
     1  // Copyright 2016 The Cockroach Authors.
     2  //
     3  // Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
     4  // included in the file licenses/BSL.txt.
     5  //
     6  // As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
     7  // the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
     8  // by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
     9  // licenses/APL.txt.
    11  syntax = "proto3";
    12  package cockroach.util.log;
    13  option go_package = "";
    15  import "gogoproto/gogo.proto";
    17  // Severity is the severity level of individual log events.
    18  //
    19  // Note: do not forget to run (go generate) when
    20  // changing this list or the explanatory comments.
    21  enum Severity {
    22    // UNKNOWN is populated into decoded log entries when the
    23    // severity could not be determined.
    24    UNKNOWN = 0;
    25    // INFO is used for informational messages that do not
    26    // require action.
    27    INFO = 1;
    28    // WARNING is used for situations which may require special handling,
    29    // where normal operation is expected to resume automatically.
    30    WARNING = 2;
    31    // ERROR is used for situations that require special handling,
    32    // where normal operation could not proceed as expected.
    33    // Other operations can continue mostly unaffected.
    34    ERROR = 3;
    35    // FATAL is used for situations that require an immedate, hard
    36    // server shutdown. A report is also sent to telemetry if telemetry
    37    // is enabled.
    38    FATAL = 4;
    39    // NONE can be used in filters to specify that no messages
    40    // should be emitted.
    41    NONE = 5;
    42    // DEFAULT is the end sentinel. It is used during command-line
    43    // handling to indicate that another value should be replaced instead
    44    // (depending on which command is being run); see cli/flags.go for
    45    // details.
    46    DEFAULT = 6;
    47  }
    49  // Channel is the logical logging channel on which a message is sent.
    50  // Different channels can be redirected to different sinks. All
    51  // messages from the same channel are sent to the same sink(s).
    52  //
    53  //
    54  // Note: do not forget to run (go generate) when
    55  // changing this list or the explanatory comments.
    56  enum Channel {
    57    // DEV is used during development to collect log
    58    // details useful for troubleshooting that fall outside the
    59    // scope of other channels. It is also the default logging
    60    // channel for events not associated with a channel.
    61    //
    62    // This channel is special in that there are no constraints as to
    63    // what may or may not be logged on it. Conversely, users in
    64    // production deployments are invited to not collect `DEV` logs in
    65    // centralized logging facilities, because they likely contain
    66    // sensitive operational data.
    67    // See [Configure logs](configure-logs.html#dev-channel).
    68    DEV = 0;
    70    // OPS is used to report "point" operational events,
    71    // initiated by user operators or automation:
    72    //
    73    //   - Operator or system actions on server processes: process starts,
    74    //     stops, shutdowns, crashes (if they can be logged),
    75    //     including each time: command-line parameters, current version being run
    76    //   - Actions that impact the topology of a cluster: node additions,
    77    //     removals, decommissions, etc.
    78    //   - Job-related initiation or termination
    79    //   - [Cluster setting](cluster-settings.html) changes
    80    //   - [Zone configuration](configure-replication-zones.html) changes
    81    OPS = 1;
    83    // HEALTH is used to report "background" operational
    84    // events, initiated by CockroachDB or reporting on automatic processes:
    85    //
    86    //   - Current resource usage, including critical resource usage
    87    //   - Node-node connection events, including connection errors and
    88    //     gossip details
    89    //   - Range and table leasing events
    90    //   - Up- and down-replication, range unavailability
    91    HEALTH = 2;
    93    // STORAGE is used to report low-level storage
    94    // layer events (RocksDB/Pebble).
    95    STORAGE = 3;
    97    // SESSIONS is used to report client network activity when enabled via
    98    // the `server.auth_log.sql_connections.enabled` and/or
    99    // `server.auth_log.sql_sessions.enabled` [cluster setting](cluster-settings.html):
   100    //
   101    //   - Connections opened/closed
   102    //   - Authentication events: logins, failed attempts
   103    //   - Session and query cancellation
   104    //
   105    // This is typically configured in "audit" mode, with event
   106    // numbering and synchronous writes.
