:      &emptyLocale,
   448  			GeoMetadata: &GeoMetadata{},
   449  		},
   450  	}
   452  	// Box2D is the type of a geospatial box2d object.
   453  	Box2D = &T{
   454  		InternalType: InternalType{
   455  			Family: Box2DFamily,
   456  			Oid:    oidext.T_box2d,
   457  			Locale: &emptyLocale,
   458  		},
   459  	}
   461  	// PGLSN is the type representing a PostgreSQL LSN object.
   462  	PGLSN = &T{
   463  		InternalType: InternalType{
   464  			Family: PGLSNFamily,
   465  			Oid:    oid.T_pg_lsn,
   466  			Locale: &emptyLocale,
   467  		},
   468  	}
   470  	// Void is the type representing void.
   471  	Void = &T{
   472  		InternalType: InternalType{
   473  			Family: VoidFamily,
   474  			Oid:    oid.T_void,
   475  			Locale: &emptyLocale,
   476  		},
   477  	}
   479  	// EncodedKey is a special type used internally for passing encoded key data.
   480  	// It behaves similarly to Bytes in most circumstances, except
   481  	// encoding/decoding. It is currently used to pass around inverted index keys,
   482  	// which do not fully encode an object.
   483  	EncodedKey = &T{
   484  		InternalType: InternalType{
   485  			Family: EncodedKeyFamily,
   486  			Oid:    oid.T_unknown,
   487  			Locale: &emptyLocale,
   488  		},
   489  	}
   491  	// TSQuery is the tsquery type, which represents a full text search query.
   492  	TSQuery = &T{
   493  		InternalType: InternalType{
   494  			Family: TSQueryFamily,
   495  			Oid:    oid.T_tsquery,
   496  			Locale: &emptyLocale,
   497  		},
   498  	}
   500  	// TSVector is the tsvector type which represents a document compressed in
   501  	// a form that a tsquery query can operate on.
   502  	TSVector = &T{
   503  		InternalType: InternalType{
   504  			Family: TSVectorFamily,
   505  			Oid:    oid.T_tsvector,
   506  			Locale: &emptyLocale,
   507  		},
   508  	}
   510  	// RefCursor is the type for a variable representing the name of a cursor in a
   511  	// PLpgSQL routine. The underlying value is a string.
   512  	RefCursor = &T{
   513  		InternalType: InternalType{
   514  			Family: RefCursorFamily,
   515  			Oid:    oid.T_refcursor,
   516  			Locale: &emptyLocale,
   517  		},
   518  	}
   520  	// Scalar contains all types that meet this criteria:
   521  	//
   522  	//   1. Scalar type (no ArrayFamily or TupleFamily types).
   523  	//   2. Non-ambiguous type (no UnknownFamily or AnyFamily types).
   524  	//   3. Canonical type for one of the type families.
   525  	//
   526  	Scalar = []*T{
   527  		Bool,
   528  		Box2D,
   529  		Int,
   530  		Float,
   531  		Decimal,
   532  		Date,
   533  		Timestamp,
   534  		Interval,
   535  		Geography,
   536  		Geometry,
   537  		String,
   538  		Bytes,
   539  		TimestampTZ,
   540  		Oid,
   541  		Uuid,
   542  		INet,
   543  		PGLSN,
   544  		RefCursor,
   545  		Time,
   546  		TimeTZ,
   547  		Jsonb,
   548  		VarBit,
   549  	}
   551  	// Any is a special type used only during static analysis as a wildcard type
   552  	// that matches any other type, including scalar, array, and tuple types.
   553  	// Execution-time values should never have this type. As an example of its
   554  	// use, many SQL builtin functions allow an input value to be of any type,
   555  	// and so use this type in their static definitions.
   556  	Any = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   557  		Family: AnyFamily, Oid: oid.T_anyelement, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   559  	// AnyArray is a special type used only during static analysis as a wildcard
   560  	// type that matches an array having elements of any (uniform) type (including
   561  	// nested array types). Execution-time values should never have this type.
   562  	AnyArray = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   563  		Family: ArrayFamily, ArrayContents: Any, Oid: oid.T_anyarray, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   565  	// AnyEnum is a special type only used during static analysis as a wildcard
   566  	// type that matches an possible enum value. Execution-time values should
   567  	// never have this type.
   568  	AnyEnum = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   569  		Family: EnumFamily, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: oid.T_anyenum}}
   571  	// AnyTuple is a special type used only during static analysis as a wildcard
   572  	// type that matches a tuple with any number of fields of any type (including
   573  	// tuple types). Execution-time values should never have this type.
   574  	AnyTuple = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   575  		Family: TupleFamily, TupleContents: []*T{Any}, Oid: oid.T_record, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   577  	// AnyTupleArray is a special type used only during static analysis as a wildcard
   578  	// type that matches an array of tuples with any number of fields of any type (including
   579  	// tuple types). Execution-time values should never have this type.
   580  	AnyTupleArray = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   581  		Family: ArrayFamily, ArrayContents: AnyTuple, Oid: oid.T__record, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   583  	// AnyCollatedString is a special type used only during static analysis as a
   584  	// wildcard type that matches a collated string with any locale. Execution-
   585  	// time values should never have this type.
   586  	AnyCollatedString = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   587  		Family: CollatedStringFamily, Oid: oid.T_text, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   589  	// EmptyTuple is the tuple type with no fields. Note that this is different
   590  	// than AnyTuple, which is a wildcard type.
   591  	EmptyTuple = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   592  		Family: TupleFamily, Oid: oid.T_record, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   594  	// StringArray is the type of an array value having String-typed elements.
   595  	StringArray = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   596  		Family: ArrayFamily, ArrayContents: String, Oid: oid.T__text, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   598  	// BytesArray is the type of an array value having Byte-typed elements.
   599  	BytesArray = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   600  		Family: ArrayFamily, ArrayContents: Bytes, Oid: oid.T__bytea, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   602  	// IntArray is the type of an array value having Int-typed elements.
   603  	IntArray = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   604  		Family: ArrayFamily, ArrayContents: Int, Oid: oid.T__int8, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   606  	// FloatArray is the type of an array value having Float-typed elements.
   607  	FloatArray = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   608  		Family: ArrayFamily, ArrayContents: Float, Oid: oid.T__float8, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   610  	// DecimalArray is the type of an array value having Decimal-typed elements.
   611  	DecimalArray = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   612  		Family: ArrayFamily, ArrayContents: Decimal, Oid: oid.T__numeric, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   614  	// BoolArray is the type of an array value having Bool-typed elements.
   615  	BoolArray = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   616  		Family: ArrayFamily, ArrayContents: Bool, Oid: oid.T__bool, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   618  	// UUIDArray is the type of an array value having UUID-typed elements.
   619  	UUIDArray = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   620  		Family: ArrayFamily, ArrayContents: Uuid, Oid: oid.T__uuid, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   622  	// DateArray is the type of an array value having Date-typed elements.
   623  	DateArray = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   624  		Family: ArrayFamily, ArrayContents: Date, Oid: oid.T__date, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   626  	// PGLSNArray is the type of an array value having PGLSN-typed elements.
   627  	PGLSNArray = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   628  		Family: ArrayFamily, ArrayContents: PGLSN, Oid: oid.T__pg_lsn, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   630  	// RefCursorArray is the type of an array value having REFCURSOR-typed elements.
   631  	RefCursorArray = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   632  		Family: ArrayFamily, ArrayContents: RefCursor, Oid: oid.T__refcursor, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   634  	// TimeArray is the type of an array value having Time-typed elements.
   635  	TimeArray = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   636  		Family: ArrayFamily, ArrayContents: Time, Oid: oid.T__time, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   638  	// TimeTZArray is the type of an array value having TimeTZ-typed elements.
   639  	TimeTZArray = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   640  		Family: ArrayFamily, ArrayContents: TimeTZ, Oid: oid.T__timetz, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   642  	// TimestampArray is the type of an array value having Timestamp-typed elements.
   643  	TimestampArray = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   644  		Family: ArrayFamily, ArrayContents: Timestamp, Oid: oid.T__timestamp, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   646  	// TimestampTZArray is the type of an array value having TimestampTZ-typed elements.
   647  	TimestampTZArray = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   648  		Family: ArrayFamily, ArrayContents: TimestampTZ, Oid: oid.T__timestamptz, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   650  	// IntervalArray is the type of an array value having Interval-typed elements.
   651  	IntervalArray = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   652  		Family: ArrayFamily, ArrayContents: Interval, Oid: oid.T__interval, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   654  	// INetArray is the type of an array value having INet-typed elements.
   655  	INetArray = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   656  		Family: ArrayFamily, ArrayContents: INet, Oid: oid.T__inet, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   658  	// VarBitArray is the type of an array value having VarBit-typed elements.
   659  	VarBitArray = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   660  		Family: ArrayFamily, ArrayContents: VarBit, Oid: oid.T__varbit, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   662  	// AnyEnumArray is the type of an array value having AnyEnum-typed elements.
   663  	AnyEnumArray = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   664  		Family: ArrayFamily, ArrayContents: AnyEnum, Oid: oid.T_anyarray, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   666  	// JSONBArray is the type of an array value having JSONB-typed elements.
   667  	JSONBArray = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   668  		Family: ArrayFamily, ArrayContents: Jsonb, Oid: oid.T__jsonb, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   670  	// JSONArrayForDecodingOnly is the type of an array value having JSON-typed elements.
   671  	// Note that this struct can only used for decoding an input as we don't fully
   672  	// support the json array yet.
   673  	JSONArrayForDecodingOnly = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   674  		Family: ArrayFamily, ArrayContents: Json, Oid: oid.T__json, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   676  	// Int2Vector is a type-alias for an array of Int2 values with a different
   677  	// OID (T_int2vector instead of T__int2). It is a special VECTOR type used
   678  	// by Postgres in system tables. Int2vectors are 0-indexed, unlike normal arrays.
   679  	Int2Vector = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   680  		Family: ArrayFamily, Oid: oid.T_int2vector, ArrayContents: Int2, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   681  )
   683  // Unexported wrapper types.
   684  var (
   685  	// typeBit is the SQL BIT type. It is not exported to avoid confusion with
   686  	// the VarBit type, and confusion over whether its default Width is
   687  	// unspecified or is 1. More commonly used instead is the VarBit type.
   688  	typeBit = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   689  		Family: BitFamily, Oid: oid.T_bit, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   691  	// typeBpChar is a CHAR type with an unspecified width. "bp" stands for
   692  	// "blank padded". It is not exported to avoid confusion with QChar, as well
   693  	// as confusion over CHAR's default width of 1.
   694  	//
   695  	// It is reported as CHAR in SHOW CREATE and "character" in introspection for
   696  	// compatibility with PostgreSQL.
   697  	typeBpChar = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   698  		Family: StringFamily, Oid: oid.T_bpchar, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   700  	// typeQChar is a "char" type with an unspecified width. It is not exported
   701  	// to avoid confusion with QChar. The "char" type should always have a width
   702  	// of one. A "char" type with an unspecified width is only used when the
   703  	// length of a "char" value cannot be determined, for example a placeholder
   704  	// typed as a "char" should have an unspecified width.
   705  	typeQChar = &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   706  		Family: StringFamily, Oid: oid.T_char, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   707  )
   709  const (
   710  	// Deprecated after 19.1, since it's now represented using the Oid field.
   711  	name Family = 11
   713  	// Deprecated after 19.1, since it's now represented using the Oid field.
   714  	int2vector Family = 200
   716  	// Deprecated after 19.1, since it's now represented using the Oid field.
   717  	oidvector Family = 201
   719  	visibleNONE = 0
   721  	// Deprecated after 2.1, since it's no longer used.
   722  	visibleINTEGER = 1
   724  	// Deprecated after 2.1, since it's now represented using the Width field.
   725  	visibleSMALLINT = 2
   727  	// Deprecated after 2.1, since it's now represented using the Width field.
   728  	visibleBIGINT = 3
   730  	// Deprecated after 2.0, since the original BIT representation was buggy.
   731  	visibleBIT = 4
   733  	// Deprecated after 19.1, since it's now represented using the Width field.
   734  	visibleREAL = 5
   736  	// Deprecated after 2.1, since it's now represented using the Width field.
   737  	visibleDOUBLE = 6
   739  	// Deprecated after 19.1, since it's now represented using the Oid field.
   740  	visibleVARCHAR = 7
   742  	// Deprecated after 19.1, since it's now represented using the Oid field.
   743  	visibleCHAR = 8
   745  	// Deprecated after 19.1, since it's now represented using the Oid field.
   746  	visibleQCHAR = 9
   748  	// Deprecated after 19.1, since it's now represented using the Oid field.
   749  	visibleVARBIT = 10
   751  	// OID returned for the unknown[] array type. PG has no OID for this case.
   752  	unknownArrayOid = 0
   753  )
   755  const (
   756  	// defaultTimePrecision is the default precision to return for time families
   757  	// if time is not set.
   758  	defaultTimePrecision = 6
   759  )
   761  var (
   762  	emptyLocale = ""
   763  )
   765  // MakeScalar constructs a new instance of a scalar type (i.e. not array or
   766  // tuple types) using the provided fields.
