
     1  /*
     2   * librdkafka - Apache Kafka C library
     3   *
     4   * Copyright (c) 2012-2022 Magnus Edenhill
     5   * All rights reserved.
     6   *
     7   * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
     8   * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
     9   *
    10   * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
    11   *    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
    12   * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
    13   *    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
    14   *    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
    15   *
    27   */
    29  /**
    30   * @file rdkafka.h
    31   * @brief Apache Kafka C/C++ consumer and producer client library.
    32   *
    33   * rdkafka.h contains the public API for librdkafka.
    34   * The API is documented in this file as comments prefixing the function, type,
    35   * enum, define, etc.
    36   *
    37   * @sa For the C++ interface see rdkafkacpp.h
    38   *
    39   * @tableofcontents
    40   */
    43  /* @cond NO_DOC */
    44  #ifndef _RDKAFKA_H_
    45  #define _RDKAFKA_H_
    47  #include <stdio.h>
    48  #include <inttypes.h>
    49  #include <sys/types.h>
    51  #ifdef __cplusplus
    52  extern "C" {
    53  #if 0
    54  } /* Restore indent */
    55  #endif
    56  #endif
    58  #ifdef _WIN32
    59  #include <basetsd.h>
    60  #ifndef WIN32_MEAN_AND_LEAN
    61  #define WIN32_MEAN_AND_LEAN
    62  #endif
    63  #include <winsock2.h> /* for sockaddr, .. */
    64  #ifndef _SSIZE_T_DEFINED
    65  #define _SSIZE_T_DEFINED
    66  typedef SSIZE_T ssize_t;
    67  #endif
    68  #define RD_UNUSED
    69  #define RD_INLINE     __inline
    70  #define RD_DEPRECATED __declspec(deprecated)
    71  #define RD_FORMAT(...)
    72  #undef RD_EXPORT
    74  #define RD_EXPORT
    75  #else
    77  #define RD_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
    78  #else
    79  #define RD_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
    80  #endif
    83  #endif
    84  #endif
    86  #else
    87  #include <sys/socket.h> /* for sockaddr, .. */
    89  #define RD_UNUSED __attribute__((unused))
    90  #define RD_INLINE inline
    91  #define RD_EXPORT
    92  #define RD_DEPRECATED __attribute__((deprecated))
    94  #if defined(__clang__) || defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__GNUG__)
    95  #define RD_FORMAT(...) __attribute__((format(__VA_ARGS__)))
    96  #else
    97  #define RD_FORMAT(...)
    98  #endif
   102  #endif
   103  #endif
   106  /**
   107   * @brief Type-checking macros
   108   * Compile-time checking that \p ARG is of type \p TYPE.
   109   * @returns \p RET
   110   */
   112  #define _LRK_TYPECHECK(RET, TYPE, ARG)                                         \
   113          ({                                                                     \
   114                  if (0) {                                                       \
   115                          TYPE __t RD_UNUSED = (ARG);                            \
   116                  }                                                              \
   117                  RET;                                                           \
   118          })
   120  #define _LRK_TYPECHECK2(RET, TYPE, ARG, TYPE2, ARG2)                           \
   121          ({                                                                     \
   122                  if (0) {                                                       \
   123                          TYPE __t RD_UNUSED   = (ARG);                          \
   124                          TYPE2 __t2 RD_UNUSED = (ARG2);                         \
   125                  }                                                              \
   126                  RET;                                                           \
   127          })
   129  #define _LRK_TYPECHECK3(RET, TYPE, ARG, TYPE2, ARG2, TYPE3, ARG3)              \
   130          ({                                                                     \
   131                  if (0) {                                                       \
   132                          TYPE __t RD_UNUSED   = (ARG);                          \
   133                          TYPE2 __t2 RD_UNUSED = (ARG2);                         \
   134                          TYPE3 __t3 RD_UNUSED = (ARG3);                         \
   135                  }                                                              \
   136                  RET;                                                           \
   137          })
   138  #else
   139  #define _LRK_TYPECHECK(RET, TYPE, ARG)                            (RET)
   140  #define _LRK_TYPECHECK2(RET, TYPE, ARG, TYPE2, ARG2)              (RET)
   141  #define _LRK_TYPECHECK3(RET, TYPE, ARG, TYPE2, ARG2, TYPE3, ARG3) (RET)
   142  #endif
   144  /* @endcond */
   147  /**
   148   * @name librdkafka version
   149   * @{
   150   *
   151   *
   152   */
   154  /**
   155   * @brief librdkafka version
   156   *
   157   * Interpreted as hex \c
   158   *  - MM = Major
   159   *  - mm = minor
   160   *  - rr = revision
   161   *  - xx = pre-release id (0xff is the final release)
   162   *
   163   * E.g.: \c 0x000801ff = 0.8.1
   164   *
   165   * @remark This value should only be used during compile time,
   166   *         for runtime checks of version use rd_kafka_version()
   167   */
   168  #define RD_KAFKA_VERSION 0x010902ff
   170  /**
   171   * @brief Returns the librdkafka version as integer.
   172   *
   173   * @returns Version integer.
   174   *
   175   * @sa See RD_KAFKA_VERSION for how to parse the integer format.
   176   * @sa Use rd_kafka_version_str() to retreive the version as a string.
   177   */
   178  RD_EXPORT
   179  int rd_kafka_version(void);
   181  /**
   182   * @brief Returns the librdkafka version as string.
   183   *
   184   * @returns Version string
   185   */
   186  RD_EXPORT
   187  const char *rd_kafka_version_str(void);
   189  /**@}*/
   192  /**
   193   * @name Constants, errors, types
   194   * @{
   195   *
   196   *
   197   */
   200  /**
   201   * @enum rd_kafka_type_t
   202   *
   203   * @brief rd_kafka_t handle type.
   204   *
   205   * @sa rd_kafka_new()
   206   */
   207  typedef enum rd_kafka_type_t {
   208          RD_KAFKA_PRODUCER, /**< Producer client */
   209          RD_KAFKA_CONSUMER  /**< Consumer client */
   210  } rd_kafka_type_t;
   213  /*!
   214   * Timestamp types
   215   *
   216   * @sa rd_kafka_message_timestamp()
   217   */
   218  typedef enum rd_kafka_timestamp_type_t {
   219          RD_KAFKA_TIMESTAMP_NOT_AVAILABLE,  /**< Timestamp not available */
   220          RD_KAFKA_TIMESTAMP_CREATE_TIME,    /**< Message creation time */
   221          RD_KAFKA_TIMESTAMP_LOG_APPEND_TIME /**< Log append time */
   222  } rd_kafka_timestamp_type_t;
   226  /**
   227   * @brief Retrieve supported debug contexts for use with the \c \"debug\"
   228   *        configuration property. (runtime)
   229   *
   230   * @returns Comma-separated list of available debugging contexts.
   231   */
   232  RD_EXPORT
   233  const char *rd_kafka_get_debug_contexts(void);
   235  /**
   236   * @brief Supported debug contexts. (compile time)
   237   *
   238   * @deprecated This compile time value may be outdated at runtime due to
   239   *             linking another version of the library.
   240   *             Use rd_kafka_get_debug_contexts() instead.
   241   */
   242  #define RD_KAFKA_DEBUG_CONTEXTS                                                \
   243          "all,generic,broker,topic,metadata,feature,queue,msg,protocol,cgrp,"   \
   244          "security,fetch,interceptor,plugin,consumer,admin,eos,mock,assignor,"  \
   245          "conf"
   248  /* @cond NO_DOC */
   249  /* Private types to provide ABI compatibility */
   250  typedef struct rd_kafka_s rd_kafka_t;
   251  typedef struct rd_kafka_topic_s rd_kafka_topic_t;
   252  typedef struct rd_kafka_conf_s rd_kafka_conf_t;
   253  typedef struct rd_kafka_topic_conf_s rd_kafka_topic_conf_t;
   254  typedef struct rd_kafka_queue_s rd_kafka_queue_t;
   255  typedef struct rd_kafka_op_s rd_kafka_event_t;
   256  typedef struct rd_kafka_topic_result_s rd_kafka_topic_result_t;
   257  typedef struct rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata_s
   258      rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata_t;
   259  typedef struct rd_kafka_error_s rd_kafka_error_t;
   260  typedef struct rd_kafka_headers_s rd_kafka_headers_t;
   261  typedef struct rd_kafka_group_result_s rd_kafka_group_result_t;
   262  typedef struct rd_kafka_acl_result_s rd_kafka_acl_result_t;
   263  /* @endcond */
   266  /**
   267   * @enum rd_kafka_resp_err_t
   268   * @brief Error codes.
   269   *
   270   * The negative error codes delimited by two underscores
   271   * (\c RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__..) denotes errors internal to librdkafka and are
   272   * displayed as \c \"Local: \<error string..\>\", while the error codes
   273   * delimited by a single underscore (\c RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_..) denote broker
   274   * errors and are displayed as \c \"Broker: \<error string..\>\".
   275   *
   276   * @sa Use rd_kafka_err2str() to translate an error code a human readable string
   277   */
   278  typedef enum {
   279          /* Internal errors to rdkafka: */
   280          /** Begin internal error codes */
   281          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__BEGIN = -200,
   282          /** Received message is incorrect */
   283          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__BAD_MSG = -199,
   284          /** Bad/unknown compression */
   285          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__BAD_COMPRESSION = -198,
   286          /** Broker is going away */
   287          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__DESTROY = -197,
   288          /** Generic failure */
   289          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__FAIL = -196,
   290          /** Broker transport failure */
   291          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__TRANSPORT = -195,
   292          /** Critical system resource */
   293          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__CRIT_SYS_RESOURCE = -194,
   294          /** Failed to resolve broker */
   295          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__RESOLVE = -193,
   296          /** Produced message timed out*/
   297          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__MSG_TIMED_OUT = -192,
   298          /** Reached the end of the topic+partition queue on
   299           * the broker. Not really an error.
   300           * This event is disabled by default,
   301           * see the `enable.partition.eof` configuration property. */
   302          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__PARTITION_EOF = -191,
   303          /** Permanent: Partition does not exist in cluster. */
   304          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__UNKNOWN_PARTITION = -190,
   305          /** File or filesystem error */
   306          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__FS = -189,
   307          /** Permanent: Topic does not exist in cluster. */
   308          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__UNKNOWN_TOPIC = -188,
   309          /** All broker connections are down. */
   310          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__ALL_BROKERS_DOWN = -187,
   311          /** Invalid argument, or invalid configuration */
   312          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__INVALID_ARG = -186,
   313          /** Operation timed out */
   314          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__TIMED_OUT = -185,
   315          /** Queue is full */
   316          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__QUEUE_FULL = -184,
   317          /** ISR count < required.acks */
   318          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__ISR_INSUFF = -183,
   319          /** Broker node update */
   320          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__NODE_UPDATE = -182,
   321          /** SSL error */
   322          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__SSL = -181,
   323          /** Waiting for coordinator to become available. */
   324          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__WAIT_COORD = -180,
   325          /** Unknown client group */
   326          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__UNKNOWN_GROUP = -179,
   327          /** Operation in progress */
   328          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__IN_PROGRESS = -178,
   329          /** Previous operation in progress, wait for it to finish. */
   330          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__PREV_IN_PROGRESS = -177,
   331          /** This operation would interfere with an existing subscription */
   333          /** Assigned partitions (rebalance_cb) */
   334          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__ASSIGN_PARTITIONS = -175,
   335          /** Revoked partitions (rebalance_cb) */
   336          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__REVOKE_PARTITIONS = -174,
   337          /** Conflicting use */
   338          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__CONFLICT = -173,
   339          /** Wrong state */
   340          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__STATE = -172,
   341          /** Unknown protocol */
   342          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL = -171,
   343          /** Not implemented */
   344          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__NOT_IMPLEMENTED = -170,
   345          /** Authentication failure*/
   346          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__AUTHENTICATION = -169,
   347          /** No stored offset */
   348          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__NO_OFFSET = -168,
   349          /** Outdated */
   350          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__OUTDATED = -167,
   351          /** Timed out in queue */
   352          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__TIMED_OUT_QUEUE = -166,
   353          /** Feature not supported by broker */
   355          /** Awaiting cache update */
   356          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__WAIT_CACHE = -164,
   357          /** Operation interrupted (e.g., due to yield)) */
   358          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__INTR = -163,
   359          /** Key serialization error */
   360          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__KEY_SERIALIZATION = -162,
   361          /** Value serialization error */
   363          /** Key deserialization error */
   365          /** Value deserialization error */
   367          /** Partial response */
   368          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__PARTIAL = -158,
   369          /** Modification attempted on read-only object */
   370          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__READ_ONLY = -157,
   371          /** No such entry / item not found */
   372          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__NOENT = -156,
   373          /** Read underflow */
   374          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__UNDERFLOW = -155,
   375          /** Invalid type */
   376          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__INVALID_TYPE = -154,
   377          /** Retry operation */
   378          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__RETRY = -153,
   379          /** Purged in queue */
   380          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__PURGE_QUEUE = -152,
   381          /** Purged in flight */
   382          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__PURGE_INFLIGHT = -151,
   383          /** Fatal error: see rd_kafka_fatal_error() */
   384          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__FATAL = -150,
   385          /** Inconsistent state */
   386          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__INCONSISTENT = -149,
   387          /** Gap-less ordering would not be guaranteed if proceeding */
   388          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__GAPLESS_GUARANTEE = -148,
   389          /** Maximum poll interval exceeded */
   390          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__MAX_POLL_EXCEEDED = -147,
   391          /** Unknown broker */
   392          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__UNKNOWN_BROKER = -146,
   393          /** Functionality not configured */
   394          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__NOT_CONFIGURED = -145,
   395          /** Instance has been fenced */
   396          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__FENCED = -144,
   397          /** Application generated error */
   398          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__APPLICATION = -143,
   399          /** Assignment lost */
   400          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__ASSIGNMENT_LOST = -142,
   401          /** No operation performed */
   402          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__NOOP = -141,
   403          /** No offset to automatically reset to */
   404          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__AUTO_OFFSET_RESET = -140,
   406          /** End internal error codes */
   407          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__END = -100,
   409          /* Kafka broker errors: */
   410          /** Unknown broker error */
   411          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_UNKNOWN = -1,
   412          /** Success */
   413          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR = 0,
   414          /** Offset out of range */
   416          /** Invalid message */
   417          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_INVALID_MSG = 2,
   418          /** Unknown topic or partition */
   420          /** Invalid message size */
   422          /** Leader not available */
   424          /** Not leader for partition */
   426          /** Request timed out */
   428          /** Broker not available */
   430          /** Replica not available */
   432          /** Message size too large */
   433          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_MSG_SIZE_TOO_LARGE = 10,
   434          /** StaleControllerEpochCode */
   435          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_STALE_CTRL_EPOCH = 11,
   436          /** Offset metadata string too large */
   438          /** Broker disconnected before response received */
   440          /** Coordinator load in progress */
   442  /** Group coordinator load in progress */
   443  #define RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_GROUP_LOAD_IN_PROGRESS                               \
   445          /** Coordinator not available */
   447  /** Group coordinator not available */
   448  #define RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_GROUP_COORDINATOR_NOT_AVAILABLE                      \
   450          /** Not coordinator */
   452  /** Not coordinator for group */
   453  #define RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NOT_COORDINATOR_FOR_GROUP                            \
   455          /** Invalid topic */
   457          /** Message batch larger than configured server segment size */
   459          /** Not enough in-sync replicas */
   461          /** Message(s) written to insufficient number of in-sync replicas */
   463          /** Invalid required acks value */
   465          /** Specified group generation id is not valid */
   467          /** Inconsistent group protocol */
   469          /** Invalid */
   470          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_INVALID_GROUP_ID = 24,
   471          /** Unknown member */
   473          /** Invalid session timeout */
   475          /** Group rebalance in progress */
   477          /** Commit offset data size is not valid */
   479          /** Topic authorization failed */
   481          /** Group authorization failed */
   483          /** Cluster authorization failed */
   485          /** Invalid timestamp */
   487          /** Unsupported SASL mechanism */
   489          /** Illegal SASL state */
   491          /** Unuspported version */
   493          /** Topic already exists */
   495          /** Invalid number of partitions */
   497          /** Invalid replication factor */
   499          /** Invalid replica assignment */
   501          /** Invalid config */
   502          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_INVALID_CONFIG = 40,
   503          /** Not controller for cluster */
   504          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NOT_CONTROLLER = 41,
   505          /** Invalid request */
   507          /** Message format on broker does not support request */
   509          /** Policy violation */
   511          /** Broker received an out of order sequence number */
   513          /** Broker received a duplicate sequence number */
   515          /** Producer attempted an operation with an old epoch */
   517          /** Producer attempted a transactional operation in an invalid state */
   519          /** Producer attempted to use a producer id which is not
   520           *  currently assigned to its transactional id */
   522          /** Transaction timeout is larger than the maximum
   523           *  value allowed by the broker's */
   525          /** Producer attempted to update a transaction while another
   526           *  concurrent operation on the same transaction was ongoing */
   528          /** Indicates that the transaction coordinator sending a
   529           *  WriteTxnMarker is no longer the current coordinator for a
   530           *  given producer */
   532          /** Transactional Id authorization failed */
   534          /** Security features are disabled */
   536          /** Operation not attempted */
   538          /** Disk error when trying to access log file on the disk */
   540          /** The user-specified log directory is not found in the broker config
   541           */
   542          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_LOG_DIR_NOT_FOUND = 57,
   543          /** SASL Authentication failed */
   545          /** Unknown Producer Id */
   547          /** Partition reassignment is in progress */
   549          /** Delegation Token feature is not enabled */
   551          /** Delegation Token is not found on server */
   553          /** Specified Principal is not valid Owner/Renewer */
   555          /** Delegation Token requests are not allowed on this connection */
   557          /** Delegation Token authorization failed */
   559          /** Delegation Token is expired */
   561          /** Supplied principalType is not supported */
   563          /** The group is not empty */
   564          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NON_EMPTY_GROUP = 68,
   565          /** The group id does not exist */
   566          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_GROUP_ID_NOT_FOUND = 69,
   567          /** The fetch session ID was not found */
   569          /** The fetch session epoch is invalid */
   571          /** No matching listener */
   573          /** Topic deletion is disabled */
   575          /** Leader epoch is older than broker epoch */
   577          /** Leader epoch is newer than broker epoch */
   579          /** Unsupported compression type */
   581          /** Broker epoch has changed */
   583          /** Leader high watermark is not caught up */
   585          /** Group member needs a valid member ID */
   587          /** Preferred leader was not available */
   589          /** Consumer group has reached maximum size */
   591          /** Static consumer fenced by other consumer with same
   592           * */
   594          /** Eligible partition leaders are not available */
   596          /** Leader election not needed for topic partition */
   598          /** No partition reassignment is in progress */
   600          /** Deleting offsets of a topic while the consumer group is
   601           *  subscribed to it */
   603          /** Broker failed to validate record */
   604          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_INVALID_RECORD = 87,
   605          /** There are unstable offsets that need to be cleared */
   607          /** Throttling quota has been exceeded */
   609          /** There is a newer producer with the same transactionalId
   610           *  which fences the current one */
   612          /** Request illegally referred to resource that does not exist */
   614          /** Request illegally referred to the same resource twice */
   616          /** Requested credential would not meet criteria for acceptability */
   618          /** Indicates that the either the sender or recipient of a
   619           *  voter-only request is not one of the expected voters */
   621          /** Invalid update version */
   623          /** Unable to update finalized features due to server error */
   625          /** Request principal deserialization failed during forwarding */
   628          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_END_ALL,
   629  } rd_kafka_resp_err_t;
   632  /**
   633   * @brief Error code value, name and description.
   634   *        Typically for use with language bindings to automatically expose
   635   *        the full set of librdkafka error codes.
   636   */
   637  struct rd_kafka_err_desc {
   638          rd_kafka_resp_err_t code; /**< Error code */
   639          const char *name; /**< Error name, same as code enum sans prefix */
   640          const char *desc; /**< Human readable error description. */
   641  };
   644  /**
   645   * @brief Returns the full list of error codes.
   646   */
   647  RD_EXPORT
   648  void rd_kafka_get_err_descs(const struct rd_kafka_err_desc **errdescs,
   649                              size_t *cntp);
   653  /**
   654   * @brief Returns a human readable representation of a kafka error.
   655   *
   656   * @param err Error code to translate
   657   */
   658  RD_EXPORT
   659  const char *rd_kafka_err2str(rd_kafka_resp_err_t err);
   663  /**
   664   * @brief Returns the error code name (enum name).
   665   *
   666   * @param err Error code to translate
   667   */
   668  RD_EXPORT
   669  const char *rd_kafka_err2name(rd_kafka_resp_err_t err);
   672  /**
   673   * @brief Returns the last error code generated by a legacy API call
   674   *        in the current thread.
   675   *
   676   * The legacy APIs are the ones using errno to propagate error value, namely:
   677   *  - rd_kafka_topic_new()
   678   *  - rd_kafka_consume_start()
   679   *  - rd_kafka_consume_stop()
   680   *  - rd_kafka_consume()
   681   *  - rd_kafka_consume_batch()
   682   *  - rd_kafka_consume_callback()
   683   *  - rd_kafka_consume_queue()
   684   *  - rd_kafka_produce()
   685   *
   686   * The main use for this function is to avoid converting system \p errno
   687   * values to rd_kafka_resp_err_t codes for legacy APIs.
   688   *
   689   * @remark The last error is stored per-thread, if multiple rd_kafka_t handles
   690   *         are used in the same application thread the developer needs to
   691   *         make sure rd_kafka_last_error() is called immediately after
   692   *         a failed API call.
   693   *
   694   * @remark errno propagation from librdkafka is not safe on Windows
   695   *         and should not be used, use rd_kafka_last_error() instead.
   696   */
   697  RD_EXPORT
   698  rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_last_error(void);
   701  /**
   702   * @brief Converts the system errno value \p errnox to a rd_kafka_resp_err_t
   703   *        error code upon failure from the following functions:
   704   *  - rd_kafka_topic_new()
   705   *  - rd_kafka_consume_start()
   706   *  - rd_kafka_consume_stop()
   707   *  - rd_kafka_consume()
   708   *  - rd_kafka_consume_batch()
   709   *  - rd_kafka_consume_callback()
   710   *  - rd_kafka_consume_queue()
   711   *  - rd_kafka_produce()
   712   *
   713   * @param errnox  System errno value to convert
   714   *
   715   * @returns Appropriate error code for \p errnox
   716   *
   717   * @remark A better alternative is to call rd_kafka_last_error() immediately
   718   *         after any of the above functions return -1 or NULL.
   719   *
   720   * @deprecated Use rd_kafka_last_error() to retrieve the last error code
   721   *             set by the legacy librdkafka APIs.
   722   *
   723   * @sa rd_kafka_last_error()
   724   */
   725  RD_EXPORT RD_DEPRECATED rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_errno2err(int errnox);
   728  /**
   729   * @brief Returns the thread-local system errno
   730   *
   731   * On most platforms this is the same as \p errno but in case of different
   732   * runtimes between library and application (e.g., Windows static DLLs)
   733   * this provides a means for exposing the errno librdkafka uses.
   734   *
   735   * @remark The value is local to the current calling thread.
   736   *
   737   * @deprecated Use rd_kafka_last_error() to retrieve the last error code
   738   *             set by the legacy librdkafka APIs.
   739   */
   740  RD_EXPORT RD_DEPRECATED int rd_kafka_errno(void);
   744  /**
   745   * @brief Returns the first fatal error set on this client instance,
   746   *        or RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR if no fatal error has occurred.
   747   *
   748   * This function is to be used with the Idempotent Producer and \c error_cb
   749   * to detect fatal errors.
   750   *
   751   * Generally all errors raised by \c error_cb are to be considered
   752   * informational and temporary, the client will try to recover from all
   753   * errors in a graceful fashion (by retrying, etc).
   754   *
   755   * However, some errors should logically be considered fatal to retain
   756   * consistency; in particular a set of errors that may occur when using the
   757   * Idempotent Producer and the in-order or exactly-once producer guarantees
   758   * can't be satisfied.
   759   *
   760   * @param rk Client instance.
   761   * @param errstr A human readable error string (nul-terminated) is written to
   762   *               this location that must be of at least \p errstr_size bytes.
   763   *               The \p errstr is only written to if there is a fatal error.
   764   * @param errstr_size Writable size in \p errstr.
   765   *
   766   *
   767   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR if no fatal error has been raised, else
   768   *          any other error code.
   769   */
   770  RD_EXPORT
   771  rd_kafka_resp_err_t
   772  rd_kafka_fatal_error(rd_kafka_t *rk, char *errstr, size_t errstr_size);
   775  /**
   776   * @brief Trigger a fatal error for testing purposes.
   777   *
   778   * Since there is no practical way to trigger real fatal errors in the
   779   * idempotent producer, this method allows an application to trigger
   780   * fabricated fatal errors in tests to check its error handling code.
   781   *
   782   * @param rk Client instance.
   783   * @param err The underlying error code.
   784   * @param reason A human readable error reason.
   785   *               Will be prefixed with "test_fatal_error: " to differentiate
   786   *               from real fatal errors.
   787   *
   788   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR if a fatal error was triggered, or
   789   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__PREV_IN_PROGRESS if a previous fatal error
   790   *          has already been triggered.
   791   */
   792  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_test_fatal_error(rd_kafka_t *rk,
   793                                                          rd_kafka_resp_err_t err,
   794                                                          const char *reason);
   797  /**
   798   * @returns the error code for \p error or RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR if
   799   *          \p error is NULL.
   800   */
   801  RD_EXPORT
   802  rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_error_code(const rd_kafka_error_t *error);
   804  /**
   805   * @returns the error code name for \p error, e.g, "ERR_UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID",
   806   *          or an empty string if \p error is NULL.
   807   *
   808   * @remark The lifetime of the returned pointer is the same as the error object.
   809   *
   810   * @sa rd_kafka_err2name()
   811   */
   812  RD_EXPORT
   813  const char *rd_kafka_error_name(const rd_kafka_error_t *error);
   815  /**
   816   * @returns a human readable error string for \p error,
   817   *          or an empty string if \p error is NULL.
   818   *
   819   * @remark The lifetime of the returned pointer is the same as the error object.
   820   */
   821  RD_EXPORT
   822  const char *rd_kafka_error_string(const rd_kafka_error_t *error);
   825  /**
   826   * @returns 1 if the error is a fatal error, indicating that the client
   827   *          instance is no longer usable, else 0 (also if \p error is NULL).
   828   */
   829  RD_EXPORT
   830  int rd_kafka_error_is_fatal(const rd_kafka_error_t *error);
   833  /**
   834   * @returns 1 if the operation may be retried,
   835   *          else 0 (also if \p error is NULL).
   836   */
   837  RD_EXPORT
   838  int rd_kafka_error_is_retriable(const rd_kafka_error_t *error);
   841  /**
   842   * @returns 1 if the error is an abortable transaction error in which case
   843   *          the application must call rd_kafka_abort_transaction() and
   844   *          start a new transaction with rd_kafka_begin_transaction() if it
   845   *          wishes to proceed with transactions.
   846   *          Else returns 0 (also if \p error is NULL).
   847   *
   848   * @remark The return value of this method is only valid for errors returned
   849   *         by the transactional API.
   850   */
   851  RD_EXPORT
   852  int rd_kafka_error_txn_requires_abort(const rd_kafka_error_t *error);
   854  /**
   855   * @brief Free and destroy an error object.
   856   *
   857   * @remark As a conveniance it is permitted to pass a NULL \p error.
   858   */
   859  RD_EXPORT
   860  void rd_kafka_error_destroy(rd_kafka_error_t *error);
   863  /**
   864   * @brief Create a new error object with error \p code and optional
   865   *        human readable error string in \p fmt.
   866   *
   867   * This method is mainly to be used for mocking errors in application test code.
   868   *
   869   * The returned object must be destroyed with rd_kafka_error_destroy().
   870   */
   871  RD_EXPORT
   872  rd_kafka_error_t *rd_kafka_error_new(rd_kafka_resp_err_t code,
   873                                       const char *fmt,
   874                                       ...) RD_FORMAT(printf, 2, 3);
   877  /**
   878   * @brief Topic+Partition place holder
   879   *
   880   * Generic place holder for a Topic+Partition and its related information
   881   * used for multiple purposes:
   882   *   - consumer offset (see rd_kafka_commit(),
   883   *   - group rebalancing callback (rd_kafka_conf_set_rebalance_cb())
   884   *   - offset commit result callback (rd_kafka_conf_set_offset_commit_cb())
   885   */
   887  /**
   888   * @brief Generic place holder for a specific Topic+Partition.
   889   *
   890   * @sa rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_new()
   891   */
   892  typedef struct rd_kafka_topic_partition_s {
   893          char *topic;             /**< Topic name */
   894          int32_t partition;       /**< Partition */
   895          int64_t offset;          /**< Offset */
   896          void *metadata;          /**< Metadata */
   897          size_t metadata_size;    /**< Metadata size */
   898          void *opaque;            /**< Opaque value for application use */
   899          rd_kafka_resp_err_t err; /**< Error code, depending on use. */
   900          void *_private;          /**< INTERNAL USE ONLY,
   901                                    *   INITIALIZE TO ZERO, DO NOT TOUCH */
   902  } rd_kafka_topic_partition_t;
   905  /**
   906   * @brief Destroy a rd_kafka_topic_partition_t.
   907   * @remark This must not be called for elements in a topic partition list.
   908   */
   909  RD_EXPORT
   910  void rd_kafka_topic_partition_destroy(rd_kafka_topic_partition_t *rktpar);
   913  /**
   914   * @brief A growable list of Topic+Partitions.
   915   *
   916   */
   917  typedef struct rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_s {
   918          int cnt;                           /**< Current number of elements */
   919          int size;                          /**< Current allocated size */
   920          rd_kafka_topic_partition_t *elems; /**< Element array[] */
   921  } rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t;
   924  /**
   925   * @brief Create a new list/vector Topic+Partition container.
   926   *
   927   * @param size  Initial allocated size used when the expected number of
   928   *              elements is known or can be estimated.
   929   *              Avoids reallocation and possibly relocation of the
   930   *              elems array.
   931   *
   932   * @returns A newly allocated Topic+Partition list.
   933   *
   934   * @remark Use rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_destroy() to free all resources
   935   *         in use by a list and the list itself.
   936   * @sa     rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_add()
   937   */
   938  RD_EXPORT
   939  rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_new(int size);
   942  /**
   943   * @brief Free all resources used by the list and the list itself.
   944   */
   945  RD_EXPORT
   946  void rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_destroy(
   947      rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *rkparlist);
   949  /**
   950   * @brief Add topic+partition to list
   951   *
   952   * @param rktparlist List to extend
   953   * @param topic      Topic name (copied)
   954   * @param partition  Partition id
   955   *
   956   * @returns The object which can be used to fill in additionals fields.
   957   */
   958  RD_EXPORT
   959  rd_kafka_topic_partition_t *
   960  rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_add(rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *rktparlist,
   961                                    const char *topic,
   962                                    int32_t partition);
   965  /**
   966   * @brief Add range of partitions from \p start to \p stop inclusive.
   967   *
   968   * @param rktparlist List to extend
   969   * @param topic      Topic name (copied)
   970   * @param start      Start partition of range
   971   * @param stop       Last partition of range (inclusive)
   972   */
   973  RD_EXPORT
   974  void rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_add_range(
   975      rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *rktparlist,
   976      const char *topic,
   977      int32_t start,
   978      int32_t stop);
   982  /**
   983   * @brief Delete partition from list.
   984   *
   985   * @param rktparlist List to modify
   986   * @param topic      Topic name to match
   987   * @param partition  Partition to match
   988   *
   989   * @returns 1 if partition was found (and removed), else 0.
   990   *
   991   * @remark Any held indices to elems[] are unusable after this call returns 1.
   992   */
   993  RD_EXPORT
   994  int rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_del(
   995      rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *rktparlist,
   996      const char *topic,
   997      int32_t partition);
  1000  /**
  1001   * @brief Delete partition from list by elems[] index.
  1002   *
  1003   * @returns 1 if partition was found (and removed), else 0.
  1004   *
  1005   * @sa rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_del()
  1006   */
  1007  RD_EXPORT
  1008  int rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_del_by_idx(
  1009      rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *rktparlist,
  1010      int idx);
  1013  /**
  1014   * @brief Make a copy of an existing list.
  1015   *
  1016   * @param src   The existing list to copy.
  1017   *
  1018   * @returns A new list fully populated to be identical to \p src
  1019   */
  1020  RD_EXPORT
  1021  rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *
  1022  rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_copy(const rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *src);
  1026  /**
  1027   * @brief Set offset to \p offset for \p topic and \p partition
  1028   *
  1029   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success or
  1030   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__UNKNOWN_PARTITION if \p partition was not found
  1031   *          in the list.
  1032   */
  1033  RD_EXPORT
  1034  rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_set_offset(
  1035      rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *rktparlist,
  1036      const char *topic,
  1037      int32_t partition,
  1038      int64_t offset);
  1042  /**
  1043   * @brief Find element by \p topic and \p partition.
  1044   *
  1045   * @returns a pointer to the first matching element, or NULL if not found.
  1046   */
  1047  RD_EXPORT
  1048  rd_kafka_topic_partition_t *rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_find(
  1049      const rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *rktparlist,
  1050      const char *topic,
  1051      int32_t partition);
  1054  /**
  1055   * @brief Sort list using comparator \p cmp.
  1056   *
  1057   * If \p cmp is NULL the default comparator will be used that
  1058   * sorts by ascending topic name and partition.
  1059   *
  1060   * \p cmp_opaque is provided as the \p cmp_opaque argument to \p cmp.
  1061   *
  1062   */
  1063  RD_EXPORT void rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_sort(
  1064      rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *rktparlist,
  1065      int (*cmp)(const void *a, const void *b, void *cmp_opaque),
  1066      void *cmp_opaque);
  1069  /**@}*/
  1073  /**
  1074   * @name Var-arg tag types
  1075   * @{
  1076   *
  1077   */
  1079  /**
  1080   * @enum rd_kafka_vtype_t
  1081   *
  1082   * @brief Var-arg tag types
  1083   *
  1084   * @sa rd_kafka_producev()
  1085   */
  1086  typedef enum rd_kafka_vtype_t {
  1087          RD_KAFKA_VTYPE_END,       /**< va-arg sentinel */
  1088          RD_KAFKA_VTYPE_TOPIC,     /**< (const char *) Topic name */
  1089          RD_KAFKA_VTYPE_RKT,       /**< (rd_kafka_topic_t *) Topic handle */
  1090          RD_KAFKA_VTYPE_PARTITION, /**< (int32_t) Partition */
  1091          RD_KAFKA_VTYPE_VALUE,    /**< (void *, size_t) Message value (payload)*/
  1092          RD_KAFKA_VTYPE_KEY,      /**< (void *, size_t) Message key */
  1093          RD_KAFKA_VTYPE_OPAQUE,   /**< (void *) Per-message application opaque
  1094                                    *            value. This is the same as
  1095                                    *            the _private field in
  1096                                    *            rd_kafka_message_t, also known
  1097                                    *            as the msg_opaque. */
  1098          RD_KAFKA_VTYPE_MSGFLAGS, /**< (int) RD_KAFKA_MSG_F_.. flags */
  1099          RD_KAFKA_VTYPE_TIMESTAMP, /**< (int64_t) Milliseconds since epoch UTC */
  1100          RD_KAFKA_VTYPE_HEADER,    /**< (const char *, const void *, ssize_t)
  1101                                     *   Message Header */
  1102          RD_KAFKA_VTYPE_HEADERS,   /**< (rd_kafka_headers_t *) Headers list */
  1103  } rd_kafka_vtype_t;
  1106  /**
  1107   * @brief VTYPE + argument container for use with rd_kafka_produce_va()
  1108   *
  1109   * See RD_KAFKA_V_..() macros below for which union field corresponds
  1110   * to which RD_KAFKA_VTYPE_...
  1111   */
  1112  typedef struct rd_kafka_vu_s {
  1113          rd_kafka_vtype_t vtype; /**< RD_KAFKA_VTYPE_.. */
  1114          /** Value union, see RD_KAFKA_V_.. macros for which field to use. */
  1115          union {
  1116                  const char *cstr;
  1117                  rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt;
  1118                  int i;
  1119                  int32_t i32;
  1120                  int64_t i64;
  1121                  struct {
  1122                          void *ptr;
  1123                          size_t size;
  1124                  } mem;
  1125                  struct {
  1126                          const char *name;
  1127                          const void *val;
  1128                          ssize_t size;
  1129                  } header;
  1130                  rd_kafka_headers_t *headers;
  1131                  void *ptr;
  1132                  char _pad[64]; /**< Padding size for future-proofness */
  1133          } u;
  1134  } rd_kafka_vu_t;
  1136  /**
  1137   * @brief Convenience macros for rd_kafka_vtype_t that takes the
  1138   *        correct arguments for each vtype.
  1139   */
  1141  /*!
  1142   * va-arg end sentinel used to terminate the variable argument list
  1143   */
  1146  /*!
  1147   * Topic name (const char *)
  1148   *
  1149   * rd_kafka_vu_t field: u.cstr
  1150   */
  1151  #define RD_KAFKA_V_TOPIC(topic)                                                \
  1152          _LRK_TYPECHECK(RD_KAFKA_VTYPE_TOPIC, const char *, topic),             \
  1153              (const char *)topic
  1154  /*!
  1155   * Topic object (rd_kafka_topic_t *)
  1156   *
  1157   * rd_kafka_vu_t field: u.rkt
  1158   */
  1159  #define RD_KAFKA_V_RKT(rkt)                                                    \
  1160          _LRK_TYPECHECK(RD_KAFKA_VTYPE_RKT, rd_kafka_topic_t *, rkt),           \
  1161              (rd_kafka_topic_t *)rkt
  1162  /*!
  1163   * Partition (int32_t)
  1164   *
  1165   * rd_kafka_vu_t field: u.i32
  1166   */
  1167  #define RD_KAFKA_V_PARTITION(partition)                                        \
  1168          _LRK_TYPECHECK(RD_KAFKA_VTYPE_PARTITION, int32_t, partition),          \
  1169              (int32_t)partition
  1170  /*!
  1171   * Message value/payload pointer and length (void *, size_t)
  1172   *
  1173   * rd_kafka_vu_t fields: u.mem.ptr, u.mem.size
  1174   */
  1175  #define RD_KAFKA_V_VALUE(VALUE, LEN)                                           \
  1176          _LRK_TYPECHECK2(RD_KAFKA_VTYPE_VALUE, void *, VALUE, size_t, LEN),     \
  1177              (void *)VALUE, (size_t)LEN
  1178  /*!
  1179   * Message key pointer and length (const void *, size_t)
  1180   *
  1181   * rd_kafka_vu_t field: u.mem.ptr, rd_kafka_vu.t.u.mem.size
  1182   */
  1183  #define RD_KAFKA_V_KEY(KEY, LEN)                                               \
  1184          _LRK_TYPECHECK2(RD_KAFKA_VTYPE_KEY, const void *, KEY, size_t, LEN),   \
  1185              (void *)KEY, (size_t)LEN
  1186  /*!
  1187   * Message opaque pointer (void *)
  1188   * Same as \c msg_opaque, \c produce(.., msg_opaque),
  1189   * and \c rkmessage->_private .
  1190   *
  1191   * rd_kafka_vu_t field: u.ptr
  1192   */
  1193  #define RD_KAFKA_V_OPAQUE(msg_opaque)                                          \
  1194          _LRK_TYPECHECK(RD_KAFKA_VTYPE_OPAQUE, void *, msg_opaque),             \
  1195              (void *)msg_opaque
  1196  /*!
  1197   * Message flags (int)
  1198   * @sa RD_KAFKA_MSG_F_COPY,
  1199   *
  1200   * rd_kafka_vu_t field: u.i
  1201   */
  1202  #define RD_KAFKA_V_MSGFLAGS(msgflags)                                          \
  1203          _LRK_TYPECHECK(RD_KAFKA_VTYPE_MSGFLAGS, int, msgflags), (int)msgflags
  1204  /*!
  1205   * Timestamp in milliseconds since epoch UTC (int64_t).
  1206   * A value of 0 will use the current wall-clock time.
  1207   *
  1208   * rd_kafka_vu_t field: u.i64
  1209   */
  1210  #define RD_KAFKA_V_TIMESTAMP(timestamp)                                        \
  1211          _LRK_TYPECHECK(RD_KAFKA_VTYPE_TIMESTAMP, int64_t, timestamp),          \
  1212              (int64_t)timestamp
  1213  /*!
