
     1  package test
     3  import (
     4  	"encoding/json"
     5  	"flag"
     6  	"fmt"
     7  	"io"
     8  	"io/ioutil"
     9  	"net/http"
    10  	"net/http/httptest"
    11  	"net/url"
    12  	"os"
    13  	"os/exec"
    14  	"path"
    15  	"reflect"
    16  	"regexp"
    17  	"runtime"
    18  	"sort"
    19  	"strconv"
    20  	"strings"
    21  	"testing"
    23  	linkv1 ""
    25  	""
    27  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    33  	""
    34  	corev1 ""
    35  	orgv1 ""
    36  	productv1 ""
    37  	schedv1 ""
    38  	utilv1 ""
    39  	opv1 ""
    40  	""
    42  	""
    43  	v3 ""
    44  )
    46  var (
    47  	noRebuild           = flag.Bool("no-rebuild", false, "skip rebuilding CLI if it already exists")
    48  	update              = flag.Bool("update", false, "update golden files")
    49  	debug               = flag.Bool("debug", true, "enable verbose output")
    50  	skipSsoBrowserTests = flag.Bool("skip-sso-browser-tests", false, "If flag is preset, run the tests that require a web browser.")
    51  	ssoTestEmail        = *flag.String("sso-test-user-email", "", "The email of an sso enabled test user.")
    52  	ssoTestPassword     = *flag.String("sso-test-user-password", "aWLw9eG+F", "The password for the sso enabled test user.")
    53  	// this connection is preconfigured in Auth0 to hit a test Okta account
    54  	ssoTestConnectionName = *flag.String("sso-test-connection-name", "confluent-dev", "The Auth0 SSO connection name.")
    55  	// browser tests by default against devel
    56  	ssoTestLoginUrl  = *flag.String("sso-test-login-url", "", "The login url to use for the sso browser test.")
    57  	cover            = false
    58  	ccloudTestBin    = ccloudTestBinNormal
    59  	confluentTestBin = confluentTestBinNormal
    60  	covCollector     *bincover.CoverageCollector
    61  	environments     = []*orgv1.Account{{Id: "a-595", Name: "default"}, {Id: "not-595", Name: "other"}}
    62  )
    64  const (
    65  	confluentTestBinNormal = "confluent_test"
    66  	ccloudTestBinNormal    = "ccloud_test"
    67  	ccloudTestBinRace      = "ccloud_test_race"
    68  	confluentTestBinRace   = "confluent_test_race"
    69  	mergedCoverageFilename = "integ_coverage.txt"
    70  )
    72  // CLITest represents a test configuration
    73  type CLITest struct {
    74  	// Name to show in go test output; defaults to args if not set
    75  	name string
    76  	// The CLI command being tested; this is a string of args and flags passed to the binary
    77  	args string
    78  	// The set of environment variables to be set when the CLI is run
    79  	env []string
    80  	// "default" if you need to login, or "" otherwise
    81  	login string
    82  	// The kafka cluster ID to "use"
    83  	useKafka string
    84  	// The API Key to set as Kafka credentials
    85  	authKafka string
    86  	// Name of a golden output fixture containing expected output
    87  	fixture string
    88  	// True iff fixture represents a regex
    89  	regex bool
    90  	// Fixed string to check if output contains
    91  	contains string
    92  	// Fixed string to check that output does not contain
    93  	notContains string
    94  	// Expected exit code (e.g., 0 for success or 1 for failure)
    95  	wantErrCode int
    96  	// If true, don't reset the config/state between tests to enable testing CLI workflows
    97  	workflow bool
    98  	// An optional function that allows you to specify other calls
    99  	wantFunc func(t *testing.T)
   100  }
   102  // CLITestSuite is the CLI integration tests.
   103  type CLITestSuite struct {
   104  	suite.Suite
   105  }
   107  // TestCLI runs the CLI integration test suite.
   108  func TestCLI(t *testing.T) {
   109  	suite.Run(t, new(CLITestSuite))
   110  }
   112  func init() {
   113  	collectCoverage := os.Getenv("INTEG_COVER")
   114  	cover = collectCoverage == "on"
   115  	ciEnv := os.Getenv("CI")
   116  	if ciEnv == "on" {
   117  		ccloudTestBin = ccloudTestBinRace
   118  		confluentTestBin = confluentTestBinRace
   119  	}
   120  	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
   121  		ccloudTestBin = ccloudTestBin + ".exe"
   122  		confluentTestBin = confluentTestBin + ".exe"
   123  	}
   124  }
   126  // SetupSuite builds the CLI binary to test
   127  func (s *CLITestSuite) SetupSuite() {
   128  	covCollector = bincover.NewCoverageCollector(mergedCoverageFilename, cover)
   129  	covCollector.Setup()
   130  	req := require.New(s.T())
   132  	// dumb but effective
   133  	err := os.Chdir("..")
   134  	req.NoError(err)
   135  	err = os.Setenv("XX_CCLOUD_RBAC", "yes")
   136  	req.NoError(err)
   137  	for _, binary := range []string{ccloudTestBin, confluentTestBin} {
   138  		if _, err = os.Stat(binaryPath(s.T(), binary)); os.IsNotExist(err) || !*noRebuild {
   139  			var makeArgs string
   140  			if ccloudTestBin == ccloudTestBinRace {
   141  				makeArgs = "build-integ-race"
   142  			} else {
   143  				makeArgs = "build-integ-nonrace"
   144  			}
   145  			makeCmd := exec.Command("make", makeArgs)
   146  			output, err := makeCmd.CombinedOutput()
   147  			if err != nil {
   148  				s.T().Log(string(output))
   149  				req.NoError(err)
   150  			}
   151  		}
   152  	}
   153  }
   155  func (s *CLITestSuite) TearDownSuite() {
   156  	// Merge coverage profiles.