   767  func MakeScalar(family Family, o oid.Oid, precision, width int32, locale string) *T {
   768  	t := OidToType[o]
   769  	if family != t.Family() {
   770  		if family != CollatedStringFamily || StringFamily != t.Family() {
   771  			panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("oid %d does not match %s", o, family))
   772  		}
   773  	}
   774  	if family == ArrayFamily || family == TupleFamily {
   775  		panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("cannot make non-scalar type %s", family))
   776  	}
   777  	if family != CollatedStringFamily && locale != "" {
   778  		panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("non-collation type cannot have locale %s", locale))
   779  	}
   781  	timePrecisionIsSet := false
   782  	var intervalDurationField *IntervalDurationField
   783  	var geoMetadata *GeoMetadata
   784  	switch family {
   785  	case IntervalFamily:
   786  		intervalDurationField = &IntervalDurationField{}
   787  		if precision < 0 || precision > 6 {
   788  			panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("precision must be between 0 and 6 inclusive"))
   789  		}
   790  		timePrecisionIsSet = true
   791  	case TimestampFamily, TimestampTZFamily, TimeFamily, TimeTZFamily:
   792  		if precision < 0 || precision > 6 {
   793  			panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("precision must be between 0 and 6 inclusive"))
   794  		}
   795  		timePrecisionIsSet = true
   796  	case DecimalFamily:
   797  		if precision < 0 {
   798  			panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("negative precision is not allowed"))
   799  		}
   800  	default:
   801  		if precision != 0 {
   802  			panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("type %s cannot have precision", family))
   803  		}
   804  	}
   806  	if width < 0 {
   807  		panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("negative width is not allowed"))
   808  	}
   809  	switch family {
   810  	case IntFamily:
   811  		switch width {
   812  		case 16, 32, 64:
   813  		default:
   814  			panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("invalid width %d for IntFamily type", width))
   815  		}
   816  	case FloatFamily:
   817  		switch width {
   818  		case 32, 64:
   819  		default:
   820  			panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("invalid width %d for FloatFamily type", width))
   821  		}
   822  	case DecimalFamily:
   823  		if width > precision {
   824  			panic(errors.AssertionFailedf(
   825  				"decimal scale %d cannot be larger than precision %d", width, precision))
   826  		}
   827  	case StringFamily, BytesFamily, CollatedStringFamily, BitFamily:
   828  		// These types can have any width.
   829  	case GeometryFamily:
   830  		geoMetadata = &GeoMetadata{}
   831  	case GeographyFamily:
   832  		geoMetadata = &GeoMetadata{}
   833  	default:
   834  		if width != 0 {
   835  			panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("type %s cannot have width", family))
   836  		}
   837  	}
   839  	return &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   840  		Family:                family,
   841  		Oid:                   o,
   842  		Precision:             precision,
   843  		TimePrecisionIsSet:    timePrecisionIsSet,
   844  		Width:                 width,
   845  		Locale:                &locale,
   846  		IntervalDurationField: intervalDurationField,
   847  		GeoMetadata:           geoMetadata,
   848  	}}
   849  }
   851  // MakeBit constructs a new instance of the BIT type (oid = T_bit) having the
   852  // given max # bits (0 = unspecified number).
   853  func MakeBit(width int32) *T {
   854  	if width == 0 {
   855  		return typeBit
   856  	}
   857  	if width < 0 {
   858  		panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("width %d cannot be negative", width))
   859  	}
   860  	return &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   861  		Family: BitFamily, Oid: oid.T_bit, Width: width, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   862  }
   864  // MakeVarBit constructs a new instance of the BIT type (oid = T_varbit) having
   865  // the given max # bits (0 = unspecified number).
   866  func MakeVarBit(width int32) *T {
   867  	if width == 0 {
   868  		return VarBit
   869  	}
   870  	if width < 0 {
   871  		panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("width %d cannot be negative", width))
   872  	}
   873  	return &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   874  		Family: BitFamily, Width: width, Oid: oid.T_varbit, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   875  }
   877  // MakeString constructs a new instance of the STRING type (oid = T_text) having
   878  // the given max # characters (0 = unspecified number).
   879  func MakeString(width int32) *T {
   880  	if width == 0 {
   881  		return String
   882  	}
   883  	if width < 0 {
   884  		panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("width %d cannot be negative", width))
   885  	}
   886  	return &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   887  		Family: StringFamily, Oid: oid.T_text, Width: width, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   888  }
   890  // MakeVarChar constructs a new instance of the VARCHAR type (oid = T_varchar)
   891  // having the given max # characters (0 = unspecified number).
   892  func MakeVarChar(width int32) *T {
   893  	if width == 0 {
   894  		return VarChar
   895  	}
   896  	if width < 0 {
   897  		panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("width %d cannot be negative", width))
   898  	}
   899  	return &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   900  		Family: StringFamily, Oid: oid.T_varchar, Width: width, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   901  }
   903  // MakeChar constructs a new instance of the CHAR type (oid = T_bpchar) having
   904  // the given max # characters (0 = unspecified number).
   905  func MakeChar(width int32) *T {
   906  	if width == 0 {
   907  		return typeBpChar
   908  	}
   909  	if width < 0 {
   910  		panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("width %d cannot be negative", width))
   911  	}
   912  	return &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   913  		Family: StringFamily, Oid: oid.T_bpchar, Width: width, Locale: &emptyLocale}}
   914  }
   916  // oidCanBeCollatedString returns true if the given oid is can be a CollatedString.
   917  func oidCanBeCollatedString(o oid.Oid) bool {
   918  	switch o {
   919  	case oid.T_text, oid.T_varchar, oid.T_bpchar, oid.T_char, oid.T_name:
   920  		return true
   921  	}
   922  	return false
   923  }
   925  // MakeCollatedString constructs a new instance of a CollatedStringFamily type
   926  // that is collated according to the given locale. The new type is based upon
   927  // the given string type, having the same oid and width values. For example:
   928  //
   929  //	STRING      => STRING COLLATE EN
   930  //	VARCHAR(20) => VARCHAR(20) COLLATE EN
   931  func MakeCollatedString(strType *T, locale string) *T {
   932  	if oidCanBeCollatedString(strType.Oid()) {
   933  		return &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   934  			Family: CollatedStringFamily, Oid: strType.Oid(), Width: strType.Width(), Locale: &locale}}
   935  	}
   936  	panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("cannot apply collation to non-string type: %s", strType))
   937  }
   939  // MakeDecimal constructs a new instance of a DECIMAL type (oid = T_numeric)
   940  // that has at most "precision" # of decimal digits (0 = unspecified number of
   941  // digits) and at most "scale" # of decimal digits after the decimal point
   942  // (0 = unspecified number of digits). scale must be <= precision.
   943  func MakeDecimal(precision, scale int32) *T {
   944  	if precision == 0 && scale == 0 {
   945  		return Decimal
   946  	}
   947  	if precision < 0 {
   948  		panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("precision %d cannot be negative", precision))
   949  	}
   950  	if scale < 0 {
   951  		panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("scale %d cannot be negative", scale))
   952  	}
   953  	if scale > precision {
   954  		panic(errors.AssertionFailedf(
   955  			"scale %d cannot be larger than precision %d", scale, precision))
   956  	}
   957  	return &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   958  		Family:    DecimalFamily,
   959  		Oid:       oid.T_numeric,
   960  		Precision: precision,
   961  		Width:     scale,
   962  		Locale:    &emptyLocale,
   963  	}}
   964  }
   966  // MakeTime constructs a new instance of a TIME type (oid = T_time) that has at
   967  // most the given number of fractional second digits.
   968  //
   969  // To use the default precision, use the `Time` variable.
   970  func MakeTime(precision int32) *T {
   971  	return &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   972  		Family:             TimeFamily,
   973  		Oid:                oid.T_time,
   974  		Precision:          precision,
   975  		TimePrecisionIsSet: true,
   976  		Locale:             &emptyLocale,
   977  	}}
   978  }
   980  // MakeTimeTZ constructs a new instance of a TIMETZ type (oid = T_timetz) that
   981  // has at most the given number of fractional second digits.
   982  //
   983  // To use the default precision, use the `TimeTZ` variable.
   984  func MakeTimeTZ(precision int32) *T {
   985  	return &T{InternalType: InternalType{
   986  		Family:             TimeTZFamily,
   987  		Oid:                oid.T_timetz,
   988  		Precision:          precision,
   989  		TimePrecisionIsSet: true,
   990  		Locale:             &emptyLocale,
   991  	}}
   992  }
   994  // MakeGeometry constructs a new instance of a GEOMETRY type (oid = T_geometry)
   995  // that has the given shape and SRID.
   996  func MakeGeometry(shape geopb.ShapeType, srid geopb.SRID) *T {
   997  	// Negative values are promoted to 0.
   998  	if srid < 0 {
   999  		srid = 0
  1000  	}
  1001  	return &T{InternalType: InternalType{
  1002  		Family: GeometryFamily,
  1003  		Oid:    oidext.T_geometry,
  1004  		Locale: &emptyLocale,
  1005  		GeoMetadata: &GeoMetadata{
  1006  			ShapeType: shape,
  1007  			SRID:      srid,
  1008  		},
  1009  	}}
  1010  }
  1012  // MakeGeography constructs a new instance of a geography-related type.
  1013  func MakeGeography(shape geopb.ShapeType, srid geopb.SRID) *T {
  1014  	// Negative values are promoted to 0.
  1015  	if srid < 0 {
  1016  		srid = 0
  1017  	}
  1018  	return &T{InternalType: InternalType{
  1019  		Family: GeographyFamily,
  1020  		Oid:    oidext.T_geography,
  1021  		Locale: &emptyLocale,
  1022  		GeoMetadata: &GeoMetadata{
  1023  			ShapeType: shape,
  1024  			SRID:      srid,
  1025  		},
  1026  	}}
  1027  }
  1029  // GeoMetadata returns the GeoMetadata of the type object if it exists.
  1030  // This should only exist on Geometry and Geography types.
  1031  func (t *T) GeoMetadata() (*GeoMetadata, error) {
  1032  	if t.InternalType.GeoMetadata == nil {
  1033  		return nil, errors.Newf("GeoMetadata does not exist on type")
  1034  	}
  1035  	return t.InternalType.GeoMetadata, nil
  1036  }
  1038  // GeoSRIDOrZero returns the geo SRID of the type object if it exists.
  1039  // This should only exist on a subset of Geometry and Geography types.
  1040  func (t *T) GeoSRIDOrZero() geopb.SRID {
  1041  	if t.InternalType.GeoMetadata != nil {
  1042  		return t.InternalType.GeoMetadata.SRID
  1043  	}
  1044  	return 0
  1045  }
  1047  var (
  1048  	// DefaultIntervalTypeMetadata returns a duration field that is unset,
  1049  	// using INTERVAL or INTERVAL ( iconst32 ) syntax instead of INTERVAL
  1050  	// with a qualifier afterwards.
  1051  	DefaultIntervalTypeMetadata = IntervalTypeMetadata{}
  1052  )
  1054  // IntervalTypeMetadata is metadata pertinent for intervals.
  1055  type IntervalTypeMetadata struct {
  1056  	// DurationField represents the duration field definition.
  1057  	DurationField IntervalDurationField
  1058  	// Precision is the precision to use - note this matches InternalType rules.
  1059  	Precision int32
  1060  	// PrecisionIsSet indicates whether Precision is explicitly set.
  1061  	PrecisionIsSet bool
  1062  }
  1064  // IsMinuteToSecond returns whether the IntervalDurationField represents
  1065  // the MINUTE TO SECOND interval qualifier.
  1066  func (m *IntervalDurationField) IsMinuteToSecond() bool {
  1067  	return m.FromDurationType == IntervalDurationType_MINUTE &&
  1068  		m.DurationType == IntervalDurationType_SECOND
  1069  }
  1071  // IsDayToHour returns whether the IntervalDurationField represents
  1072  // the DAY TO HOUR interval qualifier.
  1073  func (m *IntervalDurationField) IsDayToHour() bool {
  1074  	return m.FromDurationType == IntervalDurationType_DAY &&
  1075  		m.DurationType == IntervalDurationType_HOUR
  1076  }
  1078  // IntervalTypeMetadata returns the IntervalTypeMetadata for interval types.
  1079  func (t *T) IntervalTypeMetadata() (IntervalTypeMetadata, error) {
  1080  	if t.Family() != IntervalFamily {
  1081  		return IntervalTypeMetadata{}, errors.Newf("cannot call IntervalTypeMetadata on non-intervals")
  1082  	}
  1083  	return IntervalTypeMetadata{
  1084  		DurationField:  *t.InternalType.IntervalDurationField,
  1085  		Precision:      t.InternalType.Precision,
  1086  		PrecisionIsSet: t.InternalType.TimePrecisionIsSet,
  1087  	}, nil
  1088  }
  1090  // MakeInterval constructs a new instance of a
  1091  // INTERVAL type (oid = T_interval) with a duration field.
  1092  //
  1093  // To use the default precision and field, use the `Interval` variable.
