(about) 1 % podman-container-clone 1 2 3 ## NAME 4 podman\-container\-clone - Create a copy of an existing container 5 6 ## SYNOPSIS 7 **podman container clone** [*options*] *container* *name* *image* 8 9 ## DESCRIPTION 10 **podman container clone** creates a copy of a container, recreating the original with an identical configuration. This command takes three arguments: the first being the container ID or name to clone, the second argument in this command can change the name of the clone from the default of $ORIGINAL_NAME-clone, and the third is a new image to use in the cloned container. 11 12 ## OPTIONS 13 14 @@option blkio-weight 15 16 @@option blkio-weight-device 17 18 @@option cpu-period 19 20 If none is specified, the original container's cpu period is used 21 22 @@option cpu-quota 23 24 If none is specified, the original container's CPU quota are used. 25 26 @@option cpu-rt-period 27 28 If none is specified, the original container's CPU runtime period is used. 29 30 @@option cpu-rt-runtime 31 32 @@option cpu-shares 33 34 If none are specified, the original container's CPU shares are used. 35 36 #### **--cpus** 37 38 Set a number of CPUs for the container that overrides the original containers CPU limits. If none are specified, the original container's Nano CPUs are used. 39 40 This is shorthand 41 for **--cpu-period** and **--cpu-quota**, so only **--cpus** or either both the **--cpu-period** and **--cpu-quota** options can be set. 42 43 This option is not supported on cgroups V1 rootless systems. 44 45 @@option cpuset-cpus 46 47 If none are specified, the original container's CPUset is used. 48 49 @@option cpuset-mems 50 51 If none are specified, the original container's CPU memory nodes are used. 52 53 @@option destroy 54 55 @@option device-read-bps 56 57 @@option device-write-bps 58 59 #### **--force**, **-f** 60 61 Force removal of the original container that we are cloning. Can only be used in conjunction with **--destroy**. 62 63 @@option memory 64 65 If no memory limits are specified, the original container's memory limits are used. 66 67 @@option memory-reservation 68 69 If unspecified, memory reservation is the same as memory limit from the 70 container being cloned. 71 72 @@option memory-swap 73 74 If unspecified, the container being cloned is used to derive 75 the swap value. 76 77 @@option memory-swappiness 78 79 #### **--name** 80 81 Set a custom name for the cloned container. The default if not specified is of the syntax: **\<ORIGINAL_NAME\>-clone** 82 83 #### **--pod**=*name* 84 85 Clone the container in an existing pod. It is helpful to move a container to an 86 existing pod. The container joins the pod shared namespaces, losing its configuration 87 that conflicts with the shared namespaces. 88 89 #### **--run** 90 91 When set to true, this flag runs the newly created container after the 92 clone process has completed, this specifies a detached running mode. 93 94 ## EXAMPLES 95 96 Clone specified container into a new container: 97 ``` 98 # podman container clone d0cf1f782e2ed67e8c0050ff92df865a039186237a4df24d7acba5b1fa8cc6e7 99 6b2c73ff8a1982828c9ae2092954bcd59836a131960f7e05221af9df5939c584 100 ``` 101 102 Clone specified container into a newly named container: 103 ``` 104 # podman container clone --name=clone d0cf1f782e2ed67e8c0050ff92df865a039186237a4df24d7acba5b1fa8cc6e7 105 6b2c73ff8a1982828c9ae2092954bcd59836a131960f7e05221af9df5939c584 106 ``` 107 108 Replace specified container with selected resource constraints into a new container, removing original container: 109 ``` 110 # podman container clone --destroy --cpus=5 d0cf1f782e2ed67e8c0050ff92df865a039186237a4df24d7acba5b1fa8cc6e7 111 6b2c73ff8a1982828c9ae2092954bcd59836a131960f7e05221af9df5939c584 112 ``` 113 114 Clone specified container giving a new name and then replacing the image of the original container with the specified image name: 115 ``` 116 # podman container clone 2d4d4fca7219b4437e0d74fcdc272c4f031426a6eacd207372691207079551de new_name fedora 117 Resolved "fedora" as an alias (/etc/containers/registries.conf.d/shortnames.conf) 118 Trying to pull 119 Getting image source signatures 120 Copying blob c6183d119aa8 done 121 Copying config e417cd49a8 done 122 Writing manifest to image destination 123 Storing signatures 124 5a9b7851013d326aa4ac4565726765901b3ecc01fcbc0f237bc7fd95588a24f9 125 ``` 126 127 ## SEE ALSO 128 **[podman-create(1)](**, **[cgroups(7)](** 129 130 ## HISTORY 131 January 2022, Originally written by Charlie Doern <>