
     1  // Copyright 2023 The LevelDB-Go and Pebble Authors. All rights reserved. Use
     2  // of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
     3  // the LICENSE file.
     5  package pebble
     7  import (
     8  	"context"
     9  	"fmt"
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  )
    20  const (
    21  	// In skip-shared iteration mode, keys in levels sharedLevelsStart and greater
    22  	// (i.e. lower in the LSM) are skipped.
    23  	sharedLevelsStart = remote.SharedLevelsStart
    24  )
    26  // ErrInvalidSkipSharedIteration is returned by ScanInternal if it was called
    27  // with a shared file visitor function, and a file in a shareable level (i.e.
    28  // level >= sharedLevelsStart) was found to not be in shared storage according
    29  // to objstorage.Provider, or not shareable for another reason such as for
    30  // containing keys newer than the snapshot sequence number.
    31  var ErrInvalidSkipSharedIteration = errors.New("pebble: cannot use skip-shared iteration due to non-shareable files in lower levels")
    33  // SharedSSTMeta represents an sstable on shared storage that can be ingested
    34  // by another pebble instance. This struct must contain all fields that are
    35  // required for a Pebble instance to ingest a foreign sstable on shared storage,
    36  // including constructing any relevant objstorage.Provider / remoteobjcat.Catalog
    37  // data structures, as well as creating virtual FileMetadatas.
    38  //
    39  // Note that the Pebble instance creating and returning a SharedSSTMeta might
    40  // not be the one that created the underlying sstable on shared storage to begin
    41  // with; it's possible for a Pebble instance to reshare an sstable that was
    42  // shared to it.
    43  type SharedSSTMeta struct {
    44  	// Backing is the shared object underlying this SST. Can be attached to an
    45  	// objstorage.Provider.
    46  	Backing objstorage.RemoteObjectBackingHandle
    48  	// Smallest and Largest internal keys for the overall bounds. The kind and
    49  	// SeqNum of these will reflect what is physically present on the source Pebble
    50  	// instance's view of the sstable; it's up to the ingesting instance to set the
    51  	// sequence number in the trailer to match the read-time sequence numbers
    52  	// reserved for the level this SST is being ingested into. The Kind is expected
    53  	// to remain unchanged by the ingesting instance.
    54  	//
    55  	// Note that these bounds could be narrower than the bounds of the underlying
    56  	// sstable; ScanInternal is expected to truncate sstable bounds to the user key
    57  	// bounds passed into that method.
    58  	Smallest, Largest InternalKey
    60  	// SmallestRangeKey and LargestRangeKey are internal keys that denote the
    61  	// range key bounds of this sstable. Must lie within [Smallest, Largest].
    62  	SmallestRangeKey, LargestRangeKey InternalKey
    64  	// SmallestPointKey and LargestPointKey are internal keys that denote the
    65  	// point key bounds of this sstable. Must lie within [Smallest, Largest].
    66  	SmallestPointKey, LargestPointKey InternalKey
    68  	// Level denotes the level at which this file was present at read time.
    69  	// For files visited by ScanInternal, this value will only be 5 or 6.
    70  	Level uint8
    72  	// Size contains an estimate of the size of this sstable.
    73  	Size uint64
    75  	// fileNum at time of creation in the creator instance. Only used for
    76  	// debugging/tests.
    77  	fileNum base.FileNum
    78  }
    80  func (s *SharedSSTMeta) cloneFromFileMeta(f *fileMetadata) {
    81  	*s = SharedSSTMeta{
    82  		Smallest:         f.Smallest.Clone(),
    83  		Largest:          f.Largest.Clone(),
    84  		SmallestRangeKey: f.SmallestRangeKey.Clone(),
    85  		LargestRangeKey:  f.LargestRangeKey.Clone(),
    86  		SmallestPointKey: f.SmallestPointKey.Clone(),
    87  		LargestPointKey:  f.LargestPointKey.Clone(),
    88  		Size:             f.Size,
    89  		fileNum:          f.FileNum,
    90  	}
    91  }
    93  type sharedByLevel []SharedSSTMeta
    95  func (s sharedByLevel) Len() int           { return len(s) }
    96  func (s sharedByLevel) Swap(i, j int)      { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
    97  func (s sharedByLevel) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i].Level < s[j].Level }
    99  type pcIterPos int
   101  const (
   102  	pcIterPosCur pcIterPos = iota
   103  	pcIterPosNext
   104  )
   106  // pointCollapsingIterator is an internalIterator that collapses point keys and
   107  // returns at most one point internal key for each user key. Merges and
   108  // SingleDels are not supported and result in a panic if encountered. Point keys
   109  // deleted by rangedels are considered shadowed and not exposed.
   110  //
   111  // Only used in ScanInternal to return at most one internal key per user key.
   112  type pointCollapsingIterator struct {
   113  	iter     keyspan.InterleavingIter
   114  	pos      pcIterPos
   115  	comparer *base.Comparer
   116  	merge    base.Merge
   117  	err      error
   118  	seqNum   uint64
   119  	// The current position of `iter`. Always owned by the underlying iter.
   120  	iterKey *InternalKey
   121  	// The last saved key. findNextEntry and similar methods are expected to save
   122  	// the current value of iterKey to savedKey if they're iterating away from the
   123  	// current key but still need to retain it. See comments in findNextEntry on
   124  	// how this field is used.
   125  	//
   126  	// At the end of a positioning call:
   127  	//  - if pos == pcIterPosNext, iterKey is pointing to the next user key owned
   128  	//    by `iter` while savedKey is holding a copy to our current key.
   129  	//  - If pos == pcIterPosCur, iterKey is pointing to an `iter`-owned current
   130  	//    key, and savedKey is either undefined or pointing to a version of the
   131  	//    current key owned by this iterator (i.e. backed by savedKeyBuf).
   132  	savedKey    InternalKey
   133  	savedKeyBuf []byte
   134  	// Value at the current iterator position, at iterKey.