  1094  func MakeInterval(itm IntervalTypeMetadata) *T {
  1095  	switch itm.DurationField.DurationType {
  1096  	case IntervalDurationType_SECOND, IntervalDurationType_UNSET:
  1097  	default:
  1098  		if itm.PrecisionIsSet {
  1099  			panic(errors.Errorf("cannot set precision for duration type %s", itm.DurationField.DurationType))
  1100  		}
  1101  	}
  1102  	if itm.Precision > 0 && !itm.PrecisionIsSet {
  1103  		panic(errors.Errorf("precision must be set if Precision > 0"))
  1104  	}
  1106  	return &T{InternalType: InternalType{
  1107  		Family:                IntervalFamily,
  1108  		Oid:                   oid.T_interval,
  1109  		Locale:                &emptyLocale,
  1110  		Precision:             itm.Precision,
  1111  		TimePrecisionIsSet:    itm.PrecisionIsSet,
  1112  		IntervalDurationField: &itm.DurationField,
  1113  	}}
  1114  }
  1116  // MakeTimestamp constructs a new instance of a TIMESTAMP type that has at most
  1117  // the given number of fractional second digits.
  1118  //
  1119  // To use the default precision, use the `Timestamp` variable.
  1120  func MakeTimestamp(precision int32) *T {
  1121  	return &T{InternalType: InternalType{
  1122  		Family:             TimestampFamily,
  1123  		Oid:                oid.T_timestamp,
  1124  		Precision:          precision,
  1125  		TimePrecisionIsSet: true,
  1126  		Locale:             &emptyLocale,
  1127  	}}
  1128  }
  1130  // MakeTimestampTZ constructs a new instance of a TIMESTAMPTZ type that has at
  1131  // most the given number of fractional second digits.
  1132  //
  1133  // To use the default precision, use the `TimestampTZ` variable.
  1134  func MakeTimestampTZ(precision int32) *T {
  1135  	return &T{InternalType: InternalType{
  1136  		Family:             TimestampTZFamily,
  1137  		Oid:                oid.T_timestamptz,
  1138  		Precision:          precision,
  1139  		TimePrecisionIsSet: true,
  1140  		Locale:             &emptyLocale,
  1141  	}}
  1142  }
  1144  // MakeEnum constructs a new instance of an EnumFamily type with the given
  1145  // stable type ID. Note that it does not hydrate cached fields on the type.
  1146  func MakeEnum(typeOID, arrayTypeOID oid.Oid) *T {
  1147  	return &T{InternalType: InternalType{
  1148  		Family: EnumFamily,
  1149  		Oid:    typeOID,
  1150  		Locale: &emptyLocale,
  1151  		UDTMetadata: &PersistentUserDefinedTypeMetadata{
  1152  			ArrayTypeOID: arrayTypeOID,
  1153  		},
  1154  	}}
  1155  }
  1157  // MakeArray constructs a new instance of an ArrayFamily type with the given
  1158  // element type (which may itself be an ArrayFamily type).
  1159  func MakeArray(typ *T) *T {
  1160  	// Do not make an array of type unknown[]. Follow Postgres' behavior and
  1161  	// convert this to type string[].
  1162  	if typ.Family() == UnknownFamily {
  1163  		typ = String
  1164  	}
  1165  	arr := &T{InternalType: InternalType{
  1166  		Family:        ArrayFamily,
  1167  		Oid:           CalcArrayOid(typ),
  1168  		ArrayContents: typ,
  1169  		Locale:        &emptyLocale,
  1170  	}}
  1171  	return arr
  1172  }
  1174  // MakeTuple constructs a new instance of a TupleFamily type with the given
  1175  // field types (some/all of which may be other TupleFamily types).
  1176  //
  1177  // Warning: the contents slice is used directly; the caller should not modify it
  1178  // after calling this function.
  1179  func MakeTuple(contents []*T) *T {
  1180  	return &T{InternalType: InternalType{
  1181  		Family: TupleFamily, Oid: oid.T_record, TupleContents: contents, Locale: &emptyLocale,
  1182  	}}
  1183  }
  1185  // MakeLabeledTuple constructs a new instance of a TupleFamily type with the
  1186  // given field types and labels.
  1187  func MakeLabeledTuple(contents []*T, labels []string) *T {
  1188  	if len(contents) != len(labels) && labels != nil {
  1189  		panic(errors.AssertionFailedf(
  1190  			"tuple contents and labels must be of same length: %v, %v", contents, labels))
  1191  	}
  1192  	return &T{InternalType: InternalType{
  1193  		Family:        TupleFamily,
  1194  		Oid:           oid.T_record,
  1195  		TupleContents: contents,
  1196  		TupleLabels:   labels,
  1197  		Locale:        &emptyLocale,
  1198  	}}
  1199  }
  1201  // NewCompositeType constructs a new instance of a TupleFamily type with the
  1202  // given field types and labels, and the given user-defined type OIDs.
  1203  func NewCompositeType(typeOID, arrayTypeOID oid.Oid, contents []*T, labels []string) *T {
  1204  	if len(contents) != len(labels) && labels != nil {
  1205  		panic(errors.AssertionFailedf(
  1206  			"tuple contents and labels must be of same length: %v, %v", contents, labels))
  1207  	}
  1208  	return &T{InternalType: InternalType{
  1209  		Family:        TupleFamily,
  1210  		Oid:           typeOID,
  1211  		TupleContents: contents,
  1212  		TupleLabels:   labels,
  1213  		Locale:        &emptyLocale,
  1214  		UDTMetadata: &PersistentUserDefinedTypeMetadata{
  1215  			ArrayTypeOID: arrayTypeOID,
  1216  		},
  1217  	}}
  1218  }
  1220  // Family specifies a group of types that are compatible with one another. Types
  1221  // in the same family can be compared, assigned, etc., but may differ from one
  1222  // another in width, precision, locale, and other attributes. For example, it is
  1223  // always an error to insert an INT value into a FLOAT column, because they are
  1224  // not in the same family. However, values of different types within the same
  1225  // family are "insert-compatible" with one another. Insertion may still result
  1226  // in an error because of width overflow or other constraints, but it can at
  1227  // least be attempted.
  1228  //
  1229  // Families are convenient for performing type switches on types, because in
  1230  // most cases it is the type family that matters, not the specific type. For
  1231  // example, when CRDB encodes values, it maintains routines for each family,
  1232  // since types in the same family encode in very similar ways.
  1233  //
  1234  // Most type families have an associated "canonical type" that is the default
  1235  // representative of that family, and which is a superset of all other types in
  1236  // that family. Values with other types (in the same family) can always be
  1237  // trivially converted to the canonical type with no loss of information. For
  1238  // example, the canonical type for IntFamily is Int, which is a 64-bit integer.
  1239  // Both 32-bit and 16-bit integers can be trivially converted to it.
  1240  //
  1241  // Execution operators and functions are permissive in terms of input (allow any
  1242  // type within a given family), and typically return only values having
  1243  // canonical types as output. For example, the IntFamily Plus operator allows
  1244  // values having any IntFamily type as input. But then it will always convert
  1245  // those values to 64-bit integers, and return a final 64-bit integer value
  1246  // (types.Int). Doing this vastly reduces the required number of operator
  1247  // overloads.
  1248  func (t *T) Family() Family {
  1249  	return t.InternalType.Family
  1250  }
  1252  // Oid returns the type's Postgres Object ID. The OID identifies the type more
  1253  // specifically than the type family, and is used by the Postgres wire protocol
  1254  // various Postgres catalog tables, functions like pg_typeof, etc. Maintaining
  1255  // the OID is required for Postgres-compatibility.
  1256  func (t *T) Oid() oid.Oid {
  1257  	return t.InternalType.Oid
  1258  }
  1260  // Locale identifies a specific geographical, political, or cultural region that
  1261  // impacts various character-based operations such as sorting, pattern matching,
  1262  // and builtin functions like lower and upper. It is only defined for the
  1263  // types in the CollatedStringFamily, and is the empty string for all other
  1264  // types.
  1265  func (t *T) Locale() string {
  1266  	return *t.InternalType.Locale
  1267  }
  1269  // Width is the size or scale of the type, such as number of bits or characters.
  1270  //
  1271  //	INT           : # of bits (64, 32, 16)
  1272  //	FLOAT         : # of bits (64, 32)
  1273  //	DECIMAL       : max # of digits after decimal point (must be <= Precision)
  1274  //	STRING        : max # of characters
  1275  //	COLLATEDSTRING: max # of characters
  1276  //	BIT           : max # of bits
  1277  //
  1278  // Width is always 0 for other types.
  1279  func (t *T) Width() int32 {
  1280  	return t.InternalType.Width
  1281  }
  1283  // Precision is the accuracy of the data type.
  1284  //
  1285  //	DECIMAL    : max # digits (must be >= Width/Scale)
  1286  //	INTERVAL   : max # fractional second digits
  1287  //	TIME       : max # fractional second digits
  1288  //	TIMETZ     : max # fractional second digits
  1289  //	TIMESTAMP  : max # fractional second digits
  1290  //	TIMESTAMPTZ: max # fractional second digits
  1291  //
  1292  // Precision for time-related families has special rules for 0 -- see
  1293  // `precision_is_set` on the `InternalType` proto.
  1294  //
  1295  // Precision is always 0 for other types.
  1296  func (t *T) Precision() int32 {
  1297  	switch t.InternalType.Family {
  1298  	case IntervalFamily, TimestampFamily, TimestampTZFamily, TimeFamily, TimeTZFamily:
  1299  		if t.InternalType.Precision == 0 && !t.InternalType.TimePrecisionIsSet {
  1300  			return defaultTimePrecision
  1301  		}
  1302  	}
  1303  	return t.InternalType.Precision
  1304  }
  1306  // TypeModifier returns the type modifier of the type. This corresponds to the
  1307  // pg_attribute.atttypmod column. atttypmod records type-specific data supplied
  1308  // at table creation time (for example, the maximum length of a varchar column).
  1309  // Array types have the same type modifier as the contents of the array.
  1310  // The value will be -1 for types that do not need atttypmod.
  1311  func (t *T) TypeModifier() int32 {
  1312  	if t.Family() == ArrayFamily {
  1313  		return t.ArrayContents().TypeModifier()
  1314  	}
  1315  	// The type modifier for "char" is always -1.
  1316  	if t.Oid() == oid.T_char {
  1317  		return int32(-1)
  1318  	}
  1320  	switch t.Family() {
  1321  	case StringFamily, CollatedStringFamily:
  1322  		if width := t.Width(); width != 0 {
  1323  			// Postgres adds 4 to the attypmod for bounded string types, the
  1324  			// var header size.
  1325  			return width + 4
  1326  		}
  1327  	case BitFamily:
  1328  		if width := t.Width(); width != 0 {
  1329  			return width
  1330  		}
  1331  	case TimestampFamily, TimestampTZFamily, TimeFamily, TimeTZFamily, IntervalFamily:
  1332  		// For timestamp the precision is the type modifier value.
  1333  		if !t.InternalType.TimePrecisionIsSet {
  1334  			return -1
  1335  		}
  1336  		return t.Precision()
  1337  	case DecimalFamily:
  1338  		// attTypMod is calculated by putting the precision in the upper
  1339  		// bits and the scale in the lower bits of a 32-bit int, and adding
  1340  		// 4 (the var header size). We mock this for clients' sake. See
  1341  		//
  1342  		if width, precision := t.Width(), t.Precision(); precision != 0 || width != 0 {
  1343  			return ((precision << 16) | width) + 4
  1344  		}
  1345  	}
  1346  	return int32(-1)
  1347  }
  1349  // WithoutTypeModifiers returns a copy of the given type with the type modifiers
  1350  // reset, if the type has modifiers. The returned type has arbitrary width and
  1351  // precision, or for some types, like timestamps, the maximum allowed width and
  1352  // precision. If the given type already has no type modifiers, it is returned
  1353  // unchanged and the function does not allocate a new type.
  1354  func (t *T) WithoutTypeModifiers() *T {
  1355  	switch t.Family() {
  1356  	case ArrayFamily:
  1357  		// Remove type modifiers of the array content type.
  1358  		newContents := t.ArrayContents().WithoutTypeModifiers()
  1359  		if newContents == t.ArrayContents() {
  1360  			return t
  1361  		}
  1362  		return MakeArray(newContents)
  1363  	case TupleFamily:
  1364  		// Remove type modifiers for each of the tuple content types.
  1365  		oldContents := t.TupleContents()
  1366  		newContents := make([]*T, len(oldContents))
  1367  		changed := false
  1368  		for i := range newContents {
  1369  			newContents[i] = oldContents[i].WithoutTypeModifiers()
  1370  			if newContents[i] != oldContents[i] {
  1371  				changed = true
  1372  			}
  1373  		}
  1374  		if !changed {
  1375  			return t
  1376  		}
  1377  		return MakeTuple(newContents)
  1378  	case EnumFamily:
  1379  		// Enums have no type modifiers.
  1380  		return t
  1381  	}
  1383  	// For types that can be a collated string, we copy the type and set the width
  1384  	// to 0 rather than returning the default OidToType type so that we retain the
  1385  	// locale value if the type is collated.
  1386  	if oidCanBeCollatedString(t.Oid()) {
  1387  		newT := *t
  1388  		newT.InternalType.Width = 0
  1389  		return &newT
  1390  	}
  1392  	typ, ok := OidToType[t.Oid()]
  1393  	if !ok {
  1394  		// These special cases for json, json[] is here so we can
  1395  		// support decoding parameters with oid=json/json[] without
  1396  		// adding full support for these type.
  1397  		// TODO(sql-exp): Remove this if we support JSON.