   107    SESSIONS = 4;
   109    // SQL_SCHEMA is used to report changes to the
   110    // SQL logical schema, excluding privilege and ownership changes
   111    // (which are reported separately on the `PRIVILEGES` channel) and
   112    // zone configuration changes (which go to the `OPS` channel).
   113    //
   114    // This includes:
   115    //
   116    //   - Database/schema/table/sequence/view/type creation
   117    //   - Adding/removing/changing table columns
   118    //   - Changing sequence parameters
   119    //
   120    // `SQL_SCHEMA` events generally comprise changes to the schema that affect the
   121    // functional behavior of client apps using stored objects.
   122    SQL_SCHEMA = 5;
   124    // USER_ADMIN is used to report changes
   125    // in users and roles, including:
   126    //
   127    //   - Users added/dropped
   128    //   - Changes to authentication credentials (e.g., passwords, validity, etc.)
   129    //   - Role grants/revocations
   130    //   - Role option grants/revocations
   131    //
   132    // This is typically configured in "audit" mode, with event
   133    // numbering and synchronous writes.
   134    USER_ADMIN = 6;
   136    // PRIVILEGES is used to report data
   137    // authorization changes, including:
   138    //
   139    //   - Privilege grants/revocations on database, objects, etc.
   140    //   - Object ownership changes
   141    //
   142    // This is typically configured in "audit" mode, with event
   143    // numbering and synchronous writes.
   144    PRIVILEGES = 7;
   146    // SENSITIVE_ACCESS is used to report SQL
   147    // data access to sensitive data:
   148    //
   149    //   - Data access audit events (when table audit is enabled via
   150    //     [ALTER TABLE ... EXPERIMENTAL_AUDIT](alter-table.html#experimental_audit))
   151    //   - Data access audit events (when role-based audit is enabled via
   152    //     [`sql.log.user_audit` cluster setting](role-based-audit-logging.html#syntax-of-audit-settings))
   153    //   - SQL statements executed by users with the admin role
   154    //   - Operations that write to system tables
   155    //
   156    // This is typically configured in "audit" mode, with event
   157    // numbering and synchronous writes.
   158    SENSITIVE_ACCESS = 8;
   160    // SQL_EXEC is used to report SQL execution on
   161    // behalf of client connections:
   162    //
   163    //   - Logical SQL statement executions (when enabled via the
   164    //     `sql.log.all_statements.enabled` [cluster setting](cluster-settings.html))
   165    //   - uncaught Go panic errors during the execution of a SQL statement.
   166    SQL_EXEC = 9;
   168    // SQL_PERF is used to report SQL executions
   169    // that are marked as "out of the ordinary"
   170    // to facilitate performance investigations.
   171    // This includes the SQL "slow query log".
   172    //
   173    // Arguably, this channel overlaps with `SQL_EXEC`.
   174    // However, we keep both channels separate for backward compatibility
   175    // with versions prior to v21.1, where the corresponding events
   176    // were redirected to separate files.
   177    SQL_PERF = 10;
   179    // SQL_INTERNAL_PERF is like the `SQL_PERF` channel, but is aimed at
   180    // helping developers of CockroachDB itself. It exists as a separate
   181    // channel so as to not pollute the `SQL_PERF` logging output with
   182    // internal troubleshooting details.
   183    SQL_INTERNAL_PERF = 11;
   185    // TELEMETRY reports telemetry events. Telemetry events describe
   186    // feature usage within CockroachDB and anonymizes any application-
   187    // specific data.
   188    TELEMETRY = 12;
   190    // KV_DISTRIBUTION is used to report data distribution events, such as moving
   191    // replicas between stores in the cluster, or adding (removing) replicas to
   192    // ranges.
   193    KV_DISTRIBUTION = 13;
   195    // CHANNEL_MAX is the maximum allocated channel number so far.
   196    // This should be increased every time a new channel is added.
   197    CHANNEL_MAX = 14;
   198  }
   200  // Entry represents a cockroach log entry in the following two cases:
   201  //   - when reading a log file using the crdb-v1 format, entries
   202  //     are parsed into this struct.
   203  //   - when injecting an interceptor into the logging package, the
   204  //     interceptor is fed entries using this structure.
   205  message Entry {
   206    // Severity is the importance of the log entry. See the
   207    // documentation for the Severity enum for more details.
