(about) 1 % podman-farm-update 1 2 3 ## NAME 4 podman\-farm\-update - Update an existing farm 5 6 ## SYNOPSIS 7 **podman farm update** [*options*] *name* 8 9 ## DESCRIPTION 10 Update a farm by either adding connections to it, removing connections from it, or setting it as the new 11 default farm. 12 13 ## OPTIONS 14 15 #### **--add**, **-a** 16 17 Add new connections to an existing farm. Multiple connections can be added at once. 18 19 #### **--default**, **-d** 20 21 Set the current farm as the default. 22 23 #### **--remove**, **-r** 24 25 Remove one or more connections from an existing farm. 26 27 ## EXAMPLE 28 29 Add two connections to specified farm: 30 ``` 31 $ podman farm update --add f35,f38 farm1 32 ``` 33 34 Add connection to specified farm: 35 ``` 36 $ podman farm update --remove f35 farm1 37 ``` 38 39 Change specified farm to be default: 40 ``` 41 $ podman farm update --default farm2 42 ``` 43 44 ## SEE ALSO 45 **[podman(1)](**, **[podman-farm(1)](** 46 47 ## HISTORY 48 July 2023, Originally compiled by Urvashi Mohnani (umohnani at redhat dot com)s