  1398  		if t.Oid() == oid.T_json {
  1399  			return Jsonb
  1400  		}
  1401  		if t.Oid() == oid.T__json {
  1402  			return JSONArrayForDecodingOnly
  1403  		}
  1404  		panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("unexpected OID: %d", t.Oid()))
  1405  	}
  1406  	return typ
  1407  }
  1409  // Scale is an alias method for Width, used for clarity for types in
  1410  // DecimalFamily.
  1411  func (t *T) Scale() int32 {
  1412  	return t.InternalType.Width
  1413  }
  1415  // ArrayContents returns the type of array elements. This is nil for types that
  1416  // are not in the ArrayFamily.
  1417  func (t *T) ArrayContents() *T {
  1418  	return t.InternalType.ArrayContents
  1419  }
  1421  // TupleContents returns a slice containing the type of each tuple field. This
  1422  // is nil for non-TupleFamily types.
  1423  func (t *T) TupleContents() []*T {
  1424  	return t.InternalType.TupleContents
  1425  }
  1427  // TupleLabels returns a slice containing the labels of each tuple field. This
  1428  // is nil for types not in the TupleFamily, or if the tuple type does not
  1429  // specify labels.
  1430  func (t *T) TupleLabels() []string {
  1431  	return t.InternalType.TupleLabels
  1432  }
  1434  // UserDefinedArrayOID returns the OID of the array type that corresponds to
  1435  // this user defined type. This function only can only be called on user
  1436  // defined types and returns non-zero data only for user defined types that
  1437  // aren't arrays.
  1438  func (t *T) UserDefinedArrayOID() oid.Oid {
  1439  	if t.InternalType.UDTMetadata == nil {
  1440  		return 0
  1441  	}
  1442  	return t.InternalType.UDTMetadata.ArrayTypeOID
  1443  }
  1445  // RemapUserDefinedTypeOIDs is used to remap OIDs stored within a types.T
  1446  // that is a user defined type. The newArrayOID argument is ignored if the
  1447  // input type is an Array type. It mutates the input types.T and should only
  1448  // be used when type is known to not be shared. If the input oid values are
  1449  // 0 then the RemapUserDefinedTypeOIDs has no effect.
  1450  func RemapUserDefinedTypeOIDs(t *T, newOID, newArrayOID oid.Oid) {
  1451  	if newOID != 0 {
  1452  		t.InternalType.Oid = newOID
  1453  	}
  1454  	if t.Family() != ArrayFamily && newArrayOID != 0 {
  1455  		t.InternalType.UDTMetadata.ArrayTypeOID = newArrayOID
  1456  	}
  1457  }
  1459  // UserDefined returns whether or not t is a user defined type.
  1460  func (t *T) UserDefined() bool {
  1461  	return IsOIDUserDefinedType(t.Oid())
  1462  }
  1464  // IsOIDUserDefinedType returns whether or not o corresponds to a user
  1465  // defined type.
  1466  func IsOIDUserDefinedType(o oid.Oid) bool {
  1467  	return catid.IsOIDUserDefined(o)
  1468  }
  1470  var familyNames = map[Family]redact.SafeString{
  1471  	AnyFamily:            "any",
  1472  	ArrayFamily:          "array",
  1473  	BitFamily:            "bit",
  1474  	BoolFamily:           "bool",
  1475  	Box2DFamily:          "box2d",
  1476  	BytesFamily:          "bytes",
  1477  	CollatedStringFamily: "collatedstring",
  1478  	DateFamily:           "date",
  1479  	DecimalFamily:        "decimal",
  1480  	EnumFamily:           "enum",
  1481  	FloatFamily:          "float",
  1482  	GeographyFamily:      "geography",
  1483  	GeometryFamily:       "geometry",
  1484  	INetFamily:           "inet",
  1485  	IntFamily:            "int",
  1486  	IntervalFamily:       "interval",
  1487  	JsonFamily:           "jsonb",
  1488  	OidFamily:            "oid",
  1489  	PGLSNFamily:          "pg_lsn",
  1490  	RefCursorFamily:      "refcursor",
  1491  	StringFamily:         "string",
  1492  	TimeFamily:           "time",
  1493  	TimestampFamily:      "timestamp",
  1494  	TimestampTZFamily:    "timestamptz",
  1495  	TimeTZFamily:         "timetz",
  1496  	TSQueryFamily:        "tsquery",
  1497  	TSVectorFamily:       "tsvector",
  1498  	TupleFamily:          "tuple",
  1499  	UnknownFamily:        "unknown",
  1500  	UuidFamily:           "uuid",
  1501  	VoidFamily:           "void",
  1502  	EncodedKeyFamily:     "encodedkey",
  1503  }
  1505  // Name returns a user-friendly word indicating the family type.
  1506  //
  1507  // TODO(radu): investigate whether anything breaks if we use
  1508  // enumvalue_customname and use String() instead.
  1509  func (f Family) Name() redact.SafeString {
  1510  	ret, ok := familyNames[f]
  1511  	if !ok {
  1512  		panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("unexpected Family: %d", f))
  1513  	}
  1514  	return ret
  1515  }
  1517  // Name returns a single word description of the type that describes it
  1518  // succinctly, but without all the details, such as width, locale, etc. The name
  1519  // is sometimes the same as the name returned by SQLStandardName, but is more
  1520  // CRDB friendly.
  1521  //
  1522  // TODO(andyk): Should these be changed to be the same as SQLStandardName?
  1523  func (t *T) Name() string {
  1524  	switch fam := t.Family(); fam {
  1525  	case AnyFamily:
  1526  		return "anyelement"
  1528  	case ArrayFamily:
  1529  		switch t.Oid() {
  1530  		case oid.T_oidvector:
  1531  			return "oidvector"
  1532  		case oid.T_int2vector:
  1533  			return "int2vector"
  1534  		}
  1535  		return t.ArrayContents().Name() + "[]"
  1537  	case BitFamily:
  1538  		if t.Oid() == oid.T_varbit {
  1539  			return "varbit"
  1540  		}
  1541  		return "bit"
  1543  	case FloatFamily:
  1544  		switch t.Width() {
  1545  		case 64:
  1546  			return "float"
  1547  		case 32:
  1548  			return "float4"
  1549  		default:
  1550  			panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("programming error: unknown float width: %d", t.Width()))
  1551  		}
  1553  	case IntFamily:
  1554  		switch t.Width() {
  1555  		case 64:
  1556  			return "int"
  1557  		case 32:
  1558  			return "int4"
  1559  		case 16:
  1560  			return "int2"
  1561  		default:
  1562  			panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("programming error: unknown int width: %d", t.Width()))
  1563  		}
  1565  	case OidFamily:
  1566  		return t.SQLStandardName()
  1568  	case StringFamily, CollatedStringFamily:
  1569  		switch t.Oid() {
  1570  		case oid.T_text:
  1571  			return "string"
  1572  		case oid.T_bpchar:
  1573  			return "char"
  1574  		case oid.T_char:
  1575  			// Yes, that's the name. The ways of PostgreSQL are inscrutable.
  1576  			return `"char"`
  1577  		case oid.T_varchar:
  1578  			return "varchar"
  1579  		case oid.T_name:
  1580  			return "name"
  1581  		}
  1582  		panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("unexpected OID: %d", t.Oid()))
  1584  	case TupleFamily:
  1585  		return t.SQLStandardName()
  1587  	case EnumFamily:
  1588  		if t.Oid() == oid.T_anyenum {
  1589  			return "anyenum"
  1590  		}
  1591  		// This can be nil during unit testing.
  1592  		if t.TypeMeta.Name == nil {
  1593  			return "unknown_enum"
  1594  		}
  1595  		return t.TypeMeta.Name.Basename()
  1597  	default:
  1598  		return string(fam.Name())
  1599  	}
  1600  }
  1602  // PGName returns the Postgres name for the type. This is sometimes different
  1603  // than the native CRDB name for it (i.e. the Name function). It is used when
  1604  // compatibility with PG is important. Examples of differences:
  1605  //
  1606  //	Name()       PGName()
  1607  //	--------------------------
  1608  //	char         bpchar
  1609  //	"char"       char
  1610  //	bytes        bytea
  1611  //	int4[]       _int4
  1612  func (t *T) PGName() string {
  1613  	name, ok := oidext.TypeName(t.Oid())
  1614  	if ok {
  1615  		return strings.ToLower(name)
  1616  	}
  1618  	// For user defined types, return the basename.
  1619  	if t.UserDefined() {
  1620  		return t.TypeMeta.Name.Basename()
  1621  	}
  1623  	// Postgres does not have an UNKNOWN[] type. However, CRDB does, so
  1624  	// manufacture a name for it.
  1625  	if t.Family() != ArrayFamily || t.ArrayContents().Family() != UnknownFamily {
  1626  		panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("unknown PG name for oid %d", t.Oid()))
  1627  	}
  1628  	return "_unknown"
  1629  }
  1631  // SQLStandardName returns the type's name as it is specified in the SQL
  1632  // standard (or by Postgres for any non-standard types). This can be looked up
  1633  // for any type in Postgres using a query similar to this:
  1634  //
  1635  //	SELECT format_type(pg_typeof(1::int)::regtype, NULL)
  1636  func (t *T) SQLStandardName() string {
  1637  	return t.SQLStandardNameWithTypmod(false, 0)
  1638  }
  1640  var telemetryNameReplaceRegex = regexp.MustCompile("[^a-zA-Z0-9]")
  1642  // TelemetryName returns a name that is friendly for telemetry.
  1643  func (t *T) TelemetryName() string {
  1644  	return strings.ToLower(telemetryNameReplaceRegex.ReplaceAllString(t.SQLString(), "_"))
  1645  }
  1647  // SQLStandardNameWithTypmod is like SQLStandardName but it also accepts a
  1648  // typmod argument, and a boolean which indicates whether or not a typmod was
  1649  // even specified. The expected results of this function should be, in Postgres:
  1650  //
  1651  //	SELECT format_type('thetype'::regype, typmod)
  1652  //
  1653  // Generally, what this does with a non-0 typmod is append the scale, precision
  1654  // or length of a datatype to the name of the datatype. For example, a
  1655  // varchar(20) would appear as character varying(20) when provided the typmod
  1656  // value for varchar(20), which happens to be 24.
  1657  //
  1658  // This function is full of special cases. See backend/utils/adt/format_type.c
  1659  // in Postgres.
  1660  func (t *T) SQLStandardNameWithTypmod(haveTypmod bool, typmod int) string {
  1661  	var buf strings.Builder
  1662  	switch t.Family() {
  1663  	case AnyFamily:
  1664  		return "anyelement"
  1665  	case ArrayFamily:
  1666  		switch t.Oid() {
  1667  		case oid.T_oidvector:
  1668  			return "oidvector"
  1669  		case oid.T_int2vector:
  1670  			return "int2vector"
  1671  		}
  1672  		// If we have a typemod specified then pass it down when
  1673  		// formatting the array type.
  1674  		if !haveTypmod {
  1675  			return t.ArrayContents().SQLStandardName() + "[]"
  1676  		} else {
  1677  			ac := t.ArrayContents()
  1678  			return ac.SQLStandardNameWithTypmod(haveTypmod, typmod) + "[]"
  1679  		}
  1680  	case BitFamily:
  1681  		if t.Oid() == oid.T_varbit {
  1682  			buf.WriteString("bit varying")
  1683  		} else {
  1684  			buf.WriteString("bit")
  1685  		}
  1686  		if !haveTypmod || typmod <= 0 {
  1687  			return buf.String()
  1688  		}
  1689  		buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("(%d)", typmod))
  1690  		return buf.String()
  1691  	case BoolFamily:
  1692  		return "boolean"
  1693  	case Box2DFamily:
  1694  		return "box2d"
  1695  	case BytesFamily:
  1696  		return "bytea"
  1697  	case DateFamily:
  1698  		return "date"
  1699  	case DecimalFamily:
  1700  		if !haveTypmod || typmod <= 0 {
  1701  			return "numeric"
  1702  		}
  1703  		// The typmod of a numeric has the precision in the upper bits and the
  1704  		// scale in the lower bits of a 32-bit int, after subtracting 4 (the var
  1705  		// header size). See numeric.c.
  1706  		typmod -= 4
  1707  		return fmt.Sprintf(
  1708  			"numeric(%d,%d)",
  1709  			(typmod>>16)&0xffff,
  1710  			typmod&0xffff,
  1711  		)
  1713  	case FloatFamily:
  1714  		switch t.Width() {
  1715  		case 32:
  1716  			return "real"
  1717  		case 64:
  1718  			return "double precision"
  1719  		default:
  1720  			panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("programming error: unknown float width: %d", t.Width()))
  1721  		}
  1722  	case GeometryFamily, GeographyFamily:
  1723  		return t.Name() + t.InternalType.GeoMetadata.SQLString()
  1724  	case INetFamily:
  1725  		return "inet"
  1726  	case IntFamily:
  1727  		switch t.Width() {
  1728  		case 16:
  1729  			return "smallint"
  1730  		case 32:
  1731  			// PG shows "integer" for int4.
  1732  			return "integer"
  1733  		case 64:
  1734  			return "bigint"
  1735  		default:
  1736  			panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("programming error: unknown int width: %d", t.Width()))
  1737  		}
  1738  	case IntervalFamily:
  1739  		if !haveTypmod || typmod < 0 {
  1740  			return "interval"
  1741  		}
  1742  		return fmt.Sprintf("interval(%d)", typmod)
  1743  	case JsonFamily:
  1744  		// Only binary JSON is currently supported.
