(about) 1 ####> This option file is used in: 2 ####> podman container clone, create, run, update 3 ####> If file is edited, make sure the changes 4 ####> are applicable to all of those. 5 #### **--cpu-rt-runtime**=*microseconds* 6 7 Limit the CPU real-time runtime in microseconds. 8 9 Limit the containers Real Time CPU usage. This option tells the kernel to limit the amount of time in a given CPU period Real Time tasks may consume. Ex: 10 Period of 1,000,000us and Runtime of 950,000us means that this container can consume 95% of available CPU and leave the remaining 5% to normal priority tasks. 11 12 The sum of all runtimes across containers cannot exceed the amount allotted to the parent cgroup. 13 14 This option is only supported on cgroups V1 rootful systems.