   135  	iterValue base.LazyValue
   136  	// If fixedSeqNum is non-zero, all emitted points are verified to have this
   137  	// fixed sequence number.
   138  	fixedSeqNum uint64
   139  }
   141  func (p *pointCollapsingIterator) Span() *keyspan.Span {
   142  	return p.iter.Span()
   143  }
   145  // SeekPrefixGE implements the InternalIterator interface.
   146  func (p *pointCollapsingIterator) SeekPrefixGE(
   147  	prefix, key []byte, flags base.SeekGEFlags,
   148  ) (*base.InternalKey, base.LazyValue) {
   149  	p.resetKey()
   150  	p.iterKey, p.iterValue = p.iter.SeekPrefixGE(prefix, key, flags)
   151  	p.pos = pcIterPosCur
   152  	if p.iterKey == nil {
   153  		return nil, base.LazyValue{}
   154  	}
   155  	return p.findNextEntry()
   156  }
   158  // SeekGE implements the InternalIterator interface.
   159  func (p *pointCollapsingIterator) SeekGE(
   160  	key []byte, flags base.SeekGEFlags,
   161  ) (*base.InternalKey, base.LazyValue) {
   162  	p.resetKey()
   163  	p.iterKey, p.iterValue = p.iter.SeekGE(key, flags)
   164  	p.pos = pcIterPosCur
   165  	if p.iterKey == nil {
   166  		return nil, base.LazyValue{}
   167  	}
   168  	return p.findNextEntry()
   169  }
   171  // SeekLT implements the InternalIterator interface.
   172  func (p *pointCollapsingIterator) SeekLT(
   173  	key []byte, flags base.SeekLTFlags,
   174  ) (*base.InternalKey, base.LazyValue) {
   175  	panic("unimplemented")
   176  }
   178  func (p *pointCollapsingIterator) resetKey() {
   179  	p.savedKey.UserKey = p.savedKeyBuf[:0]
   180  	p.savedKey.Trailer = 0
   181  	p.iterKey = nil
   182  	p.pos = pcIterPosCur
   183  }
   185  func (p *pointCollapsingIterator) verifySeqNum(key *base.InternalKey) *base.InternalKey {
   186  	if !invariants.Enabled {
   187  		return key
   188  	}
   189  	if p.fixedSeqNum == 0 || key == nil || key.Kind() == InternalKeyKindRangeDelete {
   190  		return key
   191  	}
   192  	if key.SeqNum() != p.fixedSeqNum {
   193  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("expected foreign point key to have seqnum %d, got %d", p.fixedSeqNum, key.SeqNum()))
   194  	}
   195  	return key
   196  }
   198  // findNextEntry is called to return the next key. p.iter must be positioned at the
   199  // start of the first user key we are interested in.
   200  func (p *pointCollapsingIterator) findNextEntry() (*base.InternalKey, base.LazyValue) {
   201  	p.saveKey()
   202  	// Saves a comparison in the fast path
   203  	firstIteration := true
   204  	for p.iterKey != nil {
   205  		// NB: p.savedKey is either the current key (iff p.iterKey == firstKey),
   206  		// or the previous key.
   207  		if !firstIteration && !p.comparer.Equal(p.iterKey.UserKey, p.savedKey.UserKey) {
   208  			p.saveKey()
   209  			continue
   210  		}
   211  		firstIteration = false
   212  		if s := p.iter.Span(); s != nil && s.CoversAt(p.seqNum, p.iterKey.SeqNum()) {
   213  			// All future keys for this user key must be deleted.
   214  			if p.savedKey.Kind() == InternalKeyKindSingleDelete {
   215  				panic("cannot process singledel key in point collapsing iterator")
   216  			}
   217  			// Fast forward to the next user key.
   218  			p.saveKey()
   219  			p.iterKey, p.iterValue = p.iter.Next()
   220  			for p.iterKey != nil && p.savedKey.SeqNum() >= p.iterKey.SeqNum() && p.comparer.Equal(p.iterKey.UserKey, p.savedKey.UserKey) {
   221  				p.iterKey, p.iterValue = p.iter.Next()
   222  			}
   223  			continue
   224  		}
   225  		switch p.savedKey.Kind() {
   226  		case InternalKeyKindSet, InternalKeyKindDelete, InternalKeyKindSetWithDelete, InternalKeyKindDeleteSized:
   227  			// Note that we return SETs directly, even if they would otherwise get
   228  			// compacted into a Del to turn into a SetWithDelete. This is a fast
   229  			// path optimization that can break SINGLEDEL determinism. To lead to
   230  			// consistent SINGLEDEL behaviour, this iterator should *not* be used for
   231  			// a keyspace where SINGLEDELs could be in use. If this iterator observes
   232  			// a SINGLEDEL as the first internal key for a user key, it will panic.
   233  			//
   234  			// As p.value is a lazy value owned by the child iterator, we can thread
   235  			// it through without loading it into p.valueBuf.
   236  			//
   237  			// TODO(bilal): We can even avoid saving the key in this fast path if
   238  			// we are in a block where setHasSamePrefix = false in a v3 sstable,
   239  			// guaranteeing that there's only one internal key for each user key.
   240  			// Thread this logic through the sstable iterators and/or consider
   241  			// collapsing (ha) this logic into the sstable iterators that are aware
   242  			// of blocks and can determine user key changes without doing key saves
   243  			// or comparisons.
   244  			p.pos = pcIterPosCur
   245  			return p.verifySeqNum(p.iterKey), p.iterValue
   246  		case InternalKeyKindSingleDelete:
   247  			// Panic, as this iterator is not expected to observe single deletes.
   248  			panic("cannot process singledel key in point collapsing iterator")
   249  		case InternalKeyKindMerge:
   250  			// Panic, as this iterator is not expected to observe merges.