   157  	_ = os.Unsetenv("XX_CCLOUD_RBAC")
   158  	covCollector.TearDown()
   159  }
   161  func (s *CLITestSuite) TestConfluentHelp() {
   162  	var tests []CLITest
   163  	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
   164  		tests = []CLITest{
   165  			{name: "no args", fixture: "confluent-help-flag-windows.golden", wantErrCode: 1},
   166  			{args: "help", fixture: "confluent-help-windows.golden"},
   167  			{args: "--help", fixture: "confluent-help-flag-windows.golden"},
   168  			{args: "version", fixture: "confluent-version.golden", regex: true},
   169  		}
   170  	} else {
   171  		tests = []CLITest{
   172  			{name: "no args", fixture: "confluent-help-flag.golden", wantErrCode: 1},
   173  			{args: "help", fixture: "confluent-help.golden"},
   174  			{args: "--help", fixture: "confluent-help-flag.golden"},
   175  			{args: "version", fixture: "confluent-version.golden", regex: true},
   176  		}
   177  	}
   179  	loginURL := serveMds(s.T()).URL
   181  	for _, tt := range tests {
   182  		s.runConfluentTest(tt, loginURL)
   183  	}
   184  }
   186  func (s *CLITestSuite) TestCcloudHelp() {
   187  	tests := []CLITest{
   188  		{name: "no args", fixture: "help-flag-fail.golden", wantErrCode: 1},
   189  		{args: "help", fixture: "help.golden"},
   190  		{args: "--help", fixture: "help-flag.golden"},
   191  		{args: "version", fixture: "version.golden", regex: true},
   192  	}
   194  	kafkaURL := serveKafkaAPI(s.T()).URL
   195  	loginURL := serve(s.T(), kafkaURL).URL
   197  	for _, tt := range tests {
   198  		s.runCcloudTest(tt, loginURL)
   199  	}
   200  }
   202  func assertUserAgent(t *testing.T, expected string) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   203  	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   204  		require.Regexp(t, expected, r.Header.Get("User-Agent"))
   205  	}
   206  }
   208  func (s *CLITestSuite) TestUserAgent() {
   209  	checkUserAgent := func(t *testing.T, expected string) string {
   210  		kafkaApiRouter := http.NewServeMux()
   211  		kafkaApiRouter.HandleFunc("/", assertUserAgent(t, expected))
   212  		kafkaApiServer := httptest.NewServer(kafkaApiRouter)
   213  		cloudRouter := http.NewServeMux()
   214  		cloudRouter.HandleFunc("/api/sessions", compose(assertUserAgent(t, expected), handleLogin(t)))
   215  		cloudRouter.HandleFunc("/api/me", compose(assertUserAgent(t, expected), handleMe(t)))
   216  		cloudRouter.HandleFunc("/api/check_email/", compose(assertUserAgent(t, expected), handleCheckEmail(t)))
   217  		cloudRouter.HandleFunc("/api/clusters/", compose(assertUserAgent(t, expected), handleKafkaClusterGetListDeleteDescribe(t, kafkaApiServer.URL)))
   218  		return httptest.NewServer(cloudRouter).URL
   219  	}
   221  	serverURL := checkUserAgent(s.T(), fmt.Sprintf("Confluent-Cloud-CLI/v(?:[0-9]\\.?){3}([^ ]*) \\(;\\) "+
   222  		"ccloud-sdk-go/%s \\(%s/%s; go[^ ]*\\)", ccloud.SDKVersion, runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH))
   223  	env := []string{"", "XX_CCLOUD_PASSWORD=pass1"}
   225  	s.T().Run("ccloud login", func(tt *testing.T) {
   226  		_ = runCommand(tt, ccloudTestBin, env, "login --url "+serverURL, 0)
   227  	})
   228  	s.T().Run("ccloud cluster list", func(tt *testing.T) {
   229  		_ = runCommand(tt, ccloudTestBin, env, "kafka cluster list", 0)
   230  	})
   231  	s.T().Run("ccloud topic list", func(tt *testing.T) {
   232  		_ = runCommand(tt, ccloudTestBin, env, "kafka topic list --cluster lkc-abc123", 0)
   233  	})
   234  }
   236  func (s *CLITestSuite) TestCcloudErrors() {
   237  	type errorer interface {
   238  		GetError() *corev1.Error
   239  	}
   240  	serveErrors := func(t *testing.T) string {
   241  		req := require.New(t)
   242  		write := func(w http.ResponseWriter, resp proto.Message) {
   243  			if r, ok := resp.(errorer); ok {
   244  				w.WriteHeader(int(r.GetError().Code))
   245  			}
   246  			b, err := utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(resp)
   247  			req.NoError(err)
   248  			_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(b))
   249  			req.NoError(err)
   250  		}
   251  		router := http.NewServeMux()
   252  		router.HandleFunc("/api/sessions", handleLogin(t))
   253  		router.HandleFunc("/api/me", handleMe(t))
   254  		router.HandleFunc("/api/check_email/", handleCheckEmail(t))
   255  		router.HandleFunc("/api/clusters", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   256  			switch r.Header.Get("Authorization") {
   257  			// TODO: these assume the upstream doesn't change its error responses. Fragile, fragile, fragile. :(
   258  			//
   259  			case "Bearer expired":
   260  				write(w, &schedv1.GetKafkaClustersReply{Error: &corev1.Error{Message: "token is expired", Code: http.StatusUnauthorized}})
   261  			case "Bearer malformed":
   262  				write(w, &schedv1.GetKafkaClustersReply{Error: &corev1.Error{Message: "malformed token", Code: http.StatusBadRequest}})
   263  			case "Bearer invalid":
   264  				// TODO: The response for an invalid token should be 4xx, not 500 (e.g., if you take a working token from devel and try in stag)
   265  				write(w, &schedv1.GetKafkaClustersReply{Error: &corev1.Error{Message: "Token parsing error: crypto/rsa: verification error", Code: http.StatusInternalServerError}})
   266  			default:
   267  				req.Fail("reached the unreachable", "auth=%s", r.Header.Get("Authorization"))
   268  			}
   269  		})
   270  		server := httptest.NewServer(router)
   271  		return server.URL
   272  	}
   274  	s.T().Run("invalid user or pass", func(tt *testing.T) {
   275  		loginURL := serveErrors(tt)
   276  		env := []string{"", "XX_CCLOUD_PASSWORD=pass1"}
   277  		output := runCommand(tt, ccloudTestBin, env, "login --url "+loginURL, 1)
   278  		require.Contains(tt, output, errors.InvalidLoginErrorMsg)
   279  		require.Contains(tt, output, errors.ComposeSuggestionsMessage(errors.CCloudInvalidLoginSuggestions))
   280  	})
   282  	s.T().Run("expired token", func(tt *testing.T) {
   283  		loginURL := serveErrors(tt)
   284  		env := []string{"", "XX_CCLOUD_PASSWORD=pass1"}
   285  		output := runCommand(tt, ccloudTestBin, env, "login --url "+loginURL, 0)
   286  		require.Contains(tt, output, fmt.Sprintf(errors.LoggedInAsMsg, ""))
   287  		require.Contains(tt, output, fmt.Sprintf(errors.LoggedInUsingEnvMsg, "a-595", "default"))
   288  		output = runCommand(tt, ccloudTestBin, []string{}, "kafka cluster list", 1)
   289  		require.Contains(tt, output, errors.TokenExpiredMsg)
   290  		require.Contains(tt, output, errors.NotLoggedInErrorMsg)
   291  	})
   293  	s.T().Run("malformed token", func(tt *testing.T) {
   294  		loginURL := serveErrors(tt)
   295  		env := []string{"", "XX_CCLOUD_PASSWORD=pass1"}
   296  		output := runCommand(tt, ccloudTestBin, env, "login --url "+loginURL, 0)
   297  		require.Contains(tt, output, fmt.Sprintf(errors.LoggedInAsMsg, ""))
   298  		require.Contains(tt, output, fmt.Sprintf(errors.LoggedInUsingEnvMsg, "a-595", "default"))
   300  		output = runCommand(s.T(), ccloudTestBin, []string{}, "kafka cluster list", 1)
   301  		require.Contains(tt, output, errors.CorruptedTokenErrorMsg)
   302  		require.Contains(tt, output, errors.ComposeSuggestionsMessage(errors.CorruptedTokenSuggestions))
   303  	})
   305  	s.T().Run("invalid jwt", func(tt *testing.T) {
   306  		loginURL := serveErrors(tt)
   307  		env := []string{"", "XX_CCLOUD_PASSWORD=pass1"}
   308  		output := runCommand(tt, ccloudTestBin, env, "login --url "+loginURL, 0)
   309  		require.Contains(tt, output, fmt.Sprintf(errors.LoggedInAsMsg, ""))
   310  		require.Contains(tt, output, fmt.Sprintf(errors.LoggedInUsingEnvMsg, "a-595", "default"))
   312  		output = runCommand(s.T(), ccloudTestBin, []string{}, "kafka cluster list", 1)
   313  		require.Contains(tt, output, errors.CorruptedTokenErrorMsg)
   314  		require.Contains(tt, output, errors.ComposeSuggestionsMessage(errors.CorruptedTokenSuggestions))
   315  	})
   316  }
   318  func (s *CLITestSuite) runCcloudTest(tt CLITest, loginURL string) {
   319  	if == "" {
