(about) 1 {{- /*gotype:*/ -}} 2 3 {{- $settings := .Settings -}} 4 {{- if and (or (not $settings.HideSuccessfulPackages) (ne .Result "PASS")) (or (not $settings.HideEmptyPackages) (ne .Result "SKIP") (ne (len .TestCases) 0)) -}} 5 📦 `{{ .Name }}` 6 {{- with .Coverage -}} 7 ({{ . }}% coverage) 8 {{- end -}} 9 {{- "\n" -}} 10 {{- with .Reason -}} 11 {{- " " -}}🛑 {{ . -}}{{- "\n" -}} 12 {{- end -}} 13 {{- with .Output -}} 14 ```{{- "\n" -}} 15 {{- . -}}{{- "\n" -}} 16 ```{{- "\n" -}} 17 {{- end -}} 18 {{- with .TestCases -}} 19 {{- range . -}} 20 {{- if or (not $settings.HideSuccessfulTests) (ne .Result "PASS") -}} 21 {{- if eq .Result "PASS" -}} 22 ✅ 23 {{- else if eq .Result "SKIP" -}} 24 🚧 25 {{- else -}} 26 ❌ 27 {{- end -}} 28 {{ " " }}`{{- .Name -}}` {{ .Duration -}} 29 {{- "\n" -}} 30 31 {{- with .Output -}} 32 ```{{- "\n" -}} 33 {{- formatTestOutput . $settings -}}{{- "\n" -}} 34 ```{{- "\n" -}} 35 {{- end -}} 36 37 {{- "\n" -}} 38 {{- end -}} 39 {{- end -}} 40 {{- end -}} 41 {{- "\n" -}} 42 {{- end -}}