
     1  #!/usr/bin/env bats   -*- bats -*-
     2  #
     3  # tests for podman pause/unpause functionality
     4  #
     6  load helpers
     8  @test "podman pause/unpause" {
     9      if is_rootless && ! is_cgroupsv2; then
    10          skip "'podman pause' (rootless) only works with cgroups v2"
    11      fi
    13      cname=$(random_string 10)
    14      run_podman run -d --name $cname $IMAGE \
    15                 sh -c 'while :;do date +%s;sleep 1;done'
    16      cid="$output"
    17      # Wait for first time value
    18      wait_for_output '[0-9]\{10,\}' $cid
    20      # Pause container, sleep a bit, unpause, sleep again to give process
    21      # time to write a new post-restart time value. Pause by CID, unpause
    22      # by name, just to exercise code paths. While paused, check 'ps'
    23      # and 'inspect', then check again after restarting.
    24      run_podman pause $cid
    25      run_podman inspect --format '{{.State.Status}}' $cid
    26      is "$output" "paused" "podman inspect .State.Status"
    27      sleep 3
    28      run_podman ps -a --format '{{.ID}} {{.Names}} {{.Status}}'
    29      is "$output" "${cid:0:12} $cname paused" "podman ps on paused container"
    30      run_podman unpause $cname
    31      run_podman ps -a --format '{{.ID}} {{.Names}} {{.Status}}'
    32      is "$output" "${cid:0:12} $cname Up .*" "podman ps on resumed container"
    33      sleep 1
    35      # Get full logs, and iterate through them computing delta_t between entries
    36      run_podman logs $cid
    37      i=1
    38      max_delta=0
    39      while [ $i -lt ${#lines[*]} ]; do
    40          this_delta=$(( ${lines[$i]} - ${lines[$(($i - 1))]} ))
    41          if [ $this_delta -gt $max_delta ]; then
    42              max_delta=$this_delta
    43          fi
    44          i=$(( $i + 1 ))
    45      done
    47      # There should be a 3-4 second gap, *maybe* 5. Never 1 or 2, that
    48      # would imply that the container never paused.
    49      is "$max_delta" "[3456]" "delta t between paused and restarted"
    51      run_podman rm -f $cname
    53      # Pause/unpause on nonexistent name or id - these should all fail
    54      run_podman 125 pause $cid
    55      run_podman 125 pause $cname
    56      run_podman 125 unpause $cid
    57      run_podman 125 unpause $cname
    58  }
    60  # vim: filetype=sh