   251  			panic("cannot process merge key in point collapsing iterator")
   252  		case InternalKeyKindRangeDelete:
   253  			// These are interleaved by the interleaving iterator ahead of all points.
   254  			// We should pass them as-is, but also account for any points ahead of
   255  			// them.
   256  			p.pos = pcIterPosCur
   257  			return p.verifySeqNum(p.iterKey), p.iterValue
   258  		default:
   259  			panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected kind: %d", p.iterKey.Kind()))
   260  		}
   261  	}
   262  	p.resetKey()
   263  	return nil, base.LazyValue{}
   264  }
   266  // First implements the InternalIterator interface.
   267  func (p *pointCollapsingIterator) First() (*base.InternalKey, base.LazyValue) {
   268  	p.resetKey()
   269  	p.iterKey, p.iterValue = p.iter.First()
   270  	p.pos = pcIterPosCur
   271  	if p.iterKey == nil {
   272  		return nil, base.LazyValue{}
   273  	}
   274  	return p.findNextEntry()
   275  }
   277  // Last implements the InternalIterator interface.
   278  func (p *pointCollapsingIterator) Last() (*base.InternalKey, base.LazyValue) {
   279  	panic("unimplemented")
   280  }
   282  func (p *pointCollapsingIterator) saveKey() {
   283  	if p.iterKey == nil {
   284  		p.savedKey = InternalKey{UserKey: p.savedKeyBuf[:0]}
   285  		return
   286  	}
   287  	p.savedKeyBuf = append(p.savedKeyBuf[:0], p.iterKey.UserKey...)
   288  	p.savedKey = InternalKey{UserKey: p.savedKeyBuf, Trailer: p.iterKey.Trailer}
   289  }
   291  // Next implements the InternalIterator interface.
   292  func (p *pointCollapsingIterator) Next() (*base.InternalKey, base.LazyValue) {
   293  	switch p.pos {
   294  	case pcIterPosCur:
   295  		p.saveKey()
   296  		if p.iterKey != nil && p.iterKey.Kind() == InternalKeyKindRangeDelete {
   297  			// Step over the interleaved range delete and process the very next
   298  			// internal key, even if it's at the same user key. This is because a
   299  			// point for that user key has not been returned yet.
   300  			p.iterKey, p.iterValue = p.iter.Next()
   301  			break
   302  		}
   303  		// Fast forward to the next user key.
   304  		key, val := p.iter.Next()
   305  		// p.iterKey.SeqNum() >= key.SeqNum() is an optimization that allows us to
   306  		// use p.iterKey.SeqNum() < key.SeqNum() as a sign that the user key has
   307  		// changed, without needing to do the full key comparison.
   308  		for key != nil && p.savedKey.SeqNum() >= key.SeqNum() &&
   309  			p.comparer.Equal(p.savedKey.UserKey, key.UserKey) {
   310  			key, val = p.iter.Next()
   311  		}
   312  		if key == nil {
   313  			// There are no keys to return.
   314  			p.resetKey()
   315  			return nil, base.LazyValue{}
   316  		}
   317  		p.iterKey, p.iterValue = key, val
   318  	case pcIterPosNext:
   319  		p.pos = pcIterPosCur
   320  	}
   321  	if p.iterKey == nil {
   322  		p.resetKey()
   323  		return nil, base.LazyValue{}
   324  	}
   325  	return p.findNextEntry()
   326  }
   328  // NextPrefix implements the InternalIterator interface.
   329  func (p *pointCollapsingIterator) NextPrefix(succKey []byte) (*base.InternalKey, base.LazyValue) {
   330  	panic("unimplemented")
   331  }
   333  // Prev implements the InternalIterator interface.
   334  func (p *pointCollapsingIterator) Prev() (*base.InternalKey, base.LazyValue) {
   335  	panic("unimplemented")
   336  }
   338  // Error implements the InternalIterator interface.
   339  func (p *pointCollapsingIterator) Error() error {
   340  	if p.err != nil {
   341  		return p.err
   342  	}
   343  	return p.iter.Error()
   344  }
   346  // Close implements the InternalIterator interface.
   347  func (p *pointCollapsingIterator) Close() error {
   348  	return p.iter.Close()
   349  }
   351  // SetBounds implements the InternalIterator interface.
   352  func (p *pointCollapsingIterator) SetBounds(lower, upper []byte) {
   353  	p.resetKey()
   354  	p.iter.SetBounds(lower, upper)
   355  }
   357  // String implements the InternalIterator interface.
   358  func (p *pointCollapsingIterator) String() string {
   359  	return p.iter.String()
   360  }
   362  var _ internalIterator = &pointCollapsingIterator{}
   364  // IteratorLevelKind is used to denote whether the current ScanInternal iterator
   365  // is unknown, belongs to a flushable, or belongs to an LSM level type.
   366  type IteratorLevelKind int8
   368  const (
   369  	// IteratorLevelUnknown indicates an unknown LSM level.
   370  	IteratorLevelUnknown IteratorLevelKind = iota
   371  	// IteratorLevelLSM indicates an LSM level.
   372  	IteratorLevelLSM
   373  	// IteratorLevelFlushable indicates a flushable (i.e. memtable).
   374  	IteratorLevelFlushable
   375  )
   377  // IteratorLevel is used with scanInternalIterator to surface additional iterator-specific info where possible.
   378  // Note: this is struct is only provided for point keys.
   379  type IteratorLevel struct {
   380  	Kind IteratorLevelKind
   381  	// FlushableIndex indicates the position within the flushable queue of this level.
   382  	// Only valid if kind == IteratorLevelFlushable.
   383  	FlushableIndex int
   384  	// The level within the LSM. Only valid if Kind == IteratorLevelLSM.
   385  	Level int
   386  	// Sublevel is only valid if Kind == IteratorLevelLSM and Level == 0.
