
     1  // Copyright 2020 The LevelDB-Go and Pebble Authors. All rights reserved. Use
     2  // of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
     3  // the LICENSE file.
     5  package manifest
     7  import (
     8  	"bytes"
     9  	"fmt"
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  )
    15  // LevelMetadata contains metadata for all of the files within
    16  // a level of the LSM.
    17  type LevelMetadata struct {
    18  	level     int
    19  	totalSize uint64
    20  	// NumVirtual is the number of virtual sstables in the level.
    21  	NumVirtual uint64
    22  	// VirtualSize is the size of the virtual sstables in the level.
    23  	VirtualSize uint64
    24  	tree        btree
    25  }
    27  // clone makes a copy of the level metadata, implicitly increasing the ref
    28  // count of every file contained within lm.
    29  func (lm *LevelMetadata) clone() LevelMetadata {
    30  	return LevelMetadata{
    31  		level:       lm.level,
    32  		totalSize:   lm.totalSize,
    33  		NumVirtual:  lm.NumVirtual,
    34  		VirtualSize: lm.VirtualSize,
    35  		tree:        lm.tree.Clone(),
    36  	}
    37  }
    39  func (lm *LevelMetadata) release() (obsolete []*FileBacking) {
    40  	return lm.tree.Release()
    41  }
    43  func makeLevelMetadata(cmp Compare, level int, files []*FileMetadata) LevelMetadata {
    44  	bcmp := btreeCmpSeqNum
    45  	if level > 0 {
    46  		bcmp = btreeCmpSmallestKey(cmp)
    47  	}
    48  	var lm LevelMetadata
    49  	lm.level = level
    50  	lm.tree, _ = makeBTree(bcmp, files)
    51  	for _, f := range files {
    52  		lm.totalSize += f.Size
    53  		if f.Virtual {
    54  			lm.NumVirtual++
    55  			lm.VirtualSize += f.Size
    56  		}
    57  	}
    58  	return lm
    59  }
    61  func makeBTree(cmp btreeCmp, files []*FileMetadata) (btree, LevelSlice) {
    62  	var t btree
    63  	t.cmp = cmp
    64  	for _, f := range files {
    65  		t.Insert(f)
    66  	}
    67  	return t, newLevelSlice(t.Iter())
    68  }
    70  func (lm *LevelMetadata) insert(f *FileMetadata) error {
    71  	if err := lm.tree.Insert(f); err != nil {
    72  		return err
    73  	}
    74  	lm.totalSize += f.Size
    75  	if f.Virtual {
    76  		lm.NumVirtual++
    77  		lm.VirtualSize += f.Size
    78  	}
    79  	return nil
    80  }
    82  func (lm *LevelMetadata) remove(f *FileMetadata) bool {
    83  	lm.totalSize -= f.Size
    84  	if f.Virtual {
    85  		lm.NumVirtual--
    86  		lm.VirtualSize -= f.Size
    87  	}
    88  	return lm.tree.Delete(f)
    89  }
    91  // Empty indicates whether there are any files in the level.
    92  func (lm *LevelMetadata) Empty() bool {
    93  	return lm.tree.Count() == 0
    94  }
    96  // Len returns the number of files within the level.
    97  func (lm *LevelMetadata) Len() int {
    98  	return lm.tree.Count()
    99  }
   101  // Size returns the cumulative size of all the files within the level.
   102  func (lm *LevelMetadata) Size() uint64 {
   103  	return lm.totalSize
   104  }
   106  // Iter constructs a LevelIterator over the entire level.
   107  func (lm *LevelMetadata) Iter() LevelIterator {
   108  	return LevelIterator{iter: lm.tree.Iter()}
   109  }
   111  // Slice constructs a slice containing the entire level.
   112  func (lm *LevelMetadata) Slice() LevelSlice {
   113  	return newLevelSlice(lm.tree.Iter())
   114  }
   116  // Find finds the provided file in the level if it exists.
   117  func (lm *LevelMetadata) Find(cmp base.Compare, m *FileMetadata) *LevelFile {
   118  	iter := lm.Iter()
   119  	if lm.level != 0 {
   120  		// If lm holds files for levels >0, we can narrow our search by binary
   121  		// searching by bounds.