  1214   * Add Message Header (const char *NAME, const void *VALUE, ssize_t LEN).
  1215   * @sa rd_kafka_header_add()
  1216   * @remark RD_KAFKA_V_HEADER() and RD_KAFKA_V_HEADERS() MUST NOT be mixed
  1217   *         in the same call to producev().
  1218   *
  1219   * rd_kafka_vu_t fields:, u.header.val, u.header.size
  1220   */
  1221  #define RD_KAFKA_V_HEADER(NAME, VALUE, LEN)                                    \
  1222          _LRK_TYPECHECK3(RD_KAFKA_VTYPE_HEADER, const char *, NAME,             \
  1223                          const void *, VALUE, ssize_t, LEN),                    \
  1224              (const char *)NAME, (const void *)VALUE, (ssize_t)LEN
  1226  /*!
  1227   * Message Headers list (rd_kafka_headers_t *).
  1228   * The message object will assume ownership of the headers (unless producev()
  1229   * fails).
  1230   * Any existing headers will be replaced.
  1231   * @sa rd_kafka_message_set_headers()
  1232   * @remark RD_KAFKA_V_HEADER() and RD_KAFKA_V_HEADERS() MUST NOT be mixed
  1233   *         in the same call to producev().
  1234   *
  1235   * rd_kafka_vu_t fields: u.headers
  1236   */
  1237  #define RD_KAFKA_V_HEADERS(HDRS)                                               \
  1238          _LRK_TYPECHECK(RD_KAFKA_VTYPE_HEADERS, rd_kafka_headers_t *, HDRS),    \
  1239              (rd_kafka_headers_t *)HDRS
  1242  /**@}*/
  1245  /**
  1246   * @name Message headers
  1247   * @{
  1248   *
  1249   * @brief Message headers consist of a list of (string key, binary value) pairs.
  1250   *        Duplicate keys are supported and the order in which keys were
  1251   *        added are retained.
  1252   *
  1253   *        Header values are considered binary and may have three types of
  1254   *        value:
  1255   *          - proper value with size > 0 and a valid pointer
  1256   *          - empty value with size = 0 and any non-NULL pointer
  1257   *          - null value with size = 0 and a NULL pointer
  1258   *
  1259   *        Headers require Apache Kafka broker version v0.11.0.0 or later.
  1260   *
  1261   *        Header operations are O(n).
  1262   */
  1265  /**
  1266   * @brief Create a new headers list.
  1267   *
  1268   * @param initial_count Preallocate space for this number of headers.
  1269   *                      Any number of headers may be added, updated and
  1270   *                      removed regardless of the initial count.
  1271   */
  1272  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_headers_t *rd_kafka_headers_new(size_t initial_count);
  1274  /**
  1275   * @brief Destroy the headers list. The object and any returned value pointers
  1276   *        are not usable after this call.
  1277   */
  1278  RD_EXPORT void rd_kafka_headers_destroy(rd_kafka_headers_t *hdrs);
  1280  /**
  1281   * @brief Make a copy of headers list \p src.
  1282   */
  1283  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_headers_t *
  1284  rd_kafka_headers_copy(const rd_kafka_headers_t *src);
  1286  /**
  1287   * @brief Add header with name \p name and value \p val (copied) of size
  1288   *        \p size (not including null-terminator).
  1289   *
  1290   * @param hdrs       Headers list.
  1291   * @param name       Header name.
  1292   * @param name_size  Header name size (not including the null-terminator).
  1293   *                   If -1 the \p name length is automatically acquired using
  1294   *                   strlen().
  1295   * @param value      Pointer to header value, or NULL (set size to 0 or -1).
  1296   * @param value_size Size of header value. If -1 the \p value is assumed to be a
  1297   *                   null-terminated string and the length is automatically
  1298   *                   acquired using strlen().
  1299   *
  1300   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__READ_ONLY if the headers are read-only,
  1301   *          else RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR.
  1302   */
  1303  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_header_add(rd_kafka_headers_t *hdrs,
  1304                                                    const char *name,
  1305                                                    ssize_t name_size,
  1306                                                    const void *value,
  1307                                                    ssize_t value_size);
  1309  /**
  1310   * @brief Remove all headers for the given key (if any).
  1311   *
  1312   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__READ_ONLY if the headers are read-only,
  1313   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__NOENT if no matching headers were found,
  1314   *          else RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR if headers were removed.
  1315   */
  1316  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_header_remove(rd_kafka_headers_t *hdrs,
  1317                                                       const char *name);
  1320  /**
  1321   * @brief Find last header in list \p hdrs matching \p name.
  1322   *
  1323   * @param hdrs   Headers list.
  1324   * @param name   Header to find (last match).
  1325   * @param valuep (out) Set to a (null-terminated) const pointer to the value
  1326   *               (may be NULL).
  1327   * @param sizep  (out) Set to the value's size (not including null-terminator).
  1328   *
  1329   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR if an entry was found, else
  1330   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__NOENT.
  1331   *
  1332   * @remark The returned pointer in \p valuep includes a trailing null-terminator
  1333   *         that is not accounted for in \p sizep.
  1334   * @remark The returned pointer is only valid as long as the headers list and
  1335   *         the header item is valid.
  1336   */
  1337  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  1338  rd_kafka_header_get_last(const rd_kafka_headers_t *hdrs,
  1339                           const char *name,
  1340                           const void **valuep,
  1341                           size_t *sizep);
  1343  /**
  1344   * @brief Iterator for headers matching \p name.
  1345   *
  1346   *        Same semantics as rd_kafka_header_get_last()
  1347   *
  1348   * @param hdrs   Headers to iterate.
  1349   * @param idx    Iterator index, start at 0 and increment by one for each call
  1350   *               as long as RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR is returned.
  1351   * @param name   Header name to match.
  1352   * @param valuep (out) Set to a (null-terminated) const pointer to the value
  1353   *               (may be NULL).
  1354   * @param sizep  (out) Set to the value's size (not including null-terminator).
  1355   */
  1356  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  1357  rd_kafka_header_get(const rd_kafka_headers_t *hdrs,
  1358                      size_t idx,
  1359                      const char *name,
  1360                      const void **valuep,
  1361                      size_t *sizep);
  1364  /**
  1365   * @brief Iterator for all headers.
  1366   *
  1367   *        Same semantics as rd_kafka_header_get()
  1368   *
  1369   * @sa rd_kafka_header_get()
  1370   */
  1371  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  1372  rd_kafka_header_get_all(const rd_kafka_headers_t *hdrs,
  1373                          size_t idx,
  1374                          const char **namep,
  1375                          const void **valuep,
  1376                          size_t *sizep);
  1380  /**@}*/
  1384  /**
  1385   * @name Kafka messages
  1386   * @{
  1387   *
  1388   */
  1392  // FIXME: This doesn't show up in docs for some reason
  1393  // "Compound rd_kafka_message_t is not documented."
  1395  /**
  1396   * @brief A Kafka message as returned by the \c rd_kafka_consume*() family
  1397   *        of functions as well as provided to the Producer \c dr_msg_cb().
  1398   *
  1399   * For the consumer this object has two purposes:
  1400   *  - provide the application with a consumed message. (\c err == 0)
  1401   *  - report per-topic+partition consumer errors (\c err != 0)
  1402   *
  1403   * The application must check \c err to decide what action to take.
  1404   *
  1405   * When the application is finished with a message it must call
  1406   * rd_kafka_message_destroy() unless otherwise noted.
  1407   */
  1408  typedef struct rd_kafka_message_s {
  1409          rd_kafka_resp_err_t err; /**< Non-zero for error signaling. */
  1410          rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt;   /**< Topic */
  1411          int32_t partition;       /**< Partition */
  1412          void *payload;           /**< Producer: original message payload.
  1413                                    * Consumer: Depends on the value of \c err :
  1414                                    * - \c err==0: Message payload.
  1415                                    * - \c err!=0: Error string */
  1416          size_t len;              /**< Depends on the value of \c err :
  1417                                    * - \c err==0: Message payload length
  1418                                    * - \c err!=0: Error string length */
  1419          void *key;               /**< Depends on the value of \c err :
  1420                                    * - \c err==0: Optional message key */
  1421          size_t key_len;          /**< Depends on the value of \c err :
  1422                                    * - \c err==0: Optional message key length*/
  1423          int64_t offset;          /**< Consumer:
  1424                                    * - Message offset (or offset for error
  1425                                    *   if \c err!=0 if applicable).
  1426                                    *   Producer, dr_msg_cb:
  1427                                    *   Message offset assigned by broker.
  1428                                    *   May be RD_KAFKA_OFFSET_INVALID
  1429                                    *   for retried messages when
  1430                                    *   idempotence is enabled. */
  1431          void *_private;          /**< Consumer:
  1432                                    *  - rdkafka private pointer: DO NOT MODIFY
  1433                                    *  Producer:
  1434                                    *  - dr_msg_cb:
  1435                                    *    msg_opaque from produce() call or
  1436                                    *    RD_KAFKA_V_OPAQUE from producev(). */
  1437  } rd_kafka_message_t;
  1440  /**
  1441   * @brief Frees resources for \p rkmessage and hands ownership back to rdkafka.
  1442   */
  1443  RD_EXPORT
  1444  void rd_kafka_message_destroy(rd_kafka_message_t *rkmessage);
  1448  /**
  1449   * @brief Returns the error string for an errored rd_kafka_message_t or NULL if
  1450   *        there was no error.
  1451   *
  1452   * @remark This function MUST NOT be used with the producer.
  1453   */
  1454  RD_EXPORT
  1455  const char *rd_kafka_message_errstr(const rd_kafka_message_t *rkmessage);
  1458  /**
  1459   * @brief Returns the message timestamp for a consumed message.
  1460   *
  1461   * The timestamp is the number of milliseconds since the epoch (UTC).
  1462   *
  1463   * \p tstype (if not NULL) is updated to indicate the type of timestamp.
  1464   *
  1465   * @returns message timestamp, or -1 if not available.
  1466   *
  1467   * @remark Message timestamps require broker version 0.10.0 or later.
  1468   */
  1469  RD_EXPORT
  1470  int64_t rd_kafka_message_timestamp(const rd_kafka_message_t *rkmessage,
  1471                                     rd_kafka_timestamp_type_t *tstype);
  1475  /**
  1476   * @brief Returns the latency for a produced message measured from
  1477   *        the produce() call.
  1478   *
  1479   * @returns the latency in microseconds, or -1 if not available.
  1480   */
  1481  RD_EXPORT
  1482  int64_t rd_kafka_message_latency(const rd_kafka_message_t *rkmessage);
  1485  /**
  1486   * @brief Returns the broker id of the broker the message was produced to
  1487   *        or fetched from.
  1488   *
  1489   * @returns a broker id if known, else -1.
  1490   */
  1491  RD_EXPORT
  1492  int32_t rd_kafka_message_broker_id(const rd_kafka_message_t *rkmessage);
  1495  /**
  1496   * @brief Get the message header list.
  1497   *
  1498   * The returned pointer in \p *hdrsp is associated with the \p rkmessage and
  1499   * must not be used after destruction of the message object or the header
  1500   * list is replaced with rd_kafka_message_set_headers().
  1501   *
  1502   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR if headers were returned,
  1503   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__NOENT if the message has no headers,
  1504   *          or another error code if the headers could not be parsed.
  1505   *
  1506   * @remark Headers require broker version or later.
  1507   *
  1508   * @remark As an optimization the raw protocol headers are parsed on
  1509   *         the first call to this function.
  1510   */
  1511  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  1512  rd_kafka_message_headers(const rd_kafka_message_t *rkmessage,
  1513                           rd_kafka_headers_t **hdrsp);
  1515  /**
  1516   * @brief Get the message header list and detach the list from the message
  1517   *        making the application the owner of the headers.
  1518   *        The application must eventually destroy the headers using
  1519   *        rd_kafka_headers_destroy().
  1520   *        The message's headers will be set to NULL.
  1521   *
  1522   *        Otherwise same semantics as rd_kafka_message_headers()
  1523   *
  1524   * @sa rd_kafka_message_headers
  1525   */
  1526  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  1527  rd_kafka_message_detach_headers(rd_kafka_message_t *rkmessage,
  1528                                  rd_kafka_headers_t **hdrsp);
  1531  /**
  1532   * @brief Replace the message's current headers with a new list.
  1533   *
  1534   * @param rkmessage The message to set headers.
  1535   * @param hdrs New header list. The message object assumes ownership of
  1536   *             the list, the list will be destroyed automatically with
  1537   *             the message object.
  1538   *             The new headers list may be updated until the message object
  1539   *             is passed or returned to librdkafka.
  1540   *
  1541   * @remark The existing headers object, if any, will be destroyed.
  1542   */
  1543  RD_EXPORT
  1544  void rd_kafka_message_set_headers(rd_kafka_message_t *rkmessage,
  1545                                    rd_kafka_headers_t *hdrs);
  1548  /**
  1549   * @brief Returns the number of header key/value pairs
  1550   *
  1551   * @param hdrs   Headers to count
  1552   */
  1553  RD_EXPORT size_t rd_kafka_header_cnt(const rd_kafka_headers_t *hdrs);
  1556  /**
  1557   * @enum rd_kafka_msg_status_t
  1558   * @brief Message persistence status can be used by the application to
  1559   *        find out if a produced message was persisted in the topic log.
  1560   */
  1561  typedef enum {
  1562          /** Message was never transmitted to the broker, or failed with
  1563           *  an error indicating it was not written to the log.
  1564           *  Application retry risks ordering, but not duplication. */
  1567          /** Message was transmitted to broker, but no acknowledgement was
  1568           *  received.
  1569           *  Application retry risks ordering and duplication. */
  1572          /** Message was written to the log and acknowledged by the broker.
  1573           *  No reason for application to retry.
  1574           *  Note: this value should only be trusted with \c acks=all. */
  1576  } rd_kafka_msg_status_t;
  1579  /**
  1580   * @brief Returns the message's persistence status in the topic log.
  1581   *
  1582   * @remark The message status is not available in on_acknowledgement
  1583   *         interceptors.
  1584   */
  1585  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_msg_status_t
  1586  rd_kafka_message_status(const rd_kafka_message_t *rkmessage);
  1588  /**@}*/
  1591  /**
  1592   * @name Configuration interface
  1593   * @{
  1594   *
  1595   * @brief Main/global configuration property interface
  1596   *
  1597   */
  1599  /**
  1600   * @enum rd_kafka_conf_res_t
  1601   * @brief Configuration result type
  1602   */
  1603  typedef enum {
  1604          RD_KAFKA_CONF_UNKNOWN = -2, /**< Unknown configuration name. */
  1605          RD_KAFKA_CONF_INVALID = -1, /**< Invalid configuration value or
  1606                                       *   property or value not supported in
  1607                                       *   this build. */
  1608          RD_KAFKA_CONF_OK = 0        /**< Configuration okay */
  1609  } rd_kafka_conf_res_t;
  1612  /**
  1613   * @brief Create configuration object.
  1614   *
  1615   * When providing your own configuration to the \c rd_kafka_*_new_*() calls
  1616   * the rd_kafka_conf_t objects needs to be created with this function
  1617   * which will set up the defaults.
  1618   * I.e.:
  1619   * @code
  1620   *   rd_kafka_conf_t *myconf;
  1621   *   rd_kafka_conf_res_t res;
  1622   *
  1623   *   myconf = rd_kafka_conf_new();
  1624   *   res = rd_kafka_conf_set(myconf, "", "600",
  1625   *                           errstr, sizeof(errstr));
  1626   *   if (res != RD_KAFKA_CONF_OK)
  1627   *      die("%s\n", errstr);
  1628   *
  1629   *   rk = rd_kafka_new(..., myconf);
  1630   * @endcode
  1631   *
  1632   * Please see for the default settings or use
  1633   * rd_kafka_conf_properties_show() to provide the information at runtime.
  1634   *
  1635   * The properties are identical to the Apache Kafka configuration properties
  1636   * whenever possible.
  1637   *
  1638   * @remark A successful call to rd_kafka_new() will assume ownership of
  1639   * the conf object and rd_kafka_conf_destroy() must not be called.
  1640   *
  1641   * @returns A new rd_kafka_conf_t object with defaults set.
  1642   *
  1643   * @sa rd_kafka_new(), rd_kafka_conf_set(), rd_kafka_conf_destroy()
  1644   */
  1645  RD_EXPORT
  1646  rd_kafka_conf_t *rd_kafka_conf_new(void);
  1649  /**
  1650   * @brief Destroys a conf object.
  1651   */
  1652  RD_EXPORT
  1653  void rd_kafka_conf_destroy(rd_kafka_conf_t *conf);
  1656  /**
  1657   * @brief Creates a copy/duplicate of configuration object \p conf
  1658   *
  1659   * @remark Interceptors are NOT copied to the new configuration object.
  1660   * @sa rd_kafka_interceptor_f_on_conf_dup
  1661   */
  1662  RD_EXPORT
  1663  rd_kafka_conf_t *rd_kafka_conf_dup(const rd_kafka_conf_t *conf);
  1666  /**
  1667   * @brief Same as rd_kafka_conf_dup() but with an array of property name
  1668   *        prefixes to filter out (ignore) when copying.
  1669   */
  1670  RD_EXPORT
  1671  rd_kafka_conf_t *rd_kafka_conf_dup_filter(const rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  1672                                            size_t filter_cnt,
  1673                                            const char **filter);
  1677  /**
  1678   * @returns the configuration object used by an rd_kafka_t instance.
  1679   *          For use with rd_kafka_conf_get(),, to extract configuration
  1680   *          properties from a running client.
  1681   *
  1682   * @remark the returned object is read-only and its lifetime is the same
  1683   *         as the rd_kafka_t object.
  1684   */
  1685  RD_EXPORT
  1686  const rd_kafka_conf_t *rd_kafka_conf(rd_kafka_t *rk);
  1689  /**
  1690   * @brief Sets a configuration property.
  1691   *
  1692   * \p conf must have been previously created with rd_kafka_conf_new().
  1693   *
  1694   * Fallthrough:
  1695   * Topic-level configuration properties may be set using this interface
  1696   * in which case they are applied on the \c default_topic_conf.
  1697   * If no \c default_topic_conf has been set one will be created.
  1698   * Any sub-sequent rd_kafka_conf_set_default_topic_conf() calls will
  1699   * replace the current default topic configuration.
  1700   *
  1701   * @returns \c rd_kafka_conf_res_t to indicate success or failure.
  1702   * In case of failure \p errstr is updated to contain a human readable
  1703   * error string.
  1704   *
  1705   * @remark Setting properties or values that were disabled at build time due to
  1706   *         missing dependencies will return RD_KAFKA_CONF_INVALID.
  1707   */
  1708  RD_EXPORT
  1709  rd_kafka_conf_res_t rd_kafka_conf_set(rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  1710                                        const char *name,
  1711                                        const char *value,
  1712                                        char *errstr,
  1713                                        size_t errstr_size);
  1716  /**
  1717   * @brief Enable event sourcing.
  1718   * \p events is a bitmask of \c RD_KAFKA_EVENT_* of events to enable
  1719   * for consumption by `rd_kafka_queue_poll()`.
  1720   */
  1721  RD_EXPORT
  1722  void rd_kafka_conf_set_events(rd_kafka_conf_t *conf, int events);
  1725  /**
  1726   * @brief Generic event callback to be used with the event API to trigger
  1727   *        callbacks for \c rd_kafka_event_t objects from a background
  1728   *        thread serving the background queue.
  1729   *
  1730   * How to use:
  1731   *  1. First set the event callback on the configuration object with this
  1732   *     function, followed by creating an rd_kafka_t instance
  1733   *     with rd_kafka_new().
  1734   *  2. Get the instance's background queue with rd_kafka_queue_get_background()
  1735   *     and pass it as the reply/response queue to an API that takes an
  1736   *     event queue, such as rd_kafka_CreateTopics().
  1737   *  3. As the response event is ready and enqueued on the background queue the
  1738   *     event callback will be triggered from the background thread.
  1739   *  4. Prior to destroying the client instance, loose your reference to the
  1740   *     background queue by calling rd_kafka_queue_destroy().
  1741   *
  1742   * The application must destroy the \c rkev passed to \p event cb using
  1743   * rd_kafka_event_destroy().
  1744   *
  1745   * The \p event_cb \c opaque argument is the opaque set with
  1746   * rd_kafka_conf_set_opaque().
  1747   *
  1748   * @remark This callback is a specialized alternative to the poll-based
  1749   *         event API described in the Event interface section.
  1750   *
  1751   * @remark The \p event_cb will be called spontaneously from a background
  1752   *         thread completely managed by librdkafka.
  1753   *         Take care to perform proper locking of application objects.
  1754   *
  1755   * @warning The application MUST NOT call rd_kafka_destroy() from the
  1756   *          event callback.
  1757   *
  1758   * @sa rd_kafka_queue_get_background
  1759   */
  1760  RD_EXPORT void rd_kafka_conf_set_background_event_cb(
  1761      rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  1762      void (*event_cb)(rd_kafka_t *rk, rd_kafka_event_t *rkev, void *opaque));
  1765  /**
  1766   * @deprecated See rd_kafka_conf_set_dr_msg_cb()
  1767   */
  1768  RD_EXPORT
  1769  void rd_kafka_conf_set_dr_cb(rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  1770                               void (*dr_cb)(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  1771                                             void *payload,
  1772                                             size_t len,
  1773                                             rd_kafka_resp_err_t err,
  1774                                             void *opaque,
  1775                                             void *msg_opaque));
  1777  /**
  1778   * @brief \b Producer: Set delivery report callback in provided \p conf object.
  1779   *
  1780   * The delivery report callback will be called once for each message
  1781   * accepted by rd_kafka_produce() ( with \p err set to indicate
  1782   * the result of the produce request.
  1783   *
  1784   * The callback is called when a message is succesfully produced or
  1785   * if librdkafka encountered a permanent failure.
  1786   * Delivery errors occur when the retry count is exceeded, when the
  1787   * timeout is exceeded or there is a permanent error
  1789   *
  1790   * An application must call rd_kafka_poll() at regular intervals to
  1791   * serve queued delivery report callbacks.
  1792   *
  1793   * The broker-assigned offset can be retrieved with \c rkmessage->offset
  1794   * and the timestamp can be retrieved using rd_kafka_message_timestamp().
  1795   *
  1796   * The \p dr_msg_cb \c opaque argument is the opaque set with
  1797   * rd_kafka_conf_set_opaque().
  1798   * The per-message msg_opaque value is available in
  1799   * \c rd_kafka_message_t._private.
  1800   *
  1801   * @remark The Idempotent Producer may return invalid timestamp
  1802   *         (RD_KAFKA_TIMESTAMP_NOT_AVAILABLE), and
  1803   *         and offset (RD_KAFKA_OFFSET_INVALID) for retried messages
  1804   *         that were previously successfully delivered but not properly
  1805   *         acknowledged.
  1806   */
  1807  RD_EXPORT
  1808  void rd_kafka_conf_set_dr_msg_cb(
  1809      rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  1810      void (*dr_msg_cb)(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  1811                        const rd_kafka_message_t *rkmessage,
  1812                        void *opaque));
  1815  /**
  1816   * @brief \b Consumer: Set consume callback for use with
  1817   *        rd_kafka_consumer_poll()
  1818   *
  1819   * The \p consume_cb \p opaque argument is the opaque set with
  1820   * rd_kafka_conf_set_opaque().
  1821   */
  1822  RD_EXPORT
  1823  void rd_kafka_conf_set_consume_cb(
  1824      rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  1825      void (*consume_cb)(rd_kafka_message_t *rkmessage, void *opaque));
  1827  /**
  1828   * @brief \b Consumer: Set rebalance callback for use with
  1829   *                     coordinated consumer group balancing.
  1830   *
  1831   * The \p err field is set to either RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__ASSIGN_PARTITIONS
  1832   * or RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__REVOKE_PARTITIONS and 'partitions'
  1833   * contains the full partition set that was either assigned or revoked.
  1834   *
  1835   * Registering a \p rebalance_cb turns off librdkafka's automatic
  1836   * partition assignment/revocation and instead delegates that responsibility
  1837   * to the application's \p rebalance_cb.
  1838   *
  1839   * The rebalance callback is responsible for updating librdkafka's
  1840   * assignment set based on the two events: RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__ASSIGN_PARTITIONS
  1841   * and RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__REVOKE_PARTITIONS but should also be able to handle
  1842   * arbitrary rebalancing failures where \p err is neither of those.
  1843   * @remark In this latter case (arbitrary error), the application must
  1844   *         call rd_kafka_assign(rk, NULL) to synchronize state.
  1845   *
  1846   * For eager/non-cooperative `partition.assignment.strategy` assignors,
  1847   * such as `range` and `roundrobin`, the application must use
  1848   * rd_kafka_assign() to set or clear the entire assignment.
  1849   * For the cooperative assignors, such as `cooperative-sticky`, the application
  1850   * must use rd_kafka_incremental_assign() for
  1851   * RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__ASSIGN_PARTITIONS and rd_kafka_incremental_unassign()
  1853   *
  1854   * Without a rebalance callback this is done automatically by librdkafka
  1855   * but registering a rebalance callback gives the application flexibility
  1856   * in performing other operations along with the assigning/revocation,
  1857   * such as fetching offsets from an alternate location (on assign)
  1858   * or manually committing offsets (on revoke).
  1859   *
  1860   * rebalance_cb is always triggered exactly once when a rebalance completes
  1861   * with a new assignment, even if that assignment is empty. If an
  1862   * eager/non-cooperative assignor is configured, there will eventually be
  1863   * exactly one corresponding call to rebalance_cb to revoke these partitions
  1864   * (even if empty), whether this is due to a group rebalance or lost
  1865   * partitions. In the cooperative case, rebalance_cb will never be called if
  1866   * the set of partitions being revoked is empty (whether or not lost).
  1867   *
  1868   * The callback's \p opaque argument is the opaque set with
  1869   * rd_kafka_conf_set_opaque().
  1870   *
  1871   * @remark The \p partitions list is destroyed by librdkafka on return
  1872   *         return from the rebalance_cb and must not be freed or
  1873   *         saved by the application.
  1874   *
  1875   * @remark Be careful when modifying the \p partitions list.
  1876   *         Changing this list should only be done to change the initial
  1877   *         offsets for each partition.
  1878   *         But a function like `rd_kafka_position()` might have unexpected
  1879   *         effects for instance when a consumer gets assigned a partition
  1880   *         it used to consume at an earlier rebalance. In this case, the
  1881   *         list of partitions will be updated with the old offset for that
  1882   *         partition. In this case, it is generally better to pass a copy
  1883   *         of the list (see `rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_copy()`).
  1884   *         The result of `rd_kafka_position()` is typically outdated in
  1886   *
  1887   * @sa rd_kafka_assign()
  1888   * @sa rd_kafka_incremental_assign()
  1889   * @sa rd_kafka_incremental_unassign()
  1890   * @sa rd_kafka_assignment_lost()
  1891   * @sa rd_kafka_rebalance_protocol()
  1892   *
  1893   * The following example shows the application's responsibilities:
  1894   * @code
  1895   *    static void rebalance_cb (rd_kafka_t *rk, rd_kafka_resp_err_t err,
  1896   *                              rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *partitions,
  1897   *                              void *opaque) {
  1898   *
  1899   *        switch (err)
  1900   *        {
  1901   *          case RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__ASSIGN_PARTITIONS:
  1902   *             // application may load offets from arbitrary external
  1903   *             // storage here and update \p partitions
  1904   *             if (!strcmp(rd_kafka_rebalance_protocol(rk), "COOPERATIVE"))
  1905   *                     rd_kafka_incremental_assign(rk, partitions);
  1906   *             else // EAGER
  1907   *                     rd_kafka_assign(rk, partitions);
  1908   *             break;
  1909   *
  1910   *          case RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__REVOKE_PARTITIONS:
  1911   *             if (manual_commits) // Optional explicit manual commit
  1912   *                 rd_kafka_commit(rk, partitions, 0); // sync commit
  1913   *
  1914   *             if (!strcmp(rd_kafka_rebalance_protocol(rk), "COOPERATIVE"))
  1915   *                     rd_kafka_incremental_unassign(rk, partitions);
  1916   *             else // EAGER
  1917   *                     rd_kafka_assign(rk, NULL);
  1918   *             break;
  1919   *
  1920   *          default:
  1921   *             handle_unlikely_error(err);
  1922   *             rd_kafka_assign(rk, NULL); // sync state
  1923   *             break;
  1924   *         }
  1925   *    }
  1926   * @endcode
  1927   *
  1928   * @remark The above example lacks error handling for assign calls, see
  1929   *         the examples/ directory.
  1930   */
  1931  RD_EXPORT
  1932  void rd_kafka_conf_set_rebalance_cb(
  1933      rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  1934      void (*rebalance_cb)(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  1935                           rd_kafka_resp_err_t err,
  1936                           rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *partitions,
  1937                           void *opaque));
  1941  /**
  1942   * @brief \b Consumer: Set offset commit callback for use with consumer groups.
  1943   *
  1944   * The results of automatic or manual offset commits will be scheduled
  1945   * for this callback and is served by rd_kafka_consumer_poll().
  1946   *
  1947   * If no partitions had valid offsets to commit this callback will be called
  1948   * with \p err == RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__NO_OFFSET which is not to be considered
  1949   * an error.
  1950   *
  1951   * The \p offsets list contains per-partition information:
  1952   *   - \c offset: committed offset (attempted)
  1953   *   - \c err:    commit error
  1954   *
  1955   * The callback's \p opaque argument is the opaque set with
  1956   * rd_kafka_conf_set_opaque().
  1957   */
  1958  RD_EXPORT
  1959  void rd_kafka_conf_set_offset_commit_cb(
  1960      rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  1961      void (*offset_commit_cb)(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  1962                               rd_kafka_resp_err_t err,
  1963                               rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *offsets,
  1964                               void *opaque));
  1967  /**
  1968   * @brief Set error callback in provided conf object.
  1969   *
  1970   * The error callback is used by librdkafka to signal warnings and errors
  1971   * back to the application.
  1972   *
  1973   * These errors should generally be considered informational and non-permanent,
  1974   * the client will try to recover automatically from all type of errors.
  1975   * Given that the client and cluster configuration is correct the
  1976   * application should treat these as temporary errors.
  1977   *
  1978   * \p error_cb will be triggered with \c err set to RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__FATAL
  1979   * if a fatal error has been raised; in this case use rd_kafka_fatal_error() to
  1980   * retrieve the fatal error code and error string, and then begin terminating
  1981   * the client instance.
  1982   *
  1983   * If no \p error_cb is registered, or RD_KAFKA_EVENT_ERROR has not been set
  1984   * with rd_kafka_conf_set_events, then the errors will be logged instead.
  1985   *
  1986   * The callback's \p opaque argument is the opaque set with
  1987   * rd_kafka_conf_set_opaque().
  1988   */
  1989  RD_EXPORT
  1990  void rd_kafka_conf_set_error_cb(rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  1991                                  void (*error_cb)(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  1992                                                   int err,
  1993                                                   const char *reason,
  1994                                                   void *opaque));
  1996  /**
  1997   * @brief Set throttle callback.
  1998   *
  1999   * The throttle callback is used to forward broker throttle times to the
  2000   * application for Produce and Fetch (consume) requests.
  2001   *
  2002   * Callbacks are triggered whenever a non-zero throttle time is returned by
  2003   * the broker, or when the throttle time drops back to zero.
  2004   *
  2005   * An application must call rd_kafka_poll() or rd_kafka_consumer_poll() at
  2006   * regular intervals to serve queued callbacks.
  2007   *
  2008   * The callback's \p opaque argument is the opaque set with
  2009   * rd_kafka_conf_set_opaque().
  2010   *
  2011   * @remark Requires broker version 0.9.0 or later.
  2012   */
  2013  RD_EXPORT
  2014  void rd_kafka_conf_set_throttle_cb(rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  2015                                     void (*throttle_cb)(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  2016                                                         const char *broker_name,
  2017                                                         int32_t broker_id,
  2018                                                         int throttle_time_ms,
  2019                                                         void *opaque));
  2022  /**
  2023   * @brief Set logger callback.
  2024   *
  2025   * The default is to print to stderr, but a syslog logger is also available,
  2026   * see rd_kafka_log_print and rd_kafka_log_syslog for the builtin alternatives.
  2027   * Alternatively the application may provide its own logger callback.
  2028   * Or pass \p func as NULL to disable logging.
  2029   *
  2030   * This is the configuration alternative to the deprecated rd_kafka_set_logger()
  2031   *
  2032   * @remark The log_cb will be called spontaneously from librdkafka's internal
  2033   *         threads unless logs have been forwarded to a poll queue through
  2034   *         \c rd_kafka_set_log_queue().
  2035   *         An application MUST NOT call any librdkafka APIs or do any prolonged
  2036   *         work in a non-forwarded \c log_cb.
  2037   */
  2038  RD_EXPORT
  2039  void rd_kafka_conf_set_log_cb(rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  2040                                void (*log_cb)(const rd_kafka_t *rk,
  2041                                               int level,
  2042                                               const char *fac,
  2043                                               const char *buf));
  2046  /**
  2047   * @brief Set statistics callback in provided conf object.
  2048   *
  2049   * The statistics callback is triggered from rd_kafka_poll() every
  2050   * \c (needs to be configured separately).
  2051   * Function arguments:
  2052   *   - \p rk - Kafka handle
  2053   *   - \p json - String containing the statistics data in JSON format
  2054   *   - \p json_len - Length of \p json string.
  2055   *   - \p opaque - Application-provided opaque as set by
  2056   *                 rd_kafka_conf_set_opaque().
  2057   *
  2058   * For more information on the format of \p json, see
  2059   *
  2060   *
  2061   * If the application wishes to hold on to the \p json pointer and free
  2062   * it at a later time it must return 1 from the \p stats_cb.
  2063   * If the application returns 0 from the \p stats_cb then librdkafka
  2064   * will immediately free the \p json pointer.
  2065   *
  2066   * See for a full definition of the JSON object.
  2067   */
  2068  RD_EXPORT
  2069  void rd_kafka_conf_set_stats_cb(
  2070      rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  2071      int (*stats_cb)(rd_kafka_t *rk, char *json, size_t json_len, void *opaque));
  2073  /**
  2074   * @brief Set SASL/OAUTHBEARER token refresh callback in provided conf object.
  2075   *
  2076   * @param conf the configuration to mutate.
  2077   * @param oauthbearer_token_refresh_cb the callback to set; callback function
  2078   *  arguments:<br>
  2079   *   \p rk - Kafka handle<br>
  2080   *   \p oauthbearer_config - Value of configuration property
  2081   *                           sasl.oauthbearer.config.
  2082   *   \p opaque - Application-provided opaque set via
  2083   *               rd_kafka_conf_set_opaque()
  2084   *
  2085   * The SASL/OAUTHBEARER token refresh callback is triggered via rd_kafka_poll()
  2086   * whenever OAUTHBEARER is the SASL mechanism and a token needs to be retrieved,
  2087   * typically based on the configuration defined in \c sasl.oauthbearer.config.
  2088   *
  2089   * The callback should invoke rd_kafka_oauthbearer_set_token()
  2090   * or rd_kafka_oauthbearer_set_token_failure() to indicate success
  2091   * or failure, respectively.
  2092   *
  2093   * The refresh operation is eventable and may be received via
  2094   * rd_kafka_queue_poll() with an event type of
  2096   *
  2097   * Note that before any SASL/OAUTHBEARER broker connection can succeed the
  2098   * application must call rd_kafka_oauthbearer_set_token() once -- either
  2099   * directly or, more typically, by invoking either rd_kafka_poll(),
  2100   * rd_kafka_consumer_poll(), rd_kafka_queue_poll(), etc, in order to cause
  2101   * retrieval of an initial token to occur.
  2102   *
  2103   * Alternatively, the application can enable the SASL queue by calling
  2104   * rd_kafka_conf_enable_sasl_queue() on the configuration object prior to
  2105   * creating the client instance, get the SASL queue with
  2106   * rd_kafka_queue_get_sasl(), and either serve the queue manually by calling
  2107   * rd_kafka_queue_poll(), or redirecting the queue to the background thread to
  2108   * have the queue served automatically. For the latter case the SASL queue
  2109   * must be forwarded to the background queue with rd_kafka_queue_forward().
  2110   * A convenience function is available to automatically forward the SASL queue
  2111   * to librdkafka's background thread, see
  2112   * rd_kafka_sasl_background_callbacks_enable().
  2113   *
  2114   * An unsecured JWT refresh handler is provided by librdkafka for development
  2115   * and testing purposes, it is enabled by setting
  2116   * the \c enable.sasl.oauthbearer.unsecure.jwt property to true and is
  2117   * mutually exclusive to using a refresh callback.
  2118   *
  2119   * @sa rd_kafka_sasl_background_callbacks_enable()
  2120   * @sa rd_kafka_queue_get_sasl()
  2121   */
  2122  RD_EXPORT
  2123  void rd_kafka_conf_set_oauthbearer_token_refresh_cb(
  2124      rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  2125      void (*oauthbearer_token_refresh_cb)(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  2126                                           const char *oauthbearer_config,
  2127                                           void *opaque));
  2129  /**
  2130   * @brief Enable/disable creation of a queue specific to SASL events
  2131   *        and callbacks.
  2132   *
  2133   * For SASL mechanisms that trigger callbacks (currently OAUTHBEARER) this
  2134   * configuration API allows an application to get a dedicated
  2135   * queue for the SASL events/callbacks. After enabling the queue with this API
  2136   * the application can retrieve the queue by calling
  2137   * rd_kafka_queue_get_sasl() on the client instance.
  2138   * This queue may then be served directly by the application
  2139   * (with rd_kafka_queue_poll(),  or forwarded to another queue, such as
  2140   * the background queue.
  2141   *
  2142   * A convenience function is available to automatically forward the SASL queue
  2143   * to librdkafka's background thread, see
  2144   * rd_kafka_sasl_background_callbacks_enable().
  2145   *
  2146   * By default (\p enable = 0) the main queue (as served by rd_kafka_poll(),
  2147   * is used for SASL callbacks.
  2148   *
  2149   * @remark The SASL queue is currently only used by the SASL OAUTHBEARER
  2150   *         mechanism's token_refresh_cb().
  2151   *
  2152   * @sa rd_kafka_queue_get_sasl()
  2153   * @sa rd_kafka_sasl_background_callbacks_enable()
  2154   */
  2156  RD_EXPORT
  2157  void rd_kafka_conf_enable_sasl_queue(rd_kafka_conf_t *conf, int enable);
  2160  /**
  2161   * @brief Set socket callback.
  2162   *
  2163   * The socket callback is responsible for opening a socket
  2164   * according to the supplied \p domain, \p type and \p protocol.
  2165   * The socket shall be created with \c CLOEXEC set in a racefree fashion, if
  2166   * possible.
  2167   *
  2168   * The callback's \p opaque argument is the opaque set with
  2169   * rd_kafka_conf_set_opaque().
  2170   *
  2171   * Default:
  2172   *  - on linux: racefree CLOEXEC
  2173   *  - others  : non-racefree CLOEXEC
  2174   *
  2175   * @remark The callback will be called from an internal librdkafka thread.
  2176   */
  2177  RD_EXPORT
  2178  void rd_kafka_conf_set_socket_cb(
  2179      rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  2180      int (*socket_cb)(int domain, int type, int protocol, void *opaque));
  2184  /**
  2185   * @brief Set connect callback.
  2186   *
  2187   * The connect callback is responsible for connecting socket \p sockfd
  2188   * to peer address \p addr.
  2189   * The \p id field contains the broker identifier.
  2190   *
  2191   * \p connect_cb shall return 0 on success (socket connected) or an error
  2192   * number (errno) on error.
  2193   *
  2194   * The callback's \p opaque argument is the opaque set with
  2195   * rd_kafka_conf_set_opaque().
  2196   *
  2197   * @remark The callback will be called from an internal librdkafka thread.
  2198   */
  2199  RD_EXPORT void
  2200  rd_kafka_conf_set_connect_cb(rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  2201                               int (*connect_cb)(int sockfd,
  2202                                                 const struct sockaddr *addr,
  2203                                                 int addrlen,
  2204                                                 const char *id,
  2205                                                 void *opaque));
  2207  /**
  2208   * @brief Set close socket callback.
  2209   *
  2210   * Close a socket (optionally opened with socket_cb()).
  2211   *
  2212   * The callback's \p opaque argument is the opaque set with
  2213   * rd_kafka_conf_set_opaque().
  2214   *
  2215   * @remark The callback will be called from an internal librdkafka thread.