   387  	Sublevel int
   388  }
   390  // scanInternalIterator is an iterator that returns all internal keys, including
   391  // tombstones. For instance, an InternalKeyKindDelete would be returned as an
   392  // InternalKeyKindDelete instead of the iterator skipping over to the next key.
   393  // Internal keys within a user key are collapsed, eg. if there are two SETs, the
   394  // one with the higher sequence is returned. Useful if an external user of Pebble
   395  // needs to observe and rebuild Pebble's history of internal keys, such as in
   396  // node-to-node replication. For use with {db,snapshot}.ScanInternal().
   397  //
   398  // scanInternalIterator is expected to ignore point keys deleted by range
   399  // deletions, and range keys shadowed by a range key unset or delete, however it
   400  // *must* return the range delete as well as the range key unset/delete that did
   401  // the shadowing.
   402  type scanInternalIterator struct {
   403  	db              *DB
   404  	opts            scanInternalOptions
   405  	comparer        *base.Comparer
   406  	merge           Merge
   407  	iter            internalIterator
   408  	readState       *readState
   409  	version         *version
   410  	rangeKey        *iteratorRangeKeyState
   411  	pointKeyIter    internalIterator
   412  	iterKey         *InternalKey
   413  	iterValue       LazyValue
   414  	alloc           *iterAlloc
   415  	newIters        tableNewIters
   416  	newIterRangeKey keyspan.TableNewSpanIter
   417  	seqNum          uint64
   418  	iterLevels      []IteratorLevel
   419  	mergingIter     *mergingIter
   421  	// boundsBuf holds two buffers used to store the lower and upper bounds.
   422  	// Whenever the InternalIterator's bounds change, the new bounds are copied
   423  	// into boundsBuf[boundsBufIdx]. The two bounds share a slice to reduce
   424  	// allocations. opts.LowerBound and opts.UpperBound point into this slice.
   425  	boundsBuf    [2][]byte
   426  	boundsBufIdx int
   427  }
   429  // truncateSharedFile truncates a shared file's [Smallest, Largest] fields to
   430  // [lower, upper), potentially opening iterators on the file to find keys within
   431  // the requested bounds. A SharedSSTMeta is produced that is suitable for
   432  // external consumption by other Pebble instances. If shouldSkip is true, this
   433  // file does not contain any keys in [lower, upper) and can be skipped.
   434  //
   435  // TODO(bilal): If opening iterators and doing reads in this method is too
   436  // inefficient, consider producing non-tight file bounds instead.
   437  func (d *DB) truncateSharedFile(
   438  	ctx context.Context,
   439  	lower, upper []byte,
   440  	level int,
   441  	file *fileMetadata,
   442  	objMeta objstorage.ObjectMetadata,
   443  ) (sst *SharedSSTMeta, shouldSkip bool, err error) {
   444  	cmp := d.cmp
   445  	sst = &SharedSSTMeta{}
   446  	sst.cloneFromFileMeta(file)
   447  	sst.Level = uint8(level)
   448  	sst.Backing, err = d.objProvider.RemoteObjectBacking(&objMeta)
   449  	if err != nil {
   450  		return nil, false, err
   451  	}
   452  	needsLowerTruncate := cmp(lower, file.Smallest.UserKey) > 0
   453  	needsUpperTruncate := cmp(upper, file.Largest.UserKey) < 0 || (cmp(upper, file.Largest.UserKey) == 0 && !file.Largest.IsExclusiveSentinel())
   454  	// Fast path: file is entirely within [lower, upper).
   455  	if !needsLowerTruncate && !needsUpperTruncate {
   456  		return sst, false, nil
   457  	}
   459  	// We will need to truncate file bounds in at least one direction. Open all
   460  	// relevant iterators.
   461  	iter, rangeDelIter, err := d.newIters(ctx, file, &IterOptions{
   462  		LowerBound: lower,
   463  		UpperBound: upper,
   464  		level:      manifest.Level(level),
   465  	}, internalIterOpts{})
   466  	if err != nil {
   467  		return nil, false, err
   468  	}
   469  	defer iter.Close()
   470  	if rangeDelIter != nil {
   471  		rangeDelIter = keyspan.Truncate(
   472  			cmp, rangeDelIter, lower, upper, nil, nil,
   473  			false, /* panicOnUpperTruncate */
   474  		)
   475  		defer rangeDelIter.Close()
   476  	}
   477  	rangeKeyIter, err := d.tableNewRangeKeyIter(file, keyspan.SpanIterOptions{})
   478  	if err != nil {
   479  		return nil, false, err
   480  	}
   481  	if rangeKeyIter != nil {
   482  		rangeKeyIter = keyspan.Truncate(
   483  			cmp, rangeKeyIter, lower, upper, nil, nil,
   484  			false, /* panicOnUpperTruncate */
   485  		)
   486  		defer rangeKeyIter.Close()
   487  	}
   488  	// Check if we need to truncate on the left side. This means finding a new
   489  	// LargestPointKey and LargestRangeKey that is >= lower.
   490  	if needsLowerTruncate {
   491  		sst.SmallestPointKey.UserKey = sst.SmallestPointKey.UserKey[:0]
   492  		sst.SmallestPointKey.Trailer = 0
   493  		key, _ := iter.SeekGE(lower, base.SeekGEFlagsNone)
   494  		foundPointKey := key != nil
   495  		if key != nil {
   496  			sst.SmallestPointKey.CopyFrom(*key)
   497  		}
   498  		if rangeDelIter != nil {
   499  			span := rangeDelIter.SeekGE(lower)
   500  			if span != nil && (len(sst.SmallestPointKey.UserKey) == 0 || base.InternalCompare(cmp, span.SmallestKey(), sst.SmallestPointKey) < 0) {
   501  				sst.SmallestPointKey.CopyFrom(span.SmallestKey())
   502  				foundPointKey = true
   503  			}
   504  		}
   505  		if !foundPointKey {
   506  			// There are no point keys in the span we're interested in.
