(about) 1 ####> This option file is used in: 2 ####> podman build, farm build 3 ####> If file is edited, make sure the changes 4 ####> are applicable to all of those. 5 #### **--build-arg-file**=*path* 6 7 Specifies a file containing lines of build arguments of the form `arg=value`. 8 The suggested file name is `argfile.conf`. 9 10 Comment lines beginning with `#` are ignored, along with blank lines. 11 All others must be of the `arg=value` format passed to `--build-arg`. 12 13 If several arguments are provided via the `--build-arg-file` 14 and `--build-arg` options, the build arguments are merged across all 15 of the provided files and command line arguments. 16 17 Any file provided in a `--build-arg-file` option is read before 18 the arguments supplied via the `--build-arg` option. 19 20 When a given argument name is specified several times, the last instance 21 is the one that is passed to the resulting builds. This means `--build-arg` 22 values always override those in a `--build-arg-file`.