   320 = tt.args
   321  	}
   322  	if strings.HasPrefix(, "error") {
   323  		tt.wantErrCode = 1
   324  	}
   326  	s.T().Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
   327  		if !tt.workflow {
   328  			resetConfiguration(t, "ccloud")
   329  		}
   331  		if tt.login == "default" {
   332  			env := []string{"", "XX_CCLOUD_PASSWORD=pass1"}
   333  			output := runCommand(t, ccloudTestBin, env, "login --url "+loginURL, 0)
   334  			if *debug {
   335  				fmt.Println(output)
   336  			}
   337  		}
   339  		if tt.useKafka != "" {
   340  			output := runCommand(t, ccloudTestBin, []string{}, "kafka cluster use "+tt.useKafka, 0)
   341  			if *debug {
   342  				fmt.Println(output)
   343  			}
   344  		}
   346  		if tt.authKafka != "" {
   347  			output := runCommand(t, ccloudTestBin, []string{}, "api-key create --resource "+tt.useKafka, 0)
   348  			if *debug {
   349  				fmt.Println(output)
   350  			}
   351  			// HACK: we don't have scriptable output yet so we parse it from the table
   352  			key := strings.TrimSpace(strings.Split(strings.Split(output, "\n")[3], "|")[2])
   353  			output = runCommand(t, ccloudTestBin, []string{}, fmt.Sprintf("api-key use %s --resource %s", key, tt.useKafka), 0)
   354  			if *debug {
   355  				fmt.Println(output)
   356  			}
   357  		}
   358  		output := runCommand(t, ccloudTestBin, tt.env, tt.args, tt.wantErrCode)
   359  		if *debug {
   360  			fmt.Println(output)
   361  		}
   363  		if strings.HasPrefix(tt.args, "kafka cluster create") ||
   364  			strings.HasPrefix(tt.args, "config context current") {
   365  			re := regexp.MustCompile("https?://[0-9]+")
   366  			output = re.ReplaceAllString(output, "")
   367  		}
   369  		s.validateTestOutput(tt, t, output)
   370  	})
   371  }
   373  func (s *CLITestSuite) runConfluentTest(tt CLITest, loginURL string) {
   374  	if == "" {
   375 = tt.args
   376  	}
   377  	if strings.HasPrefix(, "error") {
   378  		tt.wantErrCode = 1
   379  	}
   380  	s.T().Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
   381  		if !tt.workflow {
   382  			resetConfiguration(t, "confluent")
   383  		}
   385  		if tt.login == "default" {
   386  			env := []string{"", "XX_CONFLUENT_PASSWORD=pass1"}
   387  			output := runCommand(t, confluentTestBin, env, "login --url "+loginURL, 0)
   388  			if *debug {
   389  				fmt.Println(output)
   390  			}
   391  		}
   393  		output := runCommand(t, confluentTestBin, []string{}, tt.args, tt.wantErrCode)
   395  		if strings.HasPrefix(tt.args, "config context list") ||
   396  			strings.HasPrefix(tt.args, "config context current") {
   397  			re := regexp.MustCompile("https?://[0-9]+")
   398  			output = re.ReplaceAllString(output, "")
   399  		}
   401  		s.validateTestOutput(tt, t, output)
   402  	})
   403  }
   405  func (s *CLITestSuite) validateTestOutput(tt CLITest, t *testing.T, output string) {
   406  	if *update && !tt.regex && tt.fixture != "" {
   407  		writeFixture(t, tt.fixture, output)
   408  	}
   409  	actual := utils.NormalizeNewLines(output)
   410  	if tt.contains != "" {
   411  		require.Contains(t, actual, tt.contains)
   412  	} else if tt.notContains != "" {
   413  		require.NotContains(t, actual, tt.notContains)
   414  	} else if tt.fixture != "" {
   415  		expected := utils.NormalizeNewLines(LoadFixture(t, tt.fixture))
   416  		if tt.regex {
   417  			require.Regexp(t, expected, actual)
   418  		} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(actual, expected) {
   419  			t.Fatalf("\n   actual:\n%s\nexpected:\n%s", actual, expected)
   420  		}
   421  	}
   422  	if tt.wantFunc != nil {
   423  		tt.wantFunc(t)
   424  	}
   425  }
   427  func runCommand(t *testing.T, binaryName string, env []string, args string, wantErrCode int) string {
   428  	output, exitCode, err := covCollector.RunBinary(binaryPath(t, binaryName), "TestRunMain", env, strings.Split(args, " "))
   429  	if err != nil && wantErrCode == 0 {
   430  		require.Failf(t, "unexpected error",
   431  			"exit %d: %s\n%s", exitCode, args, output)
   432  	}
   433  	require.Equal(t, wantErrCode, exitCode, output)
   434  	return output
   435  }
   437  func resetConfiguration(t *testing.T, cliName string) {
   438  	// HACK: delete your current config to isolate tests cases for non-workflow tests...
   439  	// probably don't really want to do this or devs will get mad
   440  	cfg := v3.New(&config.Params{
   441  		CLIName: cliName,
   442  	})
   443  	err := cfg.Save()
   444  	require.NoError(t, err)
   445  }
   447  func writeFixture(t *testing.T, fixture string, content string) {
   448  	err := ioutil.WriteFile(FixturePath(t, fixture), []byte(content), 0644)
   449  	if err != nil {
   450  		t.Fatal(err)
   451  	}
   452  }
   454  func binaryPath(t *testing.T, binaryName string) string {
   455  	dir, err := os.Getwd()
   456  	require.NoError(t, err)
   457  	return path.Join(dir, binaryName)
   458  }
   460  var keyStore = map[int32]*schedv1.ApiKey{}
   461  var keyIndex = int32(1)
   463  type ApiKeyList []*schedv1.ApiKey
   465  // Len is part of sort.Interface.
   466  func (d ApiKeyList) Len() int {
   467  	return len(d)
   468  }
   470  // Swap is part of sort.Interface.
   471  func (d ApiKeyList) Swap(i, j int) {
   472  	d[i], d[j] = d[j], d[i]
   473  }
   475  // Less is part of sort.Interface. We use Key as the value to sort by
   476  func (d ApiKeyList) Less(i, j int) bool {
   477  	return d[i].Key < d[j].Key
   478  }
   480  func init() {
   481  	keyStore[keyIndex] = &schedv1.ApiKey{
   482  		Id:     keyIndex,
   483  		Key:    "MYKEY1",
   484  		Secret: "MYSECRET1",
   485  		LogicalClusters: []*schedv1.ApiKey_Cluster{
   486  			{Id: "lkc-bob", Type: "kafka"},
   487  		},
   488  		UserId: 12,
   489  	}
   490  	keyIndex += 1
   491  	keyStore[keyIndex] = &schedv1.ApiKey{
   492  		Id:     keyIndex,
   493  		Key:    "MYKEY2",
   494  		Secret: "MYSECRET2",
   495  		LogicalClusters: []*schedv1.ApiKey_Cluster{
   496  			{Id: "lkc-abc", Type: "kafka"},
   497  		},
   498  		UserId: 18,
   499  	}
   500  	keyIndex += 1
   501  	keyStore[100] = &schedv1.ApiKey{
   502  		Id:     keyIndex,
   503  		Key:    "UIAPIKEY100",
   504  		Secret: "UIAPISECRET100",
   505  		LogicalClusters: []*schedv1.ApiKey_Cluster{
   506  			{Id: "lkc-cool1", Type: "kafka"},
   507  		},
   508  		UserId: 25,
   509  	}
   510  	keyStore[101] = &schedv1.ApiKey{
   511  		Id:     keyIndex,
   512  		Key:    "UIAPIKEY101",
   513  		Secret: "UIAPISECRET101",
   514  		LogicalClusters: []*schedv1.ApiKey_Cluster{
   515  			{Id: "lkc-other1", Type: "kafka"},
   516  		},
   517  		UserId: 25,
   518  	}
   519  	keyStore[102] = &schedv1.ApiKey{
   520  		Id:     keyIndex,
   521  		Key:    "UIAPIKEY102",
   522  		Secret: "UIAPISECRET102",
   523  		LogicalClusters: []*schedv1.ApiKey_Cluster{
   524  			{Id: "lksqlc-ksql1", Type: "ksql"},
   525  		},
   526  		UserId: 25,
   527  	}
   528  	keyStore[103] = &schedv1.ApiKey{
   529  		Id:     keyIndex,
   530  		Key:    "UIAPIKEY103",
   531  		Secret: "UIAPISECRET103",
   532  		LogicalClusters: []*schedv1.ApiKey_Cluster{
   533  			{Id: "lkc-cool1", Type: "kafka"},
   534  		},
   535  		UserId: 25,
   536  	}
   537  }
   539  func serve(t *testing.T, kafkaAPIURL string) *httptest.Server {
   540  	router := http.NewServeMux()
   541  	router.HandleFunc("/api/sessions", handleLogin(t))
   542  	router.HandleFunc("/api/check_email/", handleCheckEmail(t))
   543  	router.HandleFunc("/api/me", handleMe(t))
   544  	router.HandleFunc("/api/api_keys", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   545  		if r.Method == "POST" {
   546  			req := &schedv1.CreateApiKeyRequest{}
   547  			err := utilv1.UnmarshalJSON(r.Body, req)
   548  			require.NoError(t, err)
   549  			require.NotEmpty(t, req.ApiKey.AccountId)
   550  			apiKey := req.ApiKey
   551  			apiKey.Id = keyIndex
   552  			apiKey.Key = fmt.Sprintf("MYKEY%d", keyIndex)
   553  			apiKey.Secret = fmt.Sprintf("MYSECRET%d", keyIndex)
   554  			if req.ApiKey.UserId == 0 {