   507  			sst.SmallestPointKey = InternalKey{}
   508  			sst.LargestPointKey = InternalKey{}
   509  		}
   510  		sst.SmallestRangeKey.UserKey = sst.SmallestRangeKey.UserKey[:0]
   511  		sst.SmallestRangeKey.Trailer = 0
   512  		if rangeKeyIter != nil {
   513  			span := rangeKeyIter.SeekGE(lower)
   514  			if span != nil {
   515  				sst.SmallestRangeKey.CopyFrom(span.SmallestKey())
   516  			} else {
   517  				// There are no range keys in the span we're interested in.
   518  				sst.SmallestRangeKey = InternalKey{}
   519  				sst.LargestRangeKey = InternalKey{}
   520  			}
   521  		}
   522  	}
   523  	// Check if we need to truncate on the right side. This means finding a new
   524  	// LargestPointKey and LargestRangeKey that is < upper.
   525  	if needsUpperTruncate {
   526  		sst.LargestPointKey.UserKey = sst.LargestPointKey.UserKey[:0]
   527  		sst.LargestPointKey.Trailer = 0
   528  		key, _ := iter.SeekLT(upper, base.SeekLTFlagsNone)
   529  		foundPointKey := key != nil
   530  		if key != nil {
   531  			sst.LargestPointKey.CopyFrom(*key)
   532  		}
   533  		if rangeDelIter != nil {
   534  			span := rangeDelIter.SeekLT(upper)
   535  			if span != nil && (len(sst.LargestPointKey.UserKey) == 0 || base.InternalCompare(cmp, span.LargestKey(), sst.LargestPointKey) > 0) {
   536  				sst.LargestPointKey.CopyFrom(span.LargestKey())
   537  				foundPointKey = true
   538  			}
   539  		}
   540  		if !foundPointKey {
   541  			// There are no point keys in the span we're interested in.
   542  			sst.SmallestPointKey = InternalKey{}
   543  			sst.LargestPointKey = InternalKey{}
   544  		}
   545  		sst.LargestRangeKey.UserKey = sst.LargestRangeKey.UserKey[:0]
   546  		sst.LargestRangeKey.Trailer = 0
   547  		if rangeKeyIter != nil {
   548  			span := rangeKeyIter.SeekLT(upper)
   549  			if span != nil {
   550  				sst.LargestRangeKey.CopyFrom(span.LargestKey())
   551  			} else {
   552  				// There are no range keys in the span we're interested in.
   553  				sst.SmallestRangeKey = InternalKey{}
   554  				sst.LargestRangeKey = InternalKey{}
   555  			}
   556  		}
   557  	}
   558  	// Set overall bounds based on {Smallest,Largest}{Point,Range}Key.
   559  	switch {
   560  	case len(sst.SmallestRangeKey.UserKey) == 0:
   561  		sst.Smallest = sst.SmallestPointKey
   562  	case len(sst.SmallestPointKey.UserKey) == 0:
   563  		sst.Smallest = sst.SmallestRangeKey
   564  	default:
   565  		sst.Smallest = sst.SmallestPointKey
   566  		if base.InternalCompare(cmp, sst.SmallestRangeKey, sst.SmallestPointKey) < 0 {
   567  			sst.Smallest = sst.SmallestRangeKey
   568  		}
   569  	}
   570  	switch {
   571  	case len(sst.LargestRangeKey.UserKey) == 0:
   572  		sst.Largest = sst.LargestPointKey
   573  	case len(sst.LargestPointKey.UserKey) == 0:
   574  		sst.Largest = sst.LargestRangeKey
   575  	default:
   576  		sst.Largest = sst.LargestPointKey
   577  		if base.InternalCompare(cmp, sst.LargestRangeKey, sst.LargestPointKey) > 0 {
   578  			sst.Largest = sst.LargestRangeKey
   579  		}
   580  	}
   581  	// On rare occasion, a file might overlap with [lower, upper) but not actually
   582  	// have any keys within those bounds. Skip such files.
   583  	if len(sst.Smallest.UserKey) == 0 {
   584  		return nil, true, nil
   585  	}
   586  	sst.Size, err = d.tableCache.estimateSize(file, sst.Smallest.UserKey, sst.Largest.UserKey)
   587  	if err != nil {
   588  		return nil, false, err
   589  	}
   590  	// On occasion, estimateSize gives us a low estimate, i.e. a 0 file size. This
   591  	// can cause panics in places where we divide by file sizes. Correct for it
   592  	// here.
   593  	if sst.Size == 0 {
   594  		sst.Size = 1
   595  	}
   596  	return sst, false, nil
   597  }
   599  func scanInternalImpl(
   600  	ctx context.Context, lower, upper []byte, iter *scanInternalIterator, opts *scanInternalOptions,
   601  ) error {
   602  	if opts.visitSharedFile != nil && (lower == nil || upper == nil) {
   603  		panic("lower and upper bounds must be specified in skip-shared iteration mode")
   604  	}
   605  	// Before starting iteration, check if any files in levels sharedLevelsStart
   606  	// and below are *not* shared. Error out if that is the case, as skip-shared
   607  	// iteration will not produce a consistent point-in-time view of this range
   608  	// of keys. For files that are shared, call visitSharedFile with a truncated
   609  	// version of that file.