  2216   */
  2217  RD_EXPORT void rd_kafka_conf_set_closesocket_cb(
  2218      rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  2219      int (*closesocket_cb)(int sockfd, void *opaque));
  2223  #ifndef _WIN32
  2224  /**
  2225   * @brief Set open callback.
  2226   *
  2227   * The open callback is responsible for opening the file specified by
  2228   * pathname, flags and mode.
  2229   * The file shall be opened with \c CLOEXEC set in a racefree fashion, if
  2230   * possible.
  2231   *
  2232   * Default:
  2233   *  - on linux: racefree CLOEXEC
  2234   *  - others  : non-racefree CLOEXEC
  2235   *
  2236   * The callback's \p opaque argument is the opaque set with
  2237   * rd_kafka_conf_set_opaque().
  2238   *
  2239   * @remark The callback will be called from an internal librdkafka thread.
  2240   */
  2241  RD_EXPORT
  2242  void rd_kafka_conf_set_open_cb(
  2243      rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  2244      int (*open_cb)(const char *pathname, int flags, mode_t mode, void *opaque));
  2245  #endif
  2248  /**
  2249   * @brief Sets the verification callback of the broker certificate
  2250   *
  2251   * The verification callback is triggered from internal librdkafka threads
  2252   * upon connecting to a broker. On each connection attempt the callback
  2253   * will be called for each certificate in the broker's certificate chain,
  2254   * starting at the root certification, as long as the application callback
  2255   * returns 1 (valid certificate).
  2256   * \c broker_name and \c broker_id correspond to the broker the connection
  2257   * is being made to.
  2258   * The \c x509_error argument indicates if OpenSSL's verification of
  2259   * the certificate succeed (0) or failed (an OpenSSL error code).
  2260   * The application may set the SSL context error code by returning 0
  2261   * from the verify callback and providing a non-zero SSL context error code
  2262   * in \c x509_error.
  2263   * If the verify callback sets \c x509_error to 0, returns 1, and the
  2264   * original \c x509_error was non-zero, the error on the SSL context will
  2265   * be cleared.
  2266   * \c x509_error is always a valid pointer to an int.
  2267   *
  2268   * \c depth is the depth of the current certificate in the chain, starting
  2269   * at the root certificate.
  2270   *
  2271   * The certificate itself is passed in binary DER format in \c buf of
  2272   * size \c size.
  2273   *
  2274   * The callback must return 1 if verification succeeds, or
  2275   * 0 if verification fails and then write a human-readable error message
  2276   * to \c errstr (limited to \c errstr_size bytes, including nul-term).
  2277   *
  2278   * The callback's \p opaque argument is the opaque set with
  2279   * rd_kafka_conf_set_opaque().
  2280   *
  2281   * @returns RD_KAFKA_CONF_OK if SSL is supported in this build, else
  2282   *          RD_KAFKA_CONF_INVALID.
  2283   *
  2284   * @warning This callback will be called from internal librdkafka threads.
  2285   *
  2286   * @remark See <openssl/x509_vfy.h> in the OpenSSL source distribution
  2287   *         for a list of \p x509_error codes.
  2288   */
  2289  RD_EXPORT
  2290  rd_kafka_conf_res_t rd_kafka_conf_set_ssl_cert_verify_cb(
  2291      rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  2292      int (*ssl_cert_verify_cb)(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  2293                                const char *broker_name,
  2294                                int32_t broker_id,
  2295                                int *x509_error,
  2296                                int depth,
  2297                                const char *buf,
  2298                                size_t size,
  2299                                char *errstr,
  2300                                size_t errstr_size,
  2301                                void *opaque));
  2304  /**
  2305   * @enum rd_kafka_cert_type_t
  2306   *
  2307   * @brief SSL certificate type
  2308   *
  2309   * @sa rd_kafka_conf_set_ssl_cert
  2310   */
  2311  typedef enum rd_kafka_cert_type_t {
  2312          RD_KAFKA_CERT_PUBLIC_KEY,  /**< Client's public key */
  2313          RD_KAFKA_CERT_PRIVATE_KEY, /**< Client's private key */
  2314          RD_KAFKA_CERT_CA,          /**< CA certificate */
  2315          RD_KAFKA_CERT__CNT,
  2316  } rd_kafka_cert_type_t;
  2318  /**
  2319   * @enum rd_kafka_cert_enc_t
  2320   *
  2321   * @brief SSL certificate encoding
  2322   *
  2323   * @sa rd_kafka_conf_set_ssl_cert
  2324   */
  2325  typedef enum rd_kafka_cert_enc_t {
  2326          RD_KAFKA_CERT_ENC_PKCS12, /**< PKCS#12 */
  2327          RD_KAFKA_CERT_ENC_DER,    /**< DER / binary X.509 ASN1 */
  2328          RD_KAFKA_CERT_ENC_PEM,    /**< PEM */
  2329          RD_KAFKA_CERT_ENC__CNT,
  2330  } rd_kafka_cert_enc_t;
  2333  /**
  2334   * @brief Set certificate/key \p cert_type from the \p cert_enc encoded
  2335   *        memory at \p buffer of \p size bytes.
  2336   *
  2337   * @param conf Configuration object.
  2338   * @param cert_type Certificate or key type to configure.
  2339   * @param cert_enc  Buffer \p encoding type.
  2340   * @param buffer Memory pointer to encoded certificate or key.
  2341   *               The memory is not referenced after this function returns.
  2342   * @param size Size of memory at \p buffer.
  2343   * @param errstr Memory were a human-readable error string will be written
  2344   *               on failure.
  2345   * @param errstr_size Size of \p errstr, including space for nul-terminator.
  2346   *
  2347   * @returns RD_KAFKA_CONF_OK on success or RD_KAFKA_CONF_INVALID if the
  2348   *          memory in \p buffer is of incorrect encoding, or if librdkafka
  2349   *          was not built with SSL support.
  2350   *
  2351   * @remark Calling this method multiple times with the same \p cert_type
  2352   *         will replace the previous value.
  2353   *
  2354   * @remark Calling this method with \p buffer set to NULL will clear the
  2355   *         configuration for \p cert_type.
  2356   *
  2357   * @remark The private key may require a password, which must be specified
  2358   *         with the `ssl.key.password` configuration property prior to
  2359   *         calling this function.
  2360   *
  2361   * @remark Private and public keys in PEM format may also be set with the
  2362   *         `ssl.key.pem` and `ssl.certificate.pem` configuration properties.
  2363   *
  2364   * @remark CA certificate in PEM format may also be set with the
  2365   *         `` configuration property.
  2366   */
  2367  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_conf_res_t
  2368  rd_kafka_conf_set_ssl_cert(rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  2369                             rd_kafka_cert_type_t cert_type,
  2370                             rd_kafka_cert_enc_t cert_enc,
  2371                             const void *buffer,
  2372                             size_t size,
  2373                             char *errstr,
  2374                             size_t errstr_size);
  2377  /**
  2378   * @brief Set callback_data for OpenSSL engine.
  2379   *
  2380   * @param conf Configuration object.
  2381   * @param callback_data passed to engine callbacks,
  2382   *                      e.g. \c ENGINE_load_ssl_client_cert.
  2383   *
  2384   * @remark The \c ssl.engine.location configuration must be set for this
  2385   *         to have affect.
  2386   *
  2387   * @remark The memory pointed to by \p value must remain valid for the
  2388   *         lifetime of the configuration object and any Kafka clients that
  2389   *         use it.
  2390   */
  2391  RD_EXPORT
  2392  void rd_kafka_conf_set_engine_callback_data(rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  2393                                              void *callback_data);
  2396  /**
  2397   * @brief Sets the application's opaque pointer that will be passed to callbacks
  2398   *
  2399   * @sa rd_kafka_opaque()
  2400   */
  2401  RD_EXPORT
  2402  void rd_kafka_conf_set_opaque(rd_kafka_conf_t *conf, void *opaque);
  2404  /**
  2405   * @brief Retrieves the opaque pointer previously set
  2406   *        with rd_kafka_conf_set_opaque()
  2407   */
  2408  RD_EXPORT
  2409  void *rd_kafka_opaque(const rd_kafka_t *rk);
  2413  /**
  2414   * @brief Sets the default topic configuration to use for automatically
  2415   *        subscribed topics (e.g., through pattern-matched topics).
  2416   *        The topic config object is not usable after this call.
  2417   *
  2418   * @warning Any topic configuration settings that have been set on the
  2419   *          global rd_kafka_conf_t object will be overwritten by this call
  2420   *          since the implicitly created default topic config object is
  2421   *          replaced by the user-supplied one.
  2422   *
  2423   * @deprecated Set default topic level configuration on the
  2424   *             global rd_kafka_conf_t object instead.
  2425   */
  2426  RD_EXPORT
  2427  void rd_kafka_conf_set_default_topic_conf(rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  2428                                            rd_kafka_topic_conf_t *tconf);
  2430  /**
  2431   * @brief Gets the default topic configuration as previously set with
  2432   *        rd_kafka_conf_set_default_topic_conf() or that was implicitly created
  2433   *        by configuring a topic-level property on the global \p conf object.
  2434   *
  2435   * @returns the \p conf's default topic configuration (if any), or NULL.
  2436   *
  2437   * @warning The returned topic configuration object is owned by the \p conf
  2438   *          object. It may be modified but not destroyed and its lifetime is
  2439   *          the same as the \p conf object or the next call to
  2440   *          rd_kafka_conf_set_default_topic_conf().
  2441   */
  2442  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_topic_conf_t *
  2443  rd_kafka_conf_get_default_topic_conf(rd_kafka_conf_t *conf);
  2446  /**
  2447   * @brief Retrieve configuration value for property \p name.
  2448   *
  2449   * If \p dest is non-NULL the value will be written to \p dest with at
  2450   * most \p dest_size.
  2451   *
  2452   * \p *dest_size is updated to the full length of the value, thus if
  2453   * \p *dest_size initially is smaller than the full length the application
  2454   * may reallocate \p dest to fit the returned \p *dest_size and try again.
  2455   *
  2456   * If \p dest is NULL only the full length of the value is returned.
  2457   *
  2458   * Fallthrough:
  2459   * Topic-level configuration properties from the \c default_topic_conf
  2460   * may be retrieved using this interface.
  2461   *
  2462   * @returns \p RD_KAFKA_CONF_OK if the property name matched, else
  2463   * \p RD_KAFKA_CONF_UNKNOWN.
  2464   */
  2465  RD_EXPORT
  2466  rd_kafka_conf_res_t rd_kafka_conf_get(const rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  2467                                        const char *name,
  2468                                        char *dest,
  2469                                        size_t *dest_size);
  2472  /**
  2473   * @brief Retrieve topic configuration value for property \p name.
  2474   *
  2475   * @sa rd_kafka_conf_get()
  2476   */
  2477  RD_EXPORT
  2478  rd_kafka_conf_res_t rd_kafka_topic_conf_get(const rd_kafka_topic_conf_t *conf,
  2479                                              const char *name,
  2480                                              char *dest,
  2481                                              size_t *dest_size);
  2484  /**
  2485   * @brief Dump the configuration properties and values of \p conf to an array
  2486   *        with \"key\", \"value\" pairs.
  2487   *
  2488   * The number of entries in the array is returned in \p *cntp.
  2489   *
  2490   * The dump must be freed with `rd_kafka_conf_dump_free()`.
  2491   */
  2492  RD_EXPORT
  2493  const char **rd_kafka_conf_dump(rd_kafka_conf_t *conf, size_t *cntp);
  2496  /**
  2497   * @brief Dump the topic configuration properties and values of \p conf
  2498   *        to an array with \"key\", \"value\" pairs.
  2499   *
  2500   * The number of entries in the array is returned in \p *cntp.
  2501   *
  2502   * The dump must be freed with `rd_kafka_conf_dump_free()`.
  2503   */
  2504  RD_EXPORT
  2505  const char **rd_kafka_topic_conf_dump(rd_kafka_topic_conf_t *conf,
  2506                                        size_t *cntp);
  2508  /**
  2509   * @brief Frees a configuration dump returned from `rd_kafka_conf_dump()` or
  2510   *        `rd_kafka_topic_conf_dump().
  2511   */
  2512  RD_EXPORT
  2513  void rd_kafka_conf_dump_free(const char **arr, size_t cnt);
  2515  /**
  2516   * @brief Prints a table to \p fp of all supported configuration properties,
  2517   *        their default values as well as a description.
  2518   *
  2519   * @remark All properties and properties and values are shown, even those
  2520   *         that have been disabled at build time due to missing dependencies.
  2521   */
  2522  RD_EXPORT
  2523  void rd_kafka_conf_properties_show(FILE *fp);
  2525  /**@}*/
  2528  /**
  2529   * @name Topic configuration
  2530   * @{
  2531   *
  2532   * @brief Topic configuration property interface
  2533   *
  2534   */
  2537  /**
  2538   * @brief Create topic configuration object
  2539   *
  2540   * @sa Same semantics as for rd_kafka_conf_new().
  2541   */
  2542  RD_EXPORT
  2543  rd_kafka_topic_conf_t *rd_kafka_topic_conf_new(void);
  2546  /**
  2547   * @brief Creates a copy/duplicate of topic configuration object \p conf.
  2548   */
  2549  RD_EXPORT
  2550  rd_kafka_topic_conf_t *
  2551  rd_kafka_topic_conf_dup(const rd_kafka_topic_conf_t *conf);
  2553  /**
  2554   * @brief Creates a copy/duplicate of \p rk 's default topic configuration
  2555   *        object.
  2556   */
  2557  RD_EXPORT
  2558  rd_kafka_topic_conf_t *rd_kafka_default_topic_conf_dup(rd_kafka_t *rk);
  2561  /**
  2562   * @brief Destroys a topic conf object.
  2563   */
  2564  RD_EXPORT
  2565  void rd_kafka_topic_conf_destroy(rd_kafka_topic_conf_t *topic_conf);
  2568  /**
  2569   * @brief Sets a single rd_kafka_topic_conf_t value by property name.
  2570   *
  2571   * \p topic_conf should have been previously set up
  2572   * with `rd_kafka_topic_conf_new()`.
  2573   *
  2574   * @returns rd_kafka_conf_res_t to indicate success or failure.
  2575   */
  2576  RD_EXPORT
  2577  rd_kafka_conf_res_t rd_kafka_topic_conf_set(rd_kafka_topic_conf_t *conf,
  2578                                              const char *name,
  2579                                              const char *value,
  2580                                              char *errstr,
  2581                                              size_t errstr_size);
  2583  /**
  2584   * @brief Sets the application's opaque pointer that will be passed to all topic
  2585   * callbacks as the \c rkt_opaque argument.
  2586   *
  2587   * @sa rd_kafka_topic_opaque()
  2588   */
  2589  RD_EXPORT
  2590  void rd_kafka_topic_conf_set_opaque(rd_kafka_topic_conf_t *conf,
  2591                                      void *rkt_opaque);
  2594  /**
  2595   * @brief \b Producer: Set partitioner callback in provided topic conf object.
  2596   *
  2597   * The partitioner may be called in any thread at any time,
  2598   * it may be called multiple times for the same message/key.
  2599   *
  2600   * The callback's \p rkt_opaque argument is the opaque set by
  2601   * rd_kafka_topic_conf_set_opaque().
  2602   * The callback's \p msg_opaque argument is the per-message opaque
  2603   * passed to produce().
  2604   *
  2605   * Partitioner function constraints:
  2606   *   - MUST NOT call any rd_kafka_*() functions except:
  2607   *       rd_kafka_topic_partition_available()
  2608   *   - MUST NOT block or execute for prolonged periods of time.
  2609   *   - MUST return a value between 0 and partition_cnt-1, or the
  2610   *     special \c RD_KAFKA_PARTITION_UA value if partitioning
  2611   *     could not be performed.
  2612   */
  2613  RD_EXPORT
  2614  void rd_kafka_topic_conf_set_partitioner_cb(
  2615      rd_kafka_topic_conf_t *topic_conf,
  2616      int32_t (*partitioner)(const rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt,
  2617                             const void *keydata,
  2618                             size_t keylen,
  2619                             int32_t partition_cnt,
  2620                             void *rkt_opaque,
  2621                             void *msg_opaque));
  2624  /**
  2625   * @brief \b Producer: Set message queueing order comparator callback.
  2626   *
  2627   * The callback may be called in any thread at any time,
  2628   * it may be called multiple times for the same message.
  2629   *
  2630   * Ordering comparator function constraints:
  2631   *   - MUST be stable sort (same input gives same output).
  2632   *   - MUST NOT call any rd_kafka_*() functions.
  2633   *   - MUST NOT block or execute for prolonged periods of time.
  2634   *
  2635   * The comparator shall compare the two messages and return:
  2636   *  - < 0 if message \p a should be inserted before message \p b.
  2637   *  - >=0 if message \p a should be inserted after message \p b.
  2638   *
  2639   * @remark Insert sorting will be used to enqueue the message in the
  2640   *         correct queue position, this comes at a cost of O(n).
  2641   *
  2642   * @remark If `queuing.strategy=fifo` new messages are enqueued to the
  2643   *         tail of the queue regardless of msg_order_cmp, but retried messages
  2644   *         are still affected by msg_order_cmp.
  2645   *
  2647   *          DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION.
  2648   */
  2649  RD_EXPORT void rd_kafka_topic_conf_set_msg_order_cmp(
  2650      rd_kafka_topic_conf_t *topic_conf,
  2651      int (*msg_order_cmp)(const rd_kafka_message_t *a,
  2652                           const rd_kafka_message_t *b));
  2655  /**
  2656   * @brief Check if partition is available (has a leader broker).
  2657   *
  2658   * @returns 1 if the partition is available, else 0.
  2659   *
  2660   * @warning This function must only be called from inside a partitioner function
  2661   */
  2662  RD_EXPORT
  2663  int rd_kafka_topic_partition_available(const rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt,
  2664                                         int32_t partition);
  2667  /*******************************************************************
  2668   *                                                                   *
  2669   * Partitioners provided by rdkafka                                *
  2670   *                                                                   *
  2671   *******************************************************************/
  2673  /**
  2674   * @brief Random partitioner.
  2675   *
  2676   * Will try not to return unavailable partitions.
  2677   *
  2678   * The \p rkt_opaque argument is the opaque set by
  2679   * rd_kafka_topic_conf_set_opaque().
  2680   * The \p msg_opaque argument is the per-message opaque
  2681   * passed to produce().
  2682   *
  2683   * @returns a random partition between 0 and \p partition_cnt - 1.
  2684   *
  2685   */
  2686  RD_EXPORT
  2687  int32_t rd_kafka_msg_partitioner_random(const rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt,
  2688                                          const void *key,
  2689                                          size_t keylen,
  2690                                          int32_t partition_cnt,
  2691                                          void *rkt_opaque,
  2692                                          void *msg_opaque);
  2694  /**
  2695   * @brief Consistent partitioner.
  2696   *
  2697   * Uses consistent hashing to map identical keys onto identical partitions.
  2698   *
  2699   * The \p rkt_opaque argument is the opaque set by
  2700   * rd_kafka_topic_conf_set_opaque().
  2701   * The \p msg_opaque argument is the per-message opaque
  2702   * passed to produce().
  2703   *
  2704   * @returns a \"random\" partition between 0 and \p partition_cnt - 1 based on
  2705   *          the CRC value of the key
  2706   */
  2707  RD_EXPORT
  2708  int32_t rd_kafka_msg_partitioner_consistent(const rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt,
  2709                                              const void *key,
  2710                                              size_t keylen,
  2711                                              int32_t partition_cnt,
  2712                                              void *rkt_opaque,
  2713                                              void *msg_opaque);
  2715  /**
  2716   * @brief Consistent-Random partitioner.
  2717   *
  2718   * This is the default partitioner.
  2719   * Uses consistent hashing to map identical keys onto identical partitions, and
  2720   * messages without keys will be assigned via the random partitioner.
  2721   *
  2722   * The \p rkt_opaque argument is the opaque set by
  2723   * rd_kafka_topic_conf_set_opaque().
  2724   * The \p msg_opaque argument is the per-message opaque
  2725   * passed to produce().
  2726   *
  2727   * @returns a \"random\" partition between 0 and \p partition_cnt - 1 based on
  2728   *          the CRC value of the key (if provided)
  2729   */
  2730  RD_EXPORT
  2731  int32_t rd_kafka_msg_partitioner_consistent_random(const rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt,
  2732                                                     const void *key,
  2733                                                     size_t keylen,
  2734                                                     int32_t partition_cnt,
  2735                                                     void *rkt_opaque,
  2736                                                     void *msg_opaque);
  2739  /**
  2740   * @brief Murmur2 partitioner (Java compatible).
  2741   *
  2742   * Uses consistent hashing to map identical keys onto identical partitions
  2743   * using Java-compatible Murmur2 hashing.
  2744   *
  2745   * The \p rkt_opaque argument is the opaque set by
  2746   * rd_kafka_topic_conf_set_opaque().
  2747   * The \p msg_opaque argument is the per-message opaque
  2748   * passed to produce().
  2749   *
  2750   * @returns a partition between 0 and \p partition_cnt - 1.
  2751   */
  2752  RD_EXPORT
  2753  int32_t rd_kafka_msg_partitioner_murmur2(const rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt,
  2754                                           const void *key,
  2755                                           size_t keylen,
  2756                                           int32_t partition_cnt,
  2757                                           void *rkt_opaque,
  2758                                           void *msg_opaque);
  2760  /**
  2761   * @brief Consistent-Random Murmur2 partitioner (Java compatible).
  2762   *
  2763   * Uses consistent hashing to map identical keys onto identical partitions
  2764   * using Java-compatible Murmur2 hashing.
  2765   * Messages without keys will be assigned via the random partitioner.
  2766   *
  2767   * The \p rkt_opaque argument is the opaque set by
  2768   * rd_kafka_topic_conf_set_opaque().
  2769   * The \p msg_opaque argument is the per-message opaque
  2770   * passed to produce().
  2771   *
  2772   * @returns a partition between 0 and \p partition_cnt - 1.
  2773   */
  2774  RD_EXPORT
  2775  int32_t rd_kafka_msg_partitioner_murmur2_random(const rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt,
  2776                                                  const void *key,
  2777                                                  size_t keylen,
  2778                                                  int32_t partition_cnt,
  2779                                                  void *rkt_opaque,
  2780                                                  void *msg_opaque);
  2783  /**
  2784   * @brief FNV-1a partitioner.
  2785   *
  2786   * Uses consistent hashing to map identical keys onto identical partitions
  2787   * using FNV-1a hashing.
  2788   *
  2789   * The \p rkt_opaque argument is the opaque set by
  2790   * rd_kafka_topic_conf_set_opaque().
  2791   * The \p msg_opaque argument is the per-message opaque
  2792   * passed to produce().
  2793   *
  2794   * @returns a partition between 0 and \p partition_cnt - 1.
  2795   */
  2796  RD_EXPORT
  2797  int32_t rd_kafka_msg_partitioner_fnv1a(const rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt,
  2798                                         const void *key,
  2799                                         size_t keylen,
  2800                                         int32_t partition_cnt,
  2801                                         void *rkt_opaque,
  2802                                         void *msg_opaque);
  2805  /**
  2806   * @brief Consistent-Random FNV-1a partitioner.
  2807   *
  2808   * Uses consistent hashing to map identical keys onto identical partitions
  2809   * using FNV-1a hashing.
  2810   * Messages without keys will be assigned via the random partitioner.
  2811   *
  2812   * The \p rkt_opaque argument is the opaque set by
  2813   * rd_kafka_topic_conf_set_opaque().
  2814   * The \p msg_opaque argument is the per-message opaque
  2815   * passed to produce().
  2816   *
  2817   * @returns a partition between 0 and \p partition_cnt - 1.
  2818   */
  2819  RD_EXPORT
  2820  int32_t rd_kafka_msg_partitioner_fnv1a_random(const rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt,
  2821                                                const void *key,
  2822                                                size_t keylen,
  2823                                                int32_t partition_cnt,
  2824                                                void *rkt_opaque,
  2825                                                void *msg_opaque);
  2828  /**@}*/
  2832  /**
  2833   * @name Main Kafka and Topic object handles
  2834   * @{
  2835   *
  2836   *
  2837   */
  2841  /**
  2842   * @brief Creates a new Kafka handle and starts its operation according to the
  2843   *        specified \p type (\p RD_KAFKA_CONSUMER or \p RD_KAFKA_PRODUCER).
  2844   *
  2845   * \p conf is an optional struct created with `rd_kafka_conf_new()` that will
  2846   * be used instead of the default configuration.
  2847   * The \p conf object is freed by this function on success and must not be used
  2848   * or destroyed by the application sub-sequently.
  2849   * See `rd_kafka_conf_set()` for more information.
  2850   *
  2851   * \p errstr must be a pointer to memory of at least size \p errstr_size where
  2852   * `rd_kafka_new()` may write a human readable error message in case the
  2853   * creation of a new handle fails. In which case the function returns NULL.
  2854   *
  2855   * @remark \b RD_KAFKA_CONSUMER: When a new \p RD_KAFKA_CONSUMER
  2856   *           rd_kafka_t handle is created it may either operate in the
  2857   *           legacy simple consumer mode using the rd_kafka_consume_start()
  2858   *           interface, or the High-level KafkaConsumer API.
  2859   * @remark An application must only use one of these groups of APIs on a given
  2860   *         rd_kafka_t RD_KAFKA_CONSUMER handle.
  2862   *
  2863   * @returns The Kafka handle on success or NULL on error (see \p errstr)
  2864   *
  2865   * @sa To destroy the Kafka handle, use rd_kafka_destroy().
  2866   */
  2867  RD_EXPORT
  2868  rd_kafka_t *rd_kafka_new(rd_kafka_type_t type,
  2869                           rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  2870                           char *errstr,
  2871                           size_t errstr_size);
  2874  /**
  2875   * @brief Destroy Kafka handle.
  2876   *
  2877   * @remark This is a blocking operation.
  2878   * @remark rd_kafka_consumer_close() will be called from this function
  2879   *         if the instance type is RD_KAFKA_CONSUMER, a \c was
  2880   *         configured, and the rd_kafka_consumer_close() was not
  2881   *         explicitly called by the application. This in turn may
  2882   *         trigger consumer callbacks, such as rebalance_cb.
  2883   *         Use rd_kafka_destroy_flags() with
  2884   *         RD_KAFKA_DESTROY_F_NO_CONSUMER_CLOSE to avoid this behaviour.
  2885   *
  2886   * @sa rd_kafka_destroy_flags()
  2887   */
  2888  RD_EXPORT
  2889  void rd_kafka_destroy(rd_kafka_t *rk);
  2892  /**
  2893   * @brief Destroy Kafka handle according to specified destroy flags
  2894   *
  2895   */
  2896  RD_EXPORT
  2897  void rd_kafka_destroy_flags(rd_kafka_t *rk, int flags);
  2899  /**
  2900   * @brief Flags for rd_kafka_destroy_flags()
  2901   */
  2903  /*!
  2904   * Don't call consumer_close() to leave group and commit final offsets.
  2905   *
  2906   * This also disables consumer callbacks to be called from rd_kafka_destroy*(),
  2907   * such as rebalance_cb.
  2908   *
  2909   * The consumer group handler is still closed internally, but from an
  2910   * application perspective none of the functionality from consumer_close()
  2911   * is performed.
  2912   */
  2917  /**
  2918   * @brief Returns Kafka handle name.
  2919   */
  2920  RD_EXPORT
  2921  const char *rd_kafka_name(const rd_kafka_t *rk);
  2924  /**
  2925   * @brief Returns Kafka handle type.
  2926   */
  2927  RD_EXPORT
  2928  rd_kafka_type_t rd_kafka_type(const rd_kafka_t *rk);
  2931  /**
  2932   * @brief Returns this client's broker-assigned group member id.
  2933   *
  2934   * @remark This currently requires the high-level KafkaConsumer
  2935   *
  2936   * @returns An allocated string containing the current broker-assigned group
  2937   *          member id, or NULL if not available.
  2938   *          The application must free the string with \p free() or
  2939   *          rd_kafka_mem_free()
  2940   */
  2941  RD_EXPORT
  2942  char *rd_kafka_memberid(const rd_kafka_t *rk);
  2946  /**
  2947   * @brief Returns the ClusterId as reported in broker metadata.
  2948   *
  2949   * @param rk         Client instance.
  2950   * @param timeout_ms If there is no cached value from metadata retrieval
  2951   *                   then this specifies the maximum amount of time
  2952   *                   (in milliseconds) the call will block waiting
  2953   *                   for metadata to be retrieved.
  2954   *                   Use 0 for non-blocking calls.
  2956   * @remark Requires broker version >=0.10.0 and api.version.request=true.
  2957   *
  2958   * @remark The application must free the returned pointer
  2959   *         using rd_kafka_mem_free().
  2960   *
  2961   * @returns a newly allocated string containing the ClusterId, or NULL
  2962   *          if no ClusterId could be retrieved in the allotted timespan.
  2963   */
  2964  RD_EXPORT
  2965  char *rd_kafka_clusterid(rd_kafka_t *rk, int timeout_ms);
  2968  /**
  2969   * @brief Returns the current ControllerId as reported in broker metadata.
  2970   *
  2971   * @param rk         Client instance.
  2972   * @param timeout_ms If there is no cached value from metadata retrieval
  2973   *                   then this specifies the maximum amount of time
  2974   *                   (in milliseconds) the call will block waiting
  2975   *                   for metadata to be retrieved.
  2976   *                   Use 0 for non-blocking calls.
  2978   * @remark Requires broker version >=0.10.0 and api.version.request=true.
  2979   *
  2980   * @returns the controller broker id (>= 0), or -1 if no ControllerId could be
  2981   *          retrieved in the allotted timespan.
  2982   */
  2983  RD_EXPORT
  2984  int32_t rd_kafka_controllerid(rd_kafka_t *rk, int timeout_ms);
  2987  /**
  2988   * @brief Creates a new topic handle for topic named \p topic.
  2989   *
  2990   * \p conf is an optional configuration for the topic created with
  2991   * `rd_kafka_topic_conf_new()` that will be used instead of the default
  2992   * topic configuration.
  2993   * The \p conf object is freed by this function and must not be used or
  2994   * destroyed by the application sub-sequently.
  2995   * See `rd_kafka_topic_conf_set()` for more information.
  2996   *
  2997   * Topic handles are refcounted internally and calling rd_kafka_topic_new()
  2998   * again with the same topic name will return the previous topic handle
  2999   * without updating the original handle's configuration.
  3000   * Applications must eventually call rd_kafka_topic_destroy() for each
  3001   * succesfull call to rd_kafka_topic_new() to clear up resources.
  3002   *
  3003   * @returns the new topic handle or NULL on error (use rd_kafka_errno2err()
  3004   *          to convert system \p errno to an rd_kafka_resp_err_t error code.
  3005   *
  3006   * @sa rd_kafka_topic_destroy()
  3007   */
  3008  RD_EXPORT
  3009  rd_kafka_topic_t *rd_kafka_topic_new(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  3010                                       const char *topic,
  3011                                       rd_kafka_topic_conf_t *conf);
  3015  /**
  3016   * @brief Loose application's topic handle refcount as previously created
  3017   *        with `rd_kafka_topic_new()`.
  3018   *
  3019   * @remark Since topic objects are refcounted (both internally and for the app)
  3020   *         the topic object might not actually be destroyed by this call,
  3021   *         but the application must consider the object destroyed.
  3022   */
  3023  RD_EXPORT
  3024  void rd_kafka_topic_destroy(rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt);
  3027  /**
  3028   * @brief Returns the topic name.
  3029   */
  3030  RD_EXPORT
  3031  const char *rd_kafka_topic_name(const rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt);
  3034  /**
  3035   * @brief Get the \p rkt_opaque pointer that was set in the topic configuration
  3036   *        with rd_kafka_topic_conf_set_opaque().
  3037   */
  3038  RD_EXPORT
  3039  void *rd_kafka_topic_opaque(const rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt);
  3042  /**
  3043   * @brief Unassigned partition.
  3044   *
  3045   * The unassigned partition is used by the producer API for messages
  3046   * that should be partitioned using the configured or default partitioner.
  3047   */
  3048  #define RD_KAFKA_PARTITION_UA ((int32_t)-1)
  3051  /**
  3052   * @brief Polls the provided kafka handle for events.
  3053   *
  3054   * Events will cause application provided callbacks to be called.
  3055   *
  3056   * The \p timeout_ms argument specifies the maximum amount of time
  3057   * (in milliseconds) that the call will block waiting for events.
  3058   * For non-blocking calls, provide 0 as \p timeout_ms.
  3059   * To wait indefinately for an event, provide -1.
  3060   *
  3061   * @remark  An application should make sure to call poll() at regular
  3062   *          intervals to serve any queued callbacks waiting to be called.
  3063   * @remark  If your producer doesn't have any callback set (in particular
  3064   *          via rd_kafka_conf_set_dr_msg_cb or rd_kafka_conf_set_error_cb)
  3065   *          you might chose not to call poll(), though this is not
  3066   *          recommended.
  3067   *
  3068   * Events:
  3069   *   - delivery report callbacks  (if dr_cb/dr_msg_cb is configured) [producer]
  3070   *   - error callbacks (rd_kafka_conf_set_error_cb()) [all]
  3071   *   - stats callbacks (rd_kafka_conf_set_stats_cb()) [all]
  3072   *   - throttle callbacks (rd_kafka_conf_set_throttle_cb()) [all]
  3073   *   - OAUTHBEARER token refresh callbacks
  3074   * (rd_kafka_conf_set_oauthbearer_token_refresh_cb()) [all]
  3075   *
  3076   * @returns the number of events served.
  3077   */
  3078  RD_EXPORT
  3079  int rd_kafka_poll(rd_kafka_t *rk, int timeout_ms);
  3082  /**
  3083   * @brief Cancels the current callback dispatcher (rd_kafka_poll(),
  3084   *        rd_kafka_consume_callback(), etc).
  3085   *
  3086   * A callback may use this to force an immediate return to the calling
  3087   * code (caller of e.g. rd_kafka_poll()) without processing any further
  3088   * events.
  3089   *
  3090   * @remark This function MUST ONLY be called from within a librdkafka callback.
  3091   */
  3092  RD_EXPORT
  3093  void rd_kafka_yield(rd_kafka_t *rk);
  3097  /**
  3098   * @brief Pause producing or consumption for the provided list of partitions.
  3099   *
  3100   * Success or error is returned per-partition \p err in the \p partitions list.
  3101   *
  3102   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR
  3103   */
  3104  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  3105  rd_kafka_pause_partitions(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  3106                            rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *partitions);
  3110  /**
  3111   * @brief Resume producing consumption for the provided list of partitions.
  3112   *
  3113   * Success or error is returned per-partition \p err in the \p partitions list.
  3114   *
  3115   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR
  3116   */
  3117  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  3118  rd_kafka_resume_partitions(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  3119                             rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *partitions);
  3123  /**
  3124   * @brief Query broker for low (oldest/beginning) and high (newest/end) offsets
  3125   *        for partition.
  3126   *
  3127   * Offsets are returned in \p *low and \p *high respectively.
  3128   *
  3129   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success or an error code on failure.
  3130   */
  3131  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  3132  rd_kafka_query_watermark_offsets(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  3133                                   const char *topic,
  3134                                   int32_t partition,
  3135                                   int64_t *low,
  3136                                   int64_t *high,
  3137                                   int timeout_ms);
  3140  /**
  3141   * @brief Get last known low (oldest/beginning) and high (newest/end) offsets
  3142   *        for partition.
  3143   *
  3144   * The low offset is updated periodically (if is set)
  3145   * while the high offset is updated on each fetched message set from the broker.
  3146   *
  3147   * If there is no cached offset (either low or high, or both) then
  3148   * RD_KAFKA_OFFSET_INVALID will be returned for the respective offset.
  3149   *
  3150   * Offsets are returned in \p *low and \p *high respectively.
  3151   *
  3152   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success or an error code on failure.
  3153   *
  3154   * @remark Shall only be used with an active consumer instance.
  3155   */
  3156  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_get_watermark_offsets(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  3157                                                               const char *topic,
  3158                                                               int32_t partition,
  3159                                                               int64_t *low,
  3160                                                               int64_t *high);
  3164  /**
  3165   * @brief Look up the offsets for the given partitions by timestamp.
  3166   *
  3167   * The returned offset for each partition is the earliest offset whose
  3168   * timestamp is greater than or equal to the given timestamp in the
  3169   * corresponding partition.
  3170   *
  3171   * The timestamps to query are represented as \c offset in \p offsets
  3172   * on input, and \c offset will contain the offset on output.
  3173   *
  3174   * The function will block for at most \p timeout_ms milliseconds.
  3175   *
  3176   * @remark Duplicate Topic+Partitions are not supported.
  3177   * @remark Per-partition errors may be returned in \c
  3178   * rd_kafka_topic_partition_t.err
  3179   *
  3180   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR if offsets were be queried (do note
  3181   *          that per-partition errors might be set),
  3182   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__TIMED_OUT if not all offsets could be fetched
  3183   *          within \p timeout_ms,
  3184   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__INVALID_ARG if the \p offsets list is empty,
  3185   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__UNKNOWN_PARTITION if all partitions are unknown,
  3186   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE if unable to query leaders
  3187   *          for the given partitions.
  3188   */
  3189  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  3190  rd_kafka_offsets_for_times(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  3191                             rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *offsets,
  3192                             int timeout_ms);
  3196  /**
  3197   * @brief Allocate and zero memory using the same allocator librdkafka uses.
  3198   *
  3199   * This is typically an abstraction for the calloc(3) call and makes sure
  3200   * the application can use the same memory allocator as librdkafka for
  3201   * allocating pointers that are used by librdkafka.
  3202   *
  3203   * \p rk can be set to return memory allocated by a specific \c rk instance
  3204   * otherwise pass NULL for \p rk.
  3205   *
  3206   * @remark Memory allocated by rd_kafka_mem_calloc() must be freed using
  3207   *         rd_kafka_mem_free()
  3208   */
  3209  RD_EXPORT
  3210  void *rd_kafka_mem_calloc(rd_kafka_t *rk, size_t num, size_t size);
  3214  /**
  3215   * @brief Allocate memory using the same allocator librdkafka uses.
  3216   *
  3217   * This is typically an abstraction for the malloc(3) call and makes sure
  3218   * the application can use the same memory allocator as librdkafka for
  3219   * allocating pointers that are used by librdkafka.
  3220   *
  3221   * \p rk can be set to return memory allocated by a specific \c rk instance
  3222   * otherwise pass NULL for \p rk.
  3223   *
  3224   * @remark Memory allocated by rd_kafka_mem_malloc() must be freed using
  3225   *         rd_kafka_mem_free()
  3226   */
  3227  RD_EXPORT
  3228  void *rd_kafka_mem_malloc(rd_kafka_t *rk, size_t size);
  3232  /**
  3233   * @brief Free pointer returned by librdkafka
  3234   *
  3235   * This is typically an abstraction for the free(3) call and makes sure
  3236   * the application can use the same memory allocator as librdkafka for
  3237   * freeing pointers returned by librdkafka.
  3238   *
  3239   * In standard setups it is usually not necessary to use this interface
  3240   * rather than the free(3) functione.
  3241   *
  3242   * \p rk must be set for memory returned by APIs that take an \c rk argument,
  3243   * for other APIs pass NULL for \p rk.
  3244   *
  3245   * @remark rd_kafka_mem_free() must only be used for pointers returned by APIs
  3246   *         that explicitly mention using this function for freeing.
  3247   */
  3248  RD_EXPORT
  3249  void rd_kafka_mem_free(rd_kafka_t *rk, void *ptr);
  3252  /**@}*/
  3256  /**
  3257   * @name Queue API
  3258   * @{
  3259   *
  3260   * Message queues allows the application to re-route consumed messages
  3261   * from multiple topic+partitions into one single queue point.
  3262   * This queue point containing messages from a number of topic+partitions
  3263   * may then be served by a single rd_kafka_consume*_queue() call,
  3264   * rather than one call per topic+partition combination.
  3265   */
  3268  /**
  3269   * @brief Create a new message queue.
  3270   *
  3271   * See rd_kafka_consume_start_queue(), rd_kafka_consume_queue(),
  3272   */
  3273  RD_EXPORT
  3274  rd_kafka_queue_t *rd_kafka_queue_new(rd_kafka_t *rk);
  3276  /**
  3277   * Destroy a queue, purging all of its enqueued messages.
  3278   */
  3279  RD_EXPORT
  3280  void rd_kafka_queue_destroy(rd_kafka_queue_t *rkqu);
  3283  /**
  3284   * @returns a reference to the main librdkafka event queue.