   122  		o := overlaps(iter, cmp, m.Smallest.UserKey,
   123  			m.Largest.UserKey, m.Largest.IsExclusiveSentinel())
   124  		iter = o.Iter()
   125  	}
   126  	for f := iter.First(); f != nil; f = iter.Next() {
   127  		if f == m {
   128  			lf := iter.Take()
   129  			return &lf
   130  		}
   131  	}
   132  	return nil
   133  }
   135  // Annotation lazily calculates and returns the annotation defined by
   136  // Annotator. The Annotator is used as the key for pre-calculated
   137  // values, so equal Annotators must be used to avoid duplicate computations
   138  // and cached annotations. Annotation must not be called concurrently, and in
   139  // practice this is achieved by requiring callers to hold
   140  func (lm *LevelMetadata) Annotation(annotator Annotator) interface{} {
   141  	if lm.Empty() {
   142  		return annotator.Zero(nil)
   143  	}
   144  	v, _ := lm.tree.root.Annotation(annotator)
   145  	return v
   146  }
   148  // InvalidateAnnotation clears any cached annotations defined by Annotator. The
   149  // Annotator is used as the key for pre-calculated values, so equal Annotators
   150  // must be used to clear the appropriate cached annotation. InvalidateAnnotation
   151  // must not be called concurrently, and in practice this is achieved by
   152  // requiring callers to hold
   153  func (lm *LevelMetadata) InvalidateAnnotation(annotator Annotator) {
   154  	if lm.Empty() {
   155  		return
   156  	}
   157  	lm.tree.root.InvalidateAnnotation(annotator)
   158  }
   160  // LevelFile holds a file's metadata along with its position
   161  // within a level of the LSM.
   162  type LevelFile struct {
   163  	*FileMetadata
   164  	slice LevelSlice
   165  }
   167  // Slice constructs a LevelSlice containing only this file.
   168  func (lf LevelFile) Slice() LevelSlice {
   169  	return lf.slice
   170  }
   172  // NewLevelSliceSeqSorted constructs a LevelSlice over the provided files,
   173  // sorted by the L0 sequence number sort order.
   174  // TODO(jackson): Can we improve this interface or avoid needing to export
   175  // a slice constructor like this?
   176  func NewLevelSliceSeqSorted(files []*FileMetadata) LevelSlice {
   177  	tr, slice := makeBTree(btreeCmpSeqNum, files)
   178  	tr.Release()
   179  	slice.verifyInvariants()
   180  	return slice
   181  }
   183  // NewLevelSliceKeySorted constructs a LevelSlice over the provided files,
   184  // sorted by the files smallest keys.
   185  // TODO(jackson): Can we improve this interface or avoid needing to export
   186  // a slice constructor like this?
   187  func NewLevelSliceKeySorted(cmp base.Compare, files []*FileMetadata) LevelSlice {
   188  	tr, slice := makeBTree(btreeCmpSmallestKey(cmp), files)
   189  	tr.Release()
   190  	slice.verifyInvariants()
   191  	return slice
   192  }
   194  // NewLevelSliceSpecificOrder constructs a LevelSlice over the provided files,
   195  // ordering the files by their order in the provided slice. It's used in
   196  // tests.
   197  // TODO(jackson): Update tests to avoid requiring this and remove it.
   198  func NewLevelSliceSpecificOrder(files []*FileMetadata) LevelSlice {
   199  	tr, slice := makeBTree(btreeCmpSpecificOrder(files), files)
   200  	tr.Release()
   201  	slice.verifyInvariants()
   202  	return slice
   203  }
   205  // newLevelSlice constructs a new LevelSlice backed by iter.
   206  func newLevelSlice(iter iterator) LevelSlice {
   207  	s := LevelSlice{iter: iter}
   208  	if iter.r != nil {
   209  		s.length = iter.r.subtreeCount
   210  	}
   211  	s.verifyInvariants()
   212  	return s
   213  }
   215  // newBoundedLevelSlice constructs a new LevelSlice backed by iter and bounded
   216  // by the provided start and end bounds. The provided startBound and endBound
   217  // iterators must be iterators over the same B-Tree. Both start and end bounds
   218  // are inclusive.