   555  				apiKey.UserId = 23
   556  			} else {
   557  				apiKey.UserId = req.ApiKey.UserId
   558  			}
   559  			keyIndex++
   560  			keyStore[apiKey.Id] = apiKey
   561  			b, err := utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&schedv1.CreateApiKeyReply{ApiKey: apiKey})
   562  			require.NoError(t, err)
   563  			_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(b))
   564  			require.NoError(t, err)
   565  		} else if r.Method == "GET" {
   566  			require.NotEmpty(t, r.URL.Query().Get("account_id"))
   567  			apiKeys := apiKeysFilter(r.URL)
   568  			// Return sorted data or the test output will not be stable
   569  			sort.Sort(ApiKeyList(apiKeys))
   570  			b, err := utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&schedv1.GetApiKeysReply{ApiKeys: apiKeys})
   571  			require.NoError(t, err)
   572  			_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(b))
   573  			require.NoError(t, err)
   574  		}
   575  	})
   576  	router.HandleFunc("/api/api_keys/", handleAPIKeyUpdateAndDelete(t))
   577  	router.HandleFunc("/api/accounts", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   578  		if r.Method == "GET" {
   579  			b, err := utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&orgv1.ListAccountsReply{Accounts: environments})
   580  			require.NoError(t, err)
   581  			_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(b))
   582  			require.NoError(t, err)
   583  		} else if r.Method == "POST" {
   584  			req := &orgv1.CreateAccountRequest{}
   585  			err := utilv1.UnmarshalJSON(r.Body, req)
   586  			require.NoError(t, err)
   587  			account := &orgv1.Account{
   588  				Id:             "a-5555",
   589  				Name:           req.Account.Name,
   590  				OrganizationId: 0,
   591  			}
   592  			b, err := utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&orgv1.CreateAccountReply{
   593  				Account: account,
   594  			})
   595  			require.NoError(t, err)
   596  			_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(b))
   597  			require.NoError(t, err)
   598  		}
   599  	})
   600  	router.HandleFunc("/api/accounts/a-595", handleEnvironmentRequests(t, "a-595"))
   601  	router.HandleFunc("/api/accounts/not-595", handleEnvironmentRequests(t, "not-595"))
   602  	router.HandleFunc("/api/clusters/lkc-describe", handleKafkaClusterDescribeTest(t))
   603  	router.HandleFunc("/api/clusters/lkc-describe-dedicated", handleKafkaClusterDescribeTest(t))
   604  	router.HandleFunc("/api/clusters/lkc-describe-dedicated-pending", handleKafkaClusterDescribeTest(t))
   605  	router.HandleFunc("/api/clusters/lkc-describe-dedicated-with-encryption", handleKafkaClusterDescribeTest(t))
   606  	router.HandleFunc("/api/clusters/lkc-update", handleKafkaClusterUpdateTest(t))
   607  	router.HandleFunc("/api/clusters/lkc-update-dedicated", handleKafkaDedicatedClusterUpdateTest(t))
   608  	router.HandleFunc("/api/clusters/", handleKafkaClusterGetListDeleteDescribe(t, kafkaAPIURL))
   609  	router.HandleFunc("/api/clusters", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   610  		if r.Method == "POST" {
   611  			handleKafkaClusterCreate(t, kafkaAPIURL)(w, r)
   612  		} else if r.Method == "GET" {
   613  			cluster := schedv1.KafkaCluster{
   614  				Id:              "lkc-123",
   615  				Name:            "abc",
   616  				Deployment:      &schedv1.Deployment{Sku: productv1.Sku_BASIC},
   617  				Durability:      0,
   618  				Status:          0,
   619  				Region:          "us-central1",
   620  				ServiceProvider: "gcp",
   621  			}
   622  			clusterMultizone := schedv1.KafkaCluster{
   623  				Id:              "lkc-456",
   624  				Name:            "def",
   625  				Deployment:      &schedv1.Deployment{Sku: productv1.Sku_BASIC},
   626  				Durability:      1,
   627  				Status:          0,
   628  				Region:          "us-central1",
   629  				ServiceProvider: "gcp",
   630  			}
   631  			b, err := utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&schedv1.GetKafkaClustersReply{
   632  				Clusters: []*schedv1.KafkaCluster{&cluster, &clusterMultizone},
   633  			})
   634  			require.NoError(t, err)
   635  			_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(b))
   636  			require.NoError(t, err)
   637  		}
   638  	})
   639  	router.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   640  		_, err := io.WriteString(w, `{"error": {"message": "unexpected call to `+r.URL.Path+`"}}`)
   641  		require.NoError(t, err)
   642  	})
   643  	router.HandleFunc("/api/schema_registries/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   644  		q := r.URL.Query()
   645  		id := q.Get("id")
   646  		if id == "" {
   647  			id = "lsrc-1234"
   648  		}
   649  		accountId := q.Get("account_id")
   650  		srCluster := &schedv1.SchemaRegistryCluster{
   651  			Id:        id,
   652  			AccountId: accountId,
   653  			Name:      "account schema-registry",
   654  			Endpoint:  "SASL_SSL://sr-endpoint",
   655  		}
   656  		fmt.Println(srCluster)
   657  		b, err := utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&schedv1.GetSchemaRegistryClusterReply{
   658  			Cluster: srCluster,
   659  		})
   660  		require.NoError(t, err)
   661  		_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(b))
   662  		require.NoError(t, err)
   663  	})
   664  	router.HandleFunc("/api/service_accounts", handleServiceAccountRequests(t))
   665  	router.HandleFunc("/api/accounts/a-595/clusters/lkc-123/connectors/az-connector/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   666  		w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNoContent)
   667  		return
   668  	})
   669  	router.HandleFunc("/api/accounts/a-595/clusters/lkc-123/connectors", handleConnect(t))
   670  	router.HandleFunc("/api/accounts/a-595/clusters/lkc-123/connector-plugins/GcsSink/config/validate", handleConnectorCatalogDescribe(t))
   671  	router.HandleFunc("/api/accounts/a-595/clusters/lkc-123/connector-plugins", handleConnectPlugins(t))
   672  	router.HandleFunc("/api/ksqls", handleKSQLCreateList(t))
   673  	router.HandleFunc("/api/ksqls/lksqlc-ksql1/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   674  		ksqlCluster := &schedv1.KSQLCluster{
   675  			Id:                "lksqlc-ksql1",
   676  			AccountId:         "25",
   677  			KafkaClusterId:    "lkc-12345",
   678  			OutputTopicPrefix: "pksqlc-abcde",
   679  			Name:              "account ksql",
   680  			Storage:           101,
   681  			Endpoint:          "SASL_SSL://ksql-endpoint",
   682  		}
   683  		reply, err := utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&schedv1.GetKSQLClusterReply{
   684  			Cluster: ksqlCluster,
   685  		})
   686  		require.NoError(t, err)
   687  		_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(reply))
   688  		require.NoError(t, err)
   689  	})
   690  	router.HandleFunc("/api/ksqls/lksqlc-12345", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   691  		ksqlCluster := &schedv1.KSQLCluster{
   692  			Id:                "lksqlc-12345",
   693  			AccountId:         "25",
   694  			KafkaClusterId:    "lkc-abcde",
   695  			OutputTopicPrefix: "pksqlc-zxcvb",
   696  			Name:              "account ksql",
   697  			Storage:           130,
   698  			Endpoint:          "SASL_SSL://ksql-endpoint",
   699  		}
   700  		reply, err := utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&schedv1.GetKSQLClusterReply{
   701  			Cluster: ksqlCluster,
   702  		})
   703  		require.NoError(t, err)
   704  		_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(reply))
   705  		require.NoError(t, err)
   706  	})
   707  	router.HandleFunc("/api/env_metadata", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   708  		clouds := []*schedv1.CloudMetadata{
   709  			{
   710  				Id:   "gcp",
   711  				Name: "Google Cloud Platform",
   712  				Regions: []*schedv1.Region{
   713  					{
   714  						Id:            "asia-southeast1",
   715  						Name:          "asia-southeast1 (Singapore)",
   716  						IsSchedulable: true,
   717  					},
   718  					{
   719  						Id:            "asia-east2",
