(about) 1 ####> This option file is used in: 2 ####> podman create, run 3 ####> If file is edited, make sure the changes 4 ####> are applicable to all of those. 5 #### **--device-cgroup-rule**=*"type major:minor mode"* 6 7 Add a rule to the cgroup allowed devices list. The rule is expected to be 8 in the format specified in the Linux kernel documentation 9 [admin-guide/cgroup-v1/devices]( 10 - *type*: `a` (all), `c` (char), or `b` (block); 11 - *major* and *minor*: either a number, or `*` for all; 12 - *mode*: a composition of `r` (read), `w` (write), and `m` (mknod(2)).