   219  func newBoundedLevelSlice(iter iterator, startBound, endBound *iterator) LevelSlice {
   220  	s := LevelSlice{
   221  		iter:  iter,
   222  		start: startBound,
   223  		end:   endBound,
   224  	}
   225  	if iter.valid() {
   226  		s.length = endBound.countLeft() - startBound.countLeft()
   227  		// NB: The +1 is a consequence of the end bound being inclusive.
   228  		if endBound.valid() {
   229  			s.length++
   230  		}
   231  		// NB: A slice that's empty due to its bounds may have an endBound
   232  		// positioned before the startBound due to the inclusive bounds.
   233  		// TODO(jackson): Consider refactoring the end boundary to be exclusive;
   234  		// it would simplify some areas (eg, here) and complicate others (eg,
   235  		// Reslice-ing to grow compactions).
   236  		if s.length < 0 {
   237  			s.length = 0
   238  		}
   239  	}
   240  	s.verifyInvariants()
   241  	return s
   242  }
   244  // LevelSlice contains a slice of the files within a level of the LSM.
   245  // A LevelSlice is immutable once created, but may be used to construct a
   246  // mutable LevelIterator over the slice's files.
   247  //
   248  // LevelSlices should be constructed through one of the existing constructors,
   249  // not manually initialized.
   250  type LevelSlice struct {
   251  	iter   iterator
   252  	length int
   253  	// start and end form the inclusive bounds of a slice of files within a
   254  	// level of the LSM. They may be nil if the entire B-Tree backing iter is
   255  	// accessible.
   256  	start *iterator
   257  	end   *iterator
   258  }
   260  func (ls LevelSlice) verifyInvariants() {
   261  	if invariants.Enabled {
   262  		i := ls.Iter()
   263  		var length int
   264  		for f := i.First(); f != nil; f = i.Next() {
   265  			length++
   266  		}
   267  		if ls.length != length {
   268  			panic(fmt.Sprintf("LevelSlice %s has length %d value; actual length is %d", ls, ls.length, length))
   269  		}
   270  	}
   271  }
   273  // Each invokes fn for each element in the slice.
   274  func (ls LevelSlice) Each(fn func(*FileMetadata)) {
   275  	iter := ls.Iter()
   276  	for f := iter.First(); f != nil; f = iter.Next() {
   277  		fn(f)
   278  	}
   279  }
   281  // String implements fmt.Stringer.
   282  func (ls LevelSlice) String() string {
   283  	var buf bytes.Buffer
   284  	fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%d files: ", ls.length)
   285  	ls.Each(func(f *FileMetadata) {
   286  		if buf.Len() > 0 {
   287  			fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " ")
   288  		}
   289  		fmt.Fprint(&buf, f)
   290  	})
   291  	return buf.String()
   292  }
   294  // Empty indicates whether the slice contains any files.
   295  func (ls *LevelSlice) Empty() bool {
   296  	return emptyWithBounds(ls.iter, ls.start, ls.end)
   297  }
   299  // Iter constructs a LevelIterator that iterates over the slice.
   300  func (ls *LevelSlice) Iter() LevelIterator {
   301  	return LevelIterator{
   302  		start: ls.start,
   303  		end:   ls.end,
   304  		iter:  ls.iter.clone(),
   305  	}
   306  }
   308  // Len returns the number of files in the slice. Its runtime is constant.
   309  func (ls *LevelSlice) Len() int {
   310  	return ls.length
   311  }
   313  // SizeSum sums the size of all files in the slice. Its runtime is linear in
   314  // the length of the slice.
   315  func (ls *LevelSlice) SizeSum() uint64 {
   316  	var sum uint64
   317  	iter := ls.Iter()
   318  	for f := iter.First(); f != nil; f = iter.Next() {
   319  		sum += f.Size
   320  	}
   321  	return sum
   322  }
   324  // NumVirtual returns the number of virtual sstables in the level. Its runtime is
   325  // linear in the length of the slice.