  3285   * This is the queue served by rd_kafka_poll().
  3286   *
  3287   * Use rd_kafka_queue_destroy() to loose the reference.
  3288   */
  3289  RD_EXPORT
  3290  rd_kafka_queue_t *rd_kafka_queue_get_main(rd_kafka_t *rk);
  3294  /**
  3295   * @returns a reference to the SASL callback queue, if a SASL mechanism
  3296   *          with callbacks is configured (currently only OAUTHBEARER), else
  3297   *          returns NULL.
  3298   *
  3299   * Use rd_kafka_queue_destroy() to loose the reference.
  3300   *
  3301   * @sa rd_kafka_sasl_background_callbacks_enable()
  3302   */
  3303  RD_EXPORT
  3304  rd_kafka_queue_t *rd_kafka_queue_get_sasl(rd_kafka_t *rk);
  3307  /**
  3308   * @brief Enable SASL OAUTHBEARER refresh callbacks on the librdkafka
  3309   *        background thread.
  3310   *
  3311   * This serves as an alternative for applications that do not call
  3312   * rd_kafka_poll() ( at regular intervals (or not at all), as a means
  3313   * of automatically trigger the refresh callbacks, which are needed to
  3314   * initiate connections to the brokers in the case a custom OAUTHBEARER
  3315   * refresh callback is configured.
  3316   *
  3317   * @returns NULL on success or an error object on error.
  3318   *
  3319   * @sa rd_kafka_queue_get_sasl()
  3320   * @sa rd_kafka_conf_set_oauthbearer_token_refresh_cb()
  3321   */
  3322  RD_EXPORT
  3323  rd_kafka_error_t *rd_kafka_sasl_background_callbacks_enable(rd_kafka_t *rk);
  3326  /**
  3327   * @returns a reference to the librdkafka consumer queue.
  3328   * This is the queue served by rd_kafka_consumer_poll().
  3329   *
  3330   * Use rd_kafka_queue_destroy() to loose the reference.
  3331   *
  3332   * @remark rd_kafka_queue_destroy() MUST be called on this queue
  3333   *         prior to calling rd_kafka_consumer_close().
  3334   */
  3335  RD_EXPORT
  3336  rd_kafka_queue_t *rd_kafka_queue_get_consumer(rd_kafka_t *rk);
  3338  /**
  3339   * @returns a reference to the partition's queue, or NULL if
  3340   *          partition is invalid.
  3341   *
  3342   * Use rd_kafka_queue_destroy() to loose the reference.
  3343   *
  3344   * @remark rd_kafka_queue_destroy() MUST be called on this queue
  3345   *
  3346   * @remark This function only works on consumers.
  3347   */
  3348  RD_EXPORT
  3349  rd_kafka_queue_t *rd_kafka_queue_get_partition(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  3350                                                 const char *topic,
  3351                                                 int32_t partition);
  3353  /**
  3354   * @returns a reference to the background thread queue, or NULL if the
  3355   *          background queue is not enabled.
  3356   *
  3357   * The background thread queue provides the application with an automatically
  3358   * polled queue that triggers the event callback in a background thread,
  3359   * this background thread is completely managed by librdkafka.
  3360   *
  3361   * The background thread queue is automatically created if a generic event
  3362   * handler callback is configured with rd_kafka_conf_set_background_event_cb()
  3363   * or if rd_kafka_queue_get_background() is called.
  3364   *
  3365   * The background queue is polled and served by librdkafka and MUST NOT be
  3366   * polled, forwarded, or otherwise managed by the application, it may only
  3367   * be used as the destination queue passed to queue-enabled APIs, such as
  3368   * the Admin API.
  3369   *
  3370   * Use rd_kafka_queue_destroy() to loose the reference.
  3371   *
  3372   * @warning The background queue MUST NOT be read from (polled, consumed, etc),
  3373   *          or forwarded from.
  3374   */
  3375  RD_EXPORT
  3376  rd_kafka_queue_t *rd_kafka_queue_get_background(rd_kafka_t *rk);
  3379  /**
  3380   * @brief Forward/re-route queue \p src to \p dst.
  3381   * If \p dst is \c NULL the forwarding is removed.
  3382   *
  3383   * The internal refcounts for both queues are increased.
  3384   *
  3385   * @remark Regardless of whether \p dst is NULL or not, after calling this
  3386   *         function, \p src will not forward it's fetch queue to the consumer
  3387   *         queue.
  3388   */
  3389  RD_EXPORT
  3390  void rd_kafka_queue_forward(rd_kafka_queue_t *src, rd_kafka_queue_t *dst);
  3392  /**
  3393   * @brief Forward librdkafka logs (and debug) to the specified queue
  3394   *        for serving with one of the ..poll() calls.
  3395   *
  3396   *        This allows an application to serve log callbacks (\c log_cb)
  3397   *        in its thread of choice.
  3398   *
  3399   * @param rk   Client instance.
  3400   * @param rkqu Queue to forward logs to. If the value is NULL the logs
  3401   *        are forwarded to the main queue.
  3402   *
  3403   * @remark The configuration property \c log.queue MUST also be set to true.
  3404   *
  3405   * @remark librdkafka maintains its own reference to the provided queue.
  3406   *
  3407   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success or an error code on error,
  3408   * eg RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__NOT_CONFIGURED when log.queue is not set to true.
  3409   */
  3410  RD_EXPORT
  3411  rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_set_log_queue(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  3412                                             rd_kafka_queue_t *rkqu);
  3415  /**
  3416   * @returns the current number of elements in queue.
  3417   */
  3418  RD_EXPORT
  3419  size_t rd_kafka_queue_length(rd_kafka_queue_t *rkqu);
  3422  /**
  3423   * @brief Enable IO event triggering for queue.
  3424   *
  3425   * To ease integration with IO based polling loops this API
  3426   * allows an application to create a separate file-descriptor
  3427   * that librdkafka will write \p payload (of size \p size) to
  3428   * whenever a new element is enqueued on a previously empty queue.
  3429   *
  3430   * To remove event triggering call with \p fd = -1.
  3431   *
  3432   * librdkafka will maintain a copy of the \p payload.
  3433   *
  3434   * @remark IO and callback event triggering are mutually exclusive.
  3435   * @remark When using forwarded queues the IO event must only be enabled
  3436   *         on the final forwarded-to (destination) queue.
  3437   * @remark The file-descriptor/socket must be set to non-blocking.
  3438   */
  3439  RD_EXPORT
  3440  void rd_kafka_queue_io_event_enable(rd_kafka_queue_t *rkqu,
  3441                                      int fd,
  3442                                      const void *payload,
  3443                                      size_t size);
  3445  /**
  3446   * @brief Enable callback event triggering for queue.
  3447   *
  3448   * The callback will be called from an internal librdkafka thread
  3449   * when a new element is enqueued on a previously empty queue.
  3450   *
  3451   * To remove event triggering call with \p event_cb = NULL.
  3452   *
  3453   * The \p qev_opaque is passed to the callback's \p qev_opaque argument.
  3454   *
  3455   * @remark IO and callback event triggering are mutually exclusive.
  3456   * @remark Since the callback may be triggered from internal librdkafka
  3457   *         threads, the application must not perform any pro-longed work in
  3458   *         the callback, or call any librdkafka APIs (for the same rd_kafka_t
  3459   *         handle).
  3460   */
  3461  RD_EXPORT
  3462  void rd_kafka_queue_cb_event_enable(rd_kafka_queue_t *rkqu,
  3463                                      void (*event_cb)(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  3464                                                       void *qev_opaque),
  3465                                      void *qev_opaque);
  3468  /**
  3469   * @brief Cancels the current rd_kafka_queue_poll() on \p rkqu.
  3470   *
  3471   * An application may use this from another thread to force
  3472   * an immediate return to the calling code (caller of rd_kafka_queue_poll()).
  3473   * Must not be used from signal handlers since that may cause deadlocks.
  3474   */
  3475  RD_EXPORT
  3476  void rd_kafka_queue_yield(rd_kafka_queue_t *rkqu);
  3479  /**@}*/
  3481  /**
  3482   *
  3483   * @name Simple Consumer API (legacy)
  3484   * @{
  3485   *
  3486   */
  3489  #define RD_KAFKA_OFFSET_BEGINNING                                              \
  3490          -2 /**< Start consuming from beginning of                              \
  3491              *   kafka partition queue: oldest msg */
  3492  #define RD_KAFKA_OFFSET_END                                                    \
  3493          -1 /**< Start consuming from end of kafka                              \
  3494              *   partition queue: next msg */
  3495  #define RD_KAFKA_OFFSET_STORED                                                 \
  3496          -1000 /**< Start consuming from offset retrieved                       \
  3497                 *   from offset store */
  3498  #define RD_KAFKA_OFFSET_INVALID -1001 /**< Invalid offset */
  3501  /** @cond NO_DOC */
  3502  #define RD_KAFKA_OFFSET_TAIL_BASE -2000 /* internal: do not use */
  3503  /** @endcond */
  3505  /**
  3506   * @brief Start consuming \p CNT messages from topic's current end offset.
  3507   *
  3508   * That is, if current end offset is 12345 and \p CNT is 200, it will start
  3509   * consuming from offset \c 12345-200 = \c 12145. */
  3512  /**
  3513   * @brief Start consuming messages for topic \p rkt and \p partition
  3514   * at offset \p offset which may either be an absolute \c (0..N)
  3515   * or one of the logical offsets:
  3517   *  - RD_KAFKA_OFFSET_END
  3519   *  - RD_KAFKA_OFFSET_TAIL
  3520   *
  3521   * rdkafka will attempt to keep \c queued.min.messages (config property)
  3522   * messages in the local queue by repeatedly fetching batches of messages
  3523   * from the broker until the threshold is reached.
  3524   *
  3525   * The application shall use one of the `rd_kafka_consume*()` functions
  3526   * to consume messages from the local queue, each kafka message being
  3527   * represented as a `rd_kafka_message_t *` object.
  3528   *
  3529   * `rd_kafka_consume_start()` must not be called multiple times for the same
  3530   * topic and partition without stopping consumption first with
  3531   * `rd_kafka_consume_stop()`.
  3532   *
  3533   * @returns 0 on success or -1 on error in which case errno is set accordingly:
  3534   *  - EBUSY    - Conflicts with an existing or previous subscription
  3535   *               (RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__CONFLICT)
  3536   *  - EINVAL   - Invalid offset, or incomplete configuration (lacking
  3537   *               (RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__INVALID_ARG)
  3538   *  - ESRCH    - requested \p partition is invalid.
  3539   *               (RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__UNKNOWN_PARTITION)
  3540   *  - ENOENT   - topic is unknown in the Kafka cluster.
  3541   *               (RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__UNKNOWN_TOPIC)
  3542   *
  3543   * Use `rd_kafka_errno2err()` to convert sytem \c errno to `rd_kafka_resp_err_t`
  3544   */
  3545  RD_EXPORT
  3546  int rd_kafka_consume_start(rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt,
  3547                             int32_t partition,
  3548                             int64_t offset);
  3550  /**
  3551   * @brief Same as rd_kafka_consume_start() but re-routes incoming messages to
  3552   * the provided queue \p rkqu (which must have been previously allocated
  3553   * with `rd_kafka_queue_new()`.
  3554   *
  3555   * The application must use one of the `rd_kafka_consume_*_queue()` functions
  3556   * to receive fetched messages.
  3557   *
  3558   * `rd_kafka_consume_start_queue()` must not be called multiple times for the
  3559   * same topic and partition without stopping consumption first with
  3560   * `rd_kafka_consume_stop()`.
  3561   * `rd_kafka_consume_start()` and `rd_kafka_consume_start_queue()` must not
  3562   * be combined for the same topic and partition.
  3563   */
  3564  RD_EXPORT
  3565  int rd_kafka_consume_start_queue(rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt,
  3566                                   int32_t partition,
  3567                                   int64_t offset,
  3568                                   rd_kafka_queue_t *rkqu);
  3570  /**
  3571   * @brief Stop consuming messages for topic \p rkt and \p partition, purging
  3572   * all messages currently in the local queue.
  3573   *
  3574   * NOTE: To enforce synchronisation this call will block until the internal
  3575   *       fetcher has terminated and offsets are committed to configured
  3576   *       storage method.
  3577   *
  3578   * The application needs to be stop all consumers before calling
  3579   * `rd_kafka_destroy()` on the main object handle.
  3580   *
  3581   * @returns 0 on success or -1 on error (see `errno`).
  3582   */
  3583  RD_EXPORT
  3584  int rd_kafka_consume_stop(rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt, int32_t partition);
  3588  /**
  3589   * @brief Seek consumer for topic+partition to \p offset which is either an
  3590   *        absolute or logical offset.
  3591   *
  3592   * If \p timeout_ms is specified (not 0) the seek call will wait this long
  3593   * for the consumer to update its fetcher state for the given partition with
  3594   * the new offset. This guarantees that no previously fetched messages for the
  3595   * old offset (or fetch position) will be passed to the application.
  3596   *
  3597   * If the timeout is reached the internal state will be unknown to the caller
  3598   * and this function returns `RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__TIMED_OUT`.
  3599   *
  3600   * If \p timeout_ms is 0 it will initiate the seek but return
  3601   * immediately without any error reporting (e.g., async).
  3602   *
  3603   * This call will purge all pre-fetched messages for the given partition, which
  3604   * may be up to \c queued.max.message.kbytes in size. Repeated use of seek
  3605   * may thus lead to increased network usage as messages are re-fetched from
  3606   * the broker.
  3607   *
  3608   * @remark Seek must only be performed for already assigned/consumed partitions,
  3609   *         use rd_kafka_assign() ( to set the initial starting offset
  3610   *         for a new assignmenmt.
  3611   *
  3612   * @returns `RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__NO_ERROR` on success else an error code.
  3613   *
  3614   * @deprecated Use rd_kafka_seek_partitions().
  3615   */
  3616  RD_EXPORT
  3617  rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_seek(rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt,
  3618                                    int32_t partition,
  3619                                    int64_t offset,
  3620                                    int timeout_ms);
  3624  /**
  3625   * @brief Seek consumer for partitions in \p partitions to the per-partition
  3626   *        offset in the \c .offset field of \p partitions.
  3627   *
  3628   * The offset may be either absolute (>= 0) or a logical offset.
  3629   *
  3630   * If \p timeout_ms is specified (not 0) the seek call will wait this long
  3631   * for the consumer to update its fetcher state for the given partition with
  3632   * the new offset. This guarantees that no previously fetched messages for the
  3633   * old offset (or fetch position) will be passed to the application.
  3634   *
  3635   * If the timeout is reached the internal state will be unknown to the caller
  3636   * and this function returns `RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__TIMED_OUT`.
  3637   *
  3638   * If \p timeout_ms is 0 it will initiate the seek but return
  3639   * immediately without any error reporting (e.g., async).
  3640   *
  3641   * This call will purge all pre-fetched messages for the given partition, which
  3642   * may be up to \c queued.max.message.kbytes in size. Repeated use of seek
  3643   * may thus lead to increased network usage as messages are re-fetched from
  3644   * the broker.
  3645   *
  3646   * Individual partition errors are reported in the per-partition \c .err field
  3647   * of \p partitions.
  3648   *
  3649   * @remark Seek must only be performed for already assigned/consumed partitions,
  3650   *         use rd_kafka_assign() ( to set the initial starting offset
  3651   *         for a new assignmenmt.
  3652   *
  3653   * @returns NULL on success or an error object on failure.
  3654   */
  3655  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_error_t *
  3656  rd_kafka_seek_partitions(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  3657                           rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *partitions,
  3658                           int timeout_ms);
  3661  /**
  3662   * @brief Consume a single message from topic \p rkt and \p partition
  3663   *
  3664   * \p timeout_ms is maximum amount of time to wait for a message to be received.
  3665   * Consumer must have been previously started with `rd_kafka_consume_start()`.
  3666   *
  3667   * @returns a message object on success or \c NULL on error.
  3668   * The message object must be destroyed with `rd_kafka_message_destroy()`
  3669   * when the application is done with it.
  3670   *
  3671   * Errors (when returning NULL):
  3672   *  - ETIMEDOUT - \p timeout_ms was reached with no new messages fetched.
  3673   *  - ENOENT    - \p rkt + \p partition is unknown.
  3674   *                 (no prior `rd_kafka_consume_start()` call)
  3675   *
  3676   * NOTE: The returned message's \c ..->err must be checked for errors.
  3677   * NOTE: \c ..->err \c == \c RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__PARTITION_EOF signals that the
  3678   *       end of the partition has been reached, which should typically not be
  3679   *       considered an error. The application should handle this case
  3680   *       (e.g., ignore).
  3681   *
  3682   * @remark on_consume() interceptors may be called from this function prior to
  3683   *         passing message to application.
  3684   */
  3685  RD_EXPORT
  3686  rd_kafka_message_t *
  3687  rd_kafka_consume(rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt, int32_t partition, int timeout_ms);
  3691  /**
  3692   * @brief Consume up to \p rkmessages_size from topic \p rkt and \p partition
  3693   *        putting a pointer to each message in the application provided
  3694   *        array \p rkmessages (of size \p rkmessages_size entries).
  3695   *
  3696   * `rd_kafka_consume_batch()` provides higher throughput performance
  3697   * than `rd_kafka_consume()`.
  3698   *
  3699   * \p timeout_ms is the maximum amount of time to wait for all of
  3700   * \p rkmessages_size messages to be put into \p rkmessages.
  3701   * If no messages were available within the timeout period this function
  3702   * returns 0 and \p rkmessages remains untouched.
  3703   * This differs somewhat from `rd_kafka_consume()`.
  3704   *
  3705   * The message objects must be destroyed with `rd_kafka_message_destroy()`
  3706   * when the application is done with it.
  3707   *
  3708   * @returns the number of rkmessages added in \p rkmessages,
  3709   * or -1 on error (same error codes as for `rd_kafka_consume()`.
  3710   *
  3711   * @sa rd_kafka_consume()
  3712   *
  3713   * @remark on_consume() interceptors may be called from this function prior to
  3714   *         passing message to application.
  3715   */
  3716  RD_EXPORT
  3717  ssize_t rd_kafka_consume_batch(rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt,
  3718                                 int32_t partition,
  3719                                 int timeout_ms,
  3720                                 rd_kafka_message_t **rkmessages,
  3721                                 size_t rkmessages_size);
  3725  /**
  3726   * @brief Consumes messages from topic \p rkt and \p partition, calling
  3727   * the provided callback for each consumed messsage.
  3728   *
  3729   * `rd_kafka_consume_callback()` provides higher throughput performance
  3730   * than both `rd_kafka_consume()` and `rd_kafka_consume_batch()`.
  3731   *
  3732   * \p timeout_ms is the maximum amount of time to wait for one or more messages
  3733   * to arrive.
  3734   *
  3735   * The provided \p consume_cb function is called for each message,
  3736   * the application \b MUST \b NOT call `rd_kafka_message_destroy()` on the
  3737   * provided \p rkmessage.
  3738   *
  3739   * The \p commit_opaque argument is passed to the \p consume_cb
  3740   * as \p commit_opaque.
  3741   *
  3742   * @returns the number of messages processed or -1 on error.
  3743   *
  3744   * @sa rd_kafka_consume()
  3745   *
  3746   * @remark on_consume() interceptors may be called from this function prior to
  3747   *         passing message to application.
  3748   *
  3749   * @remark This function will return early if a transaction control message is
  3750   *         received, these messages are not exposed to the application but
  3751   *         still enqueued on the consumer queue to make sure their
  3752   *         offsets are stored.
  3753   *
  3754   * @deprecated This API is deprecated and subject for future removal.
  3755   *             There is no new callback-based consume interface, use the
  3756   *             poll/queue based alternatives.
  3757   */
  3758  RD_EXPORT
  3759  int rd_kafka_consume_callback(rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt,
  3760                                int32_t partition,
  3761                                int timeout_ms,
  3762                                void (*consume_cb)(rd_kafka_message_t *rkmessage,
  3763                                                   void *commit_opaque),
  3764                                void *commit_opaque);
  3767  /**
  3768   * @name Simple Consumer API (legacy): Queue consumers
  3769   * @{
  3770   *
  3771   * The following `..._queue()` functions are analogue to the functions above
  3772   * but reads messages from the provided queue \p rkqu instead.
  3773   * \p rkqu must have been previously created with `rd_kafka_queue_new()`
  3774   * and the topic consumer must have been started with
  3775   * `rd_kafka_consume_start_queue()` utilising the the same queue.
  3776   */
  3778  /**
  3779   * @brief Consume from queue
  3780   *
  3781   * @sa rd_kafka_consume()
  3782   */
  3783  RD_EXPORT
  3784  rd_kafka_message_t *rd_kafka_consume_queue(rd_kafka_queue_t *rkqu,
  3785                                             int timeout_ms);
  3787  /**
  3788   * @brief Consume batch of messages from queue
  3789   *
  3790   * @sa rd_kafka_consume_batch()
  3791   */
  3792  RD_EXPORT
  3793  ssize_t rd_kafka_consume_batch_queue(rd_kafka_queue_t *rkqu,
  3794                                       int timeout_ms,
  3795                                       rd_kafka_message_t **rkmessages,
  3796                                       size_t rkmessages_size);
  3798  /**
  3799   * @brief Consume multiple messages from queue with callback
  3800   *
  3801   * @sa rd_kafka_consume_callback()
  3802   *
  3803   * @deprecated This API is deprecated and subject for future removal.
  3804   *             There is no new callback-based consume interface, use the
  3805   *             poll/queue based alternatives.
  3806   */
  3807  RD_EXPORT
  3808  int rd_kafka_consume_callback_queue(
  3809      rd_kafka_queue_t *rkqu,
  3810      int timeout_ms,
  3811      void (*consume_cb)(rd_kafka_message_t *rkmessage, void *commit_opaque),
  3812      void *commit_opaque);
  3815  /**@}*/
  3819  /**
  3820   * @name Simple Consumer API (legacy): Topic+partition offset store.
  3821   * @{
  3822   *
  3823   * If \c auto.commit.enable is true the offset is stored automatically prior to
  3824   * returning of the message(s) in each of the rd_kafka_consume*() functions
  3825   * above.
  3826   */
  3829  /**
  3830   * @brief Store offset \p offset + 1 for topic \p rkt partition \p partition.
  3831   *
  3832   * The \c offset + 1 will be committed (written) to broker (or file) according
  3833   * to \c `` or manual offset-less commit()
  3834   *
  3835   * @warning This method may only be called for partitions that are currently
  3836   *          assigned.
  3837   *          Non-assigned partitions will fail with RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__STATE.
  3838   *          Since v1.9.0.
  3839   *
  3840   * @warning Avoid storing offsets after calling rd_kafka_seek() ( as
  3841   *          this may later interfere with resuming a paused partition, instead
  3842   *          store offsets prior to calling seek.
  3843   *
  3844   * @remark \c `` must be set to "false" when using
  3845   *         this API.
  3846   *
  3847   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success or an error code on error.
  3848   */
  3849  RD_EXPORT
  3850  rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  3851  rd_kafka_offset_store(rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt, int32_t partition, int64_t offset);
  3854  /**
  3855   * @brief Store offsets for next auto-commit for one or more partitions.
  3856   *
  3857   * The offset will be committed (written) to the offset store according
  3858   * to \c `` or manual offset-less commit().
  3859   *
  3860   * Per-partition success/error status propagated through each partition's
  3861   * \c .err for all return values (even NO_ERROR) except INVALID_ARG.
  3862   *
  3863   * @warning This method may only be called for partitions that are currently
  3864   *          assigned.
  3865   *          Non-assigned partitions will fail with RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__STATE.
  3866   *          Since v1.9.0.
  3867   *
  3868   * @warning Avoid storing offsets after calling rd_kafka_seek() ( as
  3869   *          this may later interfere with resuming a paused partition, instead
  3870   *          store offsets prior to calling seek.
  3871   *
  3872   * @remark The \c .offset field is stored as is, it will NOT be + 1.
  3873   *
  3874   * @remark \c `` must be set to "false" when using
  3875   *         this API.
  3876   *
  3877   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on (partial) success, or
  3878   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__INVALID_ARG if \c
  3879   *          is true, or
  3881   *          if none of the offsets could be stored.
  3882   */
  3883  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  3884  rd_kafka_offsets_store(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  3885                         rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *offsets);
  3886  /**@}*/
  3890  /**
  3891   * @name KafkaConsumer (C)
  3892   * @{
  3893   * @brief High-level KafkaConsumer C API
  3894   *
  3895   *
  3896   *
  3897   */
  3899  /**
  3900   * @brief Subscribe to topic set using balanced consumer groups.
  3901   *
  3902   * Wildcard (regex) topics are supported:
  3903   * any topic name in the \p topics list that is prefixed with \c \"^\" will
  3904   * be regex-matched to the full list of topics in the cluster and matching
  3905   * topics will be added to the subscription list.
  3906   *
  3907   * The full topic list is retrieved every \c
  3908   * to pick up new or delete topics that match the subscription.
  3909   * If there is any change to the matched topics the consumer will
  3910   * immediately rejoin the group with the updated set of subscribed topics.
  3911   *
  3912   * Regex and full topic names can be mixed in \p topics.
  3913   *
  3914   * @remark Only the \c .topic field is used in the supplied \p topics list,
  3915   *         all other fields are ignored.
  3916   *
  3917   * @remark subscribe() is an asynchronous method which returns immediately:
  3918   *         background threads will (re)join the group, wait for group rebalance,
  3919   *         issue any registered rebalance_cb, assign() the assigned partitions,
  3920   *         and then start fetching messages. This cycle may take up to
  3921   *         \c * 2 or more to complete.
  3922   *
  3923   * @remark After this call returns a consumer error will be returned by
  3924   *         rd_kafka_consumer_poll ( for each unavailable topic in the
  3925   *         \p topics. The error will be RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PART
  3926   *         for non-existent topics, and
  3927   *         RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_TOPIC_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED for unauthorized topics.
  3928   *         The consumer error will be raised through rd_kafka_consumer_poll()
  3929   *         ( with the \c rd_kafka_message_t.err field set to one of the
  3930   *         error codes mentioned above.
  3931   *         The subscribe function itself is asynchronous and will not return
  3932   *         an error on unavailable topics.
  3933   *
  3934   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success or
  3935   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__INVALID_ARG if list is empty, contains invalid
  3936   *          topics or regexes or duplicate entries,
  3937   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__FATAL if the consumer has raised a fatal error.
  3938   */
  3939  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  3940  rd_kafka_subscribe(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  3941                     const rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *topics);
  3944  /**
  3945   * @brief Unsubscribe from the current subscription set.
  3946   */
  3947  RD_EXPORT
  3948  rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_unsubscribe(rd_kafka_t *rk);
  3951  /**
  3952   * @brief Returns the current topic subscription
  3953   *
  3954   * @returns An error code on failure, otherwise \p topic is updated
  3955   *          to point to a newly allocated topic list (possibly empty).
  3956   *
  3957   * @remark The application is responsible for calling
  3958   *         rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_destroy on the returned list.
  3959   */
  3960  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  3961  rd_kafka_subscription(rd_kafka_t *rk, rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t **topics);
  3965  /**
  3966   * @brief Poll the consumer for messages or events.
  3967   *
  3968   * Will block for at most \p timeout_ms milliseconds.
  3969   *
  3970   * @remark  An application should make sure to call consumer_poll() at regular
  3971   *          intervals, even if no messages are expected, to serve any
  3972   *          queued callbacks waiting to be called. This is especially
  3973   *          important when a rebalance_cb has been registered as it needs
  3974   *          to be called and handled properly to synchronize internal
  3975   *          consumer state.
  3976   *
  3977   * @returns A message object which is a proper message if \p ->err is
  3978   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR, or an event or error for any other
  3979   *          value.
  3980   *
  3981   * @remark on_consume() interceptors may be called from this function prior to
  3982   *         passing message to application.
  3983   *
  3984   * @remark When subscribing to topics the application must call poll at
  3985   *         least every \c to remain a member of the
  3986   *         consumer group.
  3987   *
  3988   * Noteworthy errors returned in \c ->err:
  3989   * - RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__MAX_POLL_EXCEEDED - application failed to call
  3990   *   poll within ``.
  3991   *
  3992   * @sa rd_kafka_message_t
  3993   */
  3994  RD_EXPORT
  3995  rd_kafka_message_t *rd_kafka_consumer_poll(rd_kafka_t *rk, int timeout_ms);
  3997  /**
  3998   * @brief Close the consumer.
  3999   *
  4000   * This call will block until the consumer has revoked its assignment,
  4001   * calling the \c rebalance_cb if it is configured, committed offsets
  4002   * to broker, and left the consumer group (if applicable).
  4003   * The maximum blocking time is roughly limited to
  4004   *
  4005   * @returns An error code indicating if the consumer close was succesful
  4006   *          or not.
  4007   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__FATAL is returned if the consumer has raised
  4008   *          a fatal error.
  4009   *
  4010   * @remark The application still needs to call rd_kafka_destroy() after
  4011   *         this call finishes to clean up the underlying handle resources.
  4012   *
  4013   */
  4014  RD_EXPORT
  4015  rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_consumer_close(rd_kafka_t *rk);
  4018  /**
  4019   * @brief Asynchronously close the consumer.
  4020   *
  4021   * Performs the same actions as rd_kafka_consumer_close() but in a
  4022   * background thread.
  4023   *
  4024   * Rebalance events/callbacks (etc) will be forwarded to the
  4025   * application-provided \p rkqu. The application must poll/serve this queue
  4026   * until rd_kafka_consumer_closed() returns true.
  4027   *
  4028   * @remark Depending on consumer group join state there may or may not be
  4029   *         rebalance events emitted on \p rkqu.
  4030   *
  4031   * @returns an error object if the consumer close failed, else NULL.
  4032   *
  4033   * @sa rd_kafka_consumer_closed()
  4034   */
  4035  RD_EXPORT
  4036  rd_kafka_error_t *rd_kafka_consumer_close_queue(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  4037                                                  rd_kafka_queue_t *rkqu);
  4040  /**
  4041   * @returns 1 if the consumer is closed, else 0.
  4042   *
  4043   * Should be used in conjunction with rd_kafka_consumer_close_queue() to know
  4044   * when the consumer has been closed.
  4045   *
  4046   * @sa rd_kafka_consumer_close_queue()
  4047   */
  4048  RD_EXPORT
  4049  int rd_kafka_consumer_closed(rd_kafka_t *rk);
  4052  /**
  4053   * @brief Incrementally add \p partitions to the current assignment.
  4054   *
  4055   * If a COOPERATIVE assignor (i.e. incremental rebalancing) is being used,
  4056   * this method should be used in a rebalance callback to adjust the current
  4057   * assignment appropriately in the case where the rebalance type is
  4058   * RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__ASSIGN_PARTITIONS. The application must pass the
  4059   * partition list passed to the callback (or a copy of it), even if the
  4060   * list is empty. \p partitions must not be NULL. This method may also be
  4061   * used outside the context of a rebalance callback.
  4062   *
  4063   * @returns NULL on success, or an error object if the operation was
  4064   *          unsuccessful.
  4065   *
  4066   * @remark The returned error object (if not NULL) must be destroyed with
  4067   *         rd_kafka_error_destroy().
  4068   */
  4069  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_error_t *
  4070  rd_kafka_incremental_assign(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  4071                              const rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *partitions);
  4074  /**
  4075   * @brief Incrementally remove \p partitions from the current assignment.
  4076   *
  4077   * If a COOPERATIVE assignor (i.e. incremental rebalancing) is being used,
  4078   * this method should be used in a rebalance callback to adjust the current
  4079   * assignment appropriately in the case where the rebalance type is
  4080   * RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__REVOKE_PARTITIONS. The application must pass the
  4081   * partition list passed to the callback (or a copy of it), even if the
  4082   * list is empty. \p partitions must not be NULL. This method may also be
  4083   * used outside the context of a rebalance callback.
  4084   *
  4085   * @returns NULL on success, or an error object if the operation was
  4086   *          unsuccessful.
  4087   *
  4088   * @remark The returned error object (if not NULL) must be destroyed with
  4089   *         rd_kafka_error_destroy().
  4090   */
  4091  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_error_t *rd_kafka_incremental_unassign(
  4092      rd_kafka_t *rk,
  4093      const rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *partitions);
  4096  /**
  4097   * @brief The rebalance protocol currently in use. This will be
  4098   *        "NONE" if the consumer has not (yet) joined a group, else it will
  4099   *        match the rebalance protocol ("EAGER", "COOPERATIVE") of the
  4100   *        configured and selected assignor(s). All configured
  4101   *        assignors must have the same protocol type, meaning
  4102   *        online migration of a consumer group from using one
  4103   *        protocol to another (in particular upgading from EAGER
  4104   *        to COOPERATIVE) without a restart is not currently
  4105   *        supported.
  4106   *
  4107   * @returns NULL on error, or one of "NONE", "EAGER", "COOPERATIVE" on success.
  4108   */
  4109  RD_EXPORT
  4110  const char *rd_kafka_rebalance_protocol(rd_kafka_t *rk);
  4113  /**
  4114   * @brief Atomic assignment of partitions to consume.
  4115   *
  4116   * The new \p partitions will replace the existing assignment.
  4117   *
  4118   * A zero-length \p partitions will treat the partitions as a valid,
  4119   * albeit empty assignment, and maintain internal state, while a \c NULL
  4120   * value for \p partitions will reset and clear the internal state.
  4121   *
  4122   * When used from a rebalance callback, the application should pass the
  4123   * partition list passed to the callback (or a copy of it) even if the list
  4124   * is empty (i.e. should not pass NULL in this case) so as to maintain
  4125   * internal join state. This is not strictly required - the application
  4126   * may adjust the assignment provided by the group. However, this is rarely
  4127   * useful in practice.
  4128   *
  4129   * @returns An error code indicating if the new assignment was applied or not.
  4130   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__FATAL is returned if the consumer has raised
  4131   *          a fatal error.
  4132   */
  4133  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  4134  rd_kafka_assign(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  4135                  const rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *partitions);
  4137  /**
  4138   * @brief Returns the current partition assignment as set by rd_kafka_assign()
  4139   *        or rd_kafka_incremental_assign().
  4140   *
  4141   * @returns An error code on failure, otherwise \p partitions is updated
  4142   *          to point to a newly allocated partition list (possibly empty).
  4143   *
  4144   * @remark The application is responsible for calling
  4145   *         rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_destroy on the returned list.
  4146   *
  4147   * @remark This assignment represents the partitions assigned through the
  4148   *         assign functions and not the partitions assigned to this consumer
  4149   *         instance by the consumer group leader.
  4150   *         They are usually the same following a rebalance but not necessarily
  4151   *         since an application is free to assign any partitions.
  4152   */
  4153  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  4154  rd_kafka_assignment(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  4155                      rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t **partitions);
  4158  /**
  4159   * @brief Check whether the consumer considers the current assignment to
  4160   *        have been lost involuntarily. This method is only applicable for
  4161   *        use with a high level subscribing consumer. Assignments are revoked
  4162   *        immediately when determined to have been lost, so this method
  4163   *        is only useful when reacting to a RD_KAFKA_EVENT_REBALANCE event
  4164   *        or from within a rebalance_cb. Partitions that have been lost may
  4165   *        already be owned by other members in the group and therefore
  4166   *        commiting offsets, for example, may fail.
  4167   *
  4168   * @remark Calling rd_kafka_assign(), rd_kafka_incremental_assign() or
  4169   *         rd_kafka_incremental_unassign() resets this flag.
  4170   *
  4171   * @returns Returns 1 if the current partition assignment is considered
  4172   *          lost, 0 otherwise.
  4173   */
  4174  RD_EXPORT int rd_kafka_assignment_lost(rd_kafka_t *rk);
  4177  /**
  4178   * @brief Commit offsets on broker for the provided list of partitions.
  4179   *
  4180   * \p offsets should contain \c topic, \c partition, \c offset and possibly
  4181   * \c metadata. The \c offset should be the offset where consumption will
  4182   * resume, i.e., the last processed offset + 1.
  4183   * If \p offsets is NULL the current partition assignment will be used instead.
  4184   *
  4185   * If \p async is false this operation will block until the broker offset commit
  4186   * is done, returning the resulting success or error code.
  4187   *
  4188   * If a rd_kafka_conf_set_offset_commit_cb() offset commit callback has been
  4189   * configured the callback will be enqueued for a future call to
  4190   * rd_kafka_poll(), rd_kafka_consumer_poll() or similar.
  4191   *
  4192   * @returns An error code indiciating if the commit was successful,
  4193   *          or successfully scheduled if asynchronous, or failed.
  4194   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__FATAL is returned if the consumer has raised
  4195   *          a fatal error.
  4196   */
  4197  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  4198  rd_kafka_commit(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  4199                  const rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *offsets,
  4200                  int async);
  4203  /**
  4204   * @brief Commit message's offset on broker for the message's partition.
  4205   *        The committed offset is the message's offset + 1.
  4206   *
  4207   * @sa rd_kafka_commit
  4208   */
  4209  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  4210  rd_kafka_commit_message(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  4211                          const rd_kafka_message_t *rkmessage,
  4212                          int async);
  4215  /**
  4216   * @brief Commit offsets on broker for the provided list of partitions.
  4217   *
  4218   * See rd_kafka_commit for \p offsets semantics.
  4219   *
  4220   * The result of the offset commit will be posted on the provided \p rkqu queue.
  4221   *
  4222   * If the application uses one of the poll APIs (rd_kafka_poll(),
  4223   * rd_kafka_consumer_poll(), rd_kafka_queue_poll(), ..) to serve the queue
  4224   * the \p cb callback is required.
  4225   *
  4226   * The \p commit_opaque argument is passed to the callback as \p commit_opaque,
  4227   * or if using the event API the callback is ignored and the offset commit
  4228   * result will be returned as an RD_KAFKA_EVENT_COMMIT event and the
  4229   * \p commit_opaque value will be available with rd_kafka_event_opaque().
  4230   *
  4231   * If \p rkqu is NULL a temporary queue will be created and the callback will
  4232   * be served by this call.
  4233   *
  4234   * @sa rd_kafka_commit()
  4235   * @sa rd_kafka_conf_set_offset_commit_cb()
  4236   */
  4237  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  4238  rd_kafka_commit_queue(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  4239                        const rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *offsets,
  4240                        rd_kafka_queue_t *rkqu,
  4241                        void (*cb)(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  4242                                   rd_kafka_resp_err_t err,
  4243                                   rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *offsets,
  4244                                   void *commit_opaque),
  4245                        void *commit_opaque);
  4248  /**
  4249   * @brief Retrieve committed offsets for topics+partitions.
  4250   *
  4251   * The \p offset field of each requested partition will either be set to
  4252   * stored offset or to RD_KAFKA_OFFSET_INVALID in case there was no stored
  4253   * offset for that partition.
  4254   *
  4255   * Committed offsets will be returned according to the `isolation.level`
  4256   * configuration property, if set to `read_committed` (default) then only
  4257   * stable offsets for fully committed transactions will be returned, while
  4258   * `read_uncommitted` may return offsets for not yet committed transactions.
  4259   *
  4260   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success in which case the
  4261   *          \p offset or \p err field of each \p partitions' element is filled
  4262   *          in with the stored offset, or a partition specific error.
  4263   *          Else returns an error code.
  4264   */
  4265  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  4266  rd_kafka_committed(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  4267                     rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *partitions,
  4268                     int timeout_ms);
  4272  /**
  4273   * @brief Retrieve current positions (offsets) for topics+partitions.
  4274   *
  4275   * The \p offset field of each requested partition will be set to the offset
  4276   * of the last consumed message + 1, or RD_KAFKA_OFFSET_INVALID in case there
  4277   * was no previous message.
  4278   *
  4279   * @remark  In this context the last consumed message is the offset consumed
  4280   *          by the current librdkafka instance and, in case of rebalancing, not
  4281   *          necessarily the last message fetched from the partition.
  4282   *
  4283   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success in which case the
  4284   *          \p offset or \p err field of each \p partitions' element is filled
  4285   *          in with the stored offset, or a partition specific error.
  4286   *          Else returns an error code.
  4287   */
  4288  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  4289  rd_kafka_position(rd_kafka_t *rk, rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *partitions);
  4293  /**
  4294   * @returns the current consumer group metadata associated with this consumer,
  4295   *          or NULL if \p rk is not a consumer configured with a \c
  4296   *          This metadata object should be passed to the transactional
  4297   *          producer's rd_kafka_send_offsets_to_transaction() API.
