
     1  // Copyright 2017 The Cockroach Authors.
     2  //
     3  // Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
     4  // included in the file licenses/BSL.txt.
     5  //
     6  // As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
     7  // the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
     8  // by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
     9  // licenses/APL.txt.
    11  package treeprinter
    13  import (
    14  	"bytes"
    15  	"fmt"
    16  	"strings"
    17  )
    19  var (
    20  	edgeLinkChr = rune('│')
    21  	edgeMidChr  = rune('├')
    22  	edgeLastChr = rune('└')
    23  	horLineChr  = rune('─')
    24  	bulletChr   = rune('•')
    25  )
    27  // Node is a handle associated with a specific depth in a tree. See below for
    28  // sample usage.
    29  type Node struct {
    30  	tree  *tree
    31  	level int
    32  }
    34  // New creates a tree printer and returns a sentinel node reference which
    35  // should be used to add the root. Sample usage:
    36  //
    37  //	tp := New()
    38  //	root := tp.Child("root")
    39  //	root.Child("child-1")
    40  //	root.Child("child-2").Child("grandchild\ngrandchild-more-info")
    41  //	root.Child("child-3")
    42  //
    43  //	fmt.Print(tp.String())
    44  //
    45  // Output:
    46  //
    47  //	root
    48  //	 ├── child-1
    49  //	 ├── child-2
    50  //	 │    └── grandchild
    51  //	 │        grandchild-more-info
    52  //	 └── child-3
    53  //
    54  // Note that the Child calls can't be rearranged arbitrarily; they have
    55  // to be in the order they need to be displayed (depth-first pre-order).
    56  func New() Node {
    57  	return NewWithStyle(DefaultStyle)
    58  }
    60  // NewWithStyle creates a tree printer like New, permitting customization of
    61  // the style of the resulting tree.
    62  func NewWithStyle(style Style) Node {
    63  	t := &tree{style: style}
    65  	switch style {
    66  	case CompactStyle:
    67  		t.edgeLink = []rune{edgeLinkChr}
    68  		t.edgeMid = []rune{edgeMidChr, ' '}
    69  		t.edgeLast = []rune{edgeLastChr, ' '}
    71  	case BulletStyle:
    72  		t.edgeLink = []rune{edgeLinkChr}
    73  		t.edgeMid = []rune{edgeMidChr, horLineChr, horLineChr, ' '}
    74  		t.edgeLast = []rune{edgeLastChr, horLineChr, horLineChr, ' '}
    76  	default:
    77  		t.edgeLink = []rune{' ', edgeLinkChr}
    78  		t.edgeMid = []rune{' ', edgeMidChr, horLineChr, horLineChr, ' '}
    79  		t.edgeLast = []rune{' ', edgeLastChr, horLineChr, horLineChr, ' '}
    80  	}
    82  	return Node{
    83  		tree:  t,
    84  		level: 0,
    85  	}
    86  }
    88  // Style is one of the predefined treeprinter styles.
    89  type Style int
    91  const (
    92  	// DefaultStyle is the default style. Example:
    93  	//
    94  	//   foo
    95  	//    ├── bar1
    96  	//    │   bar2
    97  	//    │    └── baz
    98  	//    └── qux
    99  	//
   100  	DefaultStyle Style = iota
   102  	// CompactStyle is a compact style, for deeper trees. Example:
   103  	//
   104  	//   foo
   105  	//   ├ bar1
   106  	//   │ bar2
   107  	//   │ └ baz
   108  	//   └ qux
   109  	//
   110  	CompactStyle
   112  	// BulletStyle is a style that shows a bullet for each node, and groups any
   113  	// other lines under that bullet. Example:
   114  	//
   115  	//   • foo
   116  	//   │
   117  	//   ├── • bar1
   118  	//   │   │ bar2
   119  	//   │   │
   120  	//   │   └── • baz
   121  	//   │
   122  	//   └── • qux
   123  	//
   124  	BulletStyle
   125  )
   127  // tree implements the tree printing machinery.