   326  func (ls *LevelSlice) NumVirtual() uint64 {
   327  	var n uint64
   328  	iter := ls.Iter()
   329  	for f := iter.First(); f != nil; f = iter.Next() {
   330  		if f.Virtual {
   331  			n++
   332  		}
   333  	}
   334  	return n
   335  }
   337  // VirtualSizeSum returns the sum of the sizes of the virtual sstables in the
   338  // level.
   339  func (ls *LevelSlice) VirtualSizeSum() uint64 {
   340  	var sum uint64
   341  	iter := ls.Iter()
   342  	for f := iter.First(); f != nil; f = iter.Next() {
   343  		if f.Virtual {
   344  			sum += f.Size
   345  		}
   346  	}
   347  	return sum
   348  }
   350  // Reslice constructs a new slice backed by the same underlying level, with
   351  // new start and end positions. Reslice invokes the provided function, passing
   352  // two LevelIterators: one positioned to i's inclusive start and one
   353  // positioned to i's inclusive end. The resliceFunc may move either iterator
   354  // forward or backwards, including beyond the callee's original bounds to
   355  // capture additional files from the underlying level. Reslice constructs and
   356  // returns a new LevelSlice with the final bounds of the iterators after
   357  // calling resliceFunc.
   358  func (ls LevelSlice) Reslice(resliceFunc func(start, end *LevelIterator)) LevelSlice {
   359  	if ls.iter.r == nil {
   360  		return ls
   361  	}
   362  	var start, end LevelIterator
   363  	if ls.start == nil {
   364  		start.iter = ls.iter.clone()
   365  		start.iter.first()
   366  	} else {
   367  		start.iter = ls.start.clone()
   368  	}
   369  	if ls.end == nil {
   370  		end.iter = ls.iter.clone()
   371  		end.iter.last()
   372  	} else {
   373  		end.iter = ls.end.clone()
   374  	}
   375  	resliceFunc(&start, &end)
   376  	return newBoundedLevelSlice(start.iter.clone(), &start.iter, &end.iter)
   377  }
   379  // KeyType is used to specify the type of keys we're looking for in
   380  // LevelIterator positioning operations. Files not containing any keys of the
   381  // desired type are skipped.
   382  type KeyType int8
   384  const (
   385  	// KeyTypePointAndRange denotes a search among the entire keyspace, including
   386  	// both point keys and range keys. No sstables are skipped.
   387  	KeyTypePointAndRange KeyType = iota
   388  	// KeyTypePoint denotes a search among the point keyspace. SSTables with no
   389  	// point keys will be skipped. Note that the point keyspace includes rangedels.
   390  	KeyTypePoint
   391  	// KeyTypeRange denotes a search among the range keyspace. SSTables with no
   392  	// range keys will be skipped.
   393  	KeyTypeRange
   394  )
   396  type keyTypeAnnotator struct{}
   398  var _ Annotator = keyTypeAnnotator{}
   400  func (k keyTypeAnnotator) Zero(dst interface{}) interface{} {
   401  	var val *KeyType
   402  	if dst != nil {
   403  		val = dst.(*KeyType)
   404  	} else {
   405  		val = new(KeyType)
   406  	}
   407  	*val = KeyTypePoint
   408  	return val
   409  }
   411  func (k keyTypeAnnotator) Accumulate(m *FileMetadata, dst interface{}) (interface{}, bool) {
   412  	v := dst.(*KeyType)
   413  	switch *v {
   414  	case KeyTypePoint:
   415  		if m.HasRangeKeys {
   416  			*v = KeyTypePointAndRange
   417  		}
   418  	case KeyTypePointAndRange:
   419  		// Do nothing.
   420  	default:
   421  		panic("unexpected key type")
   422  	}
   423  	return v, true
   424  }
   426  func (k keyTypeAnnotator) Merge(src interface{}, dst interface{}) interface{} {
   427  	v := dst.(*KeyType)
   428  	srcVal := src.(*KeyType)
   429  	switch *v {
   430  	case KeyTypePoint:
   431  		if *srcVal == KeyTypePointAndRange {
   432  			*v = KeyTypePointAndRange
   433  		}
   434  	case KeyTypePointAndRange:
   435  		// Do nothing.
   436  	default:
   437  		panic("unexpected key type")
   438  	}
   439  	return v
   440  }
   442  // LevelIterator iterates over a set of files' metadata. Its zero value is an
   443  // empty iterator.