   208    Severity severity = 1;
   209    // Nanoseconds since the epoch.
   210    int64 time = 2;
   211    // Goroutine ID. This helps match logging events with goroutine
   212    // stack dumps.
   213    int64 goroutine = 6;
   214    // File name where the logging event was produced. Logging client
   215    // code can adjust this with the "depth" parameter.
   216    string file = 3;
   217    // Line number in the file where the logging event was produced.
   218    int64 line = 4;
   219    // Message contains the main text of the logging message.
   220    string message = 5;
   222    // Tags contains the context tags available in the context where the
   223    // entry was created.
   224    string tags = 7;
   226    // Counter is an entry counter, meant for use in audit logs as an
   227    // instrument against log repudiation.
   228    // See:
   229    //
   230    // It is incremented for every use of the logger where the entry was
   231    // produced.
   232    uint64 counter = 8;
   234    // Redactable is true if the message and tags fields include markers
   235    // to delineate sensitive information. In that case, confidentiality
   236    // can be obtained by only stripping away the data within this
   237    // marker. If redactable is false or unknown, the message should be
   238    // considered to only contain sensitive information, and should be
   239    // stripped away completely for confidentiality.
   240    bool redactable = 9;
   242    // Channel is the channel on which the message was sent.
   243    Channel channel = 10;
   245    // StructuredEnd, if non-zero, indicates that the entry
   246    // is structured; it is also the index
   247    // inside the Message field where the JSON payload ends (exclusive).
   248    uint32 structured_end = 11;
   250    // StructuredStart, when StructuredEnd is non-zero, is the index
   251    // inside the Message field where the JSON payload starts (inclusive).
   252    uint32 structured_start = 12;
   254    // StackTraceStart is the index inside Message where a detailed
   255    // stack trace starts. If zero, no stack trace is present. Stack
   256    // traces are always separated from the message using a newline
   257    // character. If a stack trace is included, StackTracePosition is
   258    // the index of the character immediately after the newline
   259    // character.
   260    //
   261    // We use an index-in-string field in the protobuf, instead of two
   262    // separate string fields, because previous-version consumers of
   263    // Entry are still expecting the message and the stack trace in the
   264    // same field.
   265    uint32 stack_trace_start = 13;
   267    // TenantID is the tenant ID that the log entry originated from. NB: if a
   268    // log entry was not found to contain any tenant ID, we default to the system
   269    // tenant ID.
   270    string tenant_id = 14 [(gogoproto.customname) = "TenantID"];
   272    // TenantName is the tenant name that the log entry originated from. NB: if a
   273    // log entry was not found to contain any tenant name, we default to the empty
   274    // string.
   275    string tenant_name = 15 [(gogoproto.customname) = "TenantName"];
   276  }
   278  // A FileDetails holds all of the particulars that can be parsed by the name of
   279  // a log file.
   280  message FileDetails {
   281    // program contains the combination of program name and log file
   282    // group name, separated by a hyphen. The program name part is
   283    // guaranteed to not contain hyphens itself; if there had been any
   284    // in the executable file name, they would be escaped to
   285    // underscores. The first hyphen separates the program name from the
   286    // file group name. The file group itself can contain hyphens.
   287    //
   288    // For example, if the field is set to "mybinary-my-log-group",
   289    // the program name is "mybinary" and the file group is "my-log-group".
   290    //
   291    // The field is also guaranteed not to contain periods. If there had
   292    // been periods in the executable file name, they would be replaced
   293    // by underscores.
   294    string program = 1;
   295    // host is the hostname part of the file name.
   296    // The field is guaranteed not to contain periods. If there had
   297    // been periods in the hostname, they would be replaced by underscores.
   298    string host = 2;
   299    // user_name is the unix username part of the file name.
   300    // The field is guaranteed not to contain periods. If there had
   301    // been periods in the username, they would be replaced by underscores.
   302    string user_name = 3;
   303    reserved 4;
   304    int64 time = 5;
   305    int64 pid = 6 [(gogoproto.customname) = "PID"];
   306  }
   308  message FileInfo {
   309    string name = 1;
   310    int64 size_bytes = 2;
   311    int64 mod_time_nanos = 3;
   312    FileDetails details = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   313    uint32 file_mode = 5;
   314  }