  4298   *
  4299   * @remark The returned pointer must be freed by the application using
  4300   *         rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata_destroy().
  4301   *
  4302   * @sa rd_kafka_send_offsets_to_transaction()
  4303   */
  4304  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata_t *
  4305  rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata(rd_kafka_t *rk);
  4308  /**
  4309   * @brief Create a new consumer group metadata object.
  4310   *        This is typically only used for writing tests.
  4311   *
  4312   * @param group_id The group id.
  4313   *
  4314   * @remark The returned pointer must be freed by the application using
  4315   *         rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata_destroy().
  4316   */
  4317  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata_t *
  4318  rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata_new(const char *group_id);
  4321  /**
  4322   * @brief Create a new consumer group metadata object.
  4323   *        This is typically only used for writing tests.
  4324   *
  4325   * @param group_id The group id.
  4326   * @param generation_id The group generation id.
  4327   * @param member_id The group member id.
  4328   * @param group_instance_id The group instance id (may be NULL).
  4329   *
  4330   * @remark The returned pointer must be freed by the application using
  4331   *         rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata_destroy().
  4332   */
  4333  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata_t *
  4334  rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata_new_with_genid(const char *group_id,
  4335                                                  int32_t generation_id,
  4336                                                  const char *member_id,
  4337                                                  const char *group_instance_id);
  4340  /**
  4341   * @brief Frees the consumer group metadata object as returned by
  4342   *        rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata().
  4343   */
  4344  RD_EXPORT void
  4345  rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata_destroy(rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata_t *);
  4348  /**
  4349   * @brief Serialize the consumer group metadata to a binary format.
  4350   *        This is mainly for client binding use and not for application use.
  4351   *
  4352   * @remark The serialized metadata format is private and is not compatible
  4353   *         across different versions or even builds of librdkafka.
  4354   *         It should only be used in the same process runtime and must only
  4355   *         be passed to rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata_read().
  4356   *
  4357   * @param cgmd Metadata to be serialized.
  4358   * @param bufferp On success this pointer will be updated to point to na
  4359   *                allocated buffer containing the serialized metadata.
  4360   *                The buffer must be freed with rd_kafka_mem_free().
  4361   * @param sizep The pointed to size will be updated with the size of
  4362   *              the serialized buffer.
  4363   *
  4364   * @returns NULL on success or an error object on failure.
  4365   *
  4366   * @sa rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata_read()
  4367   */
  4368  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_error_t *rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata_write(
  4369      const rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata_t *cgmd,
  4370      void **bufferp,
  4371      size_t *sizep);
  4373  /**
  4374   * @brief Reads serialized consumer group metadata and returns a
  4375   *        consumer group metadata object.
  4376   *        This is mainly for client binding use and not for application use.
  4377   *
  4378   * @remark The serialized metadata format is private and is not compatible
  4379   *         across different versions or even builds of librdkafka.
  4380   *         It should only be used in the same process runtime and must only
  4381   *         be passed to rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata_read().
  4382   *
  4383   * @param cgmdp On success this pointer will be updated to point to a new
  4384   *              consumer group metadata object which must be freed with
  4385   *              rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata_destroy().
  4386   * @param buffer Pointer to the serialized data.
  4387   * @param size Size of the serialized data.
  4388   *
  4389   * @returns NULL on success or an error object on failure.
  4390   *
  4391   * @sa rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata_write()
  4392   */
  4393  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_error_t *rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata_read(
  4394      rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata_t **cgmdp,
  4395      const void *buffer,
  4396      size_t size);
  4398  /**@}*/
  4402  /**
  4403   * @name Producer API
  4404   * @{
  4405   *
  4406   *
  4407   */
  4410  /**
  4411   * @brief Producer message flags
  4412   */
  4413  #define RD_KAFKA_MSG_F_FREE                                                    \
  4414          0x1 /**< Delegate freeing of payload to rdkafka.                       \
  4415               */
  4416  #define RD_KAFKA_MSG_F_COPY                                                    \
  4417          0x2 /**< rdkafka will make a copy of the payload.                      \
  4418               */
  4419  #define RD_KAFKA_MSG_F_BLOCK                                                   \
  4420          0x4 /**< Block produce*() on message queue full.                       \
  4421               *   WARNING: If a delivery report callback                        \
  4422               *            is used the application MUST                         \
  4423               *            call rd_kafka_poll() (or equiv.)                     \
  4424               *            to make sure delivered messages                      \
  4425               *            are drained from the internal                        \
  4426               *            delivery report queue.                               \
  4427               *            Failure to do so will result                         \
  4428               *            in indefinately blocking on                          \
  4429               *            the produce() call when the                          \
  4430               *            message queue is full. */
  4431  #define RD_KAFKA_MSG_F_PARTITION                                               \
  4432          0x8 /**< produce_batch() will honor                                    \
  4433               * per-message partition. */
  4437  /**
  4438   * @brief Produce and send a single message to broker.
  4439   *
  4440   * \p rkt is the target topic which must have been previously created with
  4441   * `rd_kafka_topic_new()`.
  4442   *
  4443   * `rd_kafka_produce()` is an asynch non-blocking API.
  4444   * See `rd_kafka_conf_set_dr_msg_cb` on how to setup a callback to be called
  4445   * once the delivery status (success or failure) is known. The delivery report
  4446   * is trigged by the application calling `rd_kafka_poll()` (at regular
  4447   * intervals) or `rd_kafka_flush()` (at termination).
  4448   *
  4449   * Since producing is asynchronous, you should call `rd_kafka_flush()` before
  4450   * you destroy the producer. Otherwise, any outstanding messages will be
  4451   * silently discarded.
  4452   *
  4453   * When temporary errors occur, librdkafka automatically retries to produce the
  4454   * messages. Retries are triggered after and when the
  4455   * leader broker for the given partition is available. Otherwise, librdkafka
  4456   * falls back to polling the topic metadata to monitor when a new leader is
  4457   * elected (see the and
  4458   * configurations) and then performs a
  4459   * retry. A delivery error will occur if the message could not be produced
  4460   * within
  4461   *
  4462   * See the "Message reliability" chapter in for more
  4463   * information.
  4464   *
  4465   * \p partition is the target partition, either:
  4466   *   - RD_KAFKA_PARTITION_UA (unassigned) for
  4467   *     automatic partitioning using the topic's partitioner function, or
  4468   *   - a fixed partition (0..N)
  4469   *
  4470   * \p msgflags is zero or more of the following flags OR:ed together:
  4471   *    RD_KAFKA_MSG_F_BLOCK - block \p produce*() call if
  4472   *                           \p queue.buffering.max.messages or
  4473   *                           \p queue.buffering.max.kbytes are exceeded.
  4474   *                           Messages are considered in-queue from the point
  4475   * they are accepted by produce() until their corresponding delivery report
  4476   * callback/event returns. It is thus a requirement to call rd_kafka_poll() (or
  4477   * equiv.) from a separate thread when F_BLOCK is used. See WARNING on \c
  4478   * RD_KAFKA_MSG_F_BLOCK above.
  4479   *
  4480   *    RD_KAFKA_MSG_F_FREE - rdkafka will free(3) \p payload when it is done
  4481   *                          with it.
  4482   *    RD_KAFKA_MSG_F_COPY - the \p payload data will be copied and the
  4483   *                          \p payload pointer will not be used by rdkafka
  4484   *                          after the call returns.
  4485   *    RD_KAFKA_MSG_F_PARTITION - produce_batch() will honour per-message
  4486   *                               partition, either set manually or by the
  4487   *                               configured partitioner.
  4488   *
  4489   *    .._F_FREE and .._F_COPY are mutually exclusive. If neither of these are
  4490   *    set, the caller must ensure that the memory backing \p payload remains
  4491   *    valid and is not modified or reused until the delivery callback is
  4492   *    invoked. Other buffers passed to `rd_kafka_produce()` don't have this
  4493   *    restriction on reuse, i.e. the memory backing the key or the topic name
  4494   *    may be reused as soon as `rd_kafka_produce()` returns.
  4495   *
  4496   *    If the function returns -1 and RD_KAFKA_MSG_F_FREE was specified, then
  4497   *    the memory associated with the payload is still the caller's
  4498   *    responsibility.
  4499   *
  4500   * \p payload is the message payload of size \p len bytes.
  4501   *
  4502   * \p key is an optional message key of size \p keylen bytes, if non-NULL it
  4503   * will be passed to the topic partitioner as well as be sent with the
  4504   * message to the broker and passed on to the consumer.
  4505   *
  4506   * \p msg_opaque is an optional application-provided per-message opaque
  4507   * pointer that will provided in the message's delivery report callback
  4508   * (\c dr_msg_cb or \c dr_cb) and the \c rd_kafka_message_t \c _private field.
  4509   *
  4510   * @remark on_send() and on_acknowledgement() interceptors may be called
  4511   *         from this function. on_acknowledgement() will only be called if the
  4512   *         message fails partitioning.
  4513   *
  4514   * @remark If the producer is transactional (\c is configured)
  4515   *         producing is only allowed during an on-going transaction, namely
  4516   *         after rd_kafka_begin_transaction() has been called.
  4517   *
  4518   * @returns 0 on success or -1 on error in which case errno is set accordingly:
  4519   *  - ENOBUFS  - maximum number of outstanding messages has been reached:
  4520   *               "queue.buffering.max.messages"
  4521   *               (RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__QUEUE_FULL)
  4522   *  - EMSGSIZE - message is larger than configured max size:
  4523   *               "messages.max.bytes".
  4524   *               (RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_MSG_SIZE_TOO_LARGE)
  4525   *  - ESRCH    - requested \p partition is unknown in the Kafka cluster.
  4526   *               (RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__UNKNOWN_PARTITION)
  4527   *  - ENOENT   - topic is unknown in the Kafka cluster.
  4528   *               (RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__UNKNOWN_TOPIC)
  4529   *  - ECANCELED - fatal error has been raised on producer, see
  4530   *                rd_kafka_fatal_error(),
  4531   *               (RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__FATAL).
  4532   *  - ENOEXEC  - transactional state forbids producing
  4533   *               (RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__STATE)
  4534   *
  4535   * @sa Use rd_kafka_errno2err() to convert `errno` to rdkafka error code.
  4536   */
  4537  RD_EXPORT
  4538  int rd_kafka_produce(rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt,
  4539                       int32_t partition,
  4540                       int msgflags,
  4541                       void *payload,
  4542                       size_t len,
  4543                       const void *key,
  4544                       size_t keylen,
  4545                       void *msg_opaque);
  4548  /**
  4549   * @brief Produce and send a single message to broker.
  4550   *
  4551   * The message is defined by a va-arg list using \c rd_kafka_vtype_t
  4552   * tag tuples which must be terminated with a single \c RD_KAFKA_V_END.
  4553   *
  4554   * @returns \c RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success, else an error code as
  4555   *          described in rd_kafka_produce().
  4556   *          \c RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__CONFLICT is returned if _V_HEADER and
  4557   *          _V_HEADERS are mixed.
  4558   *
  4559   * @sa rd_kafka_produce, rd_kafka_produceva, RD_KAFKA_V_END
  4560   */
  4561  RD_EXPORT
  4562  rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_producev(rd_kafka_t *rk, ...);
  4565  /**
  4566   * @brief Produce and send a single message to broker.
  4567   *
  4568   * The message is defined by an array of \c rd_kafka_vu_t of
  4569   * count \p cnt.
  4570   *
  4571   * @returns an error object on failure or NULL on success.
  4572   *          See rd_kafka_producev() for specific error codes.
  4573   *
  4574   * @sa rd_kafka_produce, rd_kafka_producev, RD_KAFKA_V_END
  4575   */
  4576  RD_EXPORT
  4577  rd_kafka_error_t *
  4578  rd_kafka_produceva(rd_kafka_t *rk, const rd_kafka_vu_t *vus, size_t cnt);
  4581  /**
  4582   * @brief Produce multiple messages.
  4583   *
  4584   * If partition is RD_KAFKA_PARTITION_UA the configured partitioner will
  4585   * be run for each message (slower), otherwise the messages will be enqueued
  4586   * to the specified partition directly (faster).
  4587   *
  4588   * The messages are provided in the array \p rkmessages of count \p message_cnt
  4589   * elements.
  4590   * The \p partition and \p msgflags are used for all provided messages.
  4591   *
  4592   * Honoured \p rkmessages[] fields are:
  4593   *  - payload,len    Message payload and length
  4594   *  - key,key_len    Optional message key
  4595   *  - _private       Message opaque pointer (msg_opaque)
  4596   *  - err            Will be set according to success or failure, see
  4597   *                   rd_kafka_produce() for possible error codes.
  4598   *                   Application only needs to check for errors if
  4599   *                   return value != \p message_cnt.
  4600   *
  4601   * @remark If \c RD_KAFKA_MSG_F_PARTITION is set in \p msgflags, the
  4602   *         \c .partition field of the \p rkmessages is used instead of
  4603   *         \p partition.
  4604   *
  4605   * @returns the number of messages succesfully enqueued for producing.
  4606   *
  4607   * @remark This interface does NOT support setting message headers on
  4608   *         the provided \p rkmessages.
  4609   */
  4610  RD_EXPORT
  4611  int rd_kafka_produce_batch(rd_kafka_topic_t *rkt,
  4612                             int32_t partition,
  4613                             int msgflags,
  4614                             rd_kafka_message_t *rkmessages,
  4615                             int message_cnt);
  4619  /**
  4620   * @brief Wait until all outstanding produce requests,, are completed.
  4621   *        This should typically be done prior to destroying a producer instance
  4622   *        to make sure all queued and in-flight produce requests are completed
  4623   *        before terminating.
  4624   *
  4625   * @remark This function will call rd_kafka_poll() and thus trigger callbacks.
  4626   *
  4627   * @remark The \c time will be ignored for the duration of the call,
  4628   *         queued messages will be sent to the broker as soon as possible.
  4629   *
  4630   * @remark If RD_KAFKA_EVENT_DR has been enabled
  4631   *         (through rd_kafka_conf_set_events()) this function will not call
  4632   *         rd_kafka_poll() but instead wait for the librdkafka-handled
  4633   *         message count to reach zero. This requires the application to
  4634   *         serve the event queue in a separate thread.
  4635   *         In this mode only messages are counted, not other types of
  4636   *         queued events.
  4637   *
  4638   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__TIMED_OUT if \p timeout_ms was reached before all
  4639   *          outstanding requests were completed, else RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR
  4640   *
  4641   * @sa rd_kafka_outq_len()
  4642   */
  4643  RD_EXPORT
  4644  rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_flush(rd_kafka_t *rk, int timeout_ms);
  4648  /**
  4649   * @brief Purge messages currently handled by the producer instance.
  4650   *
  4651   * @param rk          Client instance.
  4652   * @param purge_flags Tells which messages to purge and how.
  4653   *
  4654   * The application will need to call rd_kafka_poll() or rd_kafka_flush()
  4655   * afterwards to serve the delivery report callbacks of the purged messages.
  4656   *
  4657   * Messages purged from internal queues fail with the delivery report
  4658   * error code set to RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__PURGE_QUEUE, while purged messages that
  4659   * are in-flight to or from the broker will fail with the error code set to
  4661   *
  4662   * @warning Purging messages that are in-flight to or from the broker
  4663   *          will ignore any sub-sequent acknowledgement for these messages
  4664   *          received from the broker, effectively making it impossible
  4665   *          for the application to know if the messages were successfully
  4666   *          produced or not. This may result in duplicate messages if the
  4667   *          application retries these messages at a later time.
  4668   *
  4669   * @remark This call may block for a short time while background thread
  4670   *         queues are purged.
  4671   *
  4672   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success,
  4673   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__INVALID_ARG if the \p purge flags are invalid
  4674   *          or unknown,
  4675   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__NOT_IMPLEMENTED if called on a non-producer
  4676   *          client instance.
  4677   */
  4678  RD_EXPORT
  4679  rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_purge(rd_kafka_t *rk, int purge_flags);
  4682  /**
  4683   * @brief Flags for rd_kafka_purge()
  4684   */
  4686  /*!
  4687   * Purge messages in internal queues.
  4688   */
  4689  #define RD_KAFKA_PURGE_F_QUEUE 0x1
  4691  /*!
  4692   * Purge messages in-flight to or from the broker.
  4693   * Purging these messages will void any future acknowledgements from the
  4694   * broker, making it impossible for the application to know if these
  4695   * messages were successfully delivered or not.
  4696   * Retrying these messages may lead to duplicates.
  4697   */
  4698  #define RD_KAFKA_PURGE_F_INFLIGHT 0x2
  4701  /*!
  4702   * Don't wait for background thread queue purging to finish.
  4703   */
  4704  #define RD_KAFKA_PURGE_F_NON_BLOCKING 0x4
  4707  /**@}*/
  4710  /**
  4711   * @name Metadata API
  4712   * @{
  4713   *
  4714   *
  4715   */
  4718  /**
  4719   * @brief Broker information
  4720   */
  4721  typedef struct rd_kafka_metadata_broker {
  4722          int32_t id; /**< Broker Id */
  4723          char *host; /**< Broker hostname */
  4724          int port;   /**< Broker listening port */
  4725  } rd_kafka_metadata_broker_t;
  4727  /**
  4728   * @brief Partition information
  4729   */
  4730  typedef struct rd_kafka_metadata_partition {
  4731          int32_t id;              /**< Partition Id */
  4732          rd_kafka_resp_err_t err; /**< Partition error reported by broker */
  4733          int32_t leader;          /**< Leader broker */
  4734          int replica_cnt;         /**< Number of brokers in \p replicas */
  4735          int32_t *replicas;       /**< Replica brokers */
  4736          int isr_cnt;             /**< Number of ISR brokers in \p isrs */
  4737          int32_t *isrs;           /**< In-Sync-Replica brokers */
  4738  } rd_kafka_metadata_partition_t;
  4740  /**
  4741   * @brief Topic information
  4742   */
  4743  typedef struct rd_kafka_metadata_topic {
  4744          char *topic;       /**< Topic name */
  4745          int partition_cnt; /**< Number of partitions in \p partitions*/
  4746          struct rd_kafka_metadata_partition *partitions; /**< Partitions */
  4747          rd_kafka_resp_err_t err; /**< Topic error reported by broker */
  4748  } rd_kafka_metadata_topic_t;
  4751  /**
  4752   * @brief Metadata container
  4753   */
  4754  typedef struct rd_kafka_metadata {
  4755          int broker_cnt; /**< Number of brokers in \p brokers */
  4756          struct rd_kafka_metadata_broker *brokers; /**< Brokers */
  4758          int topic_cnt; /**< Number of topics in \p topics */
  4759          struct rd_kafka_metadata_topic *topics; /**< Topics */
  4761          int32_t orig_broker_id; /**< Broker originating this metadata */
  4762          char *orig_broker_name; /**< Name of originating broker */
  4763  } rd_kafka_metadata_t;
  4766  /**
  4767   * @brief Request Metadata from broker.
  4768   *
  4769   * Parameters:
  4770   *  - \p all_topics  if non-zero: request info about all topics in cluster,
  4771   *                   if zero: only request info about locally known topics.
  4772   *  - \p only_rkt    only request info about this topic
  4773   *  - \p metadatap   pointer to hold metadata result.
  4774   *                   The \p *metadatap pointer must be released
  4775   *                   with rd_kafka_metadata_destroy().
  4776   *  - \p timeout_ms  maximum response time before failing.
  4777   *
  4778   * @remark Consumer: If \p all_topics is non-zero the Metadata response
  4779   *         information may trigger a re-join if any subscribed topics
  4780   *         have changed partition count or existence state.
  4781   *
  4782   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success (in which case *metadatap)
  4783   *          will be set, else RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__TIMED_OUT on timeout or
  4784   *          other error code on error.
  4785   */
  4786  RD_EXPORT
  4787  rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  4788  rd_kafka_metadata(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  4789                    int all_topics,
  4790                    rd_kafka_topic_t *only_rkt,
  4791                    const struct rd_kafka_metadata **metadatap,
  4792                    int timeout_ms);
  4794  /**
  4795   * @brief Release metadata memory.
  4796   */
  4797  RD_EXPORT
  4798  void rd_kafka_metadata_destroy(const struct rd_kafka_metadata *metadata);
  4801  /**@}*/
  4805  /**
  4806   * @name Client group information
  4807   * @{
  4808   *
  4809   *
  4810   */
  4813  /**
  4814   * @brief Group member information
  4815   *
  4816   * For more information on \p member_metadata format, see
  4817   *
  4818   *
  4819   */
  4820  struct rd_kafka_group_member_info {
  4821          char *member_id;            /**< Member id (generated by broker) */
  4822          char *client_id;            /**< Client's \p */
  4823          char *client_host;          /**< Client's hostname */
  4824          void *member_metadata;      /**< Member metadata (binary),
  4825                                       *   format depends on \p protocol_type. */
  4826          int member_metadata_size;   /**< Member metadata size in bytes */
  4827          void *member_assignment;    /**< Member assignment (binary),
  4828                                       *    format depends on \p protocol_type. */
  4829          int member_assignment_size; /**< Member assignment size in bytes */
  4830  };
  4832  /**
  4833   * @brief Group information
  4834   */
  4835  struct rd_kafka_group_info {
  4836          struct rd_kafka_metadata_broker broker; /**< Originating broker info */
  4837          char *group;                            /**< Group name */
  4838          rd_kafka_resp_err_t err;                /**< Broker-originated error */
  4839          char *state;                            /**< Group state */
  4840          char *protocol_type;                    /**< Group protocol type */
  4841          char *protocol;                         /**< Group protocol */
  4842          struct rd_kafka_group_member_info *members; /**< Group members */
  4843          int member_cnt;                             /**< Group member count */
  4844  };
  4846  /**
  4847   * @brief List of groups
  4848   *
  4849   * @sa rd_kafka_group_list_destroy() to release list memory.
  4850   */
  4851  struct rd_kafka_group_list {
  4852          struct rd_kafka_group_info *groups; /**< Groups */
  4853          int group_cnt;                      /**< Group count */
  4854  };
  4857  /**
  4858   * @brief List and describe client groups in cluster.
  4859   *
  4860   * \p group is an optional group name to describe, otherwise (\p NULL) all
  4861   * groups are returned.
  4862   *
  4863   * \p timeout_ms is the (approximate) maximum time to wait for response
  4864   * from brokers and must be a positive value.
  4865   *
  4866   * @returns \c RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__NO_ERROR on success and \p grplistp is
  4867   *           updated to point to a newly allocated list of groups.
  4868   *           \c RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__PARTIAL if not all brokers responded
  4869   *           in time but at least one group is returned in  \p grplistlp.
  4870   *           \c RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__TIMED_OUT if no groups were returned in the
  4871   *           given timeframe but not all brokers have yet responded, or
  4872   *           if the list of brokers in the cluster could not be obtained within
  4873   *           the given timeframe.
  4874   *           \c RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__TRANSPORT if no brokers were found.
  4875   *           Other error codes may also be returned from the request layer.
  4876   *
  4877   *           The \p grplistp remains untouched if any error code is returned,
  4878   *           with the exception of RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__PARTIAL which behaves
  4879   *           as RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__NO_ERROR (success) but with an incomplete
  4880   *           group list.
  4881   *
  4882   * @sa Use rd_kafka_group_list_destroy() to release list memory.
  4883   */
  4884  RD_EXPORT
  4885  rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  4886  rd_kafka_list_groups(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  4887                       const char *group,
  4888                       const struct rd_kafka_group_list **grplistp,
  4889                       int timeout_ms);
  4891  /**
  4892   * @brief Release list memory
  4893   */
  4894  RD_EXPORT
  4895  void rd_kafka_group_list_destroy(const struct rd_kafka_group_list *grplist);
  4898  /**@}*/
  4902  /**
  4903   * @name Miscellaneous APIs
  4904   * @{
  4905   *
  4906   */
  4909  /**
  4910   * @brief Adds one or more brokers to the kafka handle's list of initial
  4911   *        bootstrap brokers.
  4912   *
  4913   * Additional brokers will be discovered automatically as soon as rdkafka
  4914   * connects to a broker by querying the broker metadata.
  4915   *
  4916   * If a broker name resolves to multiple addresses (and possibly
  4917   * address families) all will be used for connection attempts in
  4918   * round-robin fashion.
  4919   *
  4920   * \p brokerlist is a ,-separated list of brokers in the format:
  4921   *   \c \<broker1\>,\<broker2\>,..
  4922   * Where each broker is in either the host or URL based format:
  4923   *   \c \<host\>[:\<port\>]
  4924   *   \c \<proto\>://\<host\>[:port]
  4925   * \c \<proto\> is either \c PLAINTEXT, \c SSL, \c SASL, \c SASL_PLAINTEXT
  4926   * The two formats can be mixed but ultimately the value of the
  4927   * `security.protocol` config property decides what brokers are allowed.
  4928   *
  4929   * Example:
  4930   *    brokerlist = "broker1:10000,broker2"
  4931   *    brokerlist = "SSL://broker3:9000,ssl://broker2"
  4932   *
  4933   * @returns the number of brokers successfully added.
  4934   *
  4935   * @remark Brokers may also be defined with the \c or
  4936   *         \c bootstrap.servers configuration property (preferred method).
  4937   *
  4938   * @deprecated Set bootstrap servers with the \c bootstrap.servers
  4939   *             configuration property.
  4940   */
  4941  RD_EXPORT
  4942  int rd_kafka_brokers_add(rd_kafka_t *rk, const char *brokerlist);
  4946  /**
  4947   * @brief Set logger function.
  4948   *
  4949   * The default is to print to stderr, but a syslog logger is also available,
  4950   * see rd_kafka_log_(print|syslog) for the builtin alternatives.
  4951   * Alternatively the application may provide its own logger callback.
  4952   * Or pass 'func' as NULL to disable logging.
  4953   *
  4954   * @deprecated Use rd_kafka_conf_set_log_cb()
  4955   *
  4956   * @remark \p rk may be passed as NULL in the callback.
  4957   */
  4959  rd_kafka_set_logger(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  4960                      void (*func)(const rd_kafka_t *rk,
  4961                                   int level,
  4962                                   const char *fac,
  4963                                   const char *buf));
  4966  /**
  4967   * @brief Specifies the maximum logging level emitted by
  4968   *        internal kafka logging and debugging.
  4969   *
  4970   * @deprecated Set the \c "log_level" configuration property instead.
  4971   *
  4972   * @remark If the \p \"debug\" configuration property is set the log level is
  4973   *         automatically adjusted to \c LOG_DEBUG (7).
  4974   */
  4975  RD_EXPORT
  4976  void rd_kafka_set_log_level(rd_kafka_t *rk, int level);
  4979  /**
  4980   * @brief Builtin (default) log sink: print to stderr
  4981   */
  4982  RD_EXPORT
  4983  void rd_kafka_log_print(const rd_kafka_t *rk,
  4984                          int level,
  4985                          const char *fac,
  4986                          const char *buf);
  4989  /**
  4990   * @brief Builtin log sink: print to syslog.
  4991   * @remark This logger is only available if librdkafka was built
  4992   *         with syslog support.
  4993   */
  4994  RD_EXPORT
  4995  void rd_kafka_log_syslog(const rd_kafka_t *rk,
  4996                           int level,
  4997                           const char *fac,
  4998                           const char *buf);
  5001  /**
  5002   * @brief Returns the current out queue length.
  5003   *
  5004   * The out queue length is the sum of:
  5005   *  - number of messages waiting to be sent to, or acknowledged by,
  5006   *    the broker.
  5007   *  - number of delivery reports (e.g., dr_msg_cb) waiting to be served
  5008   *    by rd_kafka_poll() or rd_kafka_flush().
  5009   *  - number of callbacks (e.g., error_cb, stats_cb, etc) waiting to be
  5010   *    served by rd_kafka_poll(), rd_kafka_consumer_poll() or rd_kafka_flush().
  5011   *  - number of events waiting to be served by background_event_cb() in
  5012   *    the background queue (see rd_kafka_conf_set_background_event_cb).
  5013   *
  5014   * An application should wait for the return value of this function to reach
  5015   * zero before terminating to make sure outstanding messages,
  5016   * requests (such as offset commits), callbacks and events are fully processed.
  5017   * See rd_kafka_flush().
  5018   *
  5019   * @returns number of messages and events waiting in queues.
  5020   *
  5021   * @sa rd_kafka_flush()
  5022   */
  5023  RD_EXPORT
  5024  int rd_kafka_outq_len(rd_kafka_t *rk);
  5028  /**
  5029   * @brief Dumps rdkafka's internal state for handle \p rk to stream \p fp
  5030   *
  5031   * This is only useful for debugging rdkafka, showing state and statistics
  5032   * for brokers, topics, partitions, etc.
  5033   */
  5034  RD_EXPORT
  5035  void rd_kafka_dump(FILE *fp, rd_kafka_t *rk);
  5039  /**
  5040   * @brief Retrieve the current number of threads in use by librdkafka.
  5041   *
  5042   * Used by regression tests.
  5043   */
  5044  RD_EXPORT
  5045  int rd_kafka_thread_cnt(void);
  5048  /**
  5049   * @enum rd_kafka_thread_type_t
  5050   *
  5051   * @brief librdkafka internal thread type.
  5052   *
  5053   * @sa rd_kafka_interceptor_add_on_thread_start()
  5054   */
  5055  typedef enum rd_kafka_thread_type_t {
  5056          RD_KAFKA_THREAD_MAIN,       /**< librdkafka's internal main thread */
  5057          RD_KAFKA_THREAD_BACKGROUND, /**< Background thread (if enabled) */
  5058          RD_KAFKA_THREAD_BROKER      /**< Per-broker thread */
  5059  } rd_kafka_thread_type_t;
  5062  /**
  5063   * @brief Wait for all rd_kafka_t objects to be destroyed.
  5064   *
  5065   * Returns 0 if all kafka objects are now destroyed, or -1 if the
  5066   * timeout was reached.
  5067   *
  5068   * @remark This function is deprecated.
  5069   */
  5070  RD_EXPORT
  5071  int rd_kafka_wait_destroyed(int timeout_ms);
  5074  /**
  5075   * @brief Run librdkafka's built-in unit-tests.
  5076   *
  5077   * @returns the number of failures, or 0 if all tests passed.
  5078   */
  5079  RD_EXPORT
  5080  int rd_kafka_unittest(void);
  5083  /**@}*/
  5087  /**
  5088   * @name Experimental APIs
  5089   * @{
  5090   */
  5092  /**
  5093   * @brief Redirect the main (rd_kafka_poll()) queue to the KafkaConsumer's
  5094   *        queue (rd_kafka_consumer_poll()).
  5095   *
  5096   * @warning It is not permitted to call rd_kafka_poll() after directing the
  5097   *          main queue with rd_kafka_poll_set_consumer().
  5098   */
  5099  RD_EXPORT
  5100  rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_poll_set_consumer(rd_kafka_t *rk);
  5103  /**@}*/
  5105  /**
  5106   * @name Event interface
  5107   *
  5108   * @brief The event API provides an alternative pollable non-callback interface
  5109   *        to librdkafka's message and event queues.
  5110   *
  5111   * @{
  5112   */
  5115  /**
  5116   * @brief Event types
  5117   */
  5118  typedef int rd_kafka_event_type_t;
  5119  #define RD_KAFKA_EVENT_NONE                0x0 /**< Unset value */
  5120  #define RD_KAFKA_EVENT_DR                  0x1 /**< Producer Delivery report batch */
  5121  #define RD_KAFKA_EVENT_FETCH               0x2 /**< Fetched message (consumer) */
  5122  #define RD_KAFKA_EVENT_LOG                 0x4 /**< Log message */
  5123  #define RD_KAFKA_EVENT_ERROR               0x8 /**< Error */
  5124  #define RD_KAFKA_EVENT_REBALANCE           0x10 /**< Group rebalance (consumer) */
  5125  #define RD_KAFKA_EVENT_OFFSET_COMMIT       0x20 /**< Offset commit result */
  5126  #define RD_KAFKA_EVENT_STATS               0x40 /**< Stats */
  5127  #define RD_KAFKA_EVENT_CREATETOPICS_RESULT 100  /**< CreateTopics_result_t */
  5128  #define RD_KAFKA_EVENT_DELETETOPICS_RESULT 101  /**< DeleteTopics_result_t */
  5129  #define RD_KAFKA_EVENT_CREATEPARTITIONS_RESULT                                 \
  5130          102                                    /**< CreatePartitions_result_t */
  5131  #define RD_KAFKA_EVENT_ALTERCONFIGS_RESULT 103 /**< AlterConfigs_result_t */
  5132  #define RD_KAFKA_EVENT_DESCRIBECONFIGS_RESULT                                  \
  5133          104                                     /**< DescribeConfigs_result_t */
  5134  #define RD_KAFKA_EVENT_DELETERECORDS_RESULT 105 /**< DeleteRecords_result_t */
  5135  #define RD_KAFKA_EVENT_DELETEGROUPS_RESULT  106 /**< DeleteGroups_result_t */
  5136  /** DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets_result_t */
  5138  /** SASL/OAUTHBEARER token needs to be refreshed */
  5140  #define RD_KAFKA_EVENT_BACKGROUND                0x200 /**< Enable background thread. */
  5141  #define RD_KAFKA_EVENT_CREATEACLS_RESULT         0x400 /**< CreateAcls_result_t */
  5142  #define RD_KAFKA_EVENT_DESCRIBEACLS_RESULT       0x800 /**< DescribeAcls_result_t */
  5143  #define RD_KAFKA_EVENT_DELETEACLS_RESULT         0x1000 /**< DeleteAcls_result_t */
  5145  /**
  5146   * @returns the event type for the given event.
  5147   *
  5148   * @remark As a convenience it is okay to pass \p rkev as NULL in which case
  5149   *         RD_KAFKA_EVENT_NONE is returned.
  5150   */
  5151  RD_EXPORT
  5152  rd_kafka_event_type_t rd_kafka_event_type(const rd_kafka_event_t *rkev);
  5154  /**
  5155   * @returns the event type's name for the given event.
  5156   *
  5157   * @remark As a convenience it is okay to pass \p rkev as NULL in which case
  5158   *         the name for RD_KAFKA_EVENT_NONE is returned.
  5159   */
  5160  RD_EXPORT
  5161  const char *rd_kafka_event_name(const rd_kafka_event_t *rkev);
  5164  /**
  5165   * @brief Destroy an event.
  5166   *
  5167   * @remark Any references to this event, such as extracted messages,
  5168   *         will not be usable after this call.
  5169   *
  5170   * @remark As a convenience it is okay to pass \p rkev as NULL in which case
  5171   *         no action is performed.
  5172   */
  5173  RD_EXPORT
  5174  void rd_kafka_event_destroy(rd_kafka_event_t *rkev);
  5177  /**
  5178   * @returns the next message from an event.
  5179   *
  5180   * Call repeatedly until it returns NULL.
  5181   *
  5182   * Event types:
  5183   *  - RD_KAFKA_EVENT_FETCH  (1 message)
  5184   *  - RD_KAFKA_EVENT_DR     (>=1 message(s))
  5185   *
  5186   * @remark The returned message(s) MUST NOT be
  5187   *         freed with rd_kafka_message_destroy().
  5188   *
  5189   * @remark on_consume() interceptor may be called
  5190   *         from this function prior to passing message to application.
  5191   */
  5192  RD_EXPORT
  5193  const rd_kafka_message_t *rd_kafka_event_message_next(rd_kafka_event_t *rkev);
  5196  /**
  5197   * @brief Extacts \p size message(s) from the event into the
  5198   *        pre-allocated array \p rkmessages.
  5199   *
  5200   * Event types:
  5201   *  - RD_KAFKA_EVENT_FETCH  (1 message)
  5202   *  - RD_KAFKA_EVENT_DR     (>=1 message(s))
  5203   *
  5204   * @returns the number of messages extracted.
  5205   *
  5206   * @remark on_consume() interceptor may be called
  5207   *         from this function prior to passing message to application.
  5208   */
  5209  RD_EXPORT
  5210  size_t rd_kafka_event_message_array(rd_kafka_event_t *rkev,
  5211                                      const rd_kafka_message_t **rkmessages,
  5212                                      size_t size);
  5215  /**
  5216   * @returns the number of remaining messages in the event.
  5217   *
  5218   * Event types:
  5219   *  - RD_KAFKA_EVENT_FETCH  (1 message)
  5220   *  - RD_KAFKA_EVENT_DR     (>=1 message(s))
  5221   */
  5222  RD_EXPORT
  5223  size_t rd_kafka_event_message_count(rd_kafka_event_t *rkev);
  5226  /**
  5227   * @returns the associated configuration string for the event, or NULL
  5228   *          if the configuration property is not set or if
  5229   *          not applicable for the given event type.
  5230   *
  5231   * The returned memory is read-only and its lifetime is the same as the
  5232   * event object.
  5233   *
  5234   * Event types:
  5235   *  - RD_KAFKA_EVENT_OAUTHBEARER_TOKEN_REFRESH: value of sasl.oauthbearer.config
  5236   */
  5237  RD_EXPORT
  5238  const char *rd_kafka_event_config_string(rd_kafka_event_t *rkev);
  5241  /**
  5242   * @returns the error code for the event.
  5243   *
  5244   * Use rd_kafka_event_error_is_fatal() to detect if this is a fatal error.
  5245   *
  5246   * Event types:
  5247   *  - all
  5248   */
  5249  RD_EXPORT
  5250  rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_event_error(rd_kafka_event_t *rkev);
  5253  /**
  5254   * @returns the error string (if any).
  5255   *          An application should check that rd_kafka_event_error() returns
  5256   *          non-zero before calling this function.
  5257   *
  5258   * Event types:
  5259   *  - all
  5260   */
  5261  RD_EXPORT
  5262  const char *rd_kafka_event_error_string(rd_kafka_event_t *rkev);
  5265  /**
  5266   * @returns 1 if the error is a fatal error, else 0.
  5267   *
  5268   * Event types:
  5269   *  - RD_KAFKA_EVENT_ERROR
  5270   *
  5271   * @sa rd_kafka_fatal_error()
  5272   */
  5273  RD_EXPORT
  5274  int rd_kafka_event_error_is_fatal(rd_kafka_event_t *rkev);
  5277  /**
  5278   * @returns the event opaque (if any) as passed to rd_kafka_commit() ( or
  5279   *          rd_kafka_AdminOptions_set_opaque(), depending on event type.
  5280   *
  5281   * Event types:
  5294   */
  5295  RD_EXPORT
  5296  void *rd_kafka_event_opaque(rd_kafka_event_t *rkev);
  5299  /**
  5300   * @brief Extract log message from the event.
  5301   *
  5302   * Event types:
  5303   *  - RD_KAFKA_EVENT_LOG
  5304   *
  5305   * @returns 0 on success or -1 if unsupported event type.
  5306   */
  5307  RD_EXPORT
  5308  int rd_kafka_event_log(rd_kafka_event_t *rkev,
  5309                         const char **fac,
  5310                         const char **str,
  5311                         int *level);
  5314  /**
  5315   * @brief Extract log debug context from event.
  5316   *
  5317   * Event types:
  5318   *  - RD_KAFKA_EVENT_LOG
  5319   *
  5320   *  @param rkev the event to extract data from.
  5321   *  @param dst destination string for comma separated list.
  5322   *  @param dstsize size of provided dst buffer.
  5323   *  @returns 0 on success or -1 if unsupported event type.
  5324   */
  5325  RD_EXPORT
  5326  int rd_kafka_event_debug_contexts(rd_kafka_event_t *rkev,
  5327                                    char *dst,
  5328                                    size_t dstsize);
  5331  /**
  5332   * @brief Extract stats from the event.
  5333   *
  5334   * Event types:
  5335   *  - RD_KAFKA_EVENT_STATS
  5336   *
  5337   * @returns stats json string.
  5338   *
  5339   * @remark the returned string will be freed automatically along with the event
  5340   * object
  5341   *
  5342   */
  5343  RD_EXPORT
  5344  const char *rd_kafka_event_stats(rd_kafka_event_t *rkev);
  5347  /**
  5348   * @returns the topic partition list from the event.
  5349   *
  5350   * @remark The list MUST NOT be freed with
  5351   * rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_destroy()
  5352   *
  5353   * Event types:
  5356   */
  5357  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *
  5358  rd_kafka_event_topic_partition_list(rd_kafka_event_t *rkev);
  5361  /**
  5362   * @returns a newly allocated topic_partition container, if applicable for the
  5363   * event type, else NULL.
  5364   *
  5365   * @remark The returned pointer MUST be freed with
  5366   * rd_kafka_topic_partition_destroy().