   444  type LevelIterator struct {
   445  	iter   iterator
   446  	start  *iterator
   447  	end    *iterator
   448  	filter KeyType
   449  }
   451  func (i LevelIterator) String() string {
   452  	var buf bytes.Buffer
   453  	iter := i.iter.clone()
   454  	iter.first()
   455  	iter.prev()
   456  	if i.iter.pos == -1 {
   457  		fmt.Fprint(&buf, "(<start>)*")
   458  	}
   460  	for ; iter.valid(); {
   461  		if buf.Len() > 0 {
   462  			fmt.Fprint(&buf, "   ")
   463  		}
   465  		if i.start != nil && cmpIter(iter, *i.start) == 0 {
   466  			fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " [ ")
   467  		}
   468  		isCurrentPos := cmpIter(iter, i.iter) == 0
   469  		if isCurrentPos {
   470  			fmt.Fprint(&buf, " ( ")
   471  		}
   472  		fmt.Fprint(&buf, iter.cur().String())
   473  		if isCurrentPos {
   474  			fmt.Fprint(&buf, " )*")
   475  		}
   476  		if i.end != nil && cmpIter(iter, *i.end) == 0 {
   477  			fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " ]")
   478  		}
   479  	}
   480  	if i.iter.n != nil && i.iter.pos >= i.iter.n.count {
   481  		if buf.Len() > 0 {
   482  			fmt.Fprint(&buf, "   ")
   483  		}
   484  		fmt.Fprint(&buf, "(<end>)*")
   485  	}
   486  	return buf.String()
   487  }
   489  // Clone copies the iterator, returning an independent iterator at the same
   490  // position.
   491  func (i *LevelIterator) Clone() LevelIterator {
   492  	if i.iter.r == nil {
   493  		return *i
   494  	}
   495  	// The start and end iterators are not cloned and are treated as
   496  	// immutable.
   497  	return LevelIterator{
   498  		iter:   i.iter.clone(),
   499  		start:  i.start,
   500  		end:    i.end,
   501  		filter: i.filter,
   502  	}
   503  }
   505  // Current returns the item at the current iterator position.
   506  //
   507  // Current is deprecated. Callers should instead use the return value of a
   508  // positioning operation.
   509  func (i *LevelIterator) Current() *FileMetadata {
   510  	if !i.iter.valid() ||
   511  		(i.end != nil && cmpIter(i.iter, *i.end) > 0) ||
   512  		(i.start != nil && cmpIter(i.iter, *i.start) < 0) {
   513  		return nil
   514  	}
   515  	return i.iter.cur()
   516  }
   518  func (i *LevelIterator) empty() bool {
   519  	return emptyWithBounds(i.iter, i.start, i.end)
   520  }
   522  // Filter clones the iterator and sets the desired KeyType as the key to filter
   523  // files on.
   524  func (i *LevelIterator) Filter(keyType KeyType) LevelIterator {
   525  	l := i.Clone()
   526  	l.filter = keyType
   527  	return l
   528  }
   530  func emptyWithBounds(i iterator, start, end *iterator) bool {
   531  	// If i.r is nil, the iterator was constructed from an empty btree.
   532  	// If the end bound is before the start bound, the bounds represent an
   533  	// empty slice of the B-Tree.
   534  	return i.r == nil || (start != nil && end != nil && cmpIter(*end, *start) < 0)
   535  }
   537  // First seeks to the first file in the iterator and returns it.
   538  func (i *LevelIterator) First() *FileMetadata {
   539  	if i.empty() {
   540  		return nil
   541  	}
   542  	if i.start != nil {
   543  		i.iter = i.start.clone()
   544  	} else {
   545  		i.iter.first()
   546  	}
   547  	if !i.iter.valid() {
   548  		return nil
   549  	}
   550  	return i.skipFilteredForward(i.iter.cur())
   551  }
   553  // Last seeks to the last file in the iterator and returns it.