   610  	cmp := iter.comparer.Compare
   611  	provider := iter.db.ObjProvider()
   612  	seqNum := iter.seqNum
   613  	current := iter.version
   614  	if current == nil {
   615  		current = iter.readState.current
   616  	}
   617  	if opts.visitSharedFile != nil {
   618  		if provider == nil {
   619  			panic("expected non-nil Provider in skip-shared iteration mode")
   620  		}
   621  		for level := sharedLevelsStart; level < numLevels; level++ {
   622  			files := current.Levels[level].Iter()
   623  			for f := files.SeekGE(cmp, lower); f != nil && cmp(f.Smallest.UserKey, upper) < 0; f = files.Next() {
   624  				var objMeta objstorage.ObjectMetadata
   625  				var err error
   626  				objMeta, err = provider.Lookup(fileTypeTable, f.FileBacking.DiskFileNum)
   627  				if err != nil {
   628  					return err
   629  				}
   630  				if !objMeta.IsShared() {
   631  					return errors.Wrapf(ErrInvalidSkipSharedIteration, "file %s is not shared", objMeta.DiskFileNum)
   632  				}
   633  				if !base.Visible(f.LargestSeqNum, seqNum, base.InternalKeySeqNumMax) {
   634  					return errors.Wrapf(ErrInvalidSkipSharedIteration, "file %s contains keys newer than snapshot", objMeta.DiskFileNum)
   635  				}
   636  				var sst *SharedSSTMeta
   637  				var skip bool
   638  				sst, skip, err = iter.db.truncateSharedFile(ctx, lower, upper, level, f, objMeta)
   639  				if err != nil {
   640  					return err
   641  				}
   642  				if skip {
   643  					continue
   644  				}
   645  				if err = opts.visitSharedFile(sst); err != nil {
   646  					return err
   647  				}
   648  			}
   649  		}
   650  	}
   652  	for valid := iter.seekGE(lower); valid && iter.error() == nil; valid = {
   653  		key := iter.unsafeKey()
   655  		if opts.rateLimitFunc != nil {
   656  			if err := opts.rateLimitFunc(key, iter.lazyValue()); err != nil {
   657  				return err
   658  			}
   659  		}
   661  		switch key.Kind() {
   662  		case InternalKeyKindRangeKeyDelete, InternalKeyKindRangeKeyUnset, InternalKeyKindRangeKeySet:
   663  			if opts.visitRangeKey != nil {
   664  				span := iter.unsafeSpan()
   665  				// NB: The caller isn't interested in the sequence numbers of these
   666  				// range keys. Rather, the caller wants them to be in trailer order
   667  				// _after_ zeroing of sequence numbers. Copy span.Keys, sort it, and then
   668  				// call visitRangeKey.
   669  				keysCopy := make([]keyspan.Key, len(span.Keys))
   670  				for i := range span.Keys {
   671  					keysCopy[i] = span.Keys[i]
   672  					keysCopy[i].Trailer = base.MakeTrailer(0, span.Keys[i].Kind())
   673  				}
   674  				keyspan.SortKeysByTrailer(&keysCopy)
   675  				if err := opts.visitRangeKey(span.Start, span.End, keysCopy); err != nil {
   676  					return err
   677  				}
   678  			}
   679  		case InternalKeyKindRangeDelete:
   680  			if opts.visitRangeDel != nil {
   681  				rangeDel := iter.unsafeRangeDel()
   682  				if err := opts.visitRangeDel(rangeDel.Start, rangeDel.End, rangeDel.LargestSeqNum()); err != nil {
   683  					return err
   684  				}
   685  			}
   686  		default:
   687  			if opts.visitPointKey != nil {
   688  				var info IteratorLevel
   689  				if len(iter.mergingIter.heap.items) > 0 {
   690  					mergingIterIdx := iter.mergingIter.heap.items[0].index
   691  					info = iter.iterLevels[mergingIterIdx]
   692  				} else {
   693  					info = IteratorLevel{Kind: IteratorLevelUnknown}
   694  				}
   695  				val := iter.lazyValue()
   696  				if err := opts.visitPointKey(key, val, info); err != nil {
   697  					return err
   698  				}
   699  			}
   700  		}
   701  	}
   703  	return nil
   704  }
   706  // constructPointIter constructs a merging iterator and sets i.iter to it.
   707  func (i *scanInternalIterator) constructPointIter(memtables flushableList, buf *iterAlloc) {
   708  	// Merging levels and levels from iterAlloc.
   709  	mlevels := buf.mlevels[:0]
   710  	levels := buf.levels[:0]
   712  	// We compute the number of levels needed ahead of time and reallocate a slice if
   713  	// the array from the iterAlloc isn't large enough. Doing this allocation once
   714  	// should improve the performance.
   715  	numMergingLevels := len(memtables)
   716  	numLevelIters := 0
   718  	current := i.version
   719  	if current == nil {
   720  		current = i.readState.current
   721  	}
   722  	numMergingLevels += len(current.L0SublevelFiles)
   723  	numLevelIters += len(current.L0SublevelFiles)
   725  	for level := 1; level < len(current.Levels); level++ {
   726  		if current.Levels[level].Empty() {
   727  			continue
   728  		}
   729  		if i.opts.skipSharedLevels && level >= sharedLevelsStart {
   730  			continue
   731  		}
   732  		numMergingLevels++
   733  		numLevelIters++
   734  	}
   736  	if numMergingLevels > cap(mlevels) {
   737  		mlevels = make([]mergingIterLevel, 0, numMergingLevels)
   738  	}
   739  	if numLevelIters > cap(levels) {
   740  		levels = make([]levelIter, 0, numLevelIters)
   741  	}
   742  	// TODO(bilal): Push these into the iterAlloc buf.
   743  	var rangeDelMiter keyspan.MergingIter
   744  	rangeDelIters := make([]keyspan.FragmentIterator, 0, numMergingLevels)
   745  	rangeDelLevels := make([]keyspan.LevelIter, 0, numLevelIters)
   747  	i.iterLevels = make([]IteratorLevel, numMergingLevels)
   748  	mlevelsIndex := 0
   750  	// Next are the memtables.
   751  	for j := len(memtables) - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
   752  		mem := memtables[j]
   753  		mlevels = append(mlevels, mergingIterLevel{
   754  			iter: mem.newIter(&i.opts.IterOptions),
   755  		})
   756  		i.iterLevels[mlevelsIndex] = IteratorLevel{
   757  			Kind:           IteratorLevelFlushable,
   758  			FlushableIndex: j,
   759  		}
   760  		mlevelsIndex++
   761  		if rdi := mem.newRangeDelIter(&i.opts.IterOptions); rdi != nil {
   762  			rangeDelIters = append(rangeDelIters, rdi)
   763  		}
   764  	}
   766  	// Next are the file levels: L0 sub-levels followed by lower levels.