   720  						Name:          "asia-east2 (Hong Kong)",
   721  						IsSchedulable: true,
   722  					},
   723  				},
   724  			},
   725  			{
   726  				Id:   "aws",
   727  				Name: "Amazon Web Services",
   728  				Regions: []*schedv1.Region{
   729  					{
   730  						Id:            "ap-northeast-1",
   731  						Name:          "ap-northeast-1 (Tokyo)",
   732  						IsSchedulable: false,
   733  					},
   734  					{
   735  						Id:            "us-east-1",
   736  						Name:          "us-east-1 (N. Virginia)",
   737  						IsSchedulable: true,
   738  					},
   739  				},
   740  			},
   741  			{
   742  				Id:   "azure",
   743  				Name: "Azure",
   744  				Regions: []*schedv1.Region{
   745  					{
   746  						Id:            "southeastasia",
   747  						Name:          "southeastasia (Singapore)",
   748  						IsSchedulable: false,
   749  					},
   750  				},
   751  			},
   752  		}
   753  		reply, err := utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&schedv1.GetEnvironmentMetadataReply{
   754  			Clouds: clouds,
   755  		})
   756  		require.NoError(t, err)
   757  		_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(reply))
   758  		require.NoError(t, err)
   759  	})
   760  	router.HandleFunc("/api/organizations/0/price_table", handlePriceTable(t))
   761  	addMdsv2alpha1(t, router)
   762  	return httptest.NewServer(router)
   763  }
   765  func apiKeysFilter(url *url.URL) []*schedv1.ApiKey {
   766  	var apiKeys []*schedv1.ApiKey
   767  	q := url.Query()
   768  	uid := q.Get("user_id")
   769  	clusterIds := q["cluster_id"]
   771  	for _, a := range keyStore {
   772  		uidFilter := (uid == "0") || (uid == strconv.Itoa(int(a.UserId)))
   773  		clusterFilter := (len(clusterIds) == 0) || func(clusterIds []string) bool {
   774  			for _, c := range a.LogicalClusters {
   775  				for _, clusterId := range clusterIds {
   776  					if c.Id == clusterId {
   777  						return true
   778  					}
   779  				}
   780  			}
   781  			return false
   782  		}(clusterIds)
   784  		if uidFilter && clusterFilter {
   785  			apiKeys = append(apiKeys, a)
   786  		}
   787  	}
   788  	return apiKeys
   789  }
   791  func serveKafkaAPI(t *testing.T) *httptest.Server {
   792  	mux := http.NewServeMux()
   793  	mux.HandleFunc("/2.0/kafka/lkc-acls/acls:search", handleKafkaACLsList(t))
   794  	mux.HandleFunc("/2.0/kafka/lkc-acls/acls", handleKafkaACLsCreate(t))
   795  	mux.HandleFunc("/2.0/kafka/lkc-acls/acls/delete", handleKafkaACLsDelete(t))
   797  	mux.HandleFunc("/2.0/kafka/lkc-links/links/", handleKafkaLinks(t))
   799  	mux.HandleFunc("/2.0/kafka/lkc-topics/topics/test-topic/mirror:stop", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   800  		if r.Method == "POST" {
   801  			w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNoContent)
   802  		}
   803  	})
   804  	mux.HandleFunc("/2.0/kafka/lkc-topics/topics/not-found/mirror:stop", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   805  		if r.Method == "POST" {
   806  			w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound)
   807  		}
   808  	})
   810  	// TODO: no idea how this "topic already exists" API request or response actually looks
   811  	mux.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   812  		w.WriteHeader(400)
   813  		_, err := io.WriteString(w, `{}`)
   814  		require.NoError(t, err)
   815  	})
   816  	return httptest.NewServer(mux)
   817  }
   819  func handleKafkaLinks(t *testing.T) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   820  	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   821  		parts := strings.Split(r.URL.Path, "/")
   822  		lastElem := parts[len(parts)-1]
   824  		if lastElem == "" {
   825  			// No specific link here, we want a list of ALL links
   827  			listResponsePayload := []*linkv1.ListLinksResponseItem{
   828  				&linkv1.ListLinksResponseItem{LinkName: "link-1", LinkId: "1234", ClusterId: "Blah"},
   829  				&linkv1.ListLinksResponseItem{LinkName: "link-2", LinkId: "4567", ClusterId: "blah"},
   830  			}
   832  			listReply, err := json.Marshal(listResponsePayload)
   833  			require.NoError(t, err)
   834  			_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(listReply))
   835  			require.NoError(t, err)
   836  		} else {
   837  			// Return properties for the selected link.
   839  			describeResponsePayload := linkv1.DescribeLinkResponse{
   840  				Entries: []*linkv1.DescribeLinkResponseEntry{
   841  					{
   842  						Name:  "replica.fetch.max.bytes",
   843  						Value: "1048576",
   844  					},
   845  				},
   846  			}
   847  			describeReply, err := json.Marshal(describeResponsePayload)
   848  			require.NoError(t, err)
   849  			_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(describeReply))
   850  			require.NoError(t, err)
   851  		}
   852  	}
   853  }
   855  func handleLogin(t *testing.T) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   856  	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   857  		req := require.New(t)
   858  		b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
   859  		req.NoError(err)
   860  		auth := &struct {
   861  			Email    string
   862  			Password string
   863  		}{}
   864  		err = json.Unmarshal(b, auth)
   865  		req.NoError(err)
   866  		switch auth.Email {
   867  		case "":
   868  			w.WriteHeader(http.StatusForbidden)
   869  		case "":
   870  			http.SetCookie(w, &http.Cookie{Name: "auth_token", Value: "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJPbmxpbmUgSldUIEJ1aWxkZXIiLCJpYXQiOjE1MzAxMjQ4NTcsImV4cCI6MTUzMDAzODQ1NywiYXVkIjoid3d3LmV4YW1wbGUuY29tIiwic3ViIjoianJvY2tldEBleGFtcGxlLmNvbSJ9.Y2ui08GPxxuV9edXUBq-JKr1VPpMSnhjSFySczCby7Y"})
   871  		case "":
   872  			http.SetCookie(w, &http.Cookie{Name: "auth_token", Value: "malformed"})
   873  		case "":
   874  			http.SetCookie(w, &http.Cookie{Name: "auth_token", Value: "invalid"})
   875  		default:
   876  			http.SetCookie(w, &http.Cookie{Name: "auth_token", Value: "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJPbmxpbmUgSldUIEJ1aWxkZXIiLCJpYXQiOjE1NjE2NjA4NTcsImV4cCI6MjUzMzg2MDM4NDU3LCJhdWQiOiJ3d3cuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iLCJzdWIiOiJqcm9ja2V0QGV4YW1wbGUuY29tIn0.G6IgrFm5i0mN7Lz9tkZQ2tZvuZ2U7HKnvxMuZAooPmE"})
   877  		}
   878  	}
   879  }
   881  func handleMe(t *testing.T) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   882  	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   883  		b, err := utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&orgv1.GetUserReply{
   884  			User: &orgv1.User{
   885  				Id:         23,
   886  				Email:      "",
   887  				FirstName:  "Cody",
   888  				ResourceId: "u-11aaa",
   889  			},
   890  			Accounts: environments,
   891  		})
   892  		require.NoError(t, err)
   893  		_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(b))
   894  		require.NoError(t, err)
   895  	}
   896  }
   898  func handleCheckEmail(t *testing.T) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   899  	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   900  		req := require.New(t)
   901  		email := strings.Replace(r.URL.String(), "/api/check_email/", "", 1)
   902  		reply := &orgv1.GetUserReply{}
   903  		switch email {
   904  		case "":
   905  			reply.User = &orgv1.User{
   906  				Email: "",
   907  			}
   908  		}
   909  		b, err := utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(reply)
   910  		req.NoError(err)
   911  		_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(b))
   912  		req.NoError(err)
   913  	}
   914  }
   916  func handleKafkaClusterGetListDeleteDescribe(t *testing.T, kafkaAPIURL string) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   917  	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   918  		parts := strings.Split(r.URL.Path, "/")
   919  		id := parts[len(parts)-1]
   920  		if id == "lkc-unknown" {
   921  			_, err := io.WriteString(w, `{"error":{"code":404,"message":"resource not found","nested_errors":{},"details":[],"stack":null},"cluster":null}`)
