
     1  package test
     3  import (
     4  	"testing"
     6  	""
     8  	""
     9  	""
    10  	v3 ""
    11  	""
    12  )
    14  func (s *CLITestSuite) TestAPIKey() {
    15  	// TODO: add --config flag to all commands or ENVVAR instead of using standard config file location
    16  	tests := []CLITest{
    17  		{args: "api-key create --resource lkc-bob", login: "default", fixture: "apikey/1.golden"}, // MYKEY3
    18  		{args: "api-key list --resource lkc-bob", fixture: "apikey/2.golden"},
    19  		{args: "api-key list --resource lkc-abc", fixture: "apikey/3.golden"},
    20  		{args: "api-key update MYKEY1 --description first-key", fixture: "apikey/40.golden"},
    21  		{args: "api-key list --resource lkc-bob", fixture: "apikey/41.golden"},
    23  		// list json and yaml output
    24  		{args: "api-key list", fixture: "apikey/28.golden"},
    25  		{args: "api-key list -o json", fixture: "apikey/29.golden"},
    26  		{args: "api-key list -o yaml", fixture: "apikey/30.golden"},
    28  		// create api key for kafka cluster
    29  		{args: "api-key list --resource lkc-cool1", fixture: "apikey/4.golden"},
    30  		{args: "api-key create --description my-cool-app --resource lkc-cool1", fixture: "apikey/5.golden"}, // MYKEY4
    31  		{args: "api-key list --resource lkc-cool1", fixture: "apikey/6.golden"},
    33  		// create api key for other kafka cluster
    34  		{args: "api-key create --description my-other-app --resource lkc-other1", fixture: "apikey/7.golden"}, // MYKEY5
    35  		{args: "api-key list --resource lkc-cool1", fixture: "apikey/6.golden"},
    36  		{args: "api-key list --resource lkc-other1", fixture: "apikey/8.golden"},
    38  		// create api key for ksql cluster
    39  		{args: "api-key create --description my-ksql-app --resource lksqlc-ksql1", fixture: "apikey/9.golden"}, // MYKEY6
    40  		{args: "api-key list --resource lkc-cool1", fixture: "apikey/6.golden"},
    41  		{args: "api-key list --resource lksqlc-ksql1", fixture: "apikey/10.golden"},
    43  		// create api key for schema registry cluster
    44  		{args: "api-key create --resource lsrc-1", fixture: "apikey/20.golden"}, // MYKEY7
    45  		{args: "api-key list --resource lsrc-1", fixture: "apikey/21.golden"},
    47  		// create cloud api key
    48  		{args: "api-key create --resource cloud", fixture: "apikey/34.golden"}, // MYKEY8
    49  		{args: "api-key list --resource cloud", fixture: "apikey/35.golden"},
    51  		// use an api key for kafka cluster
    52  		{args: "api-key use MYKEY4 --resource lkc-cool1", fixture: "apikey/45.golden"},
    53  		{args: "api-key list --resource lkc-cool1", fixture: "apikey/11.golden"},
    55  		// use an api key for other kafka cluster
    56  		{args: "api-key use MYKEY5 --resource lkc-other1", fixture: "apikey/46.golden"},
    57  		{args: "api-key list --resource lkc-cool1", fixture: "apikey/11.golden"},
    58  		{args: "api-key list --resource lkc-other1", fixture: "apikey/12.golden"},
    60  		// delete api key that is in use
    61  		{args: "api-key delete MYKEY5", fixture: "apikey/42.golden"},
    62  		{args: "api-key list --resource lkc-other1", fixture: "apikey/43.golden"},
    64  		// store an api-key for kafka cluster
    65  		{args: "api-key store UIAPIKEY100 @test/fixtures/input/UIAPISECRET100.txt --resource lkc-cool1", fixture: "apikey/47.golden"},
    66  		{args: "api-key list --resource lkc-cool1", fixture: "apikey/11.golden"},
    68  		// store an api-key for other kafka cluster
    69  		{args: "api-key store UIAPIKEY101 @test/fixtures/input/UIAPISECRET101.txt --resource lkc-other1", fixture: "apikey/48.golden"},
    70  		{args: "api-key list --resource lkc-cool1", fixture: "apikey/11.golden"},
    71  		{args: "api-key list --resource lkc-other1", fixture: "apikey/44.golden"},
    73  		// store exists already error
    74  		{args: "api-key store UIAPIKEY101 @test/fixtures/input/UIAPISECRET101.txt --resource lkc-other1", fixture: "apikey/override-error.golden", wantErrCode: 1},
    76  		// store an api-key for ksql cluster (not yet supported)