   767  	levelsIndex := len(levels)
   768  	mlevels = mlevels[:numMergingLevels]
   769  	levels = levels[:numLevelIters]
   770  	rangeDelLevels = rangeDelLevels[:numLevelIters]
   771  	i.opts.IterOptions.snapshotForHideObsoletePoints = i.seqNum
   772  	addLevelIterForFiles := func(files manifest.LevelIterator, level manifest.Level) {
   773  		li := &levels[levelsIndex]
   774  		rli := &rangeDelLevels[levelsIndex]
   776  		li.init(
   777  			context.Background(), i.opts.IterOptions, i.comparer, i.newIters, files, level,
   778  			internalIterOpts{})
   779  		li.initBoundaryContext(&mlevels[mlevelsIndex].levelIterBoundaryContext)
   780  		mlevels[mlevelsIndex].iter = li
   781  		rli.Init(keyspan.SpanIterOptions{RangeKeyFilters: i.opts.RangeKeyFilters},
   782  			i.comparer.Compare, tableNewRangeDelIter(context.Background(), i.newIters), files, level,
   783  			manifest.KeyTypePoint)
   784  		rangeDelIters = append(rangeDelIters, rli)
   786  		levelsIndex++
   787  		mlevelsIndex++
   788  	}
   790  	for j := len(current.L0SublevelFiles) - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
   791  		i.iterLevels[mlevelsIndex] = IteratorLevel{
   792  			Kind:     IteratorLevelLSM,
   793  			Level:    0,
   794  			Sublevel: j,
   795  		}
   796  		addLevelIterForFiles(current.L0SublevelFiles[j].Iter(), manifest.L0Sublevel(j))
   797  	}
   798  	// Add level iterators for the non-empty non-L0 levels.
   799  	for level := 1; level < numLevels; level++ {
   800  		if current.Levels[level].Empty() {
   801  			continue
   802  		}
   803  		if i.opts.skipSharedLevels && level >= sharedLevelsStart {
   804  			continue
   805  		}
   806  		i.iterLevels[mlevelsIndex] = IteratorLevel{Kind: IteratorLevelLSM, Level: level}
   807  		addLevelIterForFiles(current.Levels[level].Iter(), manifest.Level(level))
   808  	}
   810  	buf.merging.init(&i.opts.IterOptions, &InternalIteratorStats{}, i.comparer.Compare, i.comparer.Split, mlevels...)
   811  	buf.merging.snapshot = i.seqNum
   812  	rangeDelMiter.Init(i.comparer.Compare, keyspan.VisibleTransform(i.seqNum), new(keyspan.MergingBuffers), rangeDelIters...)
   814  	if i.opts.includeObsoleteKeys {
   815  		iiter := &keyspan.InterleavingIter{}
   816  		iiter.Init(i.comparer, &buf.merging, &rangeDelMiter,
   817  			keyspan.InterleavingIterOpts{
   818  				LowerBound: i.opts.LowerBound,
   819  				UpperBound: i.opts.UpperBound,
   820  			})
   821  		i.pointKeyIter = iiter
   822  	} else {
   823  		pcIter := &pointCollapsingIterator{
   824  			comparer: i.comparer,
   825  			merge:    i.merge,
   826  			seqNum:   i.seqNum,
   827  		}
   828  		pcIter.iter.Init(i.comparer, &buf.merging, &rangeDelMiter, keyspan.InterleavingIterOpts{
   829  			LowerBound: i.opts.LowerBound,
   830  			UpperBound: i.opts.UpperBound,
   831  		})
   832  		i.pointKeyIter = pcIter
   833  	}
   834  	i.iter = i.pointKeyIter
   835  }
   837  // constructRangeKeyIter constructs the range-key iterator stack, populating
   838  // i.rangeKey.rangeKeyIter with the resulting iterator. This is similar to
   839  // Iterator.constructRangeKeyIter, except it doesn't handle batches and ensures
   840  // iterConfig does *not* elide unsets/deletes.
   841  func (i *scanInternalIterator) constructRangeKeyIter() {
   842  	// We want the bounded iter from iterConfig, but not the collapsing of
   843  	// RangeKeyUnsets and RangeKeyDels.
   844  	i.rangeKey.rangeKeyIter = i.rangeKey.iterConfig.Init(
   845  		i.comparer, i.seqNum, i.opts.LowerBound, i.opts.UpperBound,
   846  		nil /* hasPrefix */, nil /* prefix */, true, /* internalKeys */
   847  		&i.rangeKey.rangeKeyBuffers.internal)
   849  	// Next are the flushables: memtables and large batches.
   850  	if i.readState != nil {
   851  		for j := len(i.readState.memtables) - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
   852  			mem := i.readState.memtables[j]
   853  			// We only need to read from memtables which contain sequence numbers older
   854  			// than seqNum.
   855  			if logSeqNum := mem.logSeqNum; logSeqNum >= i.seqNum {
   856  				continue
   857  			}
   858  			if rki := mem.newRangeKeyIter(&i.opts.IterOptions); rki != nil {
   859  				i.rangeKey.iterConfig.AddLevel(rki)
   860  			}
   861  		}
   862  	}
   864  	current := i.version
   865  	if current == nil {
   866  		current = i.readState.current
   867  	}
   868  	// Next are the file levels: L0 sub-levels followed by lower levels.
   869  	//
   870  	// Add file-specific iterators for L0 files containing range keys. This is less
   871  	// efficient than using levelIters for sublevels of L0 files containing
   872  	// range keys, but range keys are expected to be sparse anyway, reducing the
   873  	// cost benefit of maintaining a separate L0Sublevels instance for range key
   874  	// files and then using it here.