  5367   *
  5368   * Event types:
  5369   *   RD_KAFKA_EVENT_ERROR  (for partition level errors)
  5370   */
  5371  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_topic_partition_t *
  5372  rd_kafka_event_topic_partition(rd_kafka_event_t *rkev);
  5375  /*! CreateTopics result type */
  5376  typedef rd_kafka_event_t rd_kafka_CreateTopics_result_t;
  5377  /*! DeleteTopics result type */
  5378  typedef rd_kafka_event_t rd_kafka_DeleteTopics_result_t;
  5379  /*! CreateAcls result type */
  5380  typedef rd_kafka_event_t rd_kafka_CreateAcls_result_t;
  5381  /*! DescribeAcls result type */
  5382  typedef rd_kafka_event_t rd_kafka_DescribeAcls_result_t;
  5383  /*! DeleteAcls result type */
  5384  typedef rd_kafka_event_t rd_kafka_DeleteAcls_result_t;
  5385  /*! CreatePartitions result type */
  5386  typedef rd_kafka_event_t rd_kafka_CreatePartitions_result_t;
  5387  /*! AlterConfigs result type */
  5388  typedef rd_kafka_event_t rd_kafka_AlterConfigs_result_t;
  5389  /*! CreateTopics result type */
  5390  typedef rd_kafka_event_t rd_kafka_DescribeConfigs_result_t;
  5391  /*! DeleteRecords result type */
  5392  typedef rd_kafka_event_t rd_kafka_DeleteRecords_result_t;
  5393  /*! DeleteGroups result type */
  5394  typedef rd_kafka_event_t rd_kafka_DeleteGroups_result_t;
  5395  /*! DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets result type */
  5396  typedef rd_kafka_event_t rd_kafka_DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets_result_t;
  5398  /**
  5399   * @brief Get CreateTopics result.
  5400   *
  5401   * @returns the result of a CreateTopics request, or NULL if event is of
  5402   *          different type.
  5403   *
  5404   * Event types:
  5406   */
  5407  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_CreateTopics_result_t *
  5408  rd_kafka_event_CreateTopics_result(rd_kafka_event_t *rkev);
  5410  /**
  5411   * @brief Get DeleteTopics result.
  5412   *
  5413   * @returns the result of a DeleteTopics request, or NULL if event is of
  5414   *          different type.
  5415   *
  5416   * Event types:
  5418   */
  5419  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_DeleteTopics_result_t *
  5420  rd_kafka_event_DeleteTopics_result(rd_kafka_event_t *rkev);
  5422  /**
  5423   * @brief Get CreatePartitions result.
  5424   *
  5425   * @returns the result of a CreatePartitions request, or NULL if event is of
  5426   *          different type.
  5427   *
  5428   * Event types:
  5430   */
  5431  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_CreatePartitions_result_t *
  5432  rd_kafka_event_CreatePartitions_result(rd_kafka_event_t *rkev);
  5434  /**
  5435   * @brief Get AlterConfigs result.
  5436   *
  5437   * @returns the result of a AlterConfigs request, or NULL if event is of
  5438   *          different type.
  5439   *
  5440   * Event types:
  5442   */
  5443  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_AlterConfigs_result_t *
  5444  rd_kafka_event_AlterConfigs_result(rd_kafka_event_t *rkev);
  5446  /**
  5447   * @brief Get DescribeConfigs result.
  5448   *
  5449   * @returns the result of a DescribeConfigs request, or NULL if event is of
  5450   *          different type.
  5451   *
  5452   * Event types:
  5454   */
  5455  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_DescribeConfigs_result_t *
  5456  rd_kafka_event_DescribeConfigs_result(rd_kafka_event_t *rkev);
  5458  /**
  5459   * @returns the result of a DeleteRecords request, or NULL if event is of
  5460   *          different type.
  5461   *
  5462   * Event types:
  5464   */
  5465  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_DeleteRecords_result_t *
  5466  rd_kafka_event_DeleteRecords_result(rd_kafka_event_t *rkev);
  5468  /**
  5469   * @brief Get DeleteGroups result.
  5470   *
  5471   * @returns the result of a DeleteGroups request, or NULL if event is of
  5472   *          different type.
  5473   *
  5474   * Event types:
  5476   */
  5477  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_DeleteGroups_result_t *
  5478  rd_kafka_event_DeleteGroups_result(rd_kafka_event_t *rkev);
  5480  /**
  5481   * @brief Get DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets result.
  5482   *
  5483   * @returns the result of a DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets request, or NULL if
  5484   *          event is of different type.
  5485   *
  5486   * Event types:
  5488   */
  5489  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets_result_t *
  5490  rd_kafka_event_DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets_result(rd_kafka_event_t *rkev);
  5492  /**
  5493   * @returns the result of a CreateAcls request, or NULL if event is of
  5494   *          different type.
  5495   *
  5496   * Event types:
  5498   */
  5499  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_CreateAcls_result_t *
  5500  rd_kafka_event_CreateAcls_result(rd_kafka_event_t *rkev);
  5502  /**
  5503   * @returns the result of a DescribeAcls request, or NULL if event is of
  5504   *          different type.
  5505   *
  5506   * Event types:
  5508   */
  5509  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_DescribeAcls_result_t *
  5510  rd_kafka_event_DescribeAcls_result(rd_kafka_event_t *rkev);
  5512  /**
  5513   * @returns the result of a DeleteAcls request, or NULL if event is of
  5514   *          different type.
  5515   *
  5516   * Event types:
  5518   */
  5519  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_DeleteAcls_result_t *
  5520  rd_kafka_event_DeleteAcls_result(rd_kafka_event_t *rkev);
  5522  /**
  5523   * @brief Poll a queue for an event for max \p timeout_ms.
  5524   *
  5525   * @returns an event, or NULL.
  5526   *
  5527   * @remark Use rd_kafka_event_destroy() to free the event.
  5528   *
  5529   * @sa rd_kafka_conf_set_background_event_cb()
  5530   */
  5531  RD_EXPORT
  5532  rd_kafka_event_t *rd_kafka_queue_poll(rd_kafka_queue_t *rkqu, int timeout_ms);
  5534  /**
  5535   * @brief Poll a queue for events served through callbacks for max \p
  5536   * timeout_ms.
  5537   *
  5538   * @returns the number of events served.
  5539   *
  5540   * @remark This API must only be used for queues with callbacks registered
  5541   *         for all expected event types. E.g., not a message queue.
  5542   *
  5543   * @remark Also see rd_kafka_conf_set_background_event_cb() for triggering
  5544   *         event callbacks from a librdkafka-managed background thread.
  5545   *
  5546   * @sa rd_kafka_conf_set_background_event_cb()
  5547   */
  5548  RD_EXPORT
  5549  int rd_kafka_queue_poll_callback(rd_kafka_queue_t *rkqu, int timeout_ms);
  5552  /**@}*/
  5555  /**
  5556   * @name Plugin interface
  5557   *
  5558   * @brief A plugin interface that allows external runtime-loaded libraries
  5559   *        to integrate with a client instance without modifications to
  5560   *        the application code.
  5561   *
  5562   *        Plugins are loaded when referenced through the `plugin.library.paths`
  5563   *        configuration property and operates on the \c rd_kafka_conf_t
  5564   *        object prior \c rd_kafka_t instance creation.
  5565   *
  5566   * @warning Plugins require the application to link librdkafka dynamically
  5567   *          and not statically. Failure to do so will lead to missing symbols
  5568   *          or finding symbols in another librdkafka library than the
  5569   *          application was linked with.
  5570   */
  5573  /**
  5574   * @brief Plugin's configuration initializer method called each time the
  5575   *        library is referenced from configuration (even if previously loaded by
  5576   *        another client instance).
  5577   *
  5578   * @remark This method MUST be implemented by plugins and have the symbol name
  5579   *         \c conf_init
  5580   *
  5581   * @param conf Configuration set up to this point.
  5582   * @param plug_opaquep Plugin can set this pointer to a per-configuration
  5583   *                     opaque pointer.
  5584   * @param errstr String buffer of size \p errstr_size where plugin must write
  5585   *               a human readable error string in the case the initializer
  5586   *               fails (returns non-zero).
  5587   * @param errstr_size Maximum space (including \0) in \p errstr.
  5588   *
  5589   * @remark A plugin may add an on_conf_destroy() interceptor to clean up
  5590   *         plugin-specific resources created in the plugin's conf_init() method.
  5591   *
  5592   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success or an error code on error.
  5593   */
  5594  typedef rd_kafka_resp_err_t(rd_kafka_plugin_f_conf_init_t)(
  5595      rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  5596      void **plug_opaquep,
  5597      char *errstr,
  5598      size_t errstr_size);
  5600  /**@}*/
  5604  /**
  5605   * @name Interceptors
  5606   *
  5607   * @{
  5608   *
  5609   * @brief A callback interface that allows message interception for both
  5610   *        producer and consumer data pipelines.
  5611   *
  5612   * Except for the on_new(), on_conf_set(), on_conf_dup() and on_conf_destroy()
  5613   * interceptors, interceptors are added to the
  5614   * newly created rd_kafka_t client instance. These interceptors MUST only
  5615   * be added from on_new() and MUST NOT be added after rd_kafka_new() returns.
  5616   *
  5617   * The on_new(), on_conf_set(), on_conf_dup() and on_conf_destroy() interceptors
  5618   * are added to the configuration object which is later passed to
  5619   * rd_kafka_new() where on_new() is called to allow addition of
  5620   * other interceptors.
  5621   *
  5622   * Each interceptor reference consists of a display name (ic_name),
  5623   * a callback function, and an application-specified opaque value that is
  5624   * passed as-is to the callback.
  5625   * The ic_name must be unique for the interceptor implementation and is used
  5626   * to reject duplicate interceptor methods.
  5627   *
  5628   * Any number of interceptors can be added and they are called in the order
  5629   * they were added, unless otherwise noted.
  5630   * The list of registered interceptor methods are referred to as
  5631   * interceptor chains.
  5632   *
  5633   * @remark Contrary to the Java client the librdkafka interceptor interface
  5634   *         does not support message key and value modification.
  5635   *         Message mutability is discouraged in the Java client and the
  5636   *         combination of serializers and headers cover most use-cases.
  5637   *
  5638   * @remark Interceptors are NOT copied to the new configuration on
  5639   *         rd_kafka_conf_dup() since it would be hard for interceptors to
  5640   *         track usage of the interceptor's opaque value.
  5641   *         An interceptor should rely on the plugin, which will be copied
  5642   *         in rd_kafka_conf_conf_dup(), to set up the initial interceptors.
  5643   *         An interceptor should implement the on_conf_dup() method
  5644   *         to manually set up its internal configuration on the newly created
  5645   *         configuration object that is being copied-to based on the
  5646   *         interceptor-specific configuration properties.
  5647   *         conf_dup() should thus be treated the same as conf_init().
  5648   *
  5649   * @remark Interceptors are keyed by the interceptor type (on_..()), the
  5650   *         interceptor name (ic_name) and the interceptor method function.
  5651   *         Duplicates are not allowed and the .._add_on_..() method will
  5652   *         return RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__CONFLICT if attempting to add a duplicate
  5653   *         method.
  5654   *         The only exception is on_conf_destroy() which may be added multiple
  5655   *         times by the same interceptor to allow proper cleanup of
  5656   *         interceptor configuration state.
  5657   */
  5660  /**
  5661   * @brief on_conf_set() is called from rd_kafka_*_conf_set() in the order
  5662   *        the interceptors were added.
  5663   *
  5664   * @param conf Configuration object.
  5665   * @param ic_opaque The interceptor's opaque pointer specified in ..add..().
  5666   * @param name The configuration property to set.
  5667   * @param val The configuration value to set, or NULL for reverting to default
  5668   *            in which case the previous value should be freed.
  5669   * @param errstr A human readable error string in case the interceptor fails.
  5670   * @param errstr_size Maximum space (including \0) in \p errstr.
  5671   *
  5672   * @returns RD_KAFKA_CONF_OK if the property was known and successfully
  5673   *          handled by the interceptor, RD_KAFKA_CONF_INVALID if the
  5674   *          property was handled by the interceptor but the value was invalid,
  5675   *          or RD_KAFKA_CONF_UNKNOWN if the interceptor did not handle
  5676   *          this property, in which case the property is passed on on the
  5677   *          interceptor in the chain, finally ending up at the built-in
  5678   *          configuration handler.
  5679   */
  5680  typedef rd_kafka_conf_res_t(rd_kafka_interceptor_f_on_conf_set_t)(
  5681      rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  5682      const char *name,
  5683      const char *val,
  5684      char *errstr,
  5685      size_t errstr_size,
  5686      void *ic_opaque);
  5689  /**
  5690   * @brief on_conf_dup() is called from rd_kafka_conf_dup() in the
  5691   *        order the interceptors were added and is used to let
  5692   *        an interceptor re-register its conf interecptors with a new
  5693   *        opaque value.
  5694   *        The on_conf_dup() method is called prior to the configuration from
  5695   *        \p old_conf being copied to \p new_conf.
  5696   *
  5697   * @param ic_opaque The interceptor's opaque pointer specified in ..add..().
  5698   * @param new_conf New configuration object.
  5699   * @param old_conf Old configuration object to copy properties from.
  5700   * @param filter_cnt Number of property names to filter in \p filter.
  5701   * @param filter Property names to filter out (ignore) when setting up
  5702   *               \p new_conf.
  5703   *
  5704   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success or an error code
  5705   *          on failure (which is logged but otherwise ignored).
  5706   *
  5707   * @remark No on_conf_* interceptors are copied to the new configuration
  5708   *         object on rd_kafka_conf_dup().
  5709   */
  5710  typedef rd_kafka_resp_err_t(rd_kafka_interceptor_f_on_conf_dup_t)(
  5711      rd_kafka_conf_t *new_conf,
  5712      const rd_kafka_conf_t *old_conf,
  5713      size_t filter_cnt,
  5714      const char **filter,
  5715      void *ic_opaque);
  5718  /**
  5719   * @brief on_conf_destroy() is called from rd_kafka_*_conf_destroy() in the
  5720   *        order the interceptors were added.
  5721   *
  5722   * @param ic_opaque The interceptor's opaque pointer specified in ..add..().
  5723   */
  5724  typedef rd_kafka_resp_err_t(rd_kafka_interceptor_f_on_conf_destroy_t)(
  5725      void *ic_opaque);
  5728  /**
  5729   * @brief on_new() is called from rd_kafka_new() prior toreturning
  5730   *        the newly created client instance to the application.
  5731   *
  5732   * @param rk The client instance.
  5733   * @param conf The client instance's final configuration.
  5734   * @param ic_opaque The interceptor's opaque pointer specified in ..add..().
  5735   * @param errstr A human readable error string in case the interceptor fails.
  5736   * @param errstr_size Maximum space (including \0) in \p errstr.
  5737   *
  5738   * @returns an error code on failure, the error is logged but otherwise ignored.
  5739   *
  5740   * @warning The \p rk client instance will not be fully set up when this
  5741   *          interceptor is called and the interceptor MUST NOT call any
  5742   *          other rk-specific APIs than rd_kafka_interceptor_add..().
  5743   *
  5744   */
  5745  typedef rd_kafka_resp_err_t(rd_kafka_interceptor_f_on_new_t)(
  5746      rd_kafka_t *rk,
  5747      const rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  5748      void *ic_opaque,
  5749      char *errstr,
  5750      size_t errstr_size);
  5753  /**
  5754   * @brief on_destroy() is called from rd_kafka_destroy() or (rd_kafka_new()
  5755   *        if rd_kafka_new() fails during initialization).
  5756   *
  5757   * @param rk The client instance.
  5758   * @param ic_opaque The interceptor's opaque pointer specified in ..add..().
  5759   */
  5760  typedef rd_kafka_resp_err_t(
  5761      rd_kafka_interceptor_f_on_destroy_t)(rd_kafka_t *rk, void *ic_opaque);
  5765  /**
  5766   * @brief on_send() is called from rd_kafka_produce*() ( prior to
  5767   *        the partitioner being called.
  5768   *
  5769   * @param rk The client instance.
  5770   * @param rkmessage The message being produced. Immutable.
  5771   * @param ic_opaque The interceptor's opaque pointer specified in ..add..().
  5772   *
  5773   * @remark This interceptor is only used by producer instances.
  5774   *
  5775   * @remark The \p rkmessage object is NOT mutable and MUST NOT be modified
  5776   *         by the interceptor.
  5777   *
  5778   * @remark If the partitioner fails or an unknown partition was specified,
  5779   *         the on_acknowledgement() interceptor chain will be called from
  5780   *         within the rd_kafka_produce*() call to maintain send-acknowledgement
  5781   *         symmetry.
  5782   *
  5783   * @returns an error code on failure, the error is logged but otherwise ignored.
  5784   */
  5785  typedef rd_kafka_resp_err_t(rd_kafka_interceptor_f_on_send_t)(
  5786      rd_kafka_t *rk,
  5787      rd_kafka_message_t *rkmessage,
  5788      void *ic_opaque);
  5790  /**
  5791   * @brief on_acknowledgement() is called to inform interceptors that a message
  5792   *        was succesfully delivered or permanently failed delivery.
  5793   *        The interceptor chain is called from internal librdkafka background
  5794   *        threads, or rd_kafka_produce*() if the partitioner failed.
  5795   *
  5796   * @param rk The client instance.
  5797   * @param rkmessage The message being produced. Immutable.
  5798   * @param ic_opaque The interceptor's opaque pointer specified in ..add..().
  5799   *
  5800   * @remark This interceptor is only used by producer instances.
  5801   *
  5802   * @remark The \p rkmessage object is NOT mutable and MUST NOT be modified
  5803   *         by the interceptor.
  5804   *
  5805   * @warning The on_acknowledgement() method may be called from internal
  5806   *         librdkafka threads. An on_acknowledgement() interceptor MUST NOT
  5807   *         call any librdkafka API's associated with the \p rk, or perform
  5808   *         any blocking or prolonged work.
  5809   *
  5810   * @returns an error code on failure, the error is logged but otherwise ignored.
  5811   */
  5812  typedef rd_kafka_resp_err_t(rd_kafka_interceptor_f_on_acknowledgement_t)(
  5813      rd_kafka_t *rk,
  5814      rd_kafka_message_t *rkmessage,
  5815      void *ic_opaque);
  5818  /**
  5819   * @brief on_consume() is called just prior to passing the message to the
  5820   *        application in rd_kafka_consumer_poll(), rd_kafka_consume*(),
  5821   *        the event interface, etc.
  5822   *
  5823   * @param rk The client instance.
  5824   * @param rkmessage The message being consumed. Immutable.
  5825   * @param ic_opaque The interceptor's opaque pointer specified in ..add..().
  5826   *
  5827   * @remark This interceptor is only used by consumer instances.
  5828   *
  5829   * @remark The \p rkmessage object is NOT mutable and MUST NOT be modified
  5830   *         by the interceptor.
  5831   *
  5832   * @returns an error code on failure, the error is logged but otherwise ignored.
  5833   */
  5834  typedef rd_kafka_resp_err_t(rd_kafka_interceptor_f_on_consume_t)(
  5835      rd_kafka_t *rk,
  5836      rd_kafka_message_t *rkmessage,
  5837      void *ic_opaque);
  5839  /**
  5840   * @brief on_commit() is called on completed or failed offset commit.
  5841   *        It is called from internal librdkafka threads.
  5842   *
  5843   * @param rk The client instance.
  5844   * @param offsets List of topic+partition+offset+error that were committed.
  5845   *                The error message of each partition should be checked for
  5846   *                error.
  5847   * @param err The commit error, if any.
  5848   * @param ic_opaque The interceptor's opaque pointer specified in ..add..().
  5849   *
  5850   * @remark This interceptor is only used by consumer instances.
  5851   *
  5852   * @warning The on_commit() interceptor is called from internal
  5853   *          librdkafka threads. An on_commit() interceptor MUST NOT
  5854   *          call any librdkafka API's associated with the \p rk, or perform
  5855   *          any blocking or prolonged work.
  5856   *
  5857   *
  5858   * @returns an error code on failure, the error is logged but otherwise ignored.
  5859   */
  5860  typedef rd_kafka_resp_err_t(rd_kafka_interceptor_f_on_commit_t)(
  5861      rd_kafka_t *rk,
  5862      const rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *offsets,
  5863      rd_kafka_resp_err_t err,
  5864      void *ic_opaque);
  5867  /**
  5868   * @brief on_request_sent() is called when a request has been fully written
  5869   *        to a broker TCP connections socket.
  5870   *
  5871   * @param rk The client instance.
  5872   * @param sockfd Socket file descriptor.
  5873   * @param brokername Broker request is being sent to.
  5874   * @param brokerid Broker request is being sent to.
  5875   * @param ApiKey Kafka protocol request type.
  5876   * @param ApiVersion Kafka protocol request type version.
  5877   * @param CorrId Kafka protocol request correlation id.
  5878   * @param size Size of request.
  5879   * @param ic_opaque The interceptor's opaque pointer specified in ..add..().
  5880   *
  5881   * @warning The on_request_sent() interceptor is called from internal
  5882   *          librdkafka broker threads. An on_request_sent() interceptor MUST NOT
  5883   *          call any librdkafka API's associated with the \p rk, or perform
  5884   *          any blocking or prolonged work.
  5885   *
  5886   * @returns an error code on failure, the error is logged but otherwise ignored.
  5887   */
  5888  typedef rd_kafka_resp_err_t(rd_kafka_interceptor_f_on_request_sent_t)(
  5889      rd_kafka_t *rk,
  5890      int sockfd,
  5891      const char *brokername,
  5892      int32_t brokerid,
  5893      int16_t ApiKey,
  5894      int16_t ApiVersion,
  5895      int32_t CorrId,
  5896      size_t size,
  5897      void *ic_opaque);
  5900  /**
  5901   * @brief on_response_received() is called when a protocol response has been
  5902   *        fully received from a broker TCP connection socket but before the
  5903   *        response payload is parsed.
  5904   *
  5905   * @param rk The client instance.
  5906   * @param sockfd Socket file descriptor (always -1).
  5907   * @param brokername Broker response was received from, possibly empty string
  5908   *                   on error.
  5909   * @param brokerid Broker response was received from.
  5910   * @param ApiKey Kafka protocol request type or -1 on error.
  5911   * @param ApiVersion Kafka protocol request type version or -1 on error.
  5912   * @param CorrId Kafka protocol request correlation id, possibly -1 on error.
  5913   * @param size Size of response, possibly 0 on error.
  5914   * @param rtt Request round-trip-time in microseconds, possibly -1 on error.
  5915   * @param err Receive error.
  5916   * @param ic_opaque The interceptor's opaque pointer specified in ..add..().
  5917   *
  5918   * @warning The on_response_received() interceptor is called from internal
  5919   *          librdkafka broker threads. An on_response_received() interceptor
  5920   *          MUST NOT call any librdkafka API's associated with the \p rk, or
  5921   *          perform any blocking or prolonged work.
  5922   *
  5923   * @returns an error code on failure, the error is logged but otherwise ignored.
  5924   */
  5925  typedef rd_kafka_resp_err_t(rd_kafka_interceptor_f_on_response_received_t)(
  5926      rd_kafka_t *rk,
  5927      int sockfd,
  5928      const char *brokername,
  5929      int32_t brokerid,
  5930      int16_t ApiKey,
  5931      int16_t ApiVersion,
  5932      int32_t CorrId,
  5933      size_t size,
  5934      int64_t rtt,
  5935      rd_kafka_resp_err_t err,
  5936      void *ic_opaque);
  5939  /**
  5940   * @brief on_thread_start() is called from a newly created librdkafka-managed
  5941   *        thread.
  5943   * @param rk The client instance.
  5944   * @param thread_type Thread type.
  5945   * @param thread_name Human-readable thread name, may not be unique.
  5946   * @param ic_opaque The interceptor's opaque pointer specified in ..add..().
  5947   *
  5948   * @warning The on_thread_start() interceptor is called from internal
  5949   *          librdkafka threads. An on_thread_start() interceptor MUST NOT
  5950   *          call any librdkafka API's associated with the \p rk, or perform
  5951   *          any blocking or prolonged work.
  5952   *
  5953   * @returns an error code on failure, the error is logged but otherwise ignored.
  5954   */
  5955  typedef rd_kafka_resp_err_t(rd_kafka_interceptor_f_on_thread_start_t)(
  5956      rd_kafka_t *rk,
  5957      rd_kafka_thread_type_t thread_type,
  5958      const char *thread_name,
  5959      void *ic_opaque);
  5962  /**
  5963   * @brief on_thread_exit() is called just prior to a librdkafka-managed
  5964   *        thread exiting from the exiting thread itself.
  5965   *
  5966   * @param rk The client instance.
  5967   * @param thread_type Thread type.n
  5968   * @param thread_name Human-readable thread name, may not be unique.
  5969   * @param ic_opaque The interceptor's opaque pointer specified in ..add..().
  5970   *
  5971   * @remark Depending on the thread type, librdkafka may execute additional
  5972   *         code on the thread after on_thread_exit() returns.
  5973   *
  5974   * @warning The on_thread_exit() interceptor is called from internal
  5975   *          librdkafka threads. An on_thread_exit() interceptor MUST NOT
  5976   *          call any librdkafka API's associated with the \p rk, or perform
  5977   *          any blocking or prolonged work.
  5978   *
  5979   * @returns an error code on failure, the error is logged but otherwise ignored.
  5980   */
  5981  typedef rd_kafka_resp_err_t(rd_kafka_interceptor_f_on_thread_exit_t)(
  5982      rd_kafka_t *rk,
  5983      rd_kafka_thread_type_t thread_type,
  5984      const char *thread_name,
  5985      void *ic_opaque);
  5989  /**
  5990   * @brief Append an on_conf_set() interceptor.
  5991   *
  5992   * @param conf Configuration object.
  5993   * @param ic_name Interceptor name, used in logging.
  5994   * @param on_conf_set Function pointer.
  5995   * @param ic_opaque Opaque value that will be passed to the function.
  5996   *
  5997   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success or RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__CONFLICT
  5998   *          if an existing intercepted with the same \p ic_name and function
  5999   *          has already been added to \p conf.
  6000   */
  6001  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_conf_interceptor_add_on_conf_set(
  6002      rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  6003      const char *ic_name,
  6004      rd_kafka_interceptor_f_on_conf_set_t *on_conf_set,
  6005      void *ic_opaque);
  6008  /**
  6009   * @brief Append an on_conf_dup() interceptor.
  6010   *
  6011   * @param conf Configuration object.
  6012   * @param ic_name Interceptor name, used in logging.
  6013   * @param on_conf_dup Function pointer.
  6014   * @param ic_opaque Opaque value that will be passed to the function.
  6015   *
  6016   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success or RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__CONFLICT
  6017   *          if an existing intercepted with the same \p ic_name and function
  6018   *          has already been added to \p conf.
  6019   */
  6020  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_conf_interceptor_add_on_conf_dup(
  6021      rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  6022      const char *ic_name,
  6023      rd_kafka_interceptor_f_on_conf_dup_t *on_conf_dup,
  6024      void *ic_opaque);
  6026  /**
  6027   * @brief Append an on_conf_destroy() interceptor.
  6028   *
  6029   * @param conf Configuration object.
  6030   * @param ic_name Interceptor name, used in logging.
  6031   * @param on_conf_destroy Function pointer.
  6032   * @param ic_opaque Opaque value that will be passed to the function.
  6033   *
  6034   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR
  6035   *
  6036   * @remark Multiple on_conf_destroy() interceptors are allowed to be added
  6037   *         to the same configuration object.
  6038   */
  6039  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_conf_interceptor_add_on_conf_destroy(
  6040      rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  6041      const char *ic_name,
  6042      rd_kafka_interceptor_f_on_conf_destroy_t *on_conf_destroy,
  6043      void *ic_opaque);
  6046  /**
  6047   * @brief Append an on_new() interceptor.
  6048   *
  6049   * @param conf Configuration object.
  6050   * @param ic_name Interceptor name, used in logging.
  6051   * @param on_new Function pointer.
  6052   * @param ic_opaque Opaque value that will be passed to the function.
  6053   *
  6054   * @remark Since the on_new() interceptor is added to the configuration object
  6055   *         it may be copied by rd_kafka_conf_dup().
  6056   *         An interceptor implementation must thus be able to handle
  6057   *         the same interceptor,ic_opaque tuple to be used by multiple
  6058   *         client instances.
  6059   *
  6060   * @remark An interceptor plugin should check the return value to make sure it
  6061   *         has not already been added.
  6062   *
  6063   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success or RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__CONFLICT
  6064   *          if an existing intercepted with the same \p ic_name and function
  6065   *          has already been added to \p conf.
  6066   */
  6067  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  6068  rd_kafka_conf_interceptor_add_on_new(rd_kafka_conf_t *conf,
  6069                                       const char *ic_name,
  6070                                       rd_kafka_interceptor_f_on_new_t *on_new,
  6071                                       void *ic_opaque);
  6075  /**
  6076   * @brief Append an on_destroy() interceptor.
  6077   *
  6078   * @param rk Client instance.
  6079   * @param ic_name Interceptor name, used in logging.
  6080   * @param on_destroy Function pointer.
  6081   * @param ic_opaque Opaque value that will be passed to the function.
  6082   *
  6083   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success or RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__CONFLICT
  6084   *          if an existing intercepted with the same \p ic_name and function
  6085   *          has already been added to \p conf.
  6086   */
  6087  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_interceptor_add_on_destroy(
  6088      rd_kafka_t *rk,
  6089      const char *ic_name,
  6090      rd_kafka_interceptor_f_on_destroy_t *on_destroy,
  6091      void *ic_opaque);
  6094  /**
  6095   * @brief Append an on_send() interceptor.
  6096   *
  6097   * @param rk Client instance.
  6098   * @param ic_name Interceptor name, used in logging.
  6099   * @param on_send Function pointer.
  6100   * @param ic_opaque Opaque value that will be passed to the function.
  6101   *
  6102   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success or RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__CONFLICT
  6103   *          if an existing intercepted with the same \p ic_name and function
  6104   *          has already been added to \p conf.
  6105   */
  6106  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  6107  rd_kafka_interceptor_add_on_send(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  6108                                   const char *ic_name,
  6109                                   rd_kafka_interceptor_f_on_send_t *on_send,
  6110                                   void *ic_opaque);
  6112  /**
  6113   * @brief Append an on_acknowledgement() interceptor.
  6114   *
  6115   * @param rk Client instance.
  6116   * @param ic_name Interceptor name, used in logging.
  6117   * @param on_acknowledgement Function pointer.
  6118   * @param ic_opaque Opaque value that will be passed to the function.
  6119   *
  6120   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success or RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__CONFLICT
  6121   *          if an existing intercepted with the same \p ic_name and function
  6122   *          has already been added to \p conf.
  6123   */
  6124  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_interceptor_add_on_acknowledgement(
  6125      rd_kafka_t *rk,
  6126      const char *ic_name,
  6127      rd_kafka_interceptor_f_on_acknowledgement_t *on_acknowledgement,
  6128      void *ic_opaque);
  6131  /**
  6132   * @brief Append an on_consume() interceptor.
  6133   *
  6134   * @param rk Client instance.
  6135   * @param ic_name Interceptor name, used in logging.
  6136   * @param on_consume Function pointer.
  6137   * @param ic_opaque Opaque value that will be passed to the function.
  6138   *
  6139   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success or RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__CONFLICT
  6140   *          if an existing intercepted with the same \p ic_name and function
  6141   *          has already been added to \p conf.
  6142   */
  6143  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_interceptor_add_on_consume(
  6144      rd_kafka_t *rk,
  6145      const char *ic_name,
  6146      rd_kafka_interceptor_f_on_consume_t *on_consume,
  6147      void *ic_opaque);
  6150  /**
  6151   * @brief Append an on_commit() interceptor.
  6152   *
  6153   * @param rk Client instance.
  6154   * @param ic_name Interceptor name, used in logging.
  6155   * @param on_commit() Function pointer.
  6156   * @param ic_opaque Opaque value that will be passed to the function.
  6157   *
  6158   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success or RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__CONFLICT
  6159   *          if an existing intercepted with the same \p ic_name and function
  6160   *          has already been added to \p conf.
  6161   */
  6162  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_interceptor_add_on_commit(
  6163      rd_kafka_t *rk,
  6164      const char *ic_name,
  6165      rd_kafka_interceptor_f_on_commit_t *on_commit,
  6166      void *ic_opaque);
  6169  /**
  6170   * @brief Append an on_request_sent() interceptor.
  6171   *
  6172   * @param rk Client instance.
  6173   * @param ic_name Interceptor name, used in logging.
  6174   * @param on_request_sent() Function pointer.
  6175   * @param ic_opaque Opaque value that will be passed to the function.
  6176   *
  6177   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success or RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__CONFLICT
  6178   *          if an existing intercepted with the same \p ic_name and function
  6179   *          has already been added to \p conf.
  6180   */
  6181  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_interceptor_add_on_request_sent(
  6182      rd_kafka_t *rk,
  6183      const char *ic_name,
  6184      rd_kafka_interceptor_f_on_request_sent_t *on_request_sent,
  6185      void *ic_opaque);
  6188  /**
  6189   * @brief Append an on_response_received() interceptor.
  6190   *
  6191   * @param rk Client instance.
  6192   * @param ic_name Interceptor name, used in logging.
  6193   * @param on_response_received() Function pointer.
  6194   * @param ic_opaque Opaque value that will be passed to the function.
  6195   *
  6196   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success or RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__CONFLICT
  6197   *          if an existing intercepted with the same \p ic_name and function
  6198   *          has already been added to \p conf.
  6199   */
  6200  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_interceptor_add_on_response_received(
  6201      rd_kafka_t *rk,
  6202      const char *ic_name,
  6203      rd_kafka_interceptor_f_on_response_received_t *on_response_received,
  6204      void *ic_opaque);
  6207  /**
  6208   * @brief Append an on_thread_start() interceptor.
  6209   *
  6210   * @param rk Client instance.
  6211   * @param ic_name Interceptor name, used in logging.
  6212   * @param on_thread_start() Function pointer.
  6213   * @param ic_opaque Opaque value that will be passed to the function.
  6214   *
  6215   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success or RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__CONFLICT
  6216   *          if an existing intercepted with the same \p ic_name and function
  6217   *          has already been added to \p conf.
  6218   */
  6219  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_interceptor_add_on_thread_start(
  6220      rd_kafka_t *rk,
  6221      const char *ic_name,
  6222      rd_kafka_interceptor_f_on_thread_start_t *on_thread_start,
  6223      void *ic_opaque);
  6226  /**
  6227   * @brief Append an on_thread_exit() interceptor.
  6228   *
  6229   * @param rk Client instance.
  6230   * @param ic_name Interceptor name, used in logging.
  6231   * @param on_thread_exit() Function pointer.
  6232   * @param ic_opaque Opaque value that will be passed to the function.
  6233   *
  6234   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success or RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__CONFLICT
  6235   *          if an existing intercepted with the same \p ic_name and function
  6236   *          has already been added to \p conf.
  6237   */
  6238  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_interceptor_add_on_thread_exit(
  6239      rd_kafka_t *rk,
  6240      const char *ic_name,
  6241      rd_kafka_interceptor_f_on_thread_exit_t *on_thread_exit,
  6242      void *ic_opaque);
  6246  /**@}*/
  6250  /**
  6251   * @name Auxiliary types
  6252   *
  6253   * @{
  6254   */
  6258  /**
  6259   * @brief Topic result provides per-topic operation result information.
  6260   *
  6261   */
  6263  /**
  6264   * @returns the error code for the given topic result.
  6265   */
  6266  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  6267  rd_kafka_topic_result_error(const rd_kafka_topic_result_t *topicres);
  6269  /**
  6270   * @returns the human readable error string for the given topic result,
  6271   *          or NULL if there was no error.
  6272   *
  6273   * @remark lifetime of the returned string is the same as the \p topicres.
  6274   */
  6275  RD_EXPORT const char *
  6276  rd_kafka_topic_result_error_string(const rd_kafka_topic_result_t *topicres);
  6278  /**
  6279   * @returns the name of the topic for the given topic result.
  6280   * @remark lifetime of the returned string is the same as the \p topicres.
  6281   *
  6282   */
  6283  RD_EXPORT const char *
  6284  rd_kafka_topic_result_name(const rd_kafka_topic_result_t *topicres);
  6286  /**
  6287   * @brief Group result provides per-group operation result information.
  6288   *
  6289   */
  6291  /**
  6292   * @returns the error for the given group result, or NULL on success.
  6293   * @remark lifetime of the returned error is the same as the \p groupres.
  6294   */
  6295  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_error_t *
  6296  rd_kafka_group_result_error(const rd_kafka_group_result_t *groupres);
  6298  /**
  6299   * @returns the name of the group for the given group result.
  6300   * @remark lifetime of the returned string is the same as the \p groupres.
  6301   *
  6302   */
  6303  RD_EXPORT const char *
  6304  rd_kafka_group_result_name(const rd_kafka_group_result_t *groupres);
  6306  /**
  6307   * @returns the partitions/offsets for the given group result, if applicable
  6308   *          to the request type, else NULL.
  6309   * @remark lifetime of the returned list is the same as the \p groupres.
  6310   */
  6311  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *
  6312  rd_kafka_group_result_partitions(const rd_kafka_group_result_t *groupres);
  6315  /**@}*/
  6318  /**
  6319   * @name Admin API
  6320   * @{
  6321   *
  6322   * @brief The Admin API enables applications to perform administrative
  6323   *        Apache Kafka tasks, such as creating and deleting topics,
  6324   *        altering and reading broker configuration, etc.
  6325   *
  6326   * The Admin API is asynchronous and makes use of librdkafka's standard
  6327   * \c rd_kafka_queue_t queues to propagate the result of an admin operation
  6328   * back to the application.
  6329   * The supplied queue may be any queue, such as a temporary single-call queue,
  6330   * a shared queue used for multiple requests, or even the main queue or
  6331   * consumer queues.
  6332   *
  6333   * Use \c rd_kafka_queue_poll() to collect the result of an admin operation
  6334   * from the queue of your choice, then extract the admin API-specific result
  6335   * type by using the corresponding \c rd_kafka_event_CreateTopics_result,
  6336   * \c rd_kafka_event_DescribeConfigs_result, etc, methods.
  6337   * Use the getter methods on the \c .._result_t type to extract response
  6338   * information and finally destroy the result and event by calling
  6339   * \c rd_kafka_event_destroy().
  6340   *
  6341   * Use rd_kafka_event_error() and rd_kafka_event_error_string() to acquire
  6342   * the request-level error/success for an Admin API request.
  6343   * Even if the returned value is \c RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR there
  6344   * may be individual objects (topics, resources, etc) that have failed.
  6345   * Extract per-object error information with the corresponding
  6346   * \c rd_kafka_..._result_topics|resources|..() to check per-object errors.
  6347   *
  6348   * Locally triggered errors:
  6349   *  - \c RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__TIMED_OUT - (Controller) broker connection did not
  6350   *    become available in the time allowed by AdminOption_set_request_timeout.
  6351   */
  6354  /**
  6355   * @enum rd_kafka_admin_op_t
  6356   *
  6357   * @brief Admin operation enum name for use with rd_kafka_AdminOptions_new()
  6358   *
  6359   * @sa rd_kafka_AdminOptions_new()
  6360   */
  6361  typedef enum rd_kafka_admin_op_t {
  6362          RD_KAFKA_ADMIN_OP_ANY = 0,          /**< Default value */
  6363          RD_KAFKA_ADMIN_OP_CREATETOPICS,     /**< CreateTopics */
  6364          RD_KAFKA_ADMIN_OP_DELETETOPICS,     /**< DeleteTopics */
  6365          RD_KAFKA_ADMIN_OP_CREATEPARTITIONS, /**< CreatePartitions */
  6366          RD_KAFKA_ADMIN_OP_ALTERCONFIGS,     /**< AlterConfigs */
  6367          RD_KAFKA_ADMIN_OP_DESCRIBECONFIGS,  /**< DescribeConfigs */
  6368          RD_KAFKA_ADMIN_OP_DELETERECORDS,    /**< DeleteRecords */
  6369          RD_KAFKA_ADMIN_OP_DELETEGROUPS,     /**< DeleteGroups */
  6370          /** DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets */
  6372          RD_KAFKA_ADMIN_OP_CREATEACLS,   /**< CreateAcls */
  6373          RD_KAFKA_ADMIN_OP_DESCRIBEACLS, /**< DescribeAcls */
  6374          RD_KAFKA_ADMIN_OP_DELETEACLS,   /**< DeleteAcls */
  6375          RD_KAFKA_ADMIN_OP__CNT          /**< Number of ops defined */
  6376  } rd_kafka_admin_op_t;
  6378  /**
  6379   * @brief AdminOptions provides a generic mechanism for setting optional
  6380   *        parameters for the Admin API requests.