  1745  		return "jsonb"
  1746  	case OidFamily:
  1747  		switch t.Oid() {
  1748  		case oid.T_oid:
  1749  			return "oid"
  1750  		case oid.T_regclass:
  1751  			return "regclass"
  1752  		case oid.T_regnamespace:
  1753  			return "regnamespace"
  1754  		case oid.T_regproc:
  1755  			return "regproc"
  1756  		case oid.T_regprocedure:
  1757  			return "regprocedure"
  1758  		case oid.T_regrole:
  1759  			return "regrole"
  1760  		case oid.T_regtype:
  1761  			return "regtype"
  1762  		default:
  1763  			panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("unexpected Oid: %v", errors.Safe(t.Oid())))
  1764  		}
  1765  	case PGLSNFamily:
  1766  		return "pg_lsn"
  1767  	case RefCursorFamily:
  1768  		return "refcursor"
  1769  	case StringFamily, CollatedStringFamily:
  1770  		switch t.Oid() {
  1771  		case oid.T_text:
  1772  			buf.WriteString("text")
  1773  		case oid.T_varchar:
  1774  			buf.WriteString("character varying")
  1775  		case oid.T_bpchar:
  1776  			if haveTypmod && typmod < 0 {
  1777  				// Special case. Run `select format_type('bpchar'::regtype, -1);` in pg.
  1778  				return "bpchar"
  1779  			}
  1780  			buf.WriteString("character")
  1781  		case oid.T_char:
  1782  			// Type modifiers not allowed for "char".
  1783  			return `"char"`
  1784  		case oid.T_name:
  1785  			// Type modifiers not allowed for name.
  1786  			return "name"
  1787  		default:
  1788  			panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("unexpected OID: %d", t.Oid()))
  1789  		}
  1790  		if !haveTypmod {
  1791  			return buf.String()
  1792  		}
  1794  		// Typmod gets subtracted by 4 for all non-text string-like types to produce
  1795  		// the length.
  1796  		if t.Oid() != oid.T_text {
  1797  			typmod -= 4
  1798  		}
  1799  		if typmod <= 0 {
  1800  			// In this case, we don't print any modifier.
  1801  			return buf.String()
  1802  		}
  1803  		buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("(%d)", typmod))
  1804  		return buf.String()
  1806  	case TimeFamily:
  1807  		if !haveTypmod || typmod < 0 {
  1808  			return "time without time zone"
  1809  		}
  1810  		return fmt.Sprintf("time(%d) without time zone", typmod)
  1811  	case TimeTZFamily:
  1812  		if !haveTypmod || typmod < 0 {
  1813  			return "time with time zone"
  1814  		}
  1815  		return fmt.Sprintf("time(%d) with time zone", typmod)
  1816  	case TimestampFamily:
  1817  		if !haveTypmod || typmod < 0 {
  1818  			return "timestamp without time zone"
  1819  		}
  1820  		return fmt.Sprintf("timestamp(%d) without time zone", typmod)
  1821  	case TimestampTZFamily:
  1822  		if !haveTypmod || typmod < 0 {
  1823  			return "timestamp with time zone"
  1824  		}
  1825  		return fmt.Sprintf("timestamp(%d) with time zone", typmod)
  1826  	case TSQueryFamily:
  1827  		return "tsquery"
  1828  	case TSVectorFamily:
  1829  		return "tsvector"
  1830  	case TupleFamily:
  1831  		if t.UserDefined() {
  1832  			// If we have a user-defined tuple type, use its user-defined name.
  1833  			return t.TypeMeta.Name.Basename()
  1834  		}
  1835  		return "record"
  1836  	case UnknownFamily:
  1837  		return "unknown"
  1838  	case UuidFamily:
  1839  		return "uuid"
  1840  	case VoidFamily:
  1841  		return "void"
  1842  	case EnumFamily:
  1843  		return t.TypeMeta.Name.Basename()
  1844  	default:
  1845  		panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("unexpected Family: %v", errors.Safe(t.Family())))
  1846  	}
  1847  }
  1849  // InformationSchemaName returns the string suitable to populate the data_type
  1850  // column of information_schema.columns.
  1851  //
  1852  // This is different from SQLString() in that it must report SQL standard names
  1853  // that are compatible with PostgreSQL client expectations.
  1854  func (t *T) InformationSchemaName() string {
  1855  	// This is the same as SQLStandardName, except for the case of arrays.
  1856  	if t.Family() == ArrayFamily {
  1857  		return "ARRAY"
  1858  	}
  1859  	// TypeMeta attributes are populated only when it is user defined type.
  1860  	if t.TypeMeta.Name != nil {
  1861  		return "USER-DEFINED"
  1862  	}
  1863  	return t.SQLStandardName()
  1864  }
  1866  // SQLString returns the CockroachDB native SQL string that can be used to
  1867  // reproduce the type via parsing the string as a type. It is used in error
  1868  // messages and also to produce the output of SHOW CREATE.
  1869  func (t *T) SQLString() string {
  1870  	switch t.Family() {
  1871  	case BitFamily:
  1872  		o := t.Oid()
  1873  		typName := "BIT"
  1874  		if o == oid.T_varbit {
  1875  			typName = "VARBIT"
  1876  		}
  1877  		// BIT(1) pretty-prints as just BIT.
  1878  		if (o != oid.T_varbit && t.Width() > 1) ||
  1879  			(o == oid.T_varbit && t.Width() > 0) {
  1880  			typName = fmt.Sprintf("%s(%d)", typName, t.Width())
  1881  		}
  1882  		return typName
  1883  	case IntFamily:
  1884  		switch t.Width() {
  1885  		case 16:
  1886  			return "INT2"
  1887  		case 32:
  1888  			return "INT4"
  1889  		case 64:
  1890  			return "INT8"
  1891  		default:
  1892  			panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("programming error: unknown int width: %d", t.Width()))
  1893  		}
  1894  	case StringFamily:
  1895  		return t.stringTypeSQL()
  1896  	case CollatedStringFamily:
  1897  		return t.collatedStringTypeSQL(false /* isArray */)
  1898  	case FloatFamily:
  1899  		const realName = "FLOAT4"
  1900  		const doubleName = "FLOAT8"
  1901  		if t.Width() == 32 {
  1902  			return realName
  1903  		}
  1904  		return doubleName
  1905  	case DecimalFamily:
  1906  		if t.Precision() > 0 {
  1907  			if t.Width() > 0 {
  1908  				return fmt.Sprintf("DECIMAL(%d,%d)", t.Precision(), t.Scale())
  1909  			}
  1910  			return fmt.Sprintf("DECIMAL(%d)", t.Precision())
  1911  		}
  1912  	case JsonFamily:
  1913  		// Only binary JSON is currently supported.
  1914  		return "JSONB"
  1915  	case TimestampFamily, TimestampTZFamily, TimeFamily, TimeTZFamily:
  1916  		if t.InternalType.Precision > 0 || t.InternalType.TimePrecisionIsSet {
  1917  			return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%d)", strings.ToUpper(t.Name()), t.Precision())
  1918  		}
  1919  	case GeometryFamily, GeographyFamily:
  1920  		return strings.ToUpper(t.Name() + t.InternalType.GeoMetadata.SQLString())
  1921  	case IntervalFamily:
  1922  		switch t.InternalType.IntervalDurationField.DurationType {
  1923  		case IntervalDurationType_UNSET:
  1924  			if t.InternalType.Precision > 0 || t.InternalType.TimePrecisionIsSet {
  1925  				return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%d)", strings.ToUpper(t.Name()), t.Precision())
  1926  			}
  1927  		default:
  1928  			fromStr := ""
  1929  			if t.InternalType.IntervalDurationField.FromDurationType != IntervalDurationType_UNSET {
  1930  				fromStr = fmt.Sprintf("%s TO ", t.InternalType.IntervalDurationField.FromDurationType.String())
  1931  			}
  1932  			precisionStr := ""
  1933  			if t.InternalType.Precision > 0 || t.InternalType.TimePrecisionIsSet {
  1934  				precisionStr = fmt.Sprintf("(%d)", t.Precision())
  1935  			}
  1936  			return fmt.Sprintf(
  1937  				"%s %s%s%s",
  1938  				strings.ToUpper(t.Name()),
  1939  				fromStr,
  1940  				t.InternalType.IntervalDurationField.DurationType.String(),
  1941  				precisionStr,
  1942  			)
  1943  		}
  1944  	case OidFamily:
  1945  		if name, ok := oidext.TypeName(t.Oid()); ok {
  1946  			return name
  1947  		}
  1948  	case ArrayFamily:
  1949  		switch t.Oid() {
  1950  		case oid.T_oidvector:
  1951  			return "OIDVECTOR"
  1952  		case oid.T_int2vector:
  1953  			return "INT2VECTOR"
  1954  		}
  1955  		if t.ArrayContents().Family() == CollatedStringFamily {
  1956  			return t.ArrayContents().collatedStringTypeSQL(true /* isArray */)
  1957  		}
  1958  		return t.ArrayContents().SQLString() + "[]"
  1959  	case EnumFamily:
  1960  		if t.Oid() == oid.T_anyenum {
  1961  			return "anyenum"
  1962  		}
  1963  		// We do not expect to be in a situation where we want to format a
  1964  		// user-defined type to a string and do not have the TypeMeta hydrated,
  1965  		// but there have been bugs in the past, and returning a less informative
  1966  		// string is better than a nil-pointer panic.
  1967  		if t.TypeMeta.Name == nil {
  1968  			return fmt.Sprintf("@%d", t.Oid())
  1969  		}
  1970  		return t.TypeMeta.Name.FQName()
  1971  	}
  1972  	return strings.ToUpper(t.Name())
  1973  }
  1975  // SQLStringForError returns a version of SQLString that will preserve safe
  1976  // information during redaction. It is suitable for usage in error messages.
  1977  func (t *T) SQLStringForError() redact.RedactableString {
  1978  	if t == nil {
  1979  		return "<nil>"
  1980  	}
  1981  	if t.UserDefined() {
  1982  		// Show the redacted SQLString output with an un-redacted prefix to indicate
  1983  		// that the type is user defined (and possibly enum or record).
  1984  		prefix := "TYPE"
  1985  		switch t.Family() {
  1986  		case EnumFamily:
  1987  			prefix = "ENUM"
  1988  		case TupleFamily:
  1989  			prefix = "RECORD"
  1990  		case ArrayFamily:
  1991  			prefix = "ARRAY"
  1992  		}
  1993  		return redact.Sprintf("USER DEFINED %s: %s", redact.Safe(prefix), t.SQLString())
  1994  	}
  1995  	switch t.Family() {
  1996  	case EnumFamily, TupleFamily, ArrayFamily:
  1997  		// These types can be or can contain user-defined types, but the SQLString
  1998  		// is safe when they are not user-defined. We filtered out the user-defined
  1999  		// case above.
  2000  		return redact.Sprint(redact.Safe(t.SQLString()))
  2001  	case BoolFamily, IntFamily, FloatFamily, DecimalFamily, DateFamily, TimestampFamily,
  2002  		IntervalFamily, StringFamily, BytesFamily, TimestampTZFamily, CollatedStringFamily, OidFamily,
  2003  		UnknownFamily, UuidFamily, INetFamily, TimeFamily, JsonFamily, TimeTZFamily, BitFamily,
  2004  		GeometryFamily, GeographyFamily, Box2DFamily, VoidFamily, EncodedKeyFamily, TSQueryFamily,
  2005  		TSVectorFamily, AnyFamily, PGLSNFamily, RefCursorFamily:
  2006  		// These types do not contain other types, and do not require redaction.
  2007  		return redact.Sprint(redact.SafeString(t.SQLString()))
  2008  	}
  2009  	// Default to redaction for unhandled types.
  2010  	return redact.Sprint(t.SQLString())
  2011  }
  2013  // FormatTypeName is an injected dependency from tree to properly format a
  2014  // type name. The logic for proper formatting lives in the tree package.
  2015  var FormatTypeName = fallbackFormatTypeName
  2017  func fallbackFormatTypeName(UserDefinedTypeName) string {
  2018  	return "formatting logic has not been injected from tree"
  2019  }
  2021  // Equivalent returns true if this type is "equivalent" to the given type.
  2022  // Equivalent types are compatible with one another: they can be compared,
  2023  // assigned, and unioned. Equivalent types must always have the same type family
  2024  // for the root type and any descendant types (i.e. in case of array or tuple
  2025  // types). Types in the CollatedStringFamily must have the same locale. But
  2026  // other attributes of equivalent types, such as width, precision, and oid, can
  2027  // be different.
  2028  //
  2029  // Wildcard types (e.g. Any, AnyArray, AnyTuple, etc) have special equivalence
  2030  // behavior. AnyFamily types match any other type, including other AnyFamily
  2031  // types. And a wildcard collation (empty string) matches any other collation.
  2032  func (t *T) Equivalent(other *T) bool {
  2033  	if t.Family() == AnyFamily || other.Family() == AnyFamily {
  2034  		return true
  2035  	}
  2036  	if t.Family() != other.Family() {
  2037  		return false
  2038  	}
  2040  	switch t.Family() {
  2041  	case CollatedStringFamily:
  2042  		// CockroachDB differs from Postgres by comparing collation names
  2043  		// case-insensitively and equating hyphens/underscores.
