(about) 1 # This dockerfile is used to test containerd within a container 2 # 3 # usage: 4 # 1.) docker build -t containerd-test -f Dockerfile.test ../ 5 # 2.) docker run -it --privileged -v /tmp:/tmp --tmpfs /var/lib/containerd-test containerd-test bash 6 # 3.) $ make binaries install test 7 # 8 # Use the RUNC_VERSION build-arg to build with a custom version of runc, for example, 9 # to build runc v1.0.0-rc93, use: 10 # 11 # docker build -t containerd-test --build-arg RUNC_VERSION=v1.0.0-rc93 -f Dockerfile.test ../ 12 13 ARG GOLANG_VERSION=1.16.14 14 15 FROM golang:${GOLANG_VERSION} AS golang-base 16 RUN mkdir -p /go/src/ 17 WORKDIR /go/src/ 18 19 # Install proto3 20 FROM golang-base AS proto3 21 RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ 22 autoconf \ 23 automake \ 24 g++ \ 25 libtool \ 26 unzip \ 27 --no-install-recommends 28 29 COPY script/setup/install-protobuf install-protobuf 30 RUN ./install-protobuf 31 32 # Install runc 33 FROM golang-base AS runc 34 RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ 35 curl \ 36 libseccomp-dev \ 37 --no-install-recommends 38 39 COPY script/setup/runc-version script/setup/install-runc ./ 40 # Allow overriding the version of runc to install through build-args 41 ARG RUNC_VERSION 42 ARG GOPROXY=direct 43 ARG GO111MODULE=off 44 RUN ./install-runc 45 46 FROM golang-base AS dev 47 RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ 48 libbtrfs-dev \ 49 btrfs-progs \ 50 gcc \ 51 git \ 52 libseccomp-dev \ 53 make \ 54 xfsprogs \ 55 --no-install-recommends 56 57 COPY --from=proto3 /usr/local/bin/protoc /usr/local/bin/protoc 58 COPY --from=proto3 /usr/local/include/google /usr/local/include/google 59 COPY --from=runc /usr/local/sbin/runc /usr/local/go/bin/runc 60 61 COPY . .