(about) 1 ####> This option file is used in: 2 ####> podman create, run 3 ####> If file is edited, make sure the changes 4 ####> are applicable to all of those. 5 #### **--ulimit**=*option* 6 7 Ulimit options. Sets the ulimits values inside of the container. 8 9 --ulimit with a soft and hard limit in the format <type>=<soft limit>[:<hard limit>]. For example: 10 11 $ podman run --ulimit nofile=1024:1024 --rm ubi9 ulimit -n 12 1024 13 14 Set -1 for the soft or hard limit to set the limit to the maximum limit of the current 15 process. In rootful mode this is often unlimited. 16 17 Use **host** to copy the current configuration from the host. 18 19 Don't use nproc with the ulimit flag as Linux uses nproc to set the 20 maximum number of processes available to a user, not to a container. 21 22 Use the --pids-limit option to modify the cgroup control to limit the number 23 of processes within a container.