  2044  		if t.Locale() != "" && other.Locale() != "" {
  2045  			if !lex.LocaleNamesAreEqual(t.Locale(), other.Locale()) {
  2046  				return false
  2047  			}
  2048  		}
  2050  	case TupleFamily:
  2051  		// If either tuple is the wildcard tuple, it's equivalent to any other
  2052  		// tuple type. This allows overloads to specify that they take an arbitrary
  2053  		// tuple type.
  2054  		if IsWildcardTupleType(t) || IsWildcardTupleType(other) {
  2055  			return true
  2056  		}
  2057  		if len(t.TupleContents()) != len(other.TupleContents()) {
  2058  			return false
  2059  		}
  2060  		for i := range t.TupleContents() {
  2061  			if !t.TupleContents()[i].Equivalent(other.TupleContents()[i]) {
  2062  				return false
  2063  			}
  2064  		}
  2066  	case ArrayFamily:
  2067  		if !t.ArrayContents().Equivalent(other.ArrayContents()) {
  2068  			return false
  2069  		}
  2071  	case EnumFamily:
  2072  		// If one of the types is anyenum, then allow the comparison to
  2073  		// go through -- anyenum is used when matching overloads.
  2074  		if t.Oid() == oid.T_anyenum || other.Oid() == oid.T_anyenum {
  2075  			return true
  2076  		}
  2077  		if t.Oid() != other.Oid() {
  2078  			return false
  2079  		}
  2080  	}
  2082  	return true
  2083  }
  2085  // EquivalentOrNull is the same as Equivalent, except it returns true if:
  2086  // * `t` is Unknown (i.e., NULL) AND (allowNullTupleEquivalence OR `other` is not a tuple),
  2087  // * `t` is a tuple with all non-Unknown elements matching the types in `other`.
  2088  func (t *T) EquivalentOrNull(other *T, allowNullTupleEquivalence bool) bool {
  2089  	// Check normal equivalency first, then check for Null
  2090  	normalEquivalency := t.Equivalent(other)
  2091  	if normalEquivalency {
  2092  		return true
  2093  	}
  2095  	switch t.Family() {
  2096  	case UnknownFamily:
  2097  		return allowNullTupleEquivalence || other.Family() != TupleFamily
  2099  	case TupleFamily:
  2100  		if other.Family() != TupleFamily {
  2101  			return false
  2102  		}
  2103  		// If either tuple is the wildcard tuple, it's equivalent to any other
  2104  		// tuple type. This allows overloads to specify that they take an arbitrary
  2105  		// tuple type.
  2106  		if IsWildcardTupleType(t) || IsWildcardTupleType(other) {
  2107  			return true
  2108  		}
  2109  		if len(t.TupleContents()) != len(other.TupleContents()) {
  2110  			return false
  2111  		}
  2112  		for i := range t.TupleContents() {
  2113  			if !t.TupleContents()[i].EquivalentOrNull(other.TupleContents()[i], allowNullTupleEquivalence) {
  2114  				return false
  2115  			}
  2116  		}
  2117  		return true
  2119  	default:
  2120  		return normalEquivalency
  2121  	}
  2122  }
  2124  // Identical returns true if every field in this ColumnType is exactly the same
  2125  // as every corresponding field in the given ColumnType. Identical performs a
  2126  // deep comparison, traversing any Tuple or Array contents.
  2127  //
  2128  // NOTE: Consider whether the desired semantics really require identical types,
  2129  // or if Equivalent is the right method to call instead.
  2130  func (t *T) Identical(other *T) bool {
  2131  	return t.InternalType.Identical(&other.InternalType)
  2132  }
  2134  // Equal is for use in generated protocol buffer code only.
  2135  func (t *T) Equal(other *T) bool {
  2136  	return t.Identical(other)
  2137  }
  2139  // Size returns the size, in bytes, of this type once it has been marshaled to
  2140  // a byte buffer. This is typically called to determine the size of the buffer
  2141  // that needs to be allocated before calling Marshal.
  2142  //
  2143  // Marshal is part of the protoutil.Message interface.
  2144  func (t *T) Size() (n int) {
  2145  	// Need to first downgrade the type before delegating to InternalType,
  2146  	// because Marshal will downgrade.
  2147  	temp := *t
  2148  	err := temp.downgradeType()
  2149  	if err != nil {
  2150  		panic(errors.NewAssertionErrorWithWrappedErrf(err, "error during Size call"))
  2151  	}
  2152  	return temp.InternalType.Size()
  2153  }
  2155  // Identical is the internal implementation for T.Identical. See that comment
  2156  // for details.
  2157  func (t *InternalType) Identical(other *InternalType) bool {
  2158  	if t.Family != other.Family {
  2159  		return false
  2160  	}
  2161  	if t.Width != other.Width {
  2162  		return false
  2163  	}
  2164  	if t.Precision != other.Precision {
  2165  		return false
  2166  	}
  2167  	if t.TimePrecisionIsSet != other.TimePrecisionIsSet {
  2168  		return false
  2169  	}
  2170  	if t.IntervalDurationField != nil && other.IntervalDurationField != nil {
  2171  		if *t.IntervalDurationField != *other.IntervalDurationField {
  2172  			return false
  2173  		}
  2174  	} else if t.IntervalDurationField != nil {
  2175  		return false
  2176  	} else if other.IntervalDurationField != nil {
  2177  		return false
  2178  	}
  2179  	if t.GeoMetadata != nil && other.GeoMetadata != nil {
  2180  		if t.GeoMetadata.ShapeType != other.GeoMetadata.ShapeType {
  2181  			return false
  2182  		}
  2183  		if t.GeoMetadata.SRID != other.GeoMetadata.SRID {
  2184  			return false
  2185  		}
  2186  	} else if t.GeoMetadata != nil {
  2187  		return false
  2188  	} else if other.GeoMetadata != nil {
  2189  		return false
  2190  	}
  2191  	if t.Locale != nil && other.Locale != nil {
  2192  		if !lex.LocaleNamesAreEqual(*t.Locale, *other.Locale) {
  2193  			return false
  2194  		}
  2195  	} else if t.Locale != nil {
  2196  		return false
  2197  	} else if other.Locale != nil {
  2198  		return false
  2199  	}
  2200  	if t.ArrayContents != nil && other.ArrayContents != nil {
  2201  		if !t.ArrayContents.Identical(other.ArrayContents) {
  2202  			return false
  2203  		}
  2204  	} else if t.ArrayContents != nil {
  2205  		return false
  2206  	} else if other.ArrayContents != nil {
  2207  		return false
  2208  	}
  2209  	if len(t.TupleContents) != len(other.TupleContents) {
  2210  		return false
  2211  	}
  2212  	for i := range t.TupleContents {
  2213  		if !t.TupleContents[i].Identical(other.TupleContents[i]) {
  2214  			return false
  2215  		}
  2216  	}
  2217  	if len(t.TupleLabels) != len(other.TupleLabels) {
  2218  		return false
  2219  	}
  2220  	for i := range t.TupleLabels {
  2221  		if t.TupleLabels[i] != other.TupleLabels[i] {
  2222  			return false
  2223  		}
  2224  	}
  2225  	if t.UDTMetadata != nil && other.UDTMetadata != nil {
  2226  		if t.UDTMetadata.ArrayTypeOID != other.UDTMetadata.ArrayTypeOID {
  2227  			return false
  2228  		}
  2229  	} else if t.UDTMetadata != nil {
  2230  		return false
  2231  	} else if other.UDTMetadata != nil {
  2232  		return false
  2233  	}
  2234  	return t.Oid == other.Oid
  2235  }
  2237  // Unmarshal deserializes a type from the given byte representation using gogo
  2238  // protobuf serialization rules. It is backwards-compatible with formats used
  2239  // by older versions of CRDB.
  2240  //
  2241  //	var t T
  2242  //	err := protoutil.Unmarshal(data, &t)
  2243  //
  2244  // Unmarshal is part of the protoutil.Message interface.
  2245  func (t *T) Unmarshal(data []byte) error {
  2246  	// Unmarshal the internal type, and then perform an upgrade step to convert
  2247  	// to the latest format.
  2248  	err := protoutil.Unmarshal(data, &t.InternalType)
  2249  	if err != nil {
  2250  		return err
  2251  	}
  2252  	return t.upgradeType()
  2253  }
  2255  // upgradeType assumes its input was just unmarshaled from bytes that may have
  2256  // been serialized by any previous version of CRDB. It upgrades the object
  2257  // according to the requirements of the latest version by remapping fields and
  2258  // setting required values. This is necessary to preserve backwards-
  2259  // compatibility with older formats (e.g. restoring database from old backup).
  2260  func (t *T) upgradeType() error {
  2261  	switch t.Family() {
  2262  	case IntFamily:
  2263  		// Check VisibleType field that was populated in previous versions.
  2264  		switch t.InternalType.VisibleType {
  2265  		case visibleSMALLINT:
  2266  			t.InternalType.Width = 16
  2267  			t.InternalType.Oid = oid.T_int2
  2268  		case visibleINTEGER:
  2269  			t.InternalType.Width = 32
  2270  			t.InternalType.Oid = oid.T_int4
  2271  		case visibleBIGINT:
  2272  			t.InternalType.Width = 64
  2273  			t.InternalType.Oid = oid.T_int8
  2274  		case visibleBIT, visibleNONE:
  2275  			// Pre-2.1 BIT was using IntFamily with arbitrary widths. Clamp them
  2276  			// to fixed/known widths. See #34161.
  2277  			switch t.Width() {
  2278  			case 16:
  2279  				t.InternalType.Oid = oid.T_int2
  2280  			case 32:
  2281  				t.InternalType.Oid = oid.T_int4
  2282  			default:
  2283  				// Assume INT8 if width is 0 or not valid.
  2284  				t.InternalType.Oid = oid.T_int8
  2285  				t.InternalType.Width = 64
  2286  			}
  2287  		default:
  2288  			return errors.AssertionFailedf("unexpected visible type: %d", t.InternalType.VisibleType)
  2289  		}
  2291  	case FloatFamily:
  2292  		// Map visible REAL type to 32-bit width.
  2293  		switch t.InternalType.VisibleType {
  2294  		case visibleREAL:
  2295  			t.InternalType.Oid = oid.T_float4
  2296  			t.InternalType.Width = 32
  2297  		case visibleDOUBLE:
  2298  			t.InternalType.Oid = oid.T_float8
  2299  			t.InternalType.Width = 64
  2300  		case visibleNONE:
  2301  			switch t.Width() {
  2302  			case 32:
  2303  				t.InternalType.Oid = oid.T_float4
  2304  			case 64:
  2305  				t.InternalType.Oid = oid.T_float8
  2306  			default:
  2307  				// Pre-2.1 (before Width) there were 3 cases:
  2308  				// - VisibleType = DOUBLE PRECISION, Width = 0 -> now clearly FLOAT8
  2309  				// - VisibleType = NONE, Width = 0 -> now clearly FLOAT8
  2310  				// - VisibleType = NONE, Precision > 0 -> we need to derive the width.
  2311  				if t.Precision() >= 1 && t.Precision() <= 24 {
  2312  					t.InternalType.Oid = oid.T_float4
  2313  					t.InternalType.Width = 32
  2314  				} else {
  2315  					t.InternalType.Oid = oid.T_float8
  2316  					t.InternalType.Width = 64
  2317  				}
  2318  			}
  2319  		default:
  2320  			return errors.AssertionFailedf("unexpected visible type: %d", t.InternalType.VisibleType)
  2321  		}
  2323  		// Precision should always be set to 0 going forward.
  2324  		t.InternalType.Precision = 0
  2326  	case TimestampFamily, TimestampTZFamily, TimeFamily, TimeTZFamily:
  2327  		// Some bad/experimental versions of master had precision stored as `-1`.
  2328  		// This represented a default - so upgrade this to 0 with TimePrecisionIsSet = false.
  2329  		if t.InternalType.Precision == -1 {
  2330  			t.InternalType.Precision = 0
  2331  			t.InternalType.TimePrecisionIsSet = false
  2332  		}
  2333  		// Going forwards after 19.2, we want `TimePrecisionIsSet` to be explicitly set
  2334  		// if Precision is > 0.
  2335  		if t.InternalType.Precision > 0 {
  2336  			t.InternalType.TimePrecisionIsSet = true
  2337  		}
  2338  	case IntervalFamily:
  2339  		// Fill in the IntervalDurationField here.
  2340  		if t.InternalType.IntervalDurationField == nil {
  2341  			t.InternalType.IntervalDurationField = &IntervalDurationField{}
  2342  		}
  2343  		// Going forwards after 19.2, we want `TimePrecisionIsSet` to be explicitly set
  2344  		// if Precision is > 0.
  2345  		if t.InternalType.Precision > 0 {
  2346  			t.InternalType.TimePrecisionIsSet = true
  2347  		}
  2348  	case StringFamily, CollatedStringFamily:
  2349  		// Map string-related visible types to corresponding Oid values.