   554  func (i *LevelIterator) Last() *FileMetadata {
   555  	if i.empty() {
   556  		return nil
   557  	}
   558  	if i.end != nil {
   559  		i.iter = i.end.clone()
   560  	} else {
   561  		i.iter.last()
   562  	}
   563  	if !i.iter.valid() {
   564  		return nil
   565  	}
   566  	return i.skipFilteredBackward(i.iter.cur())
   567  }
   569  // Next advances the iterator to the next file and returns it.
   570  func (i *LevelIterator) Next() *FileMetadata {
   571  	if i.iter.r == nil {
   572  		return nil
   573  	}
   574  	if invariants.Enabled && (i.iter.pos >= i.iter.n.count || (i.end != nil && cmpIter(i.iter, *i.end) > 0)) {
   575  		panic("pebble: cannot next forward-exhausted iterator")
   576  	}
   578  	if !i.iter.valid() {
   579  		return nil
   580  	}
   581  	return i.skipFilteredForward(i.iter.cur())
   582  }
   584  // Prev moves the iterator the previous file and returns it.
   585  func (i *LevelIterator) Prev() *FileMetadata {
   586  	if i.iter.r == nil {
   587  		return nil
   588  	}
   589  	if invariants.Enabled && (i.iter.pos < 0 || (i.start != nil && cmpIter(i.iter, *i.start) < 0)) {
   590  		panic("pebble: cannot prev backward-exhausted iterator")
   591  	}
   592  	i.iter.prev()
   593  	if !i.iter.valid() {
   594  		return nil
   595  	}
   596  	return i.skipFilteredBackward(i.iter.cur())
   597  }
   599  // SeekGE seeks to the first file in the iterator's file set with a largest
   600  // user key greater than or equal to the provided user key. The iterator must
   601  // have been constructed from L1+, because it requires the underlying files to
   602  // be sorted by user keys and non-overlapping.
   603  func (i *LevelIterator) SeekGE(cmp Compare, userKey []byte) *FileMetadata {
   604  	// TODO(jackson): Assert that i.iter.cmp == btreeCmpSmallestKey.
   605  	if i.iter.r == nil {
   606  		return nil
   607  	}
   608  	m := *FileMetadata) bool {
   609  		return cmp(m.Largest.UserKey, userKey) >= 0
   610  	})
   611  	if i.filter != KeyTypePointAndRange && m != nil {
   612  		b, ok := m.LargestBound(i.filter)
   613  		if !ok {
   614  			m = i.Next()
   615  		} else if c := cmp(b.UserKey, userKey); c < 0 || c == 0 && b.IsExclusiveSentinel() {
   616  			// This file does not contain any keys of the type ≥ lower. It
   617  			// should be filtered, even though it does contain point keys.
   618  			m = i.Next()
   619  		}
   620  	}
   621  	return i.skipFilteredForward(m)
   622  }
   624  // SeekLT seeks to the last file in the iterator's file set with a smallest
   625  // user key less than the provided user key. The iterator must have been
   626  // constructed from L1+, because it requires the underlying files to be sorted
   627  // by user keys and non-overlapping.
   628  func (i *LevelIterator) SeekLT(cmp Compare, userKey []byte) *FileMetadata {
   629  	// TODO(jackson): Assert that i.iter.cmp == btreeCmpSmallestKey.
   630  	if i.iter.r == nil {
   631  		return nil
   632  	}
   633 *FileMetadata) bool {
   634  		return cmp(m.Smallest.UserKey, userKey) >= 0
   635  	})
   636  	m := i.Prev()
   637  	// Although i.Prev() guarantees that the current file contains keys of the
   638  	// relevant type, it doesn't guarantee that the keys of the relevant type
   639  	// are < userKey.
   640  	if i.filter != KeyTypePointAndRange && m != nil {
   641  		b, ok := m.SmallestBound(i.filter)
   642  		if !ok {
   643  			panic("unreachable")
   644  		}
   645  		if c := cmp(b.UserKey, userKey); c >= 0 {
   646  			// This file does not contain any keys of the type ≥ lower. It
   647  			// should be filtered, even though it does contain point keys.