    77  		//{args: "api-key store UIAPIKEY103 UIAPISECRET103 --resource lksqlc-ksql1", fixture: "empty.golden"},
    78  		//{args: "api-key list --resource lksqlc-ksql1", fixture: "apikey/10.golden"},
    79  		// TODO: change test back once api-key store and use command allows for non kafka clusters
    80  		{args: "api-key store UIAPIKEY103 UIAPISECRET103 --resource lksqlc-ksql1", fixture: "apikey/36.golden", wantErrCode: 1},
    81  		{args: "api-key use UIAPIKEY103 --resource lksqlc-ksql1", fixture: "apikey/36.golden", wantErrCode: 1},
    83  		// list all api-keys
    84  		{args: "api-key list", fixture: "apikey/22.golden"},
    86  		// list api-keys belonging to currently logged in user
    87  		{args: "api-key list --current-user", fixture: "apikey/23.golden"},
    89  		// create api-key for a service account
    90  		{args: "api-key create --resource lkc-cool1 --service-account 99", fixture: "apikey/24.golden"},
    91  		{args: "api-key list --current-user", fixture: "apikey/23.golden"},
    92  		{args: "api-key list", fixture: "apikey/25.golden"},
    93  		{args: "api-key list --service-account 99", fixture: "apikey/26.golden"},
    94  		{args: "api-key list --resource lkc-cool1", fixture: "apikey/27.golden"},
    95  		{args: "api-key list --resource lkc-cool1 --service-account 99", fixture: "apikey/26.golden"},
    97  		// create json yaml output
    98  		{args: "api-key create --description human-output --resource lkc-other1", fixture: "apikey/31.golden"},
    99  		{args: "api-key create --description json-output --resource lkc-other1 -o json", fixture: "apikey/32.golden"},
   100  		{args: "api-key create --description yaml-output --resource lkc-other1 -o yaml", fixture: "apikey/33.golden"},
   102  		// store: error handling
   103  		{name: "error if storing unknown api key", args: "api-key store UNKNOWN @test/fixtures/input/UIAPISECRET100.txt --resource lkc-cool1", fixture: "apikey/15.golden"},
   104  		{name: "error if storing api key with existing secret", args: "api-key store UIAPIKEY100 NEWSECRET --resource lkc-cool1", fixture: "apikey/16.golden"},
   105  		{name: "succeed if forced to overwrite existing secret", args: "api-key store -f UIAPIKEY100 NEWSECRET --resource lkc-cool1", fixture: "apikey/49.golden",
   106  			wantFunc: func(t *testing.T) {
   107  				logger := log.New()
   108  				cfg := v3.New(&config.Params{
   109  					CLIName:    "ccloud",
   110  					MetricSink: nil,
   111  					Logger:     logger,
   112  				})
   113  				cfg, err := load.LoadAndMigrate(cfg)
   114  				require.NoError(t, err)
   115  				ctx := cfg.Context()
   116  				require.NotNil(t, ctx)
   117  				kcc := ctx.KafkaClusterContext.GetKafkaClusterConfig("lkc-cool1")
   118  				pair := kcc.APIKeys["UIAPIKEY100"]
   119  				require.NotNil(t, pair)
   120  				require.Equal(t, "NEWSECRET", pair.Secret)
   121  			}},
   123  		// use: error handling
   124  		{name: "error if using non-existent api-key", args: "api-key use UNKNOWN --resource lkc-cool1", fixture: "apikey/17.golden"},
   125  		{name: "error if using api-key for wrong cluster", args: "api-key use MYKEY2 --resource lkc-cool1", fixture: "apikey/18.golden"},
   126  		{name: "error if using api-key without existing secret", args: "api-key use UIAPIKEY103 --resource lkc-cool1", fixture: "apikey/19.golden"},
   128  		// more errors
   129  		{args: "api-key use UIAPIKEY103", fixture: "apikey/37.golden", wantErrCode: 1},
   130  		{args: "api-key create", fixture: "apikey/38.golden", wantErrCode: 1},
   131  		{args: "api-key use UIAPIKEY103 --resource lkc-unknown", fixture: "apikey/resource-unknown-error.golden", wantErrCode: 1},
   132  		{args: "api-key create --resource lkc-unknown", fixture: "apikey/resource-unknown-error.golden", wantErrCode: 1},
   133  	}
   135  	resetConfiguration(s.T(), "ccloud")
   136  	kafkaURL := serveKafkaAPI(s.T()).URL
   137  	loginURL := serve(s.T(), kafkaURL).URL
   139  	for _, tt := range tests {
   140  		tt.workflow = true
   141  		s.runCcloudTest(tt, loginURL)
   142  	}
   143  }