   128  //
   129  // All Nodes hold a reference to the tree and Node calls result in modification
   130  // of the tree. At any point in time, tree.rows contains the formatted tree that
   131  // was described by the Node calls performed so far.
   132  //
   133  // When new nodes are added, some of the characters of the previous formatted
   134  // tree need to be updated. Here is an example stepping through the state:
   135  //
   136  //	API call                       Rows
   137  //
   138  //
   139  //	tp := New()                    <empty>
   140  //
   141  //
   142  //	root := tp.Child("root")       root
   143  //
   144  //
   145  //	root.Child("child-1")          root
   146  //	                                └── child-1
   147  //
   148  //
   149  //	c2 := root.Child("child-2")    root
   150  //	                                ├── child-1
   151  //	                                └── child-2
   152  //
   153  //	  Note: here we had to go back up and change └─ into ├─ for child-1.
   154  //
   155  //
   156  //	c2.Child("grandchild")         root
   157  //	                                ├── child-1
   158  //	                                └── child-2
   159  //	                                     └── grandchild
   160  //
   161  //
   162  //	root.Child("child-3"           root
   163  //	                                ├── child-1
   164  //	                                ├── child-2
   165  //	                                │    └── grandchild
   166  //	                                └── child-3
   167  //
   168  //	  Note: here we had to go back up and change └─ into ├─ for child-2, and
   169  //	  add a │ on the grandchild row. In general, we may need to add an
   170  //	  arbitrary number of vertical bars.
   171  //
   172  // In order to perform these character changes, we maintain information about
   173  // the nodes on the bottom-most path.
   174  type tree struct {
   175  	style Style
   177  	// rows maintains the rows accumulated so far, as rune arrays.
   178  	rows [][]rune
   180  	// stack contains information pertaining to the nodes on the bottom-most path
   181  	// of the tree.
   182  	stack []nodeInfo
   184  	edgeLink []rune
   185  	edgeMid  []rune
   186  	edgeLast []rune
   187  }
   189  type nodeInfo struct {
   190  	// firstChildConnectRow is the index (in tree.rows) of the row up to which we
   191  	// have to connect the first child of this node.
   192  	firstChildConnectRow int
   194  	// nextSiblingConnectRow is the index (in tree.rows) of the row up to which we
   195  	// have to connect the next sibling of this node. Typically this is the same
   196  	// with firstChildConnectRow, except when the node has multiple rows. For
   197  	// example:
   198  	//
   199  	//      foo
   200  	//       └── bar1               <---- nextSiblingConnectRow
   201  	//           bar2               <---- firstChildConnectRow
   202  	//
   203  	// firstChildConnectRow is used when adding "baz", nextSiblingConnectRow
   204  	// is used when adding "qux":
   205  	//      foo
   206  	//       ├── bar1
   207  	//       │   bar2
   208  	//       │    └── baz
   209  	//       └── qux
   210  	//
   211  	nextSiblingConnectRow int
   212  }
   214  // set copies the string of runes into a given row, at a specific position. The
   215  // row is extended with spaces if needed.
   216  func (t *tree) set(rowIdx int, colIdx int, what []rune) {
   217  	// Extend the line if necessary.
   218  	for len(t.rows[rowIdx]) < colIdx+len(what) {
   219  		t.rows[rowIdx] = append(t.rows[rowIdx], ' ')
   220  	}
   221  	copy(t.rows[rowIdx][colIdx:], what)
   222  }
   224  // addRow adds a row with a given text, with the proper indentation for the
   225  // given level.
   226  func (t *tree) addRow(level int, text string) (rowIdx int) {
   227  	runes := []rune(text)
   228  	// Each level indents by this much.
   229  	k := len(t.edgeLast)
   230  	indent := level * k
   231  	row := make([]rune, indent+len(runes))
   232  	for i := 0; i < indent; i++ {
   233  		row[i] = ' '
   234  	}
   235  	copy(row[indent:], runes)
   236  	t.rows = append(t.rows, row)
   237  	return len(t.rows) - 1
   238  }
   240  // Childf adds a node as a child of the given node.
