
     1  # LFP PAY API
     3  LFP PAY API which provides an interface for Creating, Getting, and Patching LFPs.
     5  ## Requirements
     6  In order to run this API locally you will need to install the following:
     8  - [Go](
     9  - [Git](
    11  ## Getting Started
    12  1. Clone this repository: `go get`
    13  1. Build the executable: `make build`
    15  ## Configuration
    16  | Variable                         | Default | Description                                                           |
    17  |:---------------------------------|:-------:|:----------------------------------------------------------------------|
    18  | `E5_API_URL`                     |   `-`   | E5 API Address                                                        |
    19  | `E5_USERNAME`                    |   `-`   | E5 API Username                                                       |
    20  | `BIND_ADDR`                      |   `-`   | The host:port to bind to                                              |
    21  | `MONGODB_URL`                    |   `-`   | The mongo db connection string                                        |
    22  | `LFP_MONGODB_DATABASE`           |   `-`   | The database name to connect to e.g. `late_filing_penalties`          |
    23  | `LFP_MONGODB_COLLECTION`         |   `-`   | The collection name e.g. `payable_resources`                          |
    24  | `KAFKA_BROKER_ADDR`              |   `_`   | Kafka Broker Address                                                  |
    25  | `SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL`            |   `_`   | Schema Registry URL                                                   |
    26  | `CHS_URL`                        |   `_`   | CHS URL                                                               |
    27  | `WEEKLY_MAINTENANCE_START_TIME`  |   `_`   | Start time of weekly maintenance e.g. `0700`                          |
    28  | `WEEKLY_MAINTENANCE_END_TIME`    |   `_`   | End time of weekly maintenance e.g. `0730`                            |
    29  | `WEEKLY_MAINTENANCE_DAY`         |   `_`   | Day of weekly maintenance e.g. `0` (zero for Sunday)                  |
    30  | `PLANNED_MAINTENANCE_START_TIME` |   `_`   | Start time and date of planned maintenance e.g. `01 Jan 19 15:04 BST` |
    31  | `PLANNED_MAINTENANCE_END_TIME`   |   `_`   | End time and date of planned maintenance e.g. `31 Jan 19 16:59 BST`   |
    33  ## Endpoints
    34  | Method    | Path                                                                   | Description                                                           |
    35  |:----------|:-----------------------------------------------------------------------|:----------------------------------------------------------------------|
    36  | **GET**   | `/healthcheck`                                                         | Standard healthcheck endpoint                                         |
    37  | **GET**   | `/healthcheck/finance-system`                                          | Healthcheck endpoint to check whether the finance system is available |
    38  | **GET**   | `/company/{company_number}/penalties/late-filing`                      | List the Late Filing Penalties for a company                          |
    39  | **POST**  | `/company/{company_number}/penalties/late-filing/payable`              | Create a payable penalty resource                                     |
    40  | **GET**   | `/company/{company_number}/penalties/late-filing/payable/{id}`         | Get a payable resource                                                |
    41  | **GET**   | `/company/{company_number}/penalties/late-filing/payable/{id}/payment` | List the cost items related to the penalty resource                   |
    42  | **PATCH** | `/company/{company_number}/penalties/late-filing/payable/{id}/payment` | Mark the resource as paid                                             |
    44  ## External Finance Systems
    45  The only external finance system currently supported is E5.
    47  ## Docker support
    49  Pull image from private CH registry by running `docker pull` command or run the following steps to build image locally:
    51  1. `export SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE='[your SSH key passhprase goes here]'` (optional, set only if SSH key is passphrase protected)
    52  2. `DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0 docker build --build-arg SSH_PRIVATE_KEY="$(cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa)" --build-arg SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE -t .`