  6381   *
  6382   * @remark Since AdminOptions is decoupled from the actual request type
  6383   *         there is no enforcement to prevent setting unrelated properties,
  6384   *         e.g. setting validate_only on a DescribeConfigs request is allowed
  6385   *         but is silently ignored by DescribeConfigs.
  6386   *         Future versions may introduce such enforcement.
  6387   */
  6390  typedef struct rd_kafka_AdminOptions_s rd_kafka_AdminOptions_t;
  6392  /**
  6393   * @brief Create a new AdminOptions object.
  6394   *
  6395   *        The options object is not modified by the Admin API request APIs,
  6396   *        (e.g. CreateTopics) and may be reused for multiple calls.
  6397   *
  6398   * @param rk Client instance.
  6399   * @param for_api Specifies what Admin API this AdminOptions object will be used
  6400   *                for, which will enforce what AdminOptions_set_..() calls may
  6401   *                be used based on the API, causing unsupported set..() calls
  6402   *                to fail.
  6403   *                Specifying RD_KAFKA_ADMIN_OP_ANY disables the enforcement
  6404   *                allowing any option to be set, even if the option
  6405   *                is not used in a future call to an Admin API method.
  6406   *
  6407   * @returns a new AdminOptions object (which must be freed with
  6408   *          rd_kafka_AdminOptions_destroy()), or NULL if \p for_api was set to
  6409   *          an unknown API op type.
  6410   */
  6411  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_AdminOptions_t *
  6412  rd_kafka_AdminOptions_new(rd_kafka_t *rk, rd_kafka_admin_op_t for_api);
  6415  /**
  6416   * @brief Destroy a AdminOptions object.
  6417   */
  6418  RD_EXPORT void rd_kafka_AdminOptions_destroy(rd_kafka_AdminOptions_t *options);
  6421  /**
  6422   * @brief Sets the overall request timeout, including broker lookup,
  6423   *        request transmission, operation time on broker, and response.
  6424   *
  6425   * @param options Admin options.
  6426   * @param timeout_ms Timeout in milliseconds, use -1 for indefinite timeout.
  6427   *                   Defaults to ``.
  6428   * @param errstr A human readable error string (nul-terminated) is written to
  6429   *               this location that must be of at least \p errstr_size bytes.
  6430   *               The \p errstr is only written in case of error.
  6431   * @param errstr_size Writable size in \p errstr.
  6432   *
  6433   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success, or
  6434   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__INVALID_ARG if timeout was out of range in which
  6435   *          case an error string will be written \p errstr.
  6436   *
  6437   * @remark This option is valid for all Admin API requests.
  6438   */
  6439  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  6440  rd_kafka_AdminOptions_set_request_timeout(rd_kafka_AdminOptions_t *options,
  6441                                            int timeout_ms,
  6442                                            char *errstr,
  6443                                            size_t errstr_size);
  6446  /**
  6447   * @brief Sets the broker's operation timeout, such as the timeout for
  6448   *        CreateTopics to complete the creation of topics on the controller
  6449   *        before returning a result to the application.
  6450   *
  6451   * CreateTopics: values <= 0 will return immediately after triggering topic
  6452   * creation, while > 0 will wait this long for topic creation to propagate
  6453   * in cluster. Default: 60 seconds.
  6454   *
  6455   * DeleteTopics: same semantics as CreateTopics.
  6456   * CreatePartitions: same semantics as CreateTopics.
  6457   *
  6458   * @param options Admin options.
  6459   * @param timeout_ms Timeout in milliseconds.
  6460   * @param errstr A human readable error string (nul-terminated) is written to
  6461   *               this location that must be of at least \p errstr_size bytes.
  6462   *               The \p errstr is only written in case of error.
  6463   * @param errstr_size Writable size in \p errstr.
  6464   *
  6465   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success, or
  6466   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__INVALID_ARG if timeout was out of range in which
  6467   *          case an error string will be written \p errstr.
  6468   *
  6469   * @remark This option is valid for CreateTopics, DeleteTopics,
  6470   *         CreatePartitions, and DeleteRecords.
  6471   */
  6472  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  6473  rd_kafka_AdminOptions_set_operation_timeout(rd_kafka_AdminOptions_t *options,
  6474                                              int timeout_ms,
  6475                                              char *errstr,
  6476                                              size_t errstr_size);
  6479  /**
  6480   * @brief Tell broker to only validate the request, without performing
  6481   *        the requested operation (create topics, etc).
  6482   *
  6483   * @param options Admin options.
  6484   * @param true_or_false Defaults to false.
  6485   * @param errstr A human readable error string (nul-terminated) is written to
  6486   *               this location that must be of at least \p errstr_size bytes.
  6487   *               The \p errstr is only written in case of error.
  6488   * @param errstr_size Writable size in \p errstr.
  6489   *
  6490   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success or an
  6491   *          error code on failure in which case an error string will
  6492   *          be written \p errstr.
  6493   *
  6494   * @remark This option is valid for CreateTopics,
  6495   *         CreatePartitions, AlterConfigs.
  6496   */
  6497  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  6498  rd_kafka_AdminOptions_set_validate_only(rd_kafka_AdminOptions_t *options,
  6499                                          int true_or_false,
  6500                                          char *errstr,
  6501                                          size_t errstr_size);
  6504  /**
  6505   * @brief Override what broker the Admin request will be sent to.
  6506   *
  6507   * By default, Admin requests are sent to the controller broker, with
  6508   * the following exceptions:
  6509   *   - AlterConfigs with a BROKER resource are sent to the broker id set
  6510   *     as the resource name.
  6511   *   - DescribeConfigs with a BROKER resource are sent to the broker id set
  6512   *     as the resource name.
  6513   *
  6514   * @param options Admin Options.
  6515   * @param broker_id The broker to send the request to.
  6516   * @param errstr A human readable error string (nul-terminated) is written to
  6517   *               this location that must be of at least \p errstr_size bytes.
  6518   *               The \p errstr is only written in case of error.
  6519   * @param errstr_size Writable size in \p errstr.
  6520   *
  6521   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success or an
  6522   *          error code on failure in which case an error string will
  6523   *          be written \p errstr.
  6524   *
  6525   * @remark This API should typically not be used, but serves as a workaround
  6526   *         if new resource types are to the broker that the client
  6527   *         does not know where to send.
  6528   */
  6529  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  6530  rd_kafka_AdminOptions_set_broker(rd_kafka_AdminOptions_t *options,
  6531                                   int32_t broker_id,
  6532                                   char *errstr,
  6533                                   size_t errstr_size);
  6537  /**
  6538   * @brief Set application opaque value that can be extracted from the
  6539   *        result event using rd_kafka_event_opaque()
  6540   */
  6541  RD_EXPORT void
  6542  rd_kafka_AdminOptions_set_opaque(rd_kafka_AdminOptions_t *options,
  6543                                   void *ev_opaque);
  6547  /*
  6548   * CreateTopics - create topics in cluster.
  6549   *
  6550   */
  6553  /*! Defines a new topic to be created. */
  6554  typedef struct rd_kafka_NewTopic_s rd_kafka_NewTopic_t;
  6556  /**
  6557   * @brief Create a new NewTopic object. This object is later passed to
  6558   *        rd_kafka_CreateTopics().
  6559   *
  6560   * @param topic Topic name to create.
  6561   * @param num_partitions Number of partitions in topic, or -1 to use the
  6562   *                       broker's default partition count (>= 2.4.0).
  6563   * @param replication_factor Default replication factor for the topic's
  6564   *                           partitions, or -1 to use the broker's default
  6565   *                           replication factor (>= 2.4.0) or if
  6566   *                           set_replica_assignment() will be used.
  6567   * @param errstr A human readable error string (nul-terminated) is written to
  6568   *               this location that must be of at least \p errstr_size bytes.
  6569   *               The \p errstr is only written in case of error.
  6570   * @param errstr_size Writable size in \p errstr.
  6571   *
  6572   *
  6573   * @returns a new allocated NewTopic object, or NULL if the input parameters
  6574   *          are invalid.
  6575   *          Use rd_kafka_NewTopic_destroy() to free object when done.
  6576   */
  6577  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_NewTopic_t *rd_kafka_NewTopic_new(const char *topic,
  6578                                                       int num_partitions,
  6579                                                       int replication_factor,
  6580                                                       char *errstr,
  6581                                                       size_t errstr_size);
  6583  /**
  6584   * @brief Destroy and free a NewTopic object previously created with
  6585   *        rd_kafka_NewTopic_new()
  6586   */
  6587  RD_EXPORT void rd_kafka_NewTopic_destroy(rd_kafka_NewTopic_t *new_topic);
  6590  /**
  6591   * @brief Helper function to destroy all NewTopic objects in the \p new_topics
  6592   *        array (of \p new_topic_cnt elements).
  6593   *        The array itself is not freed.
  6594   */
  6595  RD_EXPORT void rd_kafka_NewTopic_destroy_array(rd_kafka_NewTopic_t **new_topics,
  6596                                                 size_t new_topic_cnt);
  6599  /**
  6600   * @brief Set the replica (broker) assignment for \p partition to the
  6601   *        replica set in \p broker_ids (of \p broker_id_cnt elements).
  6602   *
  6603   * @remark When this method is used, rd_kafka_NewTopic_new() must have
  6604   *         been called with a \c replication_factor of -1.
  6605   *
  6606   * @remark An application must either set the replica assignment for
  6607   *         all new partitions, or none.
  6608   *
  6609   * @remark If called, this function must be called consecutively for each
  6610   *         partition, starting at 0.
  6611   *
  6612   * @remark Use rd_kafka_metadata() to retrieve the list of brokers
  6613   *         in the cluster.
  6614   *
  6615   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success, or an error code
  6616   *          if the arguments were invalid.
  6617   *
  6618   * @sa rd_kafka_AdminOptions_set_validate_only()
  6619   */
  6620  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  6621  rd_kafka_NewTopic_set_replica_assignment(rd_kafka_NewTopic_t *new_topic,
  6622                                           int32_t partition,
  6623                                           int32_t *broker_ids,
  6624                                           size_t broker_id_cnt,
  6625                                           char *errstr,
  6626                                           size_t errstr_size);
  6628  /**
  6629   * @brief Set (broker-side) topic configuration name/value pair.
  6630   *
  6631   * @remark The name and value are not validated by the client, the validation
  6632   *         takes place on the broker.
  6633   *
  6634   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success, or an error code
  6635   *          if the arguments were invalid.
  6636   *
  6637   * @sa rd_kafka_AdminOptions_set_validate_only()
  6638   * @sa
  6639   */
  6640  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  6641  rd_kafka_NewTopic_set_config(rd_kafka_NewTopic_t *new_topic,
  6642                               const char *name,
  6643                               const char *value);
  6646  /**
  6647   * @brief Create topics in cluster as specified by the \p new_topics
  6648   *        array of size \p new_topic_cnt elements.
  6649   *
  6650   * @param rk Client instance.
  6651   * @param new_topics Array of new topics to create.
  6652   * @param new_topic_cnt Number of elements in \p new_topics array.
  6653   * @param options Optional admin options, or NULL for defaults.
  6654   * @param rkqu Queue to emit result on.
  6655   *
  6656   * Supported admin options:
  6657   *  - rd_kafka_AdminOptions_set_validate_only() - default false
  6658   *  - rd_kafka_AdminOptions_set_operation_timeout() - default 60 seconds
  6659   *  - rd_kafka_AdminOptions_set_request_timeout() - default
  6660   *
  6661   * @remark The result event type emitted on the supplied queue is of type
  6663   */
  6664  RD_EXPORT void rd_kafka_CreateTopics(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  6665                                       rd_kafka_NewTopic_t **new_topics,
  6666                                       size_t new_topic_cnt,
  6667                                       const rd_kafka_AdminOptions_t *options,
  6668                                       rd_kafka_queue_t *rkqu);
  6671  /*
  6672   * CreateTopics result type and methods
  6673   */
  6675  /**
  6676   * @brief Get an array of topic results from a CreateTopics result.
  6677   *
  6678   * The returned \p topics life-time is the same as the \p result object.
  6679   *
  6680   * @param result Result to get topics from.
  6681   * @param cntp Updated to the number of elements in the array.
  6682   */
  6683  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_topic_result_t **rd_kafka_CreateTopics_result_topics(
  6684      const rd_kafka_CreateTopics_result_t *result,
  6685      size_t *cntp);
  6689  /*
  6690   * DeleteTopics - delete topics from cluster
  6691   *
  6692   */
  6694  /*! Represents a topic to be deleted. */
  6695  typedef struct rd_kafka_DeleteTopic_s rd_kafka_DeleteTopic_t;
  6697  /**
  6698   * @brief Create a new DeleteTopic object. This object is later passed to
  6699   *        rd_kafka_DeleteTopics().
  6700   *
  6701   * @param topic Topic name to delete.
  6702   *
  6703   * @returns a new allocated DeleteTopic object.
  6704   *          Use rd_kafka_DeleteTopic_destroy() to free object when done.
  6705   */
  6706  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_DeleteTopic_t *rd_kafka_DeleteTopic_new(const char *topic);
  6708  /**
  6709   * @brief Destroy and free a DeleteTopic object previously created with
  6710   *        rd_kafka_DeleteTopic_new()
  6711   */
  6712  RD_EXPORT void rd_kafka_DeleteTopic_destroy(rd_kafka_DeleteTopic_t *del_topic);
  6714  /**
  6715   * @brief Helper function to destroy all DeleteTopic objects in
  6716   *        the \p del_topics array (of \p del_topic_cnt elements).
  6717   *        The array itself is not freed.
  6718   */
  6719  RD_EXPORT void
  6720  rd_kafka_DeleteTopic_destroy_array(rd_kafka_DeleteTopic_t **del_topics,
  6721                                     size_t del_topic_cnt);
  6723  /**
  6724   * @brief Delete topics from cluster as specified by the \p topics
  6725   *        array of size \p topic_cnt elements.
  6726   *
  6727   * @param rk Client instance.
  6728   * @param del_topics Array of topics to delete.
  6729   * @param del_topic_cnt Number of elements in \p topics array.
  6730   * @param options Optional admin options, or NULL for defaults.
  6731   * @param rkqu Queue to emit result on.
  6732   *
  6733   * @remark The result event type emitted on the supplied queue is of type
  6735   */
  6736  RD_EXPORT
  6737  void rd_kafka_DeleteTopics(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  6738                             rd_kafka_DeleteTopic_t **del_topics,
  6739                             size_t del_topic_cnt,
  6740                             const rd_kafka_AdminOptions_t *options,
  6741                             rd_kafka_queue_t *rkqu);
  6745  /*
  6746   * DeleteTopics result type and methods
  6747   */
  6749  /**
  6750   * @brief Get an array of topic results from a DeleteTopics result.
  6751   *
  6752   * The returned \p topics life-time is the same as the \p result object.
  6753   *
  6754   * @param result Result to get topic results from.
  6755   * @param cntp is updated to the number of elements in the array.
  6756   */
  6757  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_topic_result_t **rd_kafka_DeleteTopics_result_topics(
  6758      const rd_kafka_DeleteTopics_result_t *result,
  6759      size_t *cntp);
  6763  /*
  6764   * CreatePartitions - add partitions to topic.
  6765   *
  6766   */
  6768  /*! Defines a new partition to be created. */
  6769  typedef struct rd_kafka_NewPartitions_s rd_kafka_NewPartitions_t;
  6771  /**
  6772   * @brief Create a new NewPartitions. This object is later passed to
  6773   *        rd_kafka_CreatePartitions() to increase the number of partitions
  6774   *        to \p new_total_cnt for an existing topic.
  6775   *
  6776   * @param topic Topic name to create more partitions for.
  6777   * @param new_total_cnt Increase the topic's partition count to this value.
  6778   * @param errstr A human readable error string (nul-terminated) is written to
  6779   *               this location that must be of at least \p errstr_size bytes.
  6780   *               The \p errstr is only written in case of error.
  6781   * @param errstr_size Writable size in \p errstr.
  6782   *
  6783   * @returns a new allocated NewPartitions object, or NULL if the
  6784   *          input parameters are invalid.
  6785   *          Use rd_kafka_NewPartitions_destroy() to free object when done.
  6786   */
  6787  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_NewPartitions_t *
  6788  rd_kafka_NewPartitions_new(const char *topic,
  6789                             size_t new_total_cnt,
  6790                             char *errstr,
  6791                             size_t errstr_size);
  6793  /**
  6794   * @brief Destroy and free a NewPartitions object previously created with
  6795   *        rd_kafka_NewPartitions_new()
  6796   */
  6797  RD_EXPORT void
  6798  rd_kafka_NewPartitions_destroy(rd_kafka_NewPartitions_t *new_parts);
  6800  /**
  6801   * @brief Helper function to destroy all NewPartitions objects in the
  6802   *        \p new_parts array (of \p new_parts_cnt elements).
  6803   *        The array itself is not freed.
  6804   */
  6805  RD_EXPORT void
  6806  rd_kafka_NewPartitions_destroy_array(rd_kafka_NewPartitions_t **new_parts,
  6807                                       size_t new_parts_cnt);
  6809  /**
  6810   * @brief Set the replica (broker id) assignment for \p new_partition_idx to the
  6811   *        replica set in \p broker_ids (of \p broker_id_cnt elements).
  6812   *
  6813   * @remark An application must either set the replica assignment for
  6814   *         all new partitions, or none.
  6815   *
  6816   * @remark If called, this function must be called consecutively for each
  6817   *         new partition being created,
  6818   *         where \p new_partition_idx 0 is the first new partition,
  6819   *         1 is the second, and so on.
  6820   *
  6821   * @remark \p broker_id_cnt should match the topic's replication factor.
  6822   *
  6823   * @remark Use rd_kafka_metadata() to retrieve the list of brokers
  6824   *         in the cluster.
  6825   *
  6826   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success, or an error code
  6827   *          if the arguments were invalid.
  6828   *
  6829   * @sa rd_kafka_AdminOptions_set_validate_only()
  6830   */
  6831  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_NewPartitions_set_replica_assignment(
  6832      rd_kafka_NewPartitions_t *new_parts,
  6833      int32_t new_partition_idx,
  6834      int32_t *broker_ids,
  6835      size_t broker_id_cnt,
  6836      char *errstr,
  6837      size_t errstr_size);
  6840  /**
  6841   * @brief Create additional partitions for the given topics, as specified
  6842   *        by the \p new_parts array of size \p new_parts_cnt elements.
  6843   *
  6844   * @param rk Client instance.
  6845   * @param new_parts Array of topics for which new partitions are to be created.
  6846   * @param new_parts_cnt Number of elements in \p new_parts array.
  6847   * @param options Optional admin options, or NULL for defaults.
  6848   * @param rkqu Queue to emit result on.
  6849   *
  6850   * Supported admin options:
  6851   *  - rd_kafka_AdminOptions_set_validate_only() - default false
  6852   *  - rd_kafka_AdminOptions_set_operation_timeout() - default 60 seconds
  6853   *  - rd_kafka_AdminOptions_set_request_timeout() - default
  6854   *
  6855   * @remark The result event type emitted on the supplied queue is of type
  6857   */
  6858  RD_EXPORT void rd_kafka_CreatePartitions(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  6859                                           rd_kafka_NewPartitions_t **new_parts,
  6860                                           size_t new_parts_cnt,
  6861                                           const rd_kafka_AdminOptions_t *options,
  6862                                           rd_kafka_queue_t *rkqu);
  6866  /*
  6867   * CreatePartitions result type and methods
  6868   */
  6870  /**
  6871   * @brief Get an array of topic results from a CreatePartitions result.
  6872   *
  6873   * The returned \p topics life-time is the same as the \p result object.
  6874   *
  6875   * @param result Result o get topic results from.
  6876   * @param cntp is updated to the number of elements in the array.
  6877   */
  6878  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_topic_result_t **
  6879  rd_kafka_CreatePartitions_result_topics(
  6880      const rd_kafka_CreatePartitions_result_t *result,
  6881      size_t *cntp);
  6885  /*
  6886   * Cluster, broker, topic configuration entries, sources, etc.
  6887   *
  6888   */
  6890  /**
  6891   * @enum rd_kafka_ConfigSource_t
  6892   *
  6893   * @brief Apache Kafka config sources.
  6894   *
  6895   * @remark These entities relate to the cluster, not the local client.
  6896   *
  6897   * @sa rd_kafka_conf_set(), for local client configuration.
  6898   */
  6899  typedef enum rd_kafka_ConfigSource_t {
  6900          /** Source unknown, e.g., in the ConfigEntry used for alter requests
  6901           *  where source is not set */
  6903          /** Dynamic topic config that is configured for a specific topic */
  6905          /** Dynamic broker config that is configured for a specific broker */
  6907          /** Dynamic broker config that is configured as default for all
  6908           *  brokers in the cluster */
  6910          /** Static broker config provided as broker properties at startup
  6911           *  (e.g. from file) */
  6913          /** Built-in default configuration for configs that have a
  6914           *  default value */
  6917          /** Number of source types defined */
  6918          RD_KAFKA_CONFIG_SOURCE__CNT,
  6919  } rd_kafka_ConfigSource_t;
  6922  /**
  6923   * @returns a string representation of the \p confsource.
  6924   */
  6925  RD_EXPORT const char *
  6926  rd_kafka_ConfigSource_name(rd_kafka_ConfigSource_t confsource);
  6929  /*! Apache Kafka configuration entry. */
  6930  typedef struct rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_s rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_t;
  6932  /**
  6933   * @returns the configuration property name
  6934   */
  6935  RD_EXPORT const char *
  6936  rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_name(const rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_t *entry);
  6938  /**
  6939   * @returns the configuration value, may be NULL for sensitive or unset
  6940   *          properties.
  6941   */
  6942  RD_EXPORT const char *
  6943  rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_value(const rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_t *entry);
  6945  /**
  6946   * @returns the config source.
  6947   */
  6948  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_ConfigSource_t
  6949  rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_source(const rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_t *entry);
  6951  /**
  6952   * @returns 1 if the config property is read-only on the broker, else 0.
  6953   * @remark Shall only be used on a DescribeConfigs result, otherwise returns -1.
  6954   */
  6955  RD_EXPORT int
  6956  rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_is_read_only(const rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_t *entry);
  6958  /**
  6959   * @returns 1 if the config property is set to its default value on the broker,
  6960   *          else 0.
  6961   * @remark Shall only be used on a DescribeConfigs result, otherwise returns -1.
  6962   */
  6963  RD_EXPORT int
  6964  rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_is_default(const rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_t *entry);
  6966  /**
  6967   * @returns 1 if the config property contains sensitive information (such as
  6968   *          security configuration), else 0.
  6969   * @remark An application should take care not to include the value of
  6970   *         sensitive configuration entries in its output.
  6971   * @remark Shall only be used on a DescribeConfigs result, otherwise returns -1.
  6972   */
  6973  RD_EXPORT int
  6974  rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_is_sensitive(const rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_t *entry);
  6976  /**
  6977   * @returns 1 if this entry is a synonym, else 0.
  6978   */
  6979  RD_EXPORT int
  6980  rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_is_synonym(const rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_t *entry);
  6983  /**
  6984   * @returns the synonym config entry array.
  6985   *
  6986   * @param entry Entry to get synonyms for.
  6987   * @param cntp is updated to the number of elements in the array.
  6988   *
  6989   * @remark The lifetime of the returned entry is the same as \p conf .
  6990   * @remark Shall only be used on a DescribeConfigs result,
  6991   *         otherwise returns NULL.
  6992   */
  6993  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_t **
  6994  rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_synonyms(const rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_t *entry,
  6995                                size_t *cntp);
  6999  /**
  7000   * @enum rd_kafka_ResourceType_t
  7001   * @brief Apache Kafka resource types
  7002   */
  7003  typedef enum rd_kafka_ResourceType_t {
  7004          RD_KAFKA_RESOURCE_UNKNOWN = 0, /**< Unknown */
  7005          RD_KAFKA_RESOURCE_ANY     = 1, /**< Any (used for lookups) */
  7006          RD_KAFKA_RESOURCE_TOPIC   = 2, /**< Topic */
  7007          RD_KAFKA_RESOURCE_GROUP   = 3, /**< Group */
  7008          RD_KAFKA_RESOURCE_BROKER  = 4, /**< Broker */
  7009          RD_KAFKA_RESOURCE__CNT,        /**< Number of resource types defined */
  7010  } rd_kafka_ResourceType_t;
  7012  /**
  7013   * @enum rd_kafka_ResourcePatternType_t
  7014   * @brief Apache Kafka pattern types
  7015   */
  7016  typedef enum rd_kafka_ResourcePatternType_t {
  7017          /** Unknown */
  7019          /** Any (used for lookups) */
  7020          RD_KAFKA_RESOURCE_PATTERN_ANY = 1,
  7021          /** Match: will perform pattern matching */
  7023          /** Literal: A literal resource name */
  7025          /** Prefixed: A prefixed resource name */
  7028  } rd_kafka_ResourcePatternType_t;
  7030  /**
  7031   * @returns a string representation of the \p resource_pattern_type
  7032   */
  7033  RD_EXPORT const char *rd_kafka_ResourcePatternType_name(
  7034      rd_kafka_ResourcePatternType_t resource_pattern_type);
  7036  /**
  7037   * @returns a string representation of the \p restype
  7038   */
  7039  RD_EXPORT const char *
  7040  rd_kafka_ResourceType_name(rd_kafka_ResourceType_t restype);
  7042  /*! Apache Kafka configuration resource. */
  7043  typedef struct rd_kafka_ConfigResource_s rd_kafka_ConfigResource_t;
  7046  /**
  7047   * @brief Create new ConfigResource object.
  7048   *
  7049   * @param restype The resource type (e.g., RD_KAFKA_RESOURCE_TOPIC)
  7050   * @param resname The resource name (e.g., the topic name)
  7051   *
  7052   * @returns a newly allocated object
  7053   */
  7054  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_ConfigResource_t *
  7055  rd_kafka_ConfigResource_new(rd_kafka_ResourceType_t restype,
  7056                              const char *resname);
  7058  /**
  7059   * @brief Destroy and free a ConfigResource object previously created with
  7060   *        rd_kafka_ConfigResource_new()
  7061   */
  7062  RD_EXPORT void
  7063  rd_kafka_ConfigResource_destroy(rd_kafka_ConfigResource_t *config);
  7066  /**
  7067   * @brief Helper function to destroy all ConfigResource objects in
  7068   *        the \p configs array (of \p config_cnt elements).
  7069   *        The array itself is not freed.
  7070   */
  7071  RD_EXPORT void
  7072  rd_kafka_ConfigResource_destroy_array(rd_kafka_ConfigResource_t **config,
  7073                                        size_t config_cnt);
  7076  /**
  7077   * @brief Set configuration name value pair.
  7078   *
  7079   * @param config ConfigResource to set config property on.
  7080   * @param name Configuration name, depends on resource type.
  7081   * @param value Configuration value, depends on resource type and \p name.
  7082   *              Set to \c NULL to revert configuration value to default.
  7083   *
  7084   * This will overwrite the current value.
  7085   *
  7086   * @returns RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR if config was added to resource,
  7087   *          or RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__INVALID_ARG on invalid input.
  7088   */
  7089  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  7090  rd_kafka_ConfigResource_set_config(rd_kafka_ConfigResource_t *config,
  7091                                     const char *name,
  7092                                     const char *value);
  7095  /**
  7096   * @brief Get an array of config entries from a ConfigResource object.
  7097   *
  7098   * The returned object life-times are the same as the \p config object.
  7099   *
  7100   * @param config ConfigResource to get configs from.
  7101   * @param cntp is updated to the number of elements in the array.
  7102   */
  7103  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_t **
  7104  rd_kafka_ConfigResource_configs(const rd_kafka_ConfigResource_t *config,
  7105                                  size_t *cntp);
  7109  /**
  7110   * @returns the ResourceType for \p config
  7111   */
  7112  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_ResourceType_t
  7113  rd_kafka_ConfigResource_type(const rd_kafka_ConfigResource_t *config);
  7115  /**
  7116   * @returns the name for \p config
  7117   */
  7118  RD_EXPORT const char *
  7119  rd_kafka_ConfigResource_name(const rd_kafka_ConfigResource_t *config);
  7121  /**
  7122   * @returns the error for this resource from an AlterConfigs request
  7123   */
  7124  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  7125  rd_kafka_ConfigResource_error(const rd_kafka_ConfigResource_t *config);
  7127  /**
  7128   * @returns the error string for this resource from an AlterConfigs
  7129   *          request, or NULL if no error.
  7130   */
  7131  RD_EXPORT const char *
  7132  rd_kafka_ConfigResource_error_string(const rd_kafka_ConfigResource_t *config);
  7135  /*
  7136   * AlterConfigs - alter cluster configuration.
  7137   *
  7138   */
  7141  /**
  7142   * @brief Update the configuration for the specified resources.
  7143   *        Updates are not transactional so they may succeed for a subset
  7144   *        of the provided resources while the others fail.
  7145   *        The configuration for a particular resource is updated atomically,
  7146   *        replacing values using the provided ConfigEntrys and reverting
  7147   *        unspecified ConfigEntrys to their default values.
  7148   *
  7149   * @remark Requires broker version >=
  7150   *
  7151   * @warning AlterConfigs will replace all existing configuration for
  7152   *          the provided resources with the new configuration given,
  7153   *          reverting all other configuration to their default values.
  7154   *
  7155   * @remark Multiple resources and resource types may be set, but at most one
  7156   *         resource of type \c RD_KAFKA_RESOURCE_BROKER is allowed per call
  7157   *         since these resource requests must be sent to the broker specified
  7158   *         in the resource.
  7159   *
  7160   */
  7161  RD_EXPORT
  7162  void rd_kafka_AlterConfigs(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  7163                             rd_kafka_ConfigResource_t **configs,
  7164                             size_t config_cnt,
  7165                             const rd_kafka_AdminOptions_t *options,
  7166                             rd_kafka_queue_t *rkqu);
  7169  /*
  7170   * AlterConfigs result type and methods
  7171   */
  7173  /**
  7174   * @brief Get an array of resource results from a AlterConfigs result.
  7175   *
  7176   * Use \c rd_kafka_ConfigResource_error() and
  7177   * \c rd_kafka_ConfigResource_error_string() to extract per-resource error
  7178   * results on the returned array elements.
  7179   *
  7180   * The returned object life-times are the same as the \p result object.
  7181   *
  7182   * @param result Result object to get resource results from.
  7183   * @param cntp is updated to the number of elements in the array.
  7184   *
  7185   * @returns an array of ConfigResource elements, or NULL if not available.
  7186   */
  7187  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_ConfigResource_t **
  7188  rd_kafka_AlterConfigs_result_resources(
  7189      const rd_kafka_AlterConfigs_result_t *result,
  7190      size_t *cntp);
  7194  /*
  7195   * DescribeConfigs - retrieve cluster configuration.
  7196   *
  7197   */
  7200  /**
  7201   * @brief Get configuration for the specified resources in \p configs.
  7202   *
  7203   * The returned configuration includes default values and the
  7204   * rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_is_default() or rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_source()
  7205   * methods may be used to distinguish them from user supplied values.
  7206   *
  7207   * The value of config entries where rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_is_sensitive()
  7208   * is true will always be NULL to avoid disclosing sensitive
  7209   * information, such as security settings.
  7210   *
  7211   * Configuration entries where rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_is_read_only()
  7212   * is true can't be updated (with rd_kafka_AlterConfigs()).
  7213   *
  7214   * Synonym configuration entries are returned if the broker supports
  7215   * it (broker version >= 1.1.0). See rd_kafka_ConfigEntry_synonyms().
  7216   *
  7217   * @remark Requires broker version >=
  7218   *
  7219   * @remark Multiple resources and resource types may be requested, but at most
  7220   *         one resource of type \c RD_KAFKA_RESOURCE_BROKER is allowed per call
  7221   *         since these resource requests must be sent to the broker specified
  7222   *         in the resource.
  7223   */
  7224  RD_EXPORT
  7225  void rd_kafka_DescribeConfigs(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  7226                                rd_kafka_ConfigResource_t **configs,
  7227                                size_t config_cnt,
  7228                                const rd_kafka_AdminOptions_t *options,
  7229                                rd_kafka_queue_t *rkqu);
  7233  /*
  7234   * DescribeConfigs result type and methods
  7235   */
  7237  /**
  7238   * @brief Get an array of resource results from a DescribeConfigs result.
  7239   *
  7240   * The returned \p resources life-time is the same as the \p result object.
  7241   *
  7242   * @param result Result object to get resource results from.
  7243   * @param cntp is updated to the number of elements in the array.
  7244   */
  7245  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_ConfigResource_t **
  7246  rd_kafka_DescribeConfigs_result_resources(
  7247      const rd_kafka_DescribeConfigs_result_t *result,
  7248      size_t *cntp);
  7251  /*
  7252   * DeleteRecords - delete records (messages) from partitions
  7253   *
  7254   *
  7255   */
  7257  /**! Represents records to be deleted */
  7258  typedef struct rd_kafka_DeleteRecords_s rd_kafka_DeleteRecords_t;
  7260  /**
  7261   * @brief Create a new DeleteRecords object. This object is later passed to
  7262   *        rd_kafka_DeleteRecords().
  7263   *
  7264   * \p before_offsets must contain \c topic, \c partition, and
  7265   * \c offset is the offset before which the messages will
  7266   * be deleted (exclusive).
  7267   * Set \c offset to RD_KAFKA_OFFSET_END (high-watermark) in order to
  7268   * delete all data in the partition.
  7269   *
  7270   * @param before_offsets For each partition delete all messages up to but not
  7271   *                       including the specified offset.
  7272   *
  7273   * @returns a new allocated DeleteRecords object.
  7274   *          Use rd_kafka_DeleteRecords_destroy() to free object when done.
  7275   */
  7276  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_DeleteRecords_t *rd_kafka_DeleteRecords_new(
  7277      const rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *before_offsets);
  7279  /**
  7280   * @brief Destroy and free a DeleteRecords object previously created with
  7281   *        rd_kafka_DeleteRecords_new()
  7282   */
  7283  RD_EXPORT void
  7284  rd_kafka_DeleteRecords_destroy(rd_kafka_DeleteRecords_t *del_records);
  7286  /**
  7287   * @brief Helper function to destroy all DeleteRecords objects in
  7288   *        the \p del_groups array (of \p del_group_cnt elements).
  7289   *        The array itself is not freed.
  7290   */
  7291  RD_EXPORT void
  7292  rd_kafka_DeleteRecords_destroy_array(rd_kafka_DeleteRecords_t **del_records,
  7293                                       size_t del_record_cnt);
  7295  /**
  7296   * @brief Delete records (messages) in topic partitions older than the
  7297   *        offsets provided.
  7298   *
  7299   * @param rk Client instance.
  7300   * @param del_records The offsets to delete (up to).
  7301   *                    Currently only one DeleteRecords_t (but containing
  7302   *                    multiple offsets) is supported.
  7303   * @param del_record_cnt The number of elements in del_records, must be 1.
  7304   * @param options Optional admin options, or NULL for defaults.
  7305   * @param rkqu Queue to emit result on.
  7306   *
  7307   * Supported admin options:
  7308   *  - rd_kafka_AdminOptions_set_operation_timeout() - default 60 seconds.
  7309   *    Controls how long the brokers will wait for records to be deleted.
  7310   *  - rd_kafka_AdminOptions_set_request_timeout() - default
  7311   *    Controls how long \c rdkafka will wait for the request to complete.
  7312   *
  7313   * @remark The result event type emitted on the supplied queue is of type
  7315   */
  7316  RD_EXPORT void rd_kafka_DeleteRecords(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  7317                                        rd_kafka_DeleteRecords_t **del_records,
  7318                                        size_t del_record_cnt,
  7319                                        const rd_kafka_AdminOptions_t *options,
  7320                                        rd_kafka_queue_t *rkqu);
  7323  /*
  7324   * DeleteRecords result type and methods
  7325   */
  7327  /**
  7328   * @brief Get a list of topic and partition results from a DeleteRecords result.
  7329   *        The returned objects will contain \c topic, \c partition, \c offset
  7330   *        and \c err. \c offset will be set to the post-deletion low-watermark
  7331   *        (smallest available offset of all live replicas). \c err will be set
  7332   *        per-partition if deletion failed.
  7333   *
  7334   * The returned object's life-time is the same as the \p result object.
  7335   */
  7336  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *
  7337  rd_kafka_DeleteRecords_result_offsets(
  7338      const rd_kafka_DeleteRecords_result_t *result);
  7340  /*
  7341   * DeleteGroups - delete groups from cluster
  7342   *
  7343   *
  7344   */
  7346  /*! Represents a group to be deleted. */
  7347  typedef struct rd_kafka_DeleteGroup_s rd_kafka_DeleteGroup_t;
  7349  /**
  7350   * @brief Create a new DeleteGroup object. This object is later passed to
  7351   *        rd_kafka_DeleteGroups().
  7352   *
  7353   * @param group Name of group to delete.
  7354   *
  7355   * @returns a new allocated DeleteGroup object.
  7356   *          Use rd_kafka_DeleteGroup_destroy() to free object when done.
  7357   */
  7358  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_DeleteGroup_t *rd_kafka_DeleteGroup_new(const char *group);
  7360  /**
  7361   * @brief Destroy and free a DeleteGroup object previously created with
  7362   *        rd_kafka_DeleteGroup_new()
  7363   */
  7364  RD_EXPORT void rd_kafka_DeleteGroup_destroy(rd_kafka_DeleteGroup_t *del_group);
  7366  /**
  7367   * @brief Helper function to destroy all DeleteGroup objects in
  7368   *        the \p del_groups array (of \p del_group_cnt elements).
  7369   *        The array itself is not freed.
  7370   */
  7371  RD_EXPORT void
  7372  rd_kafka_DeleteGroup_destroy_array(rd_kafka_DeleteGroup_t **del_groups,
  7373                                     size_t del_group_cnt);
  7375  /**
  7376   * @brief Delete groups from cluster as specified by the \p del_groups
  7377   *        array of size \p del_group_cnt elements.
  7378   *
  7379   * @param rk Client instance.
  7380   * @param del_groups Array of groups to delete.
  7381   * @param del_group_cnt Number of elements in \p del_groups array.
  7382   * @param options Optional admin options, or NULL for defaults.
  7383   * @param rkqu Queue to emit result on.
  7384   *
  7385   * @remark The result event type emitted on the supplied queue is of type
  7387   */
  7388  RD_EXPORT
  7389  void rd_kafka_DeleteGroups(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  7390                             rd_kafka_DeleteGroup_t **del_groups,
  7391                             size_t del_group_cnt,
  7392                             const rd_kafka_AdminOptions_t *options,
  7393                             rd_kafka_queue_t *rkqu);
  7397  /*
  7398   * DeleteGroups result type and methods
  7399   */
  7401  /**
  7402   * @brief Get an array of group results from a DeleteGroups result.
  7403   *
  7404   * The returned groups life-time is the same as the \p result object.
  7405   *
  7406   * @param result Result to get group results from.
  7407   * @param cntp is updated to the number of elements in the array.
  7408   */
  7409  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_group_result_t **rd_kafka_DeleteGroups_result_groups(
  7410      const rd_kafka_DeleteGroups_result_t *result,
  7411      size_t *cntp);
  7414  /*
  7415   * DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets - delete groups from cluster
  7416   *
  7417   *
  7418   */
  7420  /*! Represents consumer group committed offsets to be deleted. */
  7421  typedef struct rd_kafka_DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets_s
  7422      rd_kafka_DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets_t;
  7424  /**
  7425   * @brief Create a new DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets object.
  7426   *        This object is later passed to rd_kafka_DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets().
  7427   *
  7428   * @param group Consumer group id.
  7429   * @param partitions Partitions to delete committed offsets for.
  7430   *                   Only the topic and partition fields are used.
  7431   *
  7432   * @returns a new allocated DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets object.
  7433   *          Use rd_kafka_DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets_destroy() to free
  7434   *          object when done.
  7435   */
  7436  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets_t *
  7437  rd_kafka_DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets_new(
  7438      const char *group,
  7439      const rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *partitions);
  7441  /**
  7442   * @brief Destroy and free a DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets object previously
  7443   *        created with rd_kafka_DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets_new()
  7444   */
  7445  RD_EXPORT void rd_kafka_DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets_destroy(
  7446      rd_kafka_DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets_t *del_grpoffsets);
  7448  /**
  7449   * @brief Helper function to destroy all DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets objects in
  7450   *        the \p del_grpoffsets array (of \p del_grpoffsets_cnt elements).
