(about) 1 ####> This option file is used in: 2 ####> podman create, run 3 ####> If file is edited, make sure the changes 4 ####> are applicable to all of those. 5 #### **--name**=*name* 6 7 Assign a name to the container. 8 9 The operator can identify a container in three ways: 10 11 - UUID long identifier (“f78375b1c487e03c9438c729345e54db9d20cfa2ac1fc3494b6eb60872e74778”); 12 - UUID short identifier (“f78375b1c487”); 13 - Name (“jonah”). 14 15 Podman generates a UUID for each container, and if a name is not assigned 16 to the container with **--name** then it generates a random 17 string name. The name can be useful as a more human-friendly way to identify containers. 18 This works for both background and foreground containers.