   922  			require.NoError(t, err)
   923  			return
   924  		}
   925  		if r.Method == "DELETE" {
   926  			w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNoContent)
   927  			return
   928  		} else {
   929  			// this is in the body of delete requests
   930  			require.NotEmpty(t, r.URL.Query().Get("account_id"))
   931  		}
   932  		// Now return the KafkaCluster with updated ApiEndpoint
   933  		b, err := utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&schedv1.GetKafkaClusterReply{
   934  			Cluster: &schedv1.KafkaCluster{
   935  				Id:              id,
   936  				Name:            "kafka-cluster",
   937  				Deployment:      &schedv1.Deployment{Sku: productv1.Sku_BASIC},
   938  				NetworkIngress:  100,
   939  				NetworkEgress:   100,
   940  				Storage:         500,
   941  				ServiceProvider: "aws",
   942  				Region:          "us-west-2",
   943  				Endpoint:        "SASL_SSL://kafka-endpoint",
   944  				ApiEndpoint:     kafkaAPIURL,
   945  			},
   946  		})
   947  		require.NoError(t, err)
   948  		_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(b))
   949  		require.NoError(t, err)
   950  	}
   951  }
   953  func handleKafkaClusterDescribeTest(t *testing.T) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   954  	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   955  		id := r.URL.Query().Get("id")
   956  		cluster := &schedv1.KafkaCluster{
   957  			Id:              id,
   958  			Name:            "kafka-cluster",
   959  			Deployment:      &schedv1.Deployment{Sku: productv1.Sku_BASIC},
   960  			NetworkIngress:  100,
   961  			NetworkEgress:   100,
   962  			Storage:         500,
   963  			ServiceProvider: "aws",
   964  			Region:          "us-west-2",
   965  			Endpoint:        "SASL_SSL://kafka-endpoint",
   966  			ApiEndpoint:     "http://kafka-api-url",
   967  		}
   968  		switch id {
   969  		case "lkc-describe-dedicated":
   970  			cluster.Cku = 1
   971  			cluster.Deployment = &schedv1.Deployment{Sku: productv1.Sku_DEDICATED}
   972  		case "lkc-describe-dedicated-pending":
   973  			cluster.Cku = 1
   974  			cluster.PendingCku = 2
   975  			cluster.Deployment = &schedv1.Deployment{Sku: productv1.Sku_DEDICATED}
   976  		case "lkc-describe-dedicated-with-encryption":
   977  			cluster.Cku = 1
   978  			cluster.EncryptionKeyId = "abc123"
   979  			cluster.Deployment = &schedv1.Deployment{Sku: productv1.Sku_DEDICATED}
   980  		}
   981  		b, err := utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&schedv1.GetKafkaClusterReply{
   982  			Cluster: cluster,
   983  		})
   984  		require.NoError(t, err)
   985  		_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(b))
   986  		require.NoError(t, err)
   987  	}
   988  }
   990  func handleKafkaClusterUpdateTest(t *testing.T) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   991  	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
   992  		// Describe client call
   993  		var out []byte
   994  		if r.Method == "GET" {
   995  			id := r.URL.Query().Get("id")
   996  			var err error
   997  			out, err = utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&schedv1.GetKafkaClusterReply{
   998  				Cluster: &schedv1.KafkaCluster{
   999  					Id:              id,
  1000  					Name:            "lkc-update",
  1001  					Deployment:      &schedv1.Deployment{Sku: productv1.Sku_BASIC},
  1002  					NetworkIngress:  100,
  1003  					NetworkEgress:   100,
  1004  					Storage:         500,
  1005  					Status:          schedv1.ClusterStatus_UP,
  1006  					ServiceProvider: "aws",
  1007  					Region:          "us-west-2",
  1008  					Endpoint:        "SASL_SSL://kafka-endpoint",
  1009  					ApiEndpoint:     "http://kafka-api-url",
  1010  				},
  1011  			})
  1012  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1013  		}
  1014  		// Update client call
  1015  		if r.Method == "PUT" {
  1016  			req := &schedv1.UpdateKafkaClusterRequest{}
  1017  			err := utilv1.UnmarshalJSON(r.Body, req)
  1018  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1019  			if req.Cluster.Cku > 0 {
  1020  				out, err = utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&schedv1.GetKafkaClusterReply{
  1021  					Cluster: nil,
  1022  					Error: &corev1.Error{
  1023  						Message: "cluster expansion is supported for dedicated clusters only",
  1024  					},
  1025  				})
  1026  			} else {
  1027  				out, err = utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&schedv1.GetKafkaClusterReply{
  1028  					Cluster: &schedv1.KafkaCluster{
  1029  						Id:              req.Cluster.Id,
  1030  						Name:            req.Cluster.Name,
  1031  						Deployment:      &schedv1.Deployment{Sku: productv1.Sku_BASIC},
  1032  						NetworkIngress:  100,
  1033  						NetworkEgress:   100,
  1034  						Storage:         500,
  1035  						Status:          schedv1.ClusterStatus_UP,
  1036  						ServiceProvider: "aws",
  1037  						Region:          "us-west-2",
  1038  						Endpoint:        "SASL_SSL://kafka-endpoint",
  1039  						ApiEndpoint:     "http://kafka-api-url",
  1040  					},
  1041  				})
  1042  			}
  1043  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1044  		}
  1045  		_, err := io.WriteString(w, string(out))
  1046  		require.NoError(t, err)
  1047  	}
  1048  }
  1050  func handleKafkaDedicatedClusterUpdateTest(t *testing.T) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1051  	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1052  		var out []byte
  1053  		if r.Method == "GET" {
  1054  			id := r.URL.Query().Get("id")
  1055  			var err error
  1056  			out, err = utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&schedv1.GetKafkaClusterReply{
  1057  				Cluster: &schedv1.KafkaCluster{
  1058  					Id:              id,
  1059  					Name:            "lkc-update-dedicated",
  1060  					Cku:             1,
  1061  					Deployment:      &schedv1.Deployment{Sku: productv1.Sku_DEDICATED},
  1062  					NetworkIngress:  50,
  1063  					NetworkEgress:   150,
  1064  					Storage:         30000,
  1065  					Status:          schedv1.ClusterStatus_EXPANDING,
  1066  					ServiceProvider: "aws",
  1067  					Region:          "us-west-2",
  1068  					Endpoint:        "SASL_SSL://kafka-endpoint",
  1069  					ApiEndpoint:     "http://kafka-api-url",
  1070  				},
  1071  			})
  1072  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1073  		}
  1074  		// Update client call
  1075  		if r.Method == "PUT" {
  1076  			req := &schedv1.UpdateKafkaClusterRequest{}
  1077  			err := utilv1.UnmarshalJSON(r.Body, req)
  1078  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1079  			out, err = utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&schedv1.GetKafkaClusterReply{
  1080  				Cluster: &schedv1.KafkaCluster{
  1081  					Id:              req.Cluster.Id,
  1082  					Name:            req.Cluster.Name,
  1083  					Cku:             1,
  1084  					PendingCku:      req.Cluster.Cku,
  1085  					Deployment:      &schedv1.Deployment{Sku: productv1.Sku_DEDICATED},
  1086  					NetworkIngress:  50 * req.Cluster.Cku,
  1087  					NetworkEgress:   150 * req.Cluster.Cku,
  1088  					Storage:         30000 * req.Cluster.Cku,
  1089  					Status:          schedv1.ClusterStatus_EXPANDING,
  1090  					ServiceProvider: "aws",
  1091  					Region:          "us-west-2",
  1092  					Endpoint:        "SASL_SSL://kafka-endpoint",
  1093  					ApiEndpoint:     "http://kafka-api-url",
  1094  				},
  1095  			})
  1096  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1097  		}
  1098  		_, err := io.WriteString(w, string(out))
  1099  		require.NoError(t, err)
  1100  	}
  1101  }
  1103  func handleKafkaClusterCreate(t *testing.T, kafkaAPIURL string) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1104  	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1105  		req := &schedv1.CreateKafkaClusterRequest{}
  1106  		err := utilv1.UnmarshalJSON(r.Body, req)
  1107  		require.NoError(t, err)
  1108  		var b []byte
  1109  		if req.Config.Deployment.Sku == productv1.Sku_DEDICATED {
