(about) 1 % podman-kube-generate 1 2 3 ## NAME 4 podman-kube-generate - Generate Kubernetes YAML based on containers, pods or volumes 5 6 ## SYNOPSIS 7 **podman kube generate** [*options*] *container...* | *pod...* | *volume...* 8 9 ## DESCRIPTION 10 **podman kube generate** generates Kubernetes YAML (v1 specification) from Podman containers, pods or volumes. Regardless of whether 11 the input is for containers or pods, Podman generates the specification as a Pod by default. The input may be in the form 12 of one or more containers, pods or volumes names or IDs. 13 14 `Podman Containers or Pods` 15 16 Volumes appear in the generated YAML according to two different volume types. Bind-mounted volumes become *hostPath* volume types and named volumes become *persistentVolumeClaim* volume types. Generated *hostPath* volume types are one of three subtypes depending on the state of the host path: *DirectoryOrCreate* when no file or directory exists at the host, *Directory* when host path is a directory, or *File* when host path is a file. The value for *claimName* for a *persistentVolumeClaim* is the name of the named volume registered in Podman. 17 18 Potential name conflicts between volumes are avoided by using a standard naming scheme for each volume type. The *hostPath* volume types are named according to the path on the host machine, replacing forward slashes with hyphens less any leading and trailing forward slashes. The special case of the filesystem root, `/`, translates to the name `root`. Additionally, the name is suffixed with `-host` to avoid naming conflicts with *persistentVolumeClaim* volumes. Each *persistentVolumeClaim* volume type uses the name of its associated named volume suffixed with `-pvc`. 19 20 Note that if an init container is created with type `once` and the pod has been started, it does not show up in the generated kube YAML as `once` type init containers are deleted after they are run. If the pod has only been created and not started, it is in the generated kube YAML. 21 Init containers created with type `always` are always generated in the kube YAML as they are never deleted, even after running to completion. 22 23 *Note*: When using volumes and generating a Kubernetes YAML for an unprivileged and rootless podman container on an **SELinux enabled system**, one of the following options must be completed: 24 * Add the "privileged: true" option to the pod spec 25 * Add `type: spc_t` under the `securityContext` `seLinuxOptions` in the pod spec 26 * Relabel the volume via the CLI command `chcon -t container_file_t -R <directory>` 27 28 Once completed, the correct permissions are in place to access the volume when the pod/container is created in a Kubernetes cluster. 29 30 Note that the generated Kubernetes YAML file can be used to re-run the deployment via podman-play-kube(1). 31 32 Note that if the pod being generated was created with the **--infra-name** flag set, then the generated kube yaml will have the **** set where the value is the name of the infra container set by the user. 33 34 Also note that both Deployment and DaemonSet can only have `restartPolicy` set to `Always`. 35 36 ## OPTIONS 37 38 #### **--filename**, **-f**=*filename* 39 40 Output to the given file instead of STDOUT. If the file already exists, `kube generate` refuses to replace it and returns an error. 41 42 #### **--podman-only** 43 44 Add podman-only reserved annotations in generated YAML file (Cannot be used by Kubernetes) 45 46 #### **--replicas**, **-r**=*replica count* 47 48 The value to set `replicas` to when generating a **Deployment** kind. 49 Note: this can only be set with the option `--type=deployment`. 50 51 #### **--service**, **-s** 52 53 Generate a Kubernetes service object in addition to the Pods. Used to generate a Service specification for the corresponding Pod output. In particular, if the object has portmap bindings, the service specification includes a NodePort declaration to expose the service. A random port is assigned by Podman in the specification. 54 55 #### **--type**, **-t**=*pod* | *deployment* | *daemonset* 56 57 The Kubernetes kind to generate in the YAML file. Currently, the only supported Kubernetes specifications are `Pod`, `Deployment` and `DaemonSet`. By default, the `Pod` specification is generated. 58 59 ## EXAMPLES 60 61 Create Kubernetes Pod YAML for the specified container. 62 ``` 63 $ podman kube generate some-mariadb 64 # Save the output of this file and use kubectl create -f to import 65 # it into Kubernetes. 66 # 67 # Created with podman-4.8.2 68 69 # NOTE: If you generated this yaml from an unprivileged and rootless podman container on an SELinux 70 # enabled system, check the podman generate kube man page for steps to follow to ensure that your pod/container 71 # has the right permissions to access the volumes added. 72 --- 73 apiVersion: v1 74 kind: Pod 75 metadata: 76 creationTimestamp: "2024-01-09T02:24:55Z" 77 labels: 78 app: some-mariadb-pod 79 name: some-mariadb-pod 80 spec: 81 containers: 82 - args: 83 - mariadbd 84 env: 85 - name: MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD 86 value: x 87 image: 88 name: some-mariadb 89 ports: 90 - containerPort: 3306 91 hostPort: 34891 92 volumeMounts: 93 - mountPath: /var/lib/mysql 94 name: mariadb_data-pvc 95 volumes: 96 - name: mariadb_data-pvc 97 persistentVolumeClaim: 98 claimName: mariadb_data 99 ``` 100 101 Create Kubernetes Deployment YAML with 3 replicas for the specified container. 102 ``` 103 $ podman kube generate --type deployment --replicas 3 dep-ct 104 r 105 # Save the output of this file