(about) 1 % podman-image-mount 1 2 3 ## NAME 4 podman\-image\-mount - Mount an image's root filesystem 5 6 ## SYNOPSIS 7 **podman image mount** [*options*] [*image* ...] 8 9 ## DESCRIPTION 10 Mounts the specified images' root file system in a location which can be 11 accessed from the host, and returns its location. 12 13 The `podman image mount` command without any arguments lists all of the 14 currently mounted images. 15 16 Rootless mode only supports mounting VFS driver, unless podman is run in a user namespace. 17 Use the `podman unshare` command to enter the user namespace. All other storage drivers fail to mount. 18 19 ## RETURN VALUE 20 The location of the mounted file system. On error an empty string and errno is 21 returned. 22 23 ## OPTIONS 24 25 #### **--all**, **-a** 26 27 Mount all images. 28 29 #### **--format**=*format* 30 31 Print the mounted images in specified format (json). 32 33 ## EXAMPLE 34 35 Mount multiple images. Note: In rootless mode, image mounting works only after executing the podman unshare command to enter the user namespace. 36 ``` 37 podman image mount fedora ubi8-init 38 /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/f3ac502d97b5681989dff84dfedc8354239bcecbdc2692f9a639f4e080a02364/merged 39 /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/0ff7d7ca68bed1ace424f9df154d2dd7b5a125c19d887f17653cbcd5b6e30ba1/merged 40 ``` 41 42 List mounted images: 43 ``` 44 podman image mount 45 /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/f3ac502d97b5681989dff84dfedc8354239bcecbdc2692f9a639f4e080a02364/merged 46 /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/0ff7d7ca68bed1ace424f9df154d2dd7b5a125c19d887f17653cbcd5b6e30ba1/merged 47 ``` 48 49 List mounted images in JSON format: 50 ``` 51 podman image mount --format json 52 [ 53 { 54 "id": "00ff39a8bf19f810a7e641f7eb3ddc47635913a19c4996debd91fafb6b379069", 55 "Names": [ 56 "sha256:58de585a231aca14a511347bc85b912a6f000159b49bc2b0582032911e5d3a6c" 57 ], 58 "Repositories": [ 59 "" 60 ], 61 "mountpoint": "/var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/0ccfac04663bbe8813b5f24502ee0b7371ce5bf3c5adeb12e4258d191c2cf7bc/merged" 62 }, 63 { 64 "id": "bcc2dc9a261774ad25a15e07bb515f9b77424266abf2a1252ec7bcfed1dd0ac2", 65 "Names": [ 66 "sha256:d5f260b2e51b3ee9d05de1c31d261efc9af28e7d2d47cedf054c496d71424d63" 67 ], 68 "Repositories": [ 69 "" 70 ], 71 "mountpoint": "/var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/d66b58e3391ea8ce4c81316c72e22b332618f2a28b461a32ed673e8998cdaeb8/merged" 72 } 73 ] 74 ``` 75 76 ## SEE ALSO 77 **[podman(1)](**, **[podman-image(1)](**, **[podman-image-unmount(1)](**, **[podman-unshare(1)](**, **mount(8)**