  1110  			b, err = utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&schedv1.GetKafkaClusterReply{
  1111  				Cluster: &schedv1.KafkaCluster{
  1112  					Id:              "lkc-def963",
  1113  					AccountId:       req.Config.AccountId,
  1114  					Name:            req.Config.Name,
  1115  					Cku:             req.Config.Cku,
  1116  					Deployment:      &schedv1.Deployment{Sku: productv1.Sku_DEDICATED},
  1117  					NetworkIngress:  50 * req.Config.Cku,
  1118  					NetworkEgress:   150 * req.Config.Cku,
  1119  					Storage:         30000 * req.Config.Cku,
  1120  					ServiceProvider: req.Config.ServiceProvider,
  1121  					Region:          req.Config.Region,
  1122  					Endpoint:        "SASL_SSL://kafka-endpoint",
  1123  					ApiEndpoint:     kafkaAPIURL,
  1124  				},
  1125  			})
  1126  		} else {
  1127  			b, err = utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&schedv1.GetKafkaClusterReply{
  1128  				Cluster: &schedv1.KafkaCluster{
  1129  					Id:              "lkc-def963",
  1130  					AccountId:       req.Config.AccountId,
  1131  					Name:            req.Config.Name,
  1132  					Deployment:      &schedv1.Deployment{Sku: productv1.Sku_BASIC},
  1133  					NetworkIngress:  100,
  1134  					NetworkEgress:   100,
  1135  					Storage:         5000,
  1136  					ServiceProvider: req.Config.ServiceProvider,
  1137  					Region:          req.Config.Region,
  1138  					Endpoint:        "SASL_SSL://kafka-endpoint",
  1139  					ApiEndpoint:     kafkaAPIURL,
  1140  				},
  1141  			})
  1142  		}
  1143  		require.NoError(t, err)
  1144  		_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(b))
  1145  		require.NoError(t, err)
  1146  	}
  1147  }
  1149  func handleKafkaACLsList(t *testing.T) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1150  	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1151  		results := []*schedv1.ACLBinding{
  1152  			{
  1153  				Pattern: &schedv1.ResourcePatternConfig{
  1154  					ResourceType: schedv1.ResourceTypes_TOPIC,
  1155  					Name:         "test-topic",
  1156  					PatternType:  schedv1.PatternTypes_LITERAL,
  1157  				},
  1158  				Entry: &schedv1.AccessControlEntryConfig{
  1159  					Operation:      schedv1.ACLOperations_READ,
  1160  					PermissionType: schedv1.ACLPermissionTypes_ALLOW,
  1161  				},
  1162  			},
  1163  		}
  1164  		reply, err := json.Marshal(results)
  1165  		require.NoError(t, err)
  1166  		_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(reply))
  1167  		require.NoError(t, err)
  1168  	}
  1169  }
  1171  func handleKafkaACLsCreate(t *testing.T) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1172  	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1173  		if r.Method == "POST" {
  1174  			var bindings []*schedv1.ACLBinding
  1175  			err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&bindings)
  1176  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1177  			require.NotEmpty(t, bindings)
  1178  			for _, binding := range bindings {
  1179  				require.NotEmpty(t, binding.GetPattern())
  1180  				require.NotEmpty(t, binding.GetEntry())
  1181  			}
  1182  		}
  1183  	}
  1184  }
  1186  func handleKafkaACLsDelete(t *testing.T) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1187  	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1188  		var filters []*schedv1.ACLFilter
  1189  		err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&filters)
  1190  		require.NoError(t, err)
  1191  		require.NotEmpty(t, filters)
  1192  		for _, filter := range filters {
  1193  			require.NotEmpty(t, filter.GetEntryFilter())
  1194  			require.NotEmpty(t, filter.GetPatternFilter())
  1195  		}
  1196  	}
  1197  }
  1199  func handleKSQLCreateList(t *testing.T) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1200  	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1201  		ksqlCluster1 := &schedv1.KSQLCluster{
  1202  			Id:                "lksqlc-ksql5",
  1203  			AccountId:         "25",
  1204  			KafkaClusterId:    "lkc-qwert",
  1205  			OutputTopicPrefix: "pksqlc-abcde",
  1206  			Name:              "account ksql",
  1207  			Storage:           101,
  1208  			Endpoint:          "SASL_SSL://ksql-endpoint",
  1209  		}
  1210  		ksqlCluster2 := &schedv1.KSQLCluster{
  1211  			Id:                "lksqlc-woooo",
  1212  			AccountId:         "25",
  1213  			KafkaClusterId:    "lkc-zxcvb",
  1214  			OutputTopicPrefix: "pksqlc-ghjkl",
  1215  			Name:              "kay cee queue elle",
  1216  			Storage:           123,
  1217  			Endpoint:          "SASL_SSL://ksql-endpoint",
  1218  		}
  1219  		if r.Method == "POST" {
  1220  			reply, err := utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&schedv1.GetKSQLClusterReply{
  1221  				Cluster: ksqlCluster1,
  1222  			})
  1223  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1224  			_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(reply))
  1225  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1226  		} else if r.Method == "GET" {
  1227  			listReply, err := utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&schedv1.GetKSQLClustersReply{
  1228  				Clusters: []*schedv1.KSQLCluster{ksqlCluster1, ksqlCluster2},
  1229  			})
  1230  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1231  			_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(listReply))
  1232  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1233  		}
  1234  	}
  1235  }
  1237  func handleConnect(t *testing.T) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1238  	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1239  		if r.Method == "GET" {
  1240  			connectorExpansion := &opv1.ConnectorExpansion{
  1241  				Id: &opv1.ConnectorId{Id: "lcc-123"},
  1242  				Info: &opv1.ConnectorInfo{
  1243  					Name:   "az-connector",
  1244  					Type:   "Sink",
  1245  					Config: map[string]string{},
  1246  				},
  1247  				Status: &opv1.ConnectorStateInfo{Name: "az-connector", Connector: &opv1.ConnectorState{State: "Running"},
  1248  					Tasks: []*opv1.TaskState{{Id: 1, State: "Running"}},
  1249  				}}
  1250  			listReply, err := json.Marshal(map[string]*opv1.ConnectorExpansion{"lcc-123": connectorExpansion})
  1251  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1252  			_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(listReply))
  1253  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1254  		} else if r.Method == "POST" {
  1255  			var request opv1.ConnectorInfo
  1256  			err := utilv1.UnmarshalJSON(r.Body, &request)
  1257  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1258  			connector1 := &schedv1.Connector{
  1259  				Name:           request.Name,
  1260  				KafkaClusterId: "lkc-123",
  1261  				AccountId:      "a-595",
  1262  				UserConfigs:    request.Config,
  1263  				Plugin:         request.Config["connector.class"],
  1264  			}
  1265  			reply, err := utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(connector1)
  1266  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1267  			_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(reply))
  1268  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1269  		}
  1270  	}
  1271  }
  1273  func handleConnectorCatalogDescribe(t *testing.T) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1274  	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1275  		configInfos := &opv1.ConfigInfos{
  1276  			Name:       "",
  1277  			Groups:     nil,
  1278  			ErrorCount: 1,
  1279  			Configs: []*opv1.Configs{
  1280  				{
  1281  					Value: &opv1.ConfigValue{
  1282  						Name:   "kafka.api.key",
  1283  						Errors: []string{"\"kafka.api.key\" is required"},
  1284  					},
  1285  				},
  1286  				{
  1287  					Value: &opv1.ConfigValue{
  1288  						Name:   "kafka.api.secret",
  1289  						Errors: []string{"\"kafka.api.secret\" is required"},
  1290  					},
  1291  				},
  1292  				{
  1293  					Value: &opv1.ConfigValue{
  1294  						Name:   "topics",
  1295  						Errors: []string{"\"topics\" is required"},
  1296  					},