   875  	//
   876  	// NB: We iterate L0's files in reverse order. They're sorted by
   877  	// LargestSeqNum ascending, and we need to add them to the merging iterator
   878  	// in LargestSeqNum descending to preserve the merging iterator's invariants
   879  	// around Key Trailer order.
   880  	iter := current.RangeKeyLevels[0].Iter()
   881  	for f := iter.Last(); f != nil; f = iter.Prev() {
   882  		spanIter, err := i.newIterRangeKey(f, i.opts.SpanIterOptions())
   883  		if err != nil {
   884  			i.rangeKey.iterConfig.AddLevel(&errorKeyspanIter{err: err})
   885  			continue
   886  		}
   887  		i.rangeKey.iterConfig.AddLevel(spanIter)
   888  	}
   890  	// Add level iterators for the non-empty non-L0 levels.
   891  	for level := 1; level < len(current.RangeKeyLevels); level++ {
   892  		if current.RangeKeyLevels[level].Empty() {
   893  			continue
   894  		}
   895  		if i.opts.skipSharedLevels && level >= sharedLevelsStart {
   896  			continue
   897  		}
   898  		li := i.rangeKey.iterConfig.NewLevelIter()
   899  		spanIterOpts := i.opts.SpanIterOptions()
   900  		li.Init(spanIterOpts, i.comparer.Compare, i.newIterRangeKey, current.RangeKeyLevels[level].Iter(),
   901  			manifest.Level(level), manifest.KeyTypeRange)
   902  		i.rangeKey.iterConfig.AddLevel(li)
   903  	}
   904  }
   906  // seekGE seeks this iterator to the first key that's greater than or equal
   907  // to the specified user key.
   908  func (i *scanInternalIterator) seekGE(key []byte) bool {
   909  	i.iterKey, i.iterValue = i.iter.SeekGE(key, base.SeekGEFlagsNone)
   910  	return i.iterKey != nil
   911  }
   913  // unsafeKey returns the unsafe InternalKey at the current position. The value
   914  // is nil if the iterator is invalid or exhausted.
   915  func (i *scanInternalIterator) unsafeKey() *InternalKey {
   916  	return i.iterKey
   917  }
   919  // lazyValue returns a value pointer to the value at the current iterator
   920  // position. Behaviour undefined if unsafeKey() returns a Range key or Rangedel
   921  // kind key.
   922  func (i *scanInternalIterator) lazyValue() LazyValue {
   923  	return i.iterValue
   924  }
   926  // unsafeRangeDel returns a range key span. Behaviour undefined if UnsafeKey returns
   927  // a non-rangedel kind.
   928  func (i *scanInternalIterator) unsafeRangeDel() *keyspan.Span {
   929  	type spanInternalIterator interface {
   930  		Span() *keyspan.Span
   931  	}
   932  	return i.pointKeyIter.(spanInternalIterator).Span()
   933  }
   935  // unsafeSpan returns a range key span. Behaviour undefined if UnsafeKey returns
   936  // a non-rangekey type.
   937  func (i *scanInternalIterator) unsafeSpan() *keyspan.Span {
   938  	return i.rangeKey.iiter.Span()
   939  }
   941  // next advances the iterator in the forward direction, and returns the
   942  // iterator's new validity state.
   943  func (i *scanInternalIterator) next() bool {
   944  	i.iterKey, i.iterValue = i.iter.Next()
   945  	return i.iterKey != nil
   946  }
   948  // error returns an error from the internal iterator, if there's any.
   949  func (i *scanInternalIterator) error() error {
   950  	return i.iter.Error()
   951  }
   953  // close closes this iterator, and releases any pooled objects.
   954  func (i *scanInternalIterator) close() error {
   955  	if err := i.iter.Close(); err != nil {
   956  		return err
   957  	}
   958  	if i.readState != nil {
   959  		i.readState.unref()
   960  	}
   961  	if i.version != nil {
   962  		i.version.Unref()
   963  	}
   964  	if i.rangeKey != nil {
   965  		i.rangeKey.PrepareForReuse()
   966  		*i.rangeKey = iteratorRangeKeyState{
   967  			rangeKeyBuffers: i.rangeKey.rangeKeyBuffers,
   968  		}
   969  		iterRangeKeyStateAllocPool.Put(i.rangeKey)
   970  		i.rangeKey = nil
   971  	}
   972  	if alloc := i.alloc; alloc != nil {
   973  		for j := range i.boundsBuf {
   974  			if cap(i.boundsBuf[j]) >= maxKeyBufCacheSize {
   975  				alloc.boundsBuf[j] = nil
   976  			} else {
   977  				alloc.boundsBuf[j] = i.boundsBuf[j]
   978  			}
   979  		}
   980  		*alloc = iterAlloc{
   981  			keyBuf:              alloc.keyBuf[:0],
   982  			boundsBuf:           alloc.boundsBuf,
   983  			prefixOrFullSeekKey: alloc.prefixOrFullSeekKey[:0],
   984  		}
   985  		iterAllocPool.Put(alloc)
   986  		i.alloc = nil
   987  	}
   988  	return nil
   989  }
   991  func (i *scanInternalIterator) initializeBoundBufs(lower, upper []byte) {
   992  	buf := i.boundsBuf[i.boundsBufIdx][:0]
   993  	if lower != nil {
   994  		buf = append(buf, lower...)
   995  		i.opts.LowerBound = buf
   996  	} else {
   997  		i.opts.LowerBound = nil
   998  	}
   999  	if upper != nil {
  1000  		buf = append(buf, upper...)
  1001  		i.opts.UpperBound = buf[len(buf)-len(upper):]
  1002  	} else {
  1003  		i.opts.UpperBound = nil
  1004  	}
  1005  	i.boundsBuf[i.boundsBufIdx] = buf
  1006  	i.boundsBufIdx = 1 - i.boundsBufIdx
  1007  }