   648  			m = i.Prev()
   649  		}
   650  	}
   651  	return i.skipFilteredBackward(m)
   652  }
   654  // skipFilteredForward takes the file metadata at the iterator's current
   655  // position, and skips forward if the current key-type filter (i.filter)
   656  // excludes the file. It skips until it finds an unfiltered file or exhausts the
   657  // level. If lower is != nil, skipFilteredForward skips any files that do not
   658  // contain keys with the provided key-type ≥ lower.
   659  //
   660  // skipFilteredForward also enforces the upper bound, returning nil if at any
   661  // point the upper bound is exceeded.
   662  func (i *LevelIterator) skipFilteredForward(meta *FileMetadata) *FileMetadata {
   663  	for meta != nil && !meta.ContainsKeyType(i.filter) {
   665  		if !i.iter.valid() {
   666  			meta = nil
   667  		} else {
   668  			meta = i.iter.cur()
   669  		}
   670  	}
   671  	if meta != nil && i.end != nil && cmpIter(i.iter, *i.end) > 0 {
   672  		// Exceeded upper bound.
   673  		meta = nil
   674  	}
   675  	return meta
   676  }
   678  // skipFilteredBackward takes the file metadata at the iterator's current
   679  // position, and skips backward if the current key-type filter (i.filter)
   680  // excludes the file. It skips until it finds an unfiltered file or exhausts the
   681  // level. If upper is != nil, skipFilteredBackward skips any files that do not
   682  // contain keys with the provided key-type < upper.
   683  //
   684  // skipFilteredBackward also enforces the lower bound, returning nil if at any
   685  // point the lower bound is exceeded.
   686  func (i *LevelIterator) skipFilteredBackward(meta *FileMetadata) *FileMetadata {
   687  	for meta != nil && !meta.ContainsKeyType(i.filter) {
   688  		i.iter.prev()
   689  		if !i.iter.valid() {
   690  			meta = nil
   691  		} else {
   692  			meta = i.iter.cur()
   693  		}
   694  	}
   695  	if meta != nil && i.start != nil && cmpIter(i.iter, *i.start) < 0 {
   696  		// Exceeded lower bound.
   697  		meta = nil
   698  	}
   699  	return meta
   700  }
   702  func (i *LevelIterator) seek(fn func(*FileMetadata) bool) *FileMetadata {
   705  	// seeked in the unbounded underlying B-Tree. If the iterator
   706  	// has start or end bounds, we may have exceeded them. Reset to the bounds
   707  	// if necessary.
   708  	//
   709  	// NB: The LevelIterator and LevelSlice semantics require that a bounded
   710  	// LevelIterator/LevelSlice containing files x0, x1, ..., xn behave
   711  	// identically to an unbounded LevelIterator/LevelSlice of a B-Tree
   712  	// containing x0, x1, ..., xn. In other words, any files outside the
   713  	// LevelIterator's bounds should not influence the iterator's behavior.
   714  	// When seeking, this means a SeekGE that seeks beyond the end bound,
   715  	// followed by a Prev should return the last element within bounds.
   716  	if i.end != nil && cmpIter(i.iter, *i.end) > 0 {
   717  		i.iter = i.end.clone()
   718  		// Since seek(fn) positioned beyond i.end, we know there is nothing to
   719  		// return within bounds.
   721  		return nil
   722  	} else if i.start != nil && cmpIter(i.iter, *i.start) < 0 {
   723  		i.iter = i.start.clone()
   724  	}
   725  	if !i.iter.valid() {
   726  		return nil
   727  	}
   728  	return i.iter.cur()
   729  }
   731  // Take constructs a LevelFile containing the file at the iterator's current
   732  // position. Take panics if the iterator is not currently positioned over a
   733  // file.
   734  func (i *LevelIterator) Take() LevelFile {
   735  	m := i.Current()
   736  	if m == nil {
   737  		panic("Take called on invalid LevelIterator")
   738  	}
   739  	// LevelSlice's start and end fields are immutable and are positioned to
   740  	// the same position for a LevelFile because they're inclusive, so we can
   741  	// share one iterator stack between the two bounds.
   742  	boundsIter := i.iter.clone()
   743  	s := newBoundedLevelSlice(i.iter.clone(), &boundsIter, &boundsIter)
   744  	return LevelFile{
   745  		FileMetadata: m,
   746  		slice:        s,
   747  	}
   748  }