  1297  				},
  1298  				{
  1299  					Value: &opv1.ConfigValue{
  1300  						Name:   "data.format",
  1301  						Errors: []string{"\"data.format\" is required", "Value \"null\" doesn't belong to the property's \"data.format\" enum"},
  1302  					},
  1303  				},
  1304  				{
  1305  					Value: &opv1.ConfigValue{
  1306  						Name:   "gcs.credentials.config",
  1307  						Errors: []string{"\"gcs.credentials.config\" is required"},
  1308  					},
  1309  				},
  1310  				{
  1311  					Value: &opv1.ConfigValue{
  1312  						Name:   "",
  1313  						Errors: []string{"\"\" is required"},
  1314  					},
  1315  				},
  1316  				{
  1317  					Value: &opv1.ConfigValue{
  1318  						Name:   "time.interval",
  1319  						Errors: []string{"\"data.format\" is required", "Value \"null\" doesn't belong to the property's \"time.interval\" enum"},
  1320  					},
  1321  				},
  1322  				{
  1323  					Value: &opv1.ConfigValue{
  1324  						Name:   "tasks.max",
  1325  						Errors: []string{"\"tasks.max\" is required"},
  1326  					},
  1327  				},
  1328  			},
  1329  		}
  1330  		reply, err := json.Marshal(configInfos)
  1331  		require.NoError(t, err)
  1332  		_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(reply))
  1333  		require.NoError(t, err)
  1334  	}
  1335  }
  1337  func handleConnectPlugins(t *testing.T) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1338  	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1339  		if r.Method == "GET" {
  1340  			connectorPlugin1 := &opv1.ConnectorPluginInfo{
  1341  				Class: "AzureBlobSink",
  1342  				Type:  "Sink",
  1343  			}
  1344  			connectorPlugin2 := &opv1.ConnectorPluginInfo{
  1345  				Class: "GcsSink",
  1346  				Type:  "Sink",
  1347  			}
  1348  			listReply, err := json.Marshal([]*opv1.ConnectorPluginInfo{connectorPlugin1, connectorPlugin2})
  1349  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1350  			_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(listReply))
  1351  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1352  		}
  1353  	}
  1354  }
  1356  func compose(funcs ...func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1357  	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1358  		for _, f := range funcs {
  1359  			f(w, r)
  1360  		}
  1361  	}
  1362  }
  1364  func handleEnvironmentRequests(t *testing.T, id string) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1365  	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1366  		for _, env := range environments {
  1367  			if env.Id == id {
  1368  				// env found
  1369  				if r.Method == "GET" {
  1370  					b, err := utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&orgv1.GetAccountReply{Account: env})
  1371  					require.NoError(t, err)
  1372  					_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(b))
  1373  					require.NoError(t, err)
  1374  				} else if r.Method == "PUT" {
  1375  					req := &orgv1.UpdateAccountRequest{}
  1376  					err := utilv1.UnmarshalJSON(r.Body, req)
  1377  					require.NoError(t, err)
  1378  					env.Name = req.Account.Name
  1379  					b, err := utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&orgv1.UpdateAccountReply{Account: env})
  1380  					require.NoError(t, err)
  1381  					_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(b))
  1382  					require.NoError(t, err)
  1383  				} else if r.Method == "DELETE" {
  1384  					b, err := utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&orgv1.DeleteAccountReply{})
  1385  					require.NoError(t, err)
  1386  					_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(b))
  1387  					require.NoError(t, err)
  1388  				}
  1389  				return
  1390  			}
  1391  		}
  1392  		// env not found
  1393  		w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound)
  1394  	}
  1395  }
  1397  func handleAPIKeyUpdateAndDelete(t *testing.T) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1398  	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1399  		urlSplit := strings.Split(r.URL.Path, "/")
  1400  		keyId, err := strconv.Atoi(urlSplit[len(urlSplit)-1])
  1401  		require.NoError(t, err)
  1402  		index := int32(keyId)
  1403  		apiKey := keyStore[index]
  1404  		if r.Method == "PUT" {
  1405  			req := &schedv1.UpdateApiKeyRequest{}
  1406  			err = utilv1.UnmarshalJSON(r.Body, req)
  1407  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1408  			apiKey.Description = req.ApiKey.Description
  1409  			result := &schedv1.UpdateApiKeyReply{
  1410  				ApiKey: apiKey,
  1411  				Error:  nil,
  1412  			}
  1413  			reply, err := json.Marshal(result)
  1414  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1415  			_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(reply))
  1416  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1417  		} else if r.Method == "DELETE" {
  1418  			req := &schedv1.DeleteApiKeyRequest{}
  1419  			err = utilv1.UnmarshalJSON(r.Body, req)
  1420  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1421  			delete(keyStore, index)
  1422  			result := &schedv1.DeleteApiKeyReply{
  1423  				ApiKey: apiKey,
  1424  				Error:  nil,
  1425  			}
  1426  			reply, err := json.Marshal(result)
  1427  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1428  			_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(reply))
  1429  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1430  		}
  1432  	}
  1433  }
  1435  func handleServiceAccountRequests(t *testing.T) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1436  	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  1437  		switch r.Method {
  1438  		case "GET":
  1439  			serviceAccount := &orgv1.User{
  1440  				Id:                 12345,
  1441  				ServiceName:        "service_account",
  1442  				ServiceDescription: "at your service.",
  1443  			}
  1444  			listReply, err := utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&orgv1.GetServiceAccountsReply{
  1445  				Users: []*orgv1.User{serviceAccount},
  1446  			})
  1447  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1448  			_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(listReply))
  1449  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1450  		case "POST":
  1451  			req := &orgv1.CreateServiceAccountRequest{}
  1452  			err := utilv1.UnmarshalJSON(r.Body, req)
  1453  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1454  			serviceAccount := &orgv1.User{
  1455  				Id:                 55555,
  1456  				ServiceName:        req.User.ServiceName,
  1457  				ServiceDescription: req.User.ServiceDescription,
  1458  			}
  1459  			createReply, err := utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&orgv1.CreateServiceAccountReply{
  1460  				Error: nil,
  1461  				User:  serviceAccount,
  1462  			})
  1463  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1464  			_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(createReply))
  1465  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1466  		case "PUT":
  1467  			req := &orgv1.UpdateServiceAccountRequest{}
  1468  			err := utilv1.UnmarshalJSON(r.Body, req)
  1469  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1470  			updateReply, err := utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&orgv1.UpdateServiceAccountReply{
  1471  				Error: nil,
  1472  				User:  req.User,
  1473  			})
  1474  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1475  			_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(updateReply))
  1476  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1477  		case "DELETE":
  1478  			req := &orgv1.DeleteServiceAccountRequest{}
  1479  			err := utilv1.UnmarshalJSON(r.Body, req)
  1480  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1481  			updateReply, err := utilv1.MarshalJSONToBytes(&orgv1.DeleteServiceAccountReply{
  1482  				Error: nil,
  1483  			})
  1484  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1485  			_, err = io.WriteString(w, string(updateReply))
  1486  			require.NoError(t, err)
  1487  		}
  1488  	}
  1489  }