  2350  		switch t.InternalType.VisibleType {
  2351  		case visibleVARCHAR:
  2352  			t.InternalType.Oid = oid.T_varchar
  2353  		case visibleCHAR:
  2354  			t.InternalType.Oid = oid.T_bpchar
  2355  		case visibleQCHAR:
  2356  			t.InternalType.Oid = oid.T_char
  2357  		case visibleNONE:
  2358  			t.InternalType.Oid = oid.T_text
  2359  		default:
  2360  			return errors.AssertionFailedf("unexpected visible type: %d", t.InternalType.VisibleType)
  2361  		}
  2362  		if t.InternalType.Family == StringFamily {
  2363  			if t.InternalType.Locale != nil && len(*t.InternalType.Locale) != 0 {
  2364  				return errors.AssertionFailedf(
  2365  					"STRING type should not have locale: %s", *t.InternalType.Locale)
  2366  			}
  2367  		}
  2369  	case BitFamily:
  2370  		// Map visible VARBIT type to T_varbit OID value.
  2371  		switch t.InternalType.VisibleType {
  2372  		case visibleVARBIT:
  2373  			t.InternalType.Oid = oid.T_varbit
  2374  		case visibleNONE:
  2375  			t.InternalType.Oid = oid.T_bit
  2376  		default:
  2377  			return errors.AssertionFailedf("unexpected visible type: %d", t.InternalType.VisibleType)
  2378  		}
  2380  	case ArrayFamily:
  2381  		if t.ArrayContents() == nil {
  2382  			// This array type was serialized by a previous version of CRDB,
  2383  			// so construct the array contents from scratch.
  2384  			arrayContents := *t
  2385  			arrayContents.InternalType.Family = *t.InternalType.ArrayElemType
  2386  			arrayContents.InternalType.ArrayDimensions = nil
  2387  			arrayContents.InternalType.ArrayElemType = nil
  2388  			if err := arrayContents.upgradeType(); err != nil {
  2389  				return err
  2390  			}
  2391  			t.InternalType.ArrayContents = &arrayContents
  2392  			t.InternalType.Oid = CalcArrayOid(t.ArrayContents())
  2393  		}
  2395  		// Marshaling/unmarshaling nested arrays is not yet supported.
  2396  		if t.ArrayContents().Family() == ArrayFamily {
  2397  			return errors.AssertionFailedf("nested array should never be unmarshaled")
  2398  		}
  2400  		// Zero out fields that may have been used to store information about
  2401  		// the array element type, or which are no longer in use.
  2402  		t.InternalType.Width = 0
  2403  		t.InternalType.Precision = 0
  2404  		t.InternalType.Locale = nil
  2405  		t.InternalType.VisibleType = 0
  2406  		t.InternalType.ArrayElemType = nil
  2407  		t.InternalType.ArrayDimensions = nil
  2409  	case int2vector:
  2410  		t.InternalType.Family = ArrayFamily
  2411  		t.InternalType.Width = 0
  2412  		t.InternalType.Oid = oid.T_int2vector
  2413  		t.InternalType.ArrayContents = Int2
  2415  	case oidvector:
  2416  		t.InternalType.Family = ArrayFamily
  2417  		t.InternalType.Oid = oid.T_oidvector
  2418  		t.InternalType.ArrayContents = Oid
  2420  	case name:
  2421  		if t.InternalType.Locale != nil {
  2422  			t.InternalType.Family = CollatedStringFamily
  2423  		} else {
  2424  			t.InternalType.Family = StringFamily
  2425  		}
  2426  		t.InternalType.Oid = oid.T_name
  2427  		if t.Width() != 0 {
  2428  			return errors.AssertionFailedf("name type cannot have non-zero width: %d", t.Width())
  2429  		}
  2430  	}
  2432  	if t.InternalType.Oid == 0 {
  2433  		t.InternalType.Oid = familyToOid[t.Family()]
  2434  	}
  2436  	// Clear the deprecated visible types, since they are now handled by the
  2437  	// Width or Oid fields.
  2438  	t.InternalType.VisibleType = 0
  2440  	// If locale is not set, always set it to the empty string, in order to avoid
  2441  	// bothersome deref errors when the Locale method is called.
  2442  	if t.InternalType.Locale == nil {
  2443  		t.InternalType.Locale = &emptyLocale
  2444  	}
  2446  	return nil
  2447  }
  2449  // Marshal serializes a type into a byte representation using gogo protobuf
  2450  // serialization rules. It returns the resulting bytes as a slice. The bytes
  2451  // are serialized in a format that is backwards-compatible with the previous
  2452  // version of CRDB so that clusters can run in mixed version mode during
  2453  // upgrade.
  2454  //
  2455  //	bytes, err := protoutil.Marshal(&typ)
  2456  func (t *T) Marshal() (data []byte, err error) {
  2457  	// First downgrade to a struct that will be serialized in a backwards-
  2458  	// compatible bytes format.
  2459  	temp := *t
  2460  	if err := temp.downgradeType(); err != nil {
  2461  		return nil, err
  2462  	}
  2463  	return protoutil.Marshal(&temp.InternalType)
  2464  }
  2466  // MarshalToSizedBuffer is like Mashal, except that it deserializes to
  2467  // an existing byte slice with exactly enough remaining space for
  2468  // Size().
  2469  //
  2470  // Marshal is part of the protoutil.Message interface.
  2471  func (t *T) MarshalToSizedBuffer(data []byte) (int, error) {
  2472  	temp := *t
  2473  	if err := temp.downgradeType(); err != nil {
  2474  		return 0, err
  2475  	}
  2476  	return temp.InternalType.MarshalToSizedBuffer(data)
  2477  }
  2479  // MarshalTo behaves like Marshal, except that it deserializes to an existing
  2480  // byte slice and returns the number of bytes written to it. The slice must
  2481  // already have sufficient capacity. Callers can use the Size method to
  2482  // determine how much capacity needs to be allocated.
  2483  //
  2484  // Marshal is part of the protoutil.Message interface.
  2485  func (t *T) MarshalTo(data []byte) (int, error) {
  2486  	temp := *t
  2487  	if err := temp.downgradeType(); err != nil {
  2488  		return 0, err
  2489  	}
  2490  	return temp.InternalType.MarshalTo(data)
  2491  }
  2493  // of the latest CRDB version. It updates the fields so that they will be
  2494  // marshaled into a format that is compatible with the previous version of
  2495  // CRDB. This is necessary to preserve backwards-compatibility in mixed-version
  2496  // scenarios, such as during upgrade.
  2497  func (t *T) downgradeType() error {
  2498  	// Set Family and VisibleType for 19.1 backwards-compatibility.
  2499  	switch t.Family() {
  2500  	case BitFamily:
  2501  		if t.Oid() == oid.T_varbit {
  2502  			t.InternalType.VisibleType = visibleVARBIT
  2503  		}
  2505  	case FloatFamily:
  2506  		switch t.Width() {
  2507  		case 32:
  2508  			t.InternalType.VisibleType = visibleREAL
  2509  		}
  2511  	case StringFamily, CollatedStringFamily:
  2512  		switch t.Oid() {
  2513  		case oid.T_text:
  2514  			// Nothing to do.
  2515  		case oid.T_varchar:
  2516  			t.InternalType.VisibleType = visibleVARCHAR
  2517  		case oid.T_bpchar:
  2518  			t.InternalType.VisibleType = visibleCHAR
  2519  		case oid.T_char:
  2520  			t.InternalType.VisibleType = visibleQCHAR
  2521  		case oid.T_name:
  2522  			t.InternalType.Family = name
  2523  		default:
  2524  			return errors.AssertionFailedf("unexpected Oid: %d", t.Oid())
  2525  		}
  2527  	case ArrayFamily:
  2528  		// Marshaling/unmarshaling nested arrays is not yet supported.
  2529  		if t.ArrayContents().Family() == ArrayFamily {
  2530  			return errors.AssertionFailedf("nested array should never be marshaled")
  2531  		}
  2533  		// Downgrade to array representation used before 19.2, in which the array
  2534  		// type fields specified the width, locale, etc. of the element type.
  2535  		temp := *t.InternalType.ArrayContents
  2536  		if err := temp.downgradeType(); err != nil {
  2537  			return err
  2538  		}
  2539  		t.InternalType.Width = temp.InternalType.Width
  2540  		t.InternalType.Precision = temp.InternalType.Precision
  2541  		t.InternalType.Locale = temp.InternalType.Locale
  2542  		t.InternalType.VisibleType = temp.InternalType.VisibleType
  2543  		t.InternalType.ArrayElemType = &t.InternalType.ArrayContents.InternalType.Family
  2545  		switch t.Oid() {
  2546  		case oid.T_int2vector:
  2547  			t.InternalType.Family = int2vector
  2548  		case oid.T_oidvector:
  2549  			t.InternalType.Family = oidvector
  2550  		}
  2551  	}
  2553  	// Map empty locale to nil.
  2554  	if t.InternalType.Locale != nil && len(*t.InternalType.Locale) == 0 {
  2555  		t.InternalType.Locale = nil
  2556  	}
  2558  	return nil
  2559  }
  2561  // String returns the name of the type, similar to the Name method. However, it
  2562  // expands CollatedStringFamily, ArrayFamily, and TupleFamily types to be more
  2563  // descriptive.
  2564  //
  2565  // TODO(andyk): It'd be nice to have this return SqlString() method output,
  2566  // since that is more descriptive.
  2567  func (t *T) String() string {
  2568  	switch t.Family() {
  2569  	case CollatedStringFamily:
  2570  		if t.Locale() == "" {
  2571  			// Used in telemetry.
  2572  			return fmt.Sprintf("collated%s{*}", t.Name())
  2573  		}
  2574  		return fmt.Sprintf("collated%s{%s}", t.Name(), t.Locale())
  2576  	case ArrayFamily:
  2577  		switch t.Oid() {
  2578  		case oid.T_oidvector, oid.T_int2vector:
  2579  			return t.Name()
  2580  		}
  2581  		return t.ArrayContents().String() + "[]"
  2583  	case TupleFamily:
  2584  		var buf bytes.Buffer
  2585  		buf.WriteString("tuple")
  2586  		if len(t.TupleContents()) != 0 && !IsWildcardTupleType(t) {
  2587  			buf.WriteByte('{')
  2588  			for i, typ := range t.TupleContents() {
  2589  				if i != 0 {
  2590  					buf.WriteString(", ")
  2591  				}
  2592  				buf.WriteString(typ.String())
  2593  				if t.TupleLabels() != nil {
  2594  					buf.WriteString(" AS ")
  2595  					buf.WriteString(t.InternalType.TupleLabels[i])
  2596  				}
  2597  			}
  2598  			buf.WriteByte('}')
  2599  		}
  2600  		return buf.String()
  2601  	case IntervalFamily, TimestampFamily, TimestampTZFamily, TimeFamily, TimeTZFamily:
  2602  		if t.InternalType.Precision > 0 || t.InternalType.TimePrecisionIsSet {
  2603  			return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%d)", t.Name(), t.Precision())
  2604  		}
  2605  	}
  2606  	return t.Name()
  2607  }
  2609  // MarshalText is implemented here so that gogo/protobuf know how to text marshal
  2610  // protobuf struct directly/indirectly depends on types.T without panic.
  2611  func (t *T) MarshalText() (text []byte, err error) {
  2612  	var buf bytes.Buffer
  2613  	if err := proto.MarshalText(&buf, &t.InternalType); err != nil {
  2614  		return nil, err
  2615  	}
  2616  	return buf.Bytes(), nil
  2617  }
  2619  // DebugString returns a detailed dump of the type protobuf struct, suitable for
  2620  // debugging scenarios.
  2621  func (t *T) DebugString() string {
  2622  	if t.Family() == ArrayFamily && t.ArrayContents().UserDefined() {
  2623  		// In the case that this type is an array that contains a user defined
  2624  		// type, the introspection that protobuf performs to generate a string
  2625  		// representation will panic if the UserDefinedTypeMetadata field of the
  2626  		// type is populated. It seems to not understand that fields in the element
  2627  		// T could be not generated by proto, and panics trying to operate on the
  2628  		// TypeMeta field of the T. To get around this, we just deep copy the T and
  2629  		// zero out the type metadata to placate proto. See the following issue for
  2630  		// details:
  2631  		internalTypeCopy := protoutil.Clone(&t.InternalType).(*InternalType)
  2632  		internalTypeCopy.ArrayContents.TypeMeta = UserDefinedTypeMetadata{}
  2633  		return internalTypeCopy.String()
  2634  	}
  2635  	return t.InternalType.String()
  2636  }
  2638  // IsAmbiguous returns true if this type is in UnknownFamily or AnyFamily.
  2639  // Instances of ambiguous types can be NULL or be in one of several different
  2640  // type families. This is important for parameterized types to determine whether
  2641  // they are fully concrete or not.
  2642  func (t *T) IsAmbiguous() bool {
  2643  	switch t.Family() {
  2644  	case UnknownFamily, AnyFamily:
  2645  		return true
  2646  	case CollatedStringFamily:
  2647  		return t.Locale() == ""
  2648  	case TupleFamily:
  2649  		if len(t.TupleContents()) == 0 {
  2650  			return true
  2651  		}
  2652  		for i := range t.TupleContents() {
  2653  			if t.TupleContents()[i].IsAmbiguous() {
  2654  				return true
  2655  			}
  2656  		}
  2657  		return false
  2658  	case ArrayFamily:
  2659  		return t.ArrayContents().IsAmbiguous()
  2660  	case EnumFamily:
  2661  		return t.Oid() == oid.T_anyenum
  2662  	}
  2663  	return false
  2664  }
  2666  // IsNumeric returns true iff this type is an integer, float, or decimal.