   241  func (n Node) Childf(format string, args ...interface{}) Node {
   242  	return n.Child(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
   243  }
   245  // Child adds a node as a child of the given node. Multi-line strings are
   246  // supported with appropriate indentation.
   247  func (n Node) Child(text string) Node {
   248  	if strings.ContainsRune(text, '\n') {
   249  		splitLines := strings.Split(text, "\n")
   250  		node := n.childLine(splitLines[0])
   251  		for _, l := range splitLines[1:] {
   252  			node.AddLine(l)
   253  		}
   254  		return node
   255  	}
   256  	return n.childLine(text)
   257  }
   259  // AddLine adds a new line to a node without an edge.
   260  func (n Node) AddLine(text string) {
   261  	t := n.tree
   262  	if == BulletStyle {
   263  		text = "  " + text
   264  	}
   265  	rowIdx := t.addRow(n.level-1, text)
   266  	if != BulletStyle {
   267  		t.stack[n.level-1].firstChildConnectRow = rowIdx
   268  	}
   269  }
   271  // childLine adds a node as a child of the given node.
   272  func (n Node) childLine(text string) Node {
   273  	t := n.tree
   274  	if == BulletStyle {
   275  		text = fmt.Sprintf("%c %s", bulletChr, text)
   276  		if n.level > 0 {
   277  			n.AddEmptyLine()
   278  		}
   279  	}
   280  	rowIdx := t.addRow(n.level, text)
   281  	edgePos := (n.level - 1) * len(t.edgeLast)
   282  	if n.level == 0 {
   283  		// Case 1: root.
   284  		if len(t.stack) != 0 {
   285  			panic("multiple root nodes")
   286  		}
   287  	} else if len(t.stack) <= n.level {
   288  		// Case 2: first child. Connect to parent.
   289  		if len(t.stack) != n.level {
   290  			panic("misuse of node")
   291  		}
   292  		parentRow := t.stack[n.level-1].firstChildConnectRow
   293  		for i := parentRow + 1; i < rowIdx; i++ {
   294  			t.set(i, edgePos, t.edgeLink)
   295  		}
   296  		t.set(rowIdx, edgePos, t.edgeLast)
   297  	} else {
   298  		// Case 3: non-first child. Connect to sibling.
   299  		siblingRow := t.stack[n.level].nextSiblingConnectRow
   300  		t.set(siblingRow, edgePos, t.edgeMid)
   301  		for i := siblingRow + 1; i < rowIdx; i++ {
   302  			t.set(i, edgePos, t.edgeLink)
   303  		}
   304  		t.set(rowIdx, edgePos, t.edgeLast)
   305  		// Update the nextSiblingConnectRow.
   306  		t.stack = t.stack[:n.level]
   307  	}
   309  	t.stack = append(t.stack, nodeInfo{
   310  		firstChildConnectRow:  rowIdx,
   311  		nextSiblingConnectRow: rowIdx,
   312  	})
   314  	// Return a TreePrinter that can be used for children of this node.
   315  	return Node{
   316  		tree:  t,
   317  		level: n.level + 1,
   318  	}
   319  }
   321  // AddEmptyLine adds an empty line to the output; used to introduce vertical
   322  // spacing as needed.
   323  func (n Node) AddEmptyLine() {
   324  	n.tree.rows = append(n.tree.rows, []rune{})
   325  }
   327  // FormattedRows returns the formatted rows. Can only be called on the result of
   328  // treeprinter.New.
   329  func (n Node) FormattedRows() []string {
   330  	if n.level != 0 {
   331  		panic("Only the root can be stringified")
   332  	}
   333  	res := make([]string, len(n.tree.rows))
   334  	for i, r := range n.tree.rows {
   335  		res[i] = string(r)
   336  	}
   337  	return res
   338  }
   340  func (n Node) String() string {
   341  	if n.level != 0 {
   342  		panic("Only the root can be stringified")
   343  	}
   344  	var buf bytes.Buffer
   345  	for _, r := range n.tree.rows {
   346  		buf.WriteString(string(r))
   347  		buf.WriteByte('\n')
   348  	}
   349  	return buf.String()
   350  }