  7451   *        The array itself is not freed.
  7452   */
  7453  RD_EXPORT void rd_kafka_DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets_destroy_array(
  7454      rd_kafka_DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets_t **del_grpoffsets,
  7455      size_t del_grpoffset_cnt);
  7457  /**
  7458   * @brief Delete committed offsets for a set of partitions in a conusmer
  7459   *        group. This will succeed at the partition level only if the group
  7460   *        is not actively subscribed to the corresponding topic.
  7461   *
  7462   * @param rk Client instance.
  7463   * @param del_grpoffsets Array of group committed offsets to delete.
  7464   *                       MUST only be one single element.
  7465   * @param del_grpoffsets_cnt Number of elements in \p del_grpoffsets array.
  7466   *                           MUST always be 1.
  7467   * @param options Optional admin options, or NULL for defaults.
  7468   * @param rkqu Queue to emit result on.
  7469   *
  7470   * @remark The result event type emitted on the supplied queue is of type
  7472   *
  7473   * @remark The current implementation only supports one group per invocation.
  7474   */
  7475  RD_EXPORT
  7476  void rd_kafka_DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets(
  7477      rd_kafka_t *rk,
  7478      rd_kafka_DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets_t **del_grpoffsets,
  7479      size_t del_grpoffsets_cnt,
  7480      const rd_kafka_AdminOptions_t *options,
  7481      rd_kafka_queue_t *rkqu);
  7485  /*
  7486   * DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets result type and methods
  7487   */
  7489  /**
  7490   * @brief Get an array of results from a DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets result.
  7491   *
  7492   * The returned groups life-time is the same as the \p result object.
  7493   *
  7494   * @param result Result to get group results from.
  7495   * @param cntp is updated to the number of elements in the array.
  7496   */
  7497  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_group_result_t **
  7498  rd_kafka_DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets_result_groups(
  7499      const rd_kafka_DeleteConsumerGroupOffsets_result_t *result,
  7500      size_t *cntp);
  7502  /**
  7503   * @brief ACL Binding is used to create access control lists.
  7504   *
  7505   *
  7506   */
  7507  typedef struct rd_kafka_AclBinding_s rd_kafka_AclBinding_t;
  7509  /**
  7510   * @brief ACL Binding filter is used to filter access control lists.
  7511   *
  7512   */
  7513  typedef rd_kafka_AclBinding_t rd_kafka_AclBindingFilter_t;
  7515  /**
  7516   * @returns the error object for the given acl result, or NULL on success.
  7517   */
  7518  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_error_t *
  7519  rd_kafka_acl_result_error(const rd_kafka_acl_result_t *aclres);
  7522  /**
  7523   * @name AclOperation
  7524   * @{
  7525   */
  7527  /**
  7528   * @enum rd_kafka_AclOperation_t
  7529   * @brief Apache Kafka ACL operation types.
  7530   */
  7531  typedef enum rd_kafka_AclOperation_t {
  7532          RD_KAFKA_ACL_OPERATION_UNKNOWN = 0, /**< Unknown */
  7533          RD_KAFKA_ACL_OPERATION_ANY =
  7534              1, /**< In a filter, matches any AclOperation */
  7535          RD_KAFKA_ACL_OPERATION_ALL      = 2, /**< ALL operation */
  7536          RD_KAFKA_ACL_OPERATION_READ     = 3, /**< READ operation */
  7537          RD_KAFKA_ACL_OPERATION_WRITE    = 4, /**< WRITE operation */
  7538          RD_KAFKA_ACL_OPERATION_CREATE   = 5, /**< CREATE operation */
  7539          RD_KAFKA_ACL_OPERATION_DELETE   = 6, /**< DELETE operation */
  7540          RD_KAFKA_ACL_OPERATION_ALTER    = 7, /**< ALTER operation */
  7541          RD_KAFKA_ACL_OPERATION_DESCRIBE = 8, /**< DESCRIBE operation */
  7543              9, /**< CLUSTER_ACTION operation */
  7545              10, /**< DESCRIBE_CONFIGS operation */
  7547              11, /**< ALTER_CONFIGS  operation */
  7549              12, /**< IDEMPOTENT_WRITE operation */
  7551  } rd_kafka_AclOperation_t;
  7553  /**
  7554   * @returns a string representation of the \p acl_operation
  7555   */
  7556  RD_EXPORT const char *
  7557  rd_kafka_AclOperation_name(rd_kafka_AclOperation_t acl_operation);
  7559  /**@}*/
  7561  /**
  7562   * @name AclPermissionType
  7563   * @{
  7564   */
  7566  /**
  7567   * @enum rd_kafka_AclPermissionType_t
  7568   * @brief Apache Kafka ACL permission types.
  7569   */
  7570  typedef enum rd_kafka_AclPermissionType_t {
  7571          RD_KAFKA_ACL_PERMISSION_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, /**< Unknown */
  7573              1, /**< In a filter, matches any AclPermissionType */
  7574          RD_KAFKA_ACL_PERMISSION_TYPE_DENY  = 2, /**< Disallows access */
  7575          RD_KAFKA_ACL_PERMISSION_TYPE_ALLOW = 3, /**< Grants access. */
  7577  } rd_kafka_AclPermissionType_t;
  7579  /**
  7580   * @returns a string representation of the \p acl_permission_type
  7581   */
  7582  RD_EXPORT const char *rd_kafka_AclPermissionType_name(
  7583      rd_kafka_AclPermissionType_t acl_permission_type);
  7585  /**@}*/
  7587  /**
  7588   * @brief Create a new AclBinding object. This object is later passed to
  7589   *        rd_kafka_CreateAcls().
  7590   *
  7591   * @param restype The ResourceType.
  7592   * @param name The resource name.
  7593   * @param resource_pattern_type The pattern type.
  7594   * @param principal A principal, following the kafka specification.
  7595   * @param host An hostname or ip.
  7596   * @param operation A Kafka operation.
  7597   * @param permission_type A Kafka permission type.
  7598   * @param errstr An error string for returning errors or NULL to not use it.
  7599   * @param errstr_size The \p errstr size or 0 to not use it.
  7600   *
  7601   * @returns a new allocated AclBinding object, or NULL if the input parameters
  7602   *          are invalid.
  7603   *          Use rd_kafka_AclBinding_destroy() to free object when done.
  7604   */
  7605  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_AclBinding_t *
  7606  rd_kafka_AclBinding_new(rd_kafka_ResourceType_t restype,
  7607                          const char *name,
  7608                          rd_kafka_ResourcePatternType_t resource_pattern_type,
  7609                          const char *principal,
  7610                          const char *host,
  7611                          rd_kafka_AclOperation_t operation,
  7612                          rd_kafka_AclPermissionType_t permission_type,
  7613                          char *errstr,
  7614                          size_t errstr_size);
  7616  /**
  7617   * @brief Create a new AclBindingFilter object. This object is later passed to
  7618   *        rd_kafka_DescribeAcls() or
  7619   *        rd_kafka_DeletesAcls() in order to filter
  7620   *        the acls to retrieve or to delete.
  7621   *        Use the same rd_kafka_AclBinding functions to query or destroy it.
  7622   *
  7623   * @param restype The ResourceType or \c RD_KAFKA_RESOURCE_ANY if
  7624   *                not filtering by this field.
  7625   * @param name The resource name or NULL if not filtering by this field.
  7626   * @param resource_pattern_type The pattern type or \c
  7627   * RD_KAFKA_RESOURCE_PATTERN_ANY if not filtering by this field.
  7628   * @param principal A principal or NULL if not filtering by this field.
  7629   * @param host An hostname or ip or NULL if not filtering by this field.
  7630   * @param operation A Kafka operation or \c RD_KAFKA_ACL_OPERATION_ANY if not
  7631   * filtering by this field.
  7632   * @param permission_type A Kafka permission type or \c
  7633   * RD_KAFKA_ACL_PERMISSION_TYPE_ANY if not filtering by this field.
  7634   * @param errstr An error string for returning errors or NULL to not use it.
  7635   * @param errstr_size The \p errstr size or 0 to not use it.
  7636   *
  7637   * @returns a new allocated AclBindingFilter object, or NULL if the input
  7638   * parameters are invalid. Use rd_kafka_AclBinding_destroy() to free object when
  7639   * done.
  7640   */
  7641  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_AclBindingFilter_t *rd_kafka_AclBindingFilter_new(
  7642      rd_kafka_ResourceType_t restype,
  7643      const char *name,
  7644      rd_kafka_ResourcePatternType_t resource_pattern_type,
  7645      const char *principal,
  7646      const char *host,
  7647      rd_kafka_AclOperation_t operation,
  7648      rd_kafka_AclPermissionType_t permission_type,
  7649      char *errstr,
  7650      size_t errstr_size);
  7652  /**
  7653   * @returns the resource type for the given acl binding.
  7654   */
  7655  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_ResourceType_t
  7656  rd_kafka_AclBinding_restype(const rd_kafka_AclBinding_t *acl);
  7658  /**
  7659   * @returns the resource name for the given acl binding.
  7660   *
  7661   * @remark lifetime of the returned string is the same as the \p acl.
  7662   */
  7663  RD_EXPORT const char *
  7664  rd_kafka_AclBinding_name(const rd_kafka_AclBinding_t *acl);
  7666  /**
  7667   * @returns the principal for the given acl binding.
  7668   *
  7669   * @remark lifetime of the returned string is the same as the \p acl.
  7670   */
  7671  RD_EXPORT const char *
  7672  rd_kafka_AclBinding_principal(const rd_kafka_AclBinding_t *acl);
  7674  /**
  7675   * @returns the host for the given acl binding.
  7676   *
  7677   * @remark lifetime of the returned string is the same as the \p acl.
  7678   */
  7679  RD_EXPORT const char *
  7680  rd_kafka_AclBinding_host(const rd_kafka_AclBinding_t *acl);
  7682  /**
  7683   * @returns the acl operation for the given acl binding.
  7684   */
  7685  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_AclOperation_t
  7686  rd_kafka_AclBinding_operation(const rd_kafka_AclBinding_t *acl);
  7688  /**
  7689   * @returns the permission type for the given acl binding.
  7690   */
  7691  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_AclPermissionType_t
  7692  rd_kafka_AclBinding_permission_type(const rd_kafka_AclBinding_t *acl);
  7694  /**
  7695   * @returns the resource pattern type for the given acl binding.
  7696   */
  7697  RD_EXPORT rd_kafka_ResourcePatternType_t
  7698  rd_kafka_AclBinding_resource_pattern_type(const rd_kafka_AclBinding_t *acl);
  7700  /**
  7701   * @returns the error object for the given acl binding, or NULL on success.
  7702   */
  7703  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_error_t *
  7704  rd_kafka_AclBinding_error(const rd_kafka_AclBinding_t *acl);
  7707  /**
  7708   * @brief Destroy and free an AclBinding object previously created with
  7709   *        rd_kafka_AclBinding_new()
  7710   */
  7711  RD_EXPORT void rd_kafka_AclBinding_destroy(rd_kafka_AclBinding_t *acl_binding);
  7714  /**
  7715   * @brief Helper function to destroy all AclBinding objects in
  7716   *        the \p acl_bindings array (of \p acl_bindings_cnt elements).
  7717   *        The array itself is not freed.
  7718   */
  7719  RD_EXPORT void
  7720  rd_kafka_AclBinding_destroy_array(rd_kafka_AclBinding_t **acl_bindings,
  7721                                    size_t acl_bindings_cnt);
  7723  /**
  7724   * @brief Get an array of acl results from a CreateAcls result.
  7725   *
  7726   * The returned \p acl result life-time is the same as the \p result object.
  7727   * @param result CreateAcls result to get acl results from.
  7728   * @param cntp is updated to the number of elements in the array.
  7729   */
  7730  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_acl_result_t **
  7731  rd_kafka_CreateAcls_result_acls(const rd_kafka_CreateAcls_result_t *result,
  7732                                  size_t *cntp);
  7734  /**
  7735   * @brief Create acls as specified by the \p new_acls
  7736   *        array of size \p new_topic_cnt elements.
  7737   *
  7738   * @param rk Client instance.
  7739   * @param new_acls Array of new acls to create.
  7740   * @param new_acls_cnt Number of elements in \p new_acls array.
  7741   * @param options Optional admin options, or NULL for defaults.
  7742   * @param rkqu Queue to emit result on.
  7743   *
  7744   * Supported admin options:
  7745   *  - rd_kafka_AdminOptions_set_request_timeout() - default
  7746   *
  7747   * @remark The result event type emitted on the supplied queue is of type
  7749   */
  7750  RD_EXPORT void rd_kafka_CreateAcls(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  7751                                     rd_kafka_AclBinding_t **new_acls,
  7752                                     size_t new_acls_cnt,
  7753                                     const rd_kafka_AdminOptions_t *options,
  7754                                     rd_kafka_queue_t *rkqu);
  7756  /**
  7757   * @section DescribeAcls - describe access control lists.
  7758   *
  7759   *
  7760   */
  7762  /**
  7763   * @brief Get an array of resource results from a DescribeAcls result.
  7764   *
  7765   * The returned \p resources life-time is the same as the \p result object.
  7766   * @param result DescribeAcls result to get acls from.
  7767   * @param cntp is updated to the number of elements in the array.
  7768   */
  7769  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_AclBinding_t **
  7770  rd_kafka_DescribeAcls_result_acls(const rd_kafka_DescribeAcls_result_t *result,
  7771                                    size_t *cntp);
  7773  /**
  7774   * @brief Describe acls matching the filter provided in \p acl_filter
  7775   *
  7776   * @param rk Client instance.
  7777   * @param acl_filter Filter for the returned acls.
  7778   * @param options Optional admin options, or NULL for defaults.
  7779   * @param rkqu Queue to emit result on.
  7780   *
  7781   * Supported admin options:
  7782   *  - rd_kafka_AdminOptions_set_operation_timeout() - default 0
  7783   *
  7784   * @remark The result event type emitted on the supplied queue is of type
  7786   */
  7787  RD_EXPORT void rd_kafka_DescribeAcls(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  7788                                       rd_kafka_AclBindingFilter_t *acl_filter,
  7789                                       const rd_kafka_AdminOptions_t *options,
  7790                                       rd_kafka_queue_t *rkqu);
  7792  /**
  7793   * @section DeleteAcls - delete access control lists.
  7794   *
  7795   *
  7796   */
  7798  typedef struct rd_kafka_DeleteAcls_result_response_s
  7799      rd_kafka_DeleteAcls_result_response_t;
  7801  /**
  7802   * @brief Get an array of DeleteAcls result responses from a DeleteAcls result.
  7803   *
  7804   * The returned \p responses life-time is the same as the \p result object.
  7805   * @param result DeleteAcls result to get responses from.
  7806   * @param cntp is updated to the number of elements in the array.
  7807   */
  7808  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_DeleteAcls_result_response_t **
  7809  rd_kafka_DeleteAcls_result_responses(const rd_kafka_DeleteAcls_result_t *result,
  7810                                       size_t *cntp);
  7812  /**
  7813   * @returns the error object for the given DeleteAcls result response,
  7814   *          or NULL on success.
  7815   */
  7816  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_error_t *rd_kafka_DeleteAcls_result_response_error(
  7817      const rd_kafka_DeleteAcls_result_response_t *result_response);
  7820  /**
  7821   * @returns the matching acls array for the given DeleteAcls result response.
  7822   *
  7823   * @remark lifetime of the returned acl bindings is the same as the \p
  7824   * result_response.
  7825   */
  7826  RD_EXPORT const rd_kafka_AclBinding_t **
  7827  rd_kafka_DeleteAcls_result_response_matching_acls(
  7828      const rd_kafka_DeleteAcls_result_response_t *result_response,
  7829      size_t *matching_acls_cntp);
  7831  /**
  7832   * @brief Delete acls matching the filteres provided in \p del_acls
  7833   * array of size \p del_acls_cnt.
  7834   *
  7835   * @param rk Client instance.
  7836   * @param del_acls Filters for the acls to delete.
  7837   * @param del_acls_cnt Number of elements in \p del_acls array.
  7838   * @param options Optional admin options, or NULL for defaults.
  7839   * @param rkqu Queue to emit result on.
  7840   *
  7841   * Supported admin options:
  7842   *  - rd_kafka_AdminOptions_set_operation_timeout() - default 0
  7843   *
  7844   * @remark The result event type emitted on the supplied queue is of type
  7846   */
  7847  RD_EXPORT void rd_kafka_DeleteAcls(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  7848                                     rd_kafka_AclBindingFilter_t **del_acls,
  7849                                     size_t del_acls_cnt,
  7850                                     const rd_kafka_AdminOptions_t *options,
  7851                                     rd_kafka_queue_t *rkqu);
  7853  /**@}*/
  7855  /**
  7856   * @name Security APIs
  7857   * @{
  7858   *
  7859   */
  7861  /**
  7862   * @brief Set SASL/OAUTHBEARER token and metadata
  7863   *
  7864   * @param rk Client instance.
  7865   * @param token_value the mandatory token value to set, often (but not
  7866   *  necessarily) a JWS compact serialization as per
  7867   *
  7868   * @param md_lifetime_ms when the token expires, in terms of the number of
  7869   *  milliseconds since the epoch.
  7870   * @param md_principal_name the mandatory Kafka principal name associated
  7871   *  with the token.
  7872   * @param extensions optional SASL extensions key-value array with
  7873   *  \p extensions_size elements (number of keys * 2), where [i] is the key and
  7874   *  [i+1] is the key's value, to be communicated to the broker
  7875   *  as additional key-value pairs during the initial client response as per
  7876   * The key-value pairs are
  7877   *  copied.
  7878   * @param extension_size the number of SASL extension keys plus values,
  7879   *  which must be a non-negative multiple of 2.
  7880   * @param errstr A human readable error string (nul-terminated) is written to
  7881   *               this location that must be of at least \p errstr_size bytes.
  7882   *               The \p errstr is only written in case of error.
  7883   * @param errstr_size Writable size in \p errstr.
  7884   *
  7885   * The SASL/OAUTHBEARER token refresh callback or event handler should invoke
  7886   * this method upon success. The extension keys must not include the reserved
  7887   * key "`auth`", and all extension keys and values must conform to the required
  7888   * format as per
  7889   *
  7890   *     key            = 1*(ALPHA)
  7891   *     value          = *(VCHAR / SP / HTAB / CR / LF )
  7892   *
  7893   * @returns \c RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success, otherwise \p errstr set
  7894   *              and:<br>
  7895   *          \c RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__INVALID_ARG if any of the arguments are
  7896   *              invalid;<br>
  7898   *              supported by this build;<br>
  7899   *          \c RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__STATE if SASL/OAUTHBEARER is supported but is
  7900   *              not configured as the client's authentication mechanism.<br>
  7901   *
  7902   * @sa rd_kafka_oauthbearer_set_token_failure
  7903   * @sa rd_kafka_conf_set_oauthbearer_token_refresh_cb
  7904   */
  7905  RD_EXPORT
  7906  rd_kafka_resp_err_t
  7907  rd_kafka_oauthbearer_set_token(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  7908                                 const char *token_value,
  7909                                 int64_t md_lifetime_ms,
  7910                                 const char *md_principal_name,
  7911                                 const char **extensions,
  7912                                 size_t extension_size,
  7913                                 char *errstr,
  7914                                 size_t errstr_size);
  7916  /**
  7917   * @brief SASL/OAUTHBEARER token refresh failure indicator.
  7918   *
  7919   * @param rk Client instance.
  7920   * @param errstr mandatory human readable error reason for failing to acquire
  7921   *  a token.
  7922   *
  7923   * The SASL/OAUTHBEARER token refresh callback or event handler should invoke
  7924   * this method upon failure.
  7925   *
  7926   * @returns \c RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR on success, otherwise:<br>
  7928   *              supported by this build;<br>
  7929   *          \c RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__STATE if SASL/OAUTHBEARER is supported but is
  7930   *              not configured as the client's authentication mechanism,<br>
  7931   *          \c RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__INVALID_ARG if no error string is supplied.
  7932   *
  7933   * @sa rd_kafka_oauthbearer_set_token
  7934   * @sa rd_kafka_conf_set_oauthbearer_token_refresh_cb
  7935   */
  7936  RD_EXPORT
  7937  rd_kafka_resp_err_t rd_kafka_oauthbearer_set_token_failure(rd_kafka_t *rk,
  7938                                                             const char *errstr);
  7940  /**@}*/
  7943  /**
  7944   * @name Transactional producer API
  7945   *
  7946   * The transactional producer operates on top of the idempotent producer,
  7947   * and provides full exactly-once semantics (EOS) for Apache Kafka when used
  7948   * with the transaction aware consumer (\c isolation.level=read_committed).
  7949   *
  7950   * A producer instance is configured for transactions by setting the
  7951   * \c to an identifier unique for the application. This
  7952   * id will be used to fence stale transactions from previous instances of
  7953   * the application, typically following an outage or crash.
  7954   *
  7955   * After creating the transactional producer instance using rd_kafka_new()
  7956   * the transactional state must be initialized by calling
  7957   * rd_kafka_init_transactions(). This is a blocking call that will
  7958   * acquire a runtime producer id from the transaction coordinator broker
  7959   * as well as abort any stale transactions and fence any still running producer
  7960   * instances with the same \c
  7961   *
  7962   * Once transactions are initialized the application may begin a new
  7963   * transaction by calling rd_kafka_begin_transaction().
  7964   * A producer instance may only have one single on-going transaction.
  7965   *
  7966   * Any messages produced after the transaction has been started will
  7967   * belong to the ongoing transaction and will be committed or aborted
  7968   * atomically.
  7969   * It is not permitted to produce messages outside a transaction
  7970   * boundary, e.g., before rd_kafka_begin_transaction() or after
  7971   * rd_kafka_commit_transaction(), rd_kafka_abort_transaction(), or after
  7972   * the current transaction has failed.
  7973   *
  7974   * If consumed messages are used as input to the transaction, the consumer
  7975   * instance must be configured with \c set to \c false.
  7976   * To commit the consumed offsets along with the transaction pass the
  7977   * list of consumed partitions and the last offset processed + 1 to
  7978   * rd_kafka_send_offsets_to_transaction() prior to committing the transaction.
  7979   * This allows an aborted transaction to be restarted using the previously
  7980   * committed offsets.
  7981   *
  7982   * To commit the produced messages, and any consumed offsets, to the
  7983   * current transaction, call rd_kafka_commit_transaction().
  7984   * This call will block until the transaction has been fully committed or
  7985   * failed (typically due to fencing by a newer producer instance).
  7986   *
  7987   * Alternatively, if processing fails, or an abortable transaction error is
  7988   * raised, the transaction needs to be aborted by calling
  7989   * rd_kafka_abort_transaction() which marks any produced messages and
  7990   * offset commits as aborted.
  7991   *
  7992   * After the current transaction has been committed or aborted a new
  7993   * transaction may be started by calling rd_kafka_begin_transaction() again.
  7994   *
  7995   * @par Retriable errors
  7996   * Some error cases allow the attempted operation to be retried, this is
  7997   * indicated by the error object having the retriable flag set which can
  7998   * be detected by calling rd_kafka_error_is_retriable().
  7999   * When this flag is set the application may retry the operation immediately
  8000   * or preferably after a shorter grace period (to avoid busy-looping).
  8001   * Retriable errors include timeouts, broker transport failures, etc.
  8002   *
  8003   * @par Abortable errors
  8004   * An ongoing transaction may fail permanently due to various errors,
  8005   * such as transaction coordinator becoming unavailable, write failures to the
  8006   * Apache Kafka log, under-replicated partitions, etc.
  8007   * At this point the producer application must abort the current transaction
  8008   * using rd_kafka_abort_transaction() and optionally start a new transaction
  8009   * by calling rd_kafka_begin_transaction().
  8010   * Whether an error is abortable or not is detected by calling
  8011   * rd_kafka_error_txn_requires_abort() on the returned error object.
  8012   *
  8013   * @par Fatal errors
  8014   * While the underlying idempotent producer will typically only raise
  8015   * fatal errors for unrecoverable cluster errors where the idempotency
  8016   * guarantees can't be maintained, most of these are treated as abortable by
  8017   * the transactional producer since transactions may be aborted and retried
  8018   * in their entirety;
  8019   * The transactional producer on the other hand introduces a set of additional
  8020   * fatal errors which the application needs to handle by shutting down the
  8021   * producer and terminate. There is no way for a producer instance to recover
  8022   * from fatal errors.
  8023   * Whether an error is fatal or not is detected by calling
  8024   * rd_kafka_error_is_fatal() on the returned error object or by checking
  8025   * the global rd_kafka_fatal_error() code.
  8026   * Fatal errors are raised by triggering the \c error_cb (see the
  8027   * Fatal error chapter in for more information), and any
  8028   * sub-sequent transactional API calls will return RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__FATAL
  8029   * or have the fatal flag set (see rd_kafka_error_is_fatal()).
  8030   * The originating fatal error code can be retrieved by calling
  8031   * rd_kafka_fatal_error().
  8032   *
  8033   * @par Handling of other errors
  8034   * For errors that have neither retriable, abortable or the fatal flag set
  8035   * it is not always obvious how to handle them. While some of these errors
  8036   * may be indicative of bugs in the application code, such as when
  8037   * an invalid parameter is passed to a method, other errors might originate
  8038   * from the broker and be passed thru as-is to the application.
  8039   * The general recommendation is to treat these errors, that have
  8040   * neither the retriable or abortable flags set, as fatal.
  8041   *
  8042   * @par Error handling example
  8043   * @code
  8044   *     retry:
  8045   *        rd_kafka_error_t *error;
  8046   *
  8047   *        error = rd_kafka_commit_transaction(producer, 10*1000);
  8048   *        if (!error)
  8049   *            return success;
  8050   *        else if (rd_kafka_error_txn_requires_abort(error)) {
  8051   *            do_abort_transaction_and_reset_inputs();
  8052   *        } else if (rd_kafka_error_is_retriable(error)) {
  8053   *            rd_kafka_error_destroy(error);
  8054   *            goto retry;
  8055   *        } else { // treat all other errors as fatal errors
  8056   *            fatal_error(rd_kafka_error_string(error));
  8057   *        }
  8058   *        rd_kafka_error_destroy(error);
  8059   * @endcode
  8060   *
  8061   *
  8062   * @{
  8063   */
  8066  /**
  8067   * @brief Initialize transactions for the producer instance.
  8068   *
  8069   * This function ensures any transactions initiated by previous instances
  8070   * of the producer with the same \c are completed.
  8071   * If the previous instance failed with a transaction in progress the
  8072   * previous transaction will be aborted.
  8073   * This function needs to be called before any other transactional or
  8074   * produce functions are called when the \c is configured.
  8075   *
  8076   * If the last transaction had begun completion (following transaction commit)
  8077   * but not yet finished, this function will await the previous transaction's
  8078   * completion.
  8079   *
  8080   * When any previous transactions have been fenced this function
  8081   * will acquire the internal producer id and epoch, used in all future
  8082   * transactional messages issued by this producer instance.
  8083   *
  8084   * @param rk Producer instance.
  8085   * @param timeout_ms The maximum time to block. On timeout the operation
  8086   *                   may continue in the background, depending on state,
  8087   *                   and it is okay to call init_transactions() again.
  8088   *
  8089   * @remark This function may block up to \p timeout_ms milliseconds.
  8090   *
  8091   * @returns NULL on success or an error object on failure.
  8092   *          Check whether the returned error object permits retrying
  8093   *          by calling rd_kafka_error_is_retriable(), or whether a fatal
  8094   *          error has been raised by calling rd_kafka_error_is_fatal().
  8095   *          Error codes:
  8096   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__TIMED_OUT if the transaction coordinator
  8097   *          could be not be contacted within \p timeout_ms (retriable),
  8098   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_COORDINATOR_NOT_AVAILABLE if the transaction
  8099   *          coordinator is not available (retriable),
  8100   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_CONCURRENT_TRANSACTIONS if a previous transaction
  8101   *          would not complete within \p timeout_ms (retriable),
  8102   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__STATE if transactions have already been started
  8103   *          or upon fatal error,
  8104   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE if the broker(s) do not
  8105   *          support transactions (<Apache Kafka 0.11), this also raises a
  8106   *          fatal error,
  8107   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_INVALID_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT if the configured
  8108   *          \c is outside the broker-configured range,
  8109   *          this also raises a fatal error,
  8110   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__NOT_CONFIGURED if transactions have not been
  8111   *          configured for the producer instance,
  8112   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__INVALID_ARG if \p rk is not a producer instance,
  8113   *          or \p timeout_ms is out of range.
  8114   *          Other error codes not listed here may be returned, depending on
  8115   *          broker version.
  8116   *
  8117   * @remark The returned error object (if not NULL) must be destroyed with
  8118   *         rd_kafka_error_destroy().
  8119   */
  8120  RD_EXPORT
  8121  rd_kafka_error_t *rd_kafka_init_transactions(rd_kafka_t *rk, int timeout_ms);
  8125  /**
  8126   * @brief Begin a new transaction.
  8127   *
  8128   * rd_kafka_init_transactions() must have been called successfully (once)
  8129   * before this function is called.
  8130   *
  8131   * Upon successful return from this function the application has to perform at
  8132   * least one of the following operations within \c to
  8133   * avoid timing out the transaction on the broker:
  8134   *   * rd_kafka_produce() (
  8135   *   * rd_kafka_send_offsets_to_transaction()
  8136   *   * rd_kafka_commit_transaction()
  8137   *   * rd_kafka_abort_transaction()
  8138   *
  8139   * Any messages produced, offsets sent (rd_kafka_send_offsets_to_transaction()),
  8140   * etc, after the successful return of this function will be part of
  8141   * the transaction and committed or aborted atomatically.
  8142   *
  8143   * Finish the transaction by calling rd_kafka_commit_transaction() or
  8144   * abort the transaction by calling rd_kafka_abort_transaction().
  8145   *
  8146   * @param rk Producer instance.
  8147   *
  8148   * @returns NULL on success or an error object on failure.
  8149   *          Check whether a fatal error has been raised by
  8150   *          calling rd_kafka_error_is_fatal().
  8151   *          Error codes:
  8152   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__STATE if a transaction is already in progress
  8153   *          or upon fatal error,
  8154   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__NOT_CONFIGURED if transactions have not been
  8155   *          configured for the producer instance,
  8156   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__INVALID_ARG if \p rk is not a producer instance.
  8157   *          Other error codes not listed here may be returned, depending on
  8158   *          broker version.
  8159   *
  8160   * @remark With the transactional producer, rd_kafka_produce(),
  8161   *         rd_kafka_producev(),, are only allowed during an on-going
  8162   *         transaction, as started with this function.
  8163   *         Any produce call outside an on-going transaction, or for a failed
  8164   *         transaction, will fail.
  8165   *
  8166   * @remark The returned error object (if not NULL) must be destroyed with
  8167   *         rd_kafka_error_destroy().
  8168   */
  8169  RD_EXPORT
  8170  rd_kafka_error_t *rd_kafka_begin_transaction(rd_kafka_t *rk);
  8173  /**
  8174   * @brief Sends a list of topic partition offsets to the consumer group
  8175   *        coordinator for \p cgmetadata, and marks the offsets as part
  8176   *        part of the current transaction.
  8177   *        These offsets will be considered committed only if the transaction is
  8178   *        committed successfully.
  8179   *
  8180   *        The offsets should be the next message your application will consume,
  8181   *        i.e., the last processed message's offset + 1 for each partition.
  8182   *        Either track the offsets manually during processing or use
  8183   *        rd_kafka_position() (on the consumer) to get the current offsets for
  8184   *        the partitions assigned to the consumer.
  8185   *
  8186   *        Use this method at the end of a consume-transform-produce loop prior
  8187   *        to committing the transaction with rd_kafka_commit_transaction().
  8188   *
  8189   * @param rk Producer instance.
  8190   * @param offsets List of offsets to commit to the consumer group upon
  8191   *                successful commit of the transaction. Offsets should be
  8192   *                the next message to consume, e.g., last processed message + 1.
  8193   * @param cgmetadata The current consumer group metadata as returned by
  8194   *                   rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata() on the consumer
  8195   *                   instance the provided offsets were consumed from.
  8196   * @param timeout_ms Maximum time allowed to register the offsets on the broker.
  8197   *
  8198   * @remark This function must be called on the transactional producer instance,
  8199   *         not the consumer.
  8200   *
  8201   * @remark The consumer must disable auto commits
  8202   *         (set \c to false on the consumer).
  8203   *
  8204   * @remark Logical and invalid offsets (such as RD_KAFKA_OFFSET_INVALID) in
  8205   *         \p offsets will be ignored, if there are no valid offsets in
  8206   *         \p offsets the function will return RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR
  8207   *         and no action will be taken.
  8208   *
  8209   * @returns NULL on success or an error object on failure.
  8210   *          Check whether the returned error object permits retrying
  8211   *          by calling rd_kafka_error_is_retriable(), or whether an abortable
  8212   *          or fatal error has been raised by calling
  8213   *          rd_kafka_error_txn_requires_abort() or rd_kafka_error_is_fatal()
  8214   *          respectively.
  8215   *          Error codes:
  8216   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__STATE if not currently in a transaction,
  8217   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_INVALID_PRODUCER_EPOCH if the current producer
  8218   *          transaction has been fenced by a newer producer instance,
  8220   *          producer is no longer authorized to perform transactional
  8221   *          operations,
  8222   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_GROUP_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED if the producer is
  8223   *          not authorized to write the consumer offsets to the group
  8224   *          coordinator,
  8225   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__NOT_CONFIGURED if transactions have not been
  8226   *          configured for the producer instance,
  8227   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__INVALID_ARG if \p rk is not a producer instance,
  8228   *          or if the \p consumer_group_id or \p offsets are empty,
  8229   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__PREV_IN_PROGRESS if a previous
  8230   *          rd_kafka_send_offsets_to_transaction() call is still in progress.
  8231   *          Other error codes not listed here may be returned, depending on
  8232   *          broker version.
  8233   *
  8234   * @remark The returned error object (if not NULL) must be destroyed with
  8235   *         rd_kafka_error_destroy().
  8236   */
  8237  RD_EXPORT
  8238  rd_kafka_error_t *rd_kafka_send_offsets_to_transaction(
  8239      rd_kafka_t *rk,
  8240      const rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t *offsets,
  8241      const rd_kafka_consumer_group_metadata_t *cgmetadata,
  8242      int timeout_ms);
  8245  /**
  8246   * @brief Commit the current transaction (as started with
  8247   *        rd_kafka_begin_transaction()).
  8248   *
  8249   *        Any outstanding messages will be flushed (delivered) before actually
  8250   *        committing the transaction.
  8251   *
  8252   *        If any of the outstanding messages fail permanently the current
  8253   *        transaction will enter the abortable error state and this
  8254   *        function will return an abortable error, in this case the application
  8255   *        must call rd_kafka_abort_transaction() before attempting a new
  8256   *        transaction with rd_kafka_begin_transaction().
  8257   *
  8258   * @param rk Producer instance.
  8259   * @param timeout_ms The maximum time to block. On timeout the operation
  8260   *                   may continue in the background, depending on state,
  8261   *                   and it is okay to call this function again.
  8262   *                   Pass -1 to use the remaining transaction timeout,
  8263   *                   this is the recommended use.
  8264   *
  8265   * @remark It is strongly recommended to always pass -1 (remaining transaction
  8266   *         time) as the \p timeout_ms. Using other values risk internal
  8267   *         state desynchronization in case any of the underlying protocol
  8268   *         requests fail.
  8269   *
  8270   * @remark This function will block until all outstanding messages are
  8271   *         delivered and the transaction commit request has been successfully
  8272   *         handled by the transaction coordinator, or until \p timeout_ms
  8273   *         expires, which ever comes first. On timeout the application may
  8274   *         call the function again.
  8275   *
  8276   * @remark Will automatically call rd_kafka_flush() to ensure all queued
  8277   *         messages are delivered before attempting to commit the
  8278   *         transaction.
  8279   *         If the application has enabled RD_KAFKA_EVENT_DR it must
  8280   *         serve the event queue in a separate thread since rd_kafka_flush()
  8281   *         will not serve delivery reports in this mode.
  8282   *
  8283   * @returns NULL on success or an error object on failure.
  8284   *          Check whether the returned error object permits retrying
  8285   *          by calling rd_kafka_error_is_retriable(), or whether an abortable
  8286   *          or fatal error has been raised by calling
  8287   *          rd_kafka_error_txn_requires_abort() or rd_kafka_error_is_fatal()
  8288   *          respectively.
  8289   *          Error codes:
  8290   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__STATE if not currently in a transaction,
  8291   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__TIMED_OUT if the transaction could not be
  8292   *          complete commmitted within \p timeout_ms, this is a retriable
  8293   *          error as the commit continues in the background,
  8294   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_INVALID_PRODUCER_EPOCH if the current producer
  8295   *          transaction has been fenced by a newer producer instance,
  8297   *          producer is no longer authorized to perform transactional
  8298   *          operations,
  8299   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__NOT_CONFIGURED if transactions have not been
  8300   *          configured for the producer instance,
  8301   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__INVALID_ARG if \p rk is not a producer instance,
  8302   *          Other error codes not listed here may be returned, depending on
  8303   *          broker version.
  8304   *
  8305   * @remark The returned error object (if not NULL) must be destroyed with
  8306   *         rd_kafka_error_destroy().
  8307   */
  8308  RD_EXPORT
  8309  rd_kafka_error_t *rd_kafka_commit_transaction(rd_kafka_t *rk, int timeout_ms);
  8312  /**
  8313   * @brief Aborts the ongoing transaction.
  8314   *
  8315   *        This function should also be used to recover from non-fatal abortable
  8316   *        transaction errors.
  8317   *
  8318   *        Any outstanding messages will be purged and fail with
  8320   *        See rd_kafka_purge() for details.
  8321   *
  8322   * @param rk Producer instance.
  8323   * @param timeout_ms The maximum time to block. On timeout the operation
  8324   *                   may continue in the background, depending on state,
  8325   *                   and it is okay to call this function again.
  8326   *                   Pass -1 to use the remaining transaction timeout,
  8327   *                   this is the recommended use.
  8328   *
  8329   * @remark It is strongly recommended to always pass -1 (remaining transaction
  8330   *         time) as the \p timeout_ms. Using other values risk internal
  8331   *         state desynchronization in case any of the underlying protocol
  8332   *         requests fail.
  8333   *
  8334   * @remark This function will block until all outstanding messages are purged
  8335   *         and the transaction abort request has been successfully
  8336   *         handled by the transaction coordinator, or until \p timeout_ms
  8337   *         expires, which ever comes first. On timeout the application may
  8338   *         call the function again.
  8339   *         If the application has enabled RD_KAFKA_EVENT_DR it must
  8340   *         serve the event queue in a separate thread since rd_kafka_flush()
  8341   *         will not serve delivery reports in this mode.
  8343   *
  8344   * @returns NULL on success or an error object on failure.
  8345   *          Check whether the returned error object permits retrying
  8346   *          by calling rd_kafka_error_is_retriable(), or whether a fatal error
  8347   *          has been raised by calling rd_kafka_error_is_fatal().
  8348   *          Error codes:
  8349   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__STATE if not currently in a transaction,
  8350   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__TIMED_OUT if the transaction could not be
  8351   *          complete commmitted within \p timeout_ms, this is a retriable
  8352   *          error as the commit continues in the background,
  8353   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_INVALID_PRODUCER_EPOCH if the current producer
  8354   *          transaction has been fenced by a newer producer instance,
  8356   *          producer is no longer authorized to perform transactional
  8357   *          operations,
  8358   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__NOT_CONFIGURED if transactions have not been
  8359   *          configured for the producer instance,
  8360   *          RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR__INVALID_ARG if \p rk is not a producer instance,
  8361   *          Other error codes not listed here may be returned, depending on
  8362   *          broker version.
  8363   *
  8364   * @remark The returned error object (if not NULL) must be destroyed with
  8365   *         rd_kafka_error_destroy().
  8366   */
  8367  RD_EXPORT
  8368  rd_kafka_error_t *rd_kafka_abort_transaction(rd_kafka_t *rk, int timeout_ms);
  8371  /**@}*/
  8373  /* @cond NO_DOC */
  8374  #ifdef __cplusplus
  8375  }
  8376  #endif
  8377  #endif /* _RDKAFKA_H_ */
  8378  /* @endcond NO_DOC */