
     1  # libpod.conf is the default configuration file for all tools using libpod to
     2  # manage containers
     4  # Default transport method for pulling and pushing for images
     5  image_default_transport = "docker://"
     7  # Paths to look for the conmon container manager binary.
     8  # If the paths are empty or no valid path was found, then the `$PATH`
     9  # environment variable will be used as the fallback.
    10  conmon_path = [
    11  	    "/usr/libexec/podman/conmon",
    12  	    "/usr/local/libexec/podman/conmon",
    13  	    "/usr/local/lib/podman/conmon",
    14  	    "/usr/bin/conmon",
    15  	    "/usr/sbin/conmon",
    16  	    "/usr/local/bin/conmon",
    17  	    "/usr/local/sbin/conmon",
    18  	    "/run/current-system/sw/bin/conmon",
    19  ]
    21  # Environment variables to pass into conmon
    22  conmon_env_vars = [
    23  		"PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
    24  ]
    26  # CGroup Manager - valid values are "systemd" and "cgroupfs"
    27  cgroup_manager = "systemd"
    29  # Container init binary
    30  #init_path = "/usr/libexec/podman/catatonit"
    32  # Directory for persistent libpod files (database, etc)
    33  # By default, this will be configured relative to where containers/storage
    34  # stores containers
    35  # Uncomment to change location from this default
    36  #static_dir = "/var/lib/containers/storage/libpod"
    38  # Directory for temporary files. Must be tmpfs (wiped after reboot)
    39  tmp_dir = "/var/run/libpod"
    41  # Maximum size of log files (in bytes)
    42  # -1 is unlimited
    43  max_log_size = -1
    45  # Whether to use chroot instead of pivot_root in the runtime
    46  no_pivot_root = false
    48  # Directory containing CNI plugin configuration files
    49  cni_config_dir = "/etc/cni/net.d/"
    51  # Directories where the CNI plugin binaries may be located
    52  cni_plugin_dir = [
    53  	       "/usr/libexec/cni",
    54  	       "/usr/lib/cni",
    55  	       "/usr/local/lib/cni",
    56  	       "/opt/cni/bin"
    57  ]
    59  # Default CNI network for libpod.
    60  # If multiple CNI network configs are present, libpod will use the network with
    61  # the name given here for containers unless explicitly overridden.
    62  # The default here is set to the name we set in the
    63  # 87-podman-bridge.conflist included in the repository.
    64  # Not setting this, or setting it to the empty string, will use normal CNI
    65  # precedence rules for selecting between multiple networks.
    66  cni_default_network = "podman"
    68  # Default libpod namespace
    69  # If libpod is joined to a namespace, it will see only containers and pods
    70  # that were created in the same namespace, and will create new containers and
    71  # pods in that namespace.
    72  # The default namespace is "", which corresponds to no namespace. When no
    73  # namespace is set, all containers and pods are visible.
    74  #namespace = ""
    76  # Default infra (pause) image name for pod infra containers
    77  infra_image = ""
    79  # Default command to run the infra container
    80  infra_command = "/pause"
    82  # Determines whether libpod will reserve ports on the host when they are
    83  # forwarded to containers. When enabled, when ports are forwarded to containers,
    84  # they are held open by conmon as long as the container is running, ensuring that
    85  # they cannot be reused by other programs on the host. However, this can cause
    86  # significant memory usage if a container has many ports forwarded to it.
    87  # Disabling this can save memory.
    88  #enable_port_reservation = true
    90  # Default libpod support for container labeling
    91  # label=true
    93  # The locking mechanism to use
    94  lock_type = "shm"
    96  # Number of locks available for containers and pods.
    97  # If this is changed, a lock renumber must be performed (e.g. with the
    98  # 'podman system renumber' command).
    99  num_locks = 2048
   101  # Directory for libpod named volumes.
   102  # By default, this will be configured relative to where containers/storage
   103  # stores containers.
   104  # Uncomment to change location from this default.
   105  #volume_path = "/var/lib/containers/storage/volumes"
   107  # Selects which logging mechanism to use for Podman events.  Valid values
   108  # are `journald` or `file`.
   109  # events_logger = "journald"
   111  # Specify the keys sequence used to detach a container.
   112  # Format is a single character [a-Z] or a comma separated sequence of
   113  # `ctrl-<value>`, where `<value>` is one of:
   114  # `a-z`, `@`, `^`, `[`, `\`, `]`, `^` or `_`
   115  #
   116  # detach_keys = "ctrl-p,ctrl-q"
   118  # Default OCI runtime
   119  runtime = "runc"
   121  # List of the OCI runtimes that support --format=json.  When json is supported
   122  # libpod will use it for reporting nicer errors.
   123  runtime_supports_json = ["crun", "runc"]
   125  # List of all the OCI runtimes that support --cgroup-manager=disable to disable
   126  # creation of CGroups for containers.
   127  runtime_supports_nocgroups = ["crun"]
   129  # Paths to look for a valid OCI runtime (runc, runv, etc)
   130  # If the paths are empty or no valid path was found, then the `$PATH`
   131  # environment variable will be used as the fallback.
   132  [runtimes]
   133  runc = [
   134  	    "/usr/bin/runc",
   135  	    "/usr/sbin/runc",
   136  	    "/usr/local/bin/runc",
   137  	    "/usr/local/sbin/runc",
   138  	    "/sbin/runc",
   139  	    "/bin/runc",
   140  	    "/usr/lib/cri-o-runc/sbin/runc",
   141  	    "/run/current-system/sw/bin/runc",
   142  ]
   144  crun = [
   145  		"/usr/bin/crun",
   146  		"/usr/sbin/crun",
   147  		"/usr/local/bin/crun",
   148  		"/usr/local/sbin/crun",
   149  		"/sbin/crun",
   150  		"/bin/crun",
   151  		"/run/current-system/sw/bin/crun",
   152  ]
   154  # Kata Containers is an OCI runtime, where containers are run inside lightweight
   155  # Virtual Machines (VMs). Kata provides additional isolation towards the host,
   156  # minimizing the host attack surface and mitigating the consequences of
   157  # containers breakout.
   158  # Please notes that Kata does not support rootless podman yet, but we can leave
   159  # the paths below blank to let them be discovered by the $PATH environment
   160  # variable.
   162  # Kata Containers with the default configured VMM
   163  kata-runtime = [
   164      "/usr/bin/kata-runtime",
   165  ]
   167  # Kata Containers with the QEMU VMM
   168  kata-qemu = [
   169      "/usr/bin/kata-qemu",
   170  ]
   172  # Kata Containers with the Firecracker VMM
   173  kata-fc = [
   174      "/usr/bin/kata-fc",
   175  ]
   177  # The [runtimes] table MUST be the last thing in this file.
   178  # (Unless another table is added)
   179  # TOML does not provide a way to end a table other than a further table being
   180  # defined, so every key hereafter will be part of [runtimes] and not the main
   181  # config.