  2667  func (t *T) IsNumeric() bool {
  2668  	switch t.Family() {
  2669  	case IntFamily, FloatFamily, DecimalFamily:
  2670  		return true
  2671  	default:
  2672  		return false
  2673  	}
  2674  }
  2676  // EnumGetIdxOfPhysical returns the index within the TypeMeta's slice of
  2677  // enum physical representations that matches the input byte slice.
  2678  func (t *T) EnumGetIdxOfPhysical(phys []byte) (int, error) {
  2679  	t.ensureHydratedEnum()
  2680  	// TODO (rohany): We can either use a map or just binary search here
  2681  	//  since the physical representations are sorted.
  2682  	reps := t.TypeMeta.EnumData.PhysicalRepresentations
  2683  	for i := range reps {
  2684  		if bytes.Equal(phys, reps[i]) {
  2685  			return i, nil
  2686  		}
  2687  	}
  2688  	err := errors.Newf(
  2689  		"could not find %v in enum %q representation %s %s",
  2690  		phys,
  2691  		t.TypeMeta.Name.FQName(),
  2692  		t.TypeMeta.EnumData.debugString(),
  2693  		debug.Stack(),
  2694  	)
  2695  	return 0, err
  2696  }
  2698  // EnumGetIdxOfLogical returns the index within the TypeMeta's slice of
  2699  // enum logical representations that matches the input string.
  2700  func (t *T) EnumGetIdxOfLogical(logical string) (int, error) {
  2701  	t.ensureHydratedEnum()
  2702  	reps := t.TypeMeta.EnumData.LogicalRepresentations
  2703  	for i := range reps {
  2704  		if reps[i] == logical {
  2705  			// If this enum member is read only, we cannot construct it from the
  2706  			// logical representation. This is to ensure that it will not be
  2707  			// written until all nodes in the cluster are able to decode the
  2708  			// physical representation.
  2709  			if t.TypeMeta.EnumData.IsMemberReadOnly[i] {
  2710  				return 0, errors.Newf("enum value %q is not yet public", logical)
  2711  			}
  2712  			return i, nil
  2713  		}
  2714  	}
  2715  	return 0, pgerror.Newf(
  2716  		pgcode.InvalidTextRepresentation, "invalid input value for enum %s: %q", t, logical)
  2717  }
  2719  func (t *T) ensureHydratedEnum() {
  2720  	if t.TypeMeta.EnumData == nil {
  2721  		panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("use of enum metadata before hydration as an enum: %v %p", t, t))
  2722  	}
  2723  }
  2725  // IsStringType returns true iff the given type is String or a collated string
  2726  // type.
  2727  func IsStringType(t *T) bool {
  2728  	switch t.Family() {
  2729  	case StringFamily, CollatedStringFamily:
  2730  		return true
  2731  	default:
  2732  		return false
  2733  	}
  2734  }
  2736  // IsValidArrayElementType returns true if the given type can be used as the
  2737  // element type of an ArrayFamily-typed column. If the valid return is false,
  2738  // the issue number should be included in the error report to inform the user.
  2739  func IsValidArrayElementType(t *T) (valid bool, issueNum int) {
  2740  	switch t.Family() {
  2741  	case TSQueryFamily:
  2742  		return false, 90886
  2743  	case TSVectorFamily:
  2744  		return false, 90886
  2745  	default:
  2746  		return true, 0
  2747  	}
  2748  }
  2750  // CheckArrayElementType ensures that the given type can be used as the element
  2751  // type of an ArrayFamily-typed column. If not, it returns an error.
  2752  func CheckArrayElementType(t *T) error {
  2753  	if ok, issueNum := IsValidArrayElementType(t); !ok {
  2754  		return unimplemented.NewWithIssueDetailf(issueNum, t.String(),
  2755  			"arrays of %s not allowed", t)
  2756  	}
  2757  	return nil
  2758  }
  2760  // IsDateTimeType returns true if the given type is a date or time-related type.
  2761  func IsDateTimeType(t *T) bool {
  2762  	switch t.Family() {
  2763  	case DateFamily:
  2764  		return true
  2765  	case TimeFamily:
  2766  		return true
  2767  	case TimeTZFamily:
  2768  		return true
  2769  	case TimestampFamily:
  2770  		return true
  2771  	case TimestampTZFamily:
  2772  		return true
  2773  	case IntervalFamily:
  2774  		return true
  2775  	default:
  2776  		return false
  2777  	}
  2778  }
  2780  // IsAdditiveType returns true if the given type supports addition and
  2781  // subtraction.
  2782  func IsAdditiveType(t *T) bool {
  2783  	switch t.Family() {
  2784  	case IntFamily:
  2785  		return true
  2786  	case FloatFamily:
  2787  		return true
  2788  	case DecimalFamily:
  2789  		return true
  2790  	default:
  2791  		return IsDateTimeType(t)
  2792  	}
  2793  }
  2795  // IsWildcardTupleType returns true if this is the wildcard AnyTuple type. The
  2796  // wildcard type matches a tuple type having any number of fields (including 0).
  2797  func IsWildcardTupleType(t *T) bool {
  2798  	return len(t.TupleContents()) == 1 && t.TupleContents()[0].Family() == AnyFamily
  2799  }
  2801  // IsRecordType returns true if this is a RECORD type. This should only be used
  2802  // when processing UDFs. A record differs from AnyTuple in that the tuple
  2803  // contents may contain types other than Any.
  2804  func IsRecordType(typ *T) bool {
  2805  	return typ.Family() == TupleFamily && typ.Oid() == oid.T_record
  2806  }
  2808  // collatedStringTypeSQL returns the string representation of a COLLATEDSTRING
  2809  // or []COLLATEDSTRING type. This is tricky in the case of an array of collated
  2810  // string, since brackets must precede the COLLATE identifier:
  2811  //
  2813  //	VARCHAR(20)[] COLLATE DE
  2814  func (t *T) collatedStringTypeSQL(isArray bool) string {
  2815  	var buf bytes.Buffer
  2816  	buf.WriteString(t.stringTypeSQL())
  2817  	if isArray {
  2818  		buf.WriteString("[] COLLATE ")
  2819  	} else {
  2820  		buf.WriteString(" COLLATE ")
  2821  	}
  2822  	lex.EncodeLocaleName(&buf, t.Locale())
  2823  	return buf.String()
  2824  }
  2826  // stringTypeSQL returns the visible type name plus any width specifier for the
  2828  func (t *T) stringTypeSQL() string {
  2829  	typName := "STRING"
  2830  	switch t.Oid() {
  2831  	case oid.T_varchar:
  2832  		typName = "VARCHAR"
  2833  	case oid.T_bpchar:
  2834  		typName = "CHAR"
  2835  	case oid.T_char:
  2836  		// Yes, that's the name. The ways of PostgreSQL are inscrutable.
  2837  		typName = `"char"`
  2838  	case oid.T_name:
  2839  		typName = "NAME"
  2840  	}
  2842  	// In general, if there is a specified width we want to print it next to the
  2843  	// type. However, in the specific case of CHAR and "char", the default is 1
  2844  	// and the width should be omitted in that case.
  2845  	if t.Width() > 0 {
  2846  		o := t.Oid()
  2847  		if t.Width() != 1 || (o != oid.T_bpchar && o != oid.T_char) {
  2848  			typName = fmt.Sprintf("%s(%d)", typName, t.Width())
  2849  		}
  2850  	}
  2852  	return typName
  2853  }
  2855  // IsHydrated returns true if this is a user-defined type and the TypeMeta
  2856  // is hydrated.
  2857  func (t *T) IsHydrated() bool {
  2858  	return t.UserDefined() && t.TypeMeta != (UserDefinedTypeMetadata{})
  2859  }
  2861  var typNameLiterals map[string]*T
  2863  func init() {
  2864  	typNameLiterals = make(map[string]*T)
  2865  	for o, t := range OidToType {
  2866  		name, ok := oidext.TypeName(o)
  2867  		if !ok {
  2868  			panic(errors.AssertionFailedf("oid %d has no type name", o))
  2869  		}
  2870  		name = strings.ToLower(name)
  2871  		if _, ok := typNameLiterals[name]; !ok {
  2872  			typNameLiterals[name] = t
  2873  		}
  2874  	}
  2875  	for name, t := range unreservedTypeTokens {
  2876  		if _, ok := typNameLiterals[name]; !ok {
  2877  			typNameLiterals[name] = t
  2878  		}
  2879  	}
  2880  }
  2882  // TypeForNonKeywordTypeName returns the column type for the string name of a
  2883  // type, if one exists. The third return value indicates:
  2884  //
  2885  //	 0 if no error or the type is not known in postgres.
  2886  //	 -1 if the type is known in postgres.
  2887  //	>0 for a github issue number.
  2888  func TypeForNonKeywordTypeName(name string) (*T, bool, int) {
  2889  	t, ok := typNameLiterals[name]
  2890  	if ok {
  2891  		return t, ok, 0
  2892  	}
  2893  	return nil, false, postgresPredefinedTypeIssues[name]
  2894  }
  2896  // The SERIAL types are pseudo-types that are only used during parsing. After
  2897  // that, they should behave identically to INT columns. They are declared
  2898  // as INT types, but using different instances than types.Int, types.Int2, etc.
  2899  // so that they can be compared by pointer to differentiate them from the
  2900  // singleton INT types. While the usual requirement is that == is never used to
  2901  // compare types, this is one case where it's allowed.
  2902  var (
  2903  	Serial2Type = *Int2
  2904  	Serial4Type = *Int4
  2905  	Serial8Type = *Int
  2906  )
  2908  // IsSerialType returns whether or not the input type is a SERIAL type.
  2909  // This function should only be used during parsing.
  2910  func IsSerialType(typ *T) bool {
  2911  	// This is a special case where == is used to compare types, since the SERIAL
  2912  	// types are pseudo-types.
  2913  	return typ == &Serial2Type || typ == &Serial4Type || typ == &Serial8Type
  2914  }
  2916  // unreservedTypeTokens contain type alias that we resolve during parsing.
  2917  // Instead of adding a new token to the parser, add the type here.
  2918  var unreservedTypeTokens = map[string]*T{
  2919  	"blob":       Bytes,
  2920  	"bool":       Bool,
  2921  	"bytea":      Bytes,
  2922  	"bytes":      Bytes,
  2923  	"date":       Date,
  2924  	"float4":     Float,
  2925  	"float8":     Float,
  2926  	"inet":       INet,
  2927  	"int2":       Int2,
  2928  	"int4":       Int4,
  2929  	"int8":       Int,
  2930  	"int64":      Int,
  2931  	"int2vector": Int2Vector,
  2932  	// NOTE(sql-exp): Change the line below to Json if we support the JSON type.
  2933  	"json":      Jsonb,
  2934  	"jsonb":     Jsonb,
  2935  	"name":      Name,
  2936  	"oid":       Oid,
  2937  	"oidvector": OidVector,
  2938  	// Postgres OID pseudo-types. See
  2939  	"regclass":     RegClass,
  2940  	"regnamespace": RegNamespace,
  2941  	"regproc":      RegProc,
  2942  	"regprocedure": RegProcedure,
  2943  	"regrole":      RegRole,
  2944  	"regtype":      RegType,
  2946  	"serial2":     &Serial2Type,
  2947  	"serial4":     &Serial4Type,
  2948  	"serial8":     &Serial8Type,
  2949  	"smallserial": &Serial2Type,
  2950  	"bigserial":   &Serial8Type,
  2952  	"string": String,
  2953  	"uuid":   Uuid,
  2954  }
  2956  // The following map must include all types predefined in PostgreSQL
  2957  // that are also not yet defined in CockroachDB and link them to
  2958  // github issues. It is also possible, but not necessary, to include
  2959  // PostgreSQL types that are already implemented in CockroachDB.
  2960  var postgresPredefinedTypeIssues = map[string]int{
  2961  	"box":           21286,
  2962  	"cidr":          18846,
  2963  	"circle":        21286,
  2964  	"jsonpath":      22513,
  2965  	"line":          21286,
  2966  	"lseg":          21286,
  2967  	"macaddr":       45813,
  2968  	"macaddr8":      45813,
  2969  	"money":         41578,
  2970  	"path":          21286,
  2971  	"txid_snapshot": -1,
  2972  	"xml":           43355,
  2973  }
  2975  // SQLString outputs the GeoMetadata in a SQL-compatible string.
  2976  func (m *GeoMetadata) SQLString() string {
  2977  	// If SRID is available, display both shape and SRID.
  2978  	// If shape is available but not SRID, just display shape.
  2979  	if m.SRID != 0 {
  2980  		shapeName := strings.ToLower(m.ShapeType.String())
  2981  		if m.ShapeType == geopb.ShapeType_Unset {
  2982  			shapeName = "geometry"
  2983  		}
  2984  		return fmt.Sprintf("(%s,%d)", shapeName, m.SRID)
  2985  	} else if m.ShapeType != geopb.ShapeType_Unset {
  2986  		return fmt.Sprintf("(%s)", m.ShapeType)
  2987  	}
  2988  	return ""
  2989  }
  2991  // Delimiter selects the correct delimiter rune based on the datum type specified.
  2992  func (t *T) Delimiter() string {
  2993  	switch t.Family() {
  2994  	case Geometry.Family(), Geography.Family():
  2995  		return ":"
  2996  	default:
  2997  		return ","
  2998  	}
  2999  }