
     1  project_name: confluent
     3  dist: dist/confluent
     5  before:
     6    hooks:
     7      # to avoid goreleaser error due to `make deps` on CI: git is currently in a dirty state
     8      # we should never see go.mod be dirty because we `go build -mod=readonly`, but we can't well control go.sum updates
     9      - git checkout go.sum
    10      # TODO: [CLI-92] we delete the semaphore cache during release to workaround an issue with semaphore and goreleaser
    11      - rm -rf $GOPATH/pkg/mod
    13  # NOTE: This will put all builds into the same ./dist folder.  There is no way to configure goreleaser output directories per-build, only per-project.
    14  # That means that we should probably not rely on the CI's directory layout for publishing binaries to s3 since cloud and rbac will be intermingled.
    15  builds:
    16    -
    17      binary: confluent
    18      main: cmd/confluent/main.go
    19      flags:
    20        - -mod=readonly
    21      ldflags:
    22        - -s -w -X main.version={{.Env.VERSION}} -X main.commit={{.ShortCommit}} -X{{.Date}} -X{{.Env.HOSTNAME}} -X main.cliName=confluent
    23      gcflags:
    24        - all=-trimpath={{.Env.GOPATH}}
    25      asmflags:
    26        - all=-trimpath={{.Env.GOPATH}}
    27      goos:
    28        - linux
    29        - darwin
    30        - windows
    31      goarch:
    32        - amd64
    33        - 386
    34      ignore:
    35        - goos: darwin
    36          goarch: 386
    37  release:
    38    disable: true
    40  archives:
    41    - id: binary
    42      format: binary
    43    - id: archive
    44      name_template: "{{ .ProjectName }}_v{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}"
    46  blobs:
    47    -
    48      ids:
    49      - binary
    50      provider: s3
    51      bucket:
    52      region: us-west-2
    53      folder: "{{.Env.S3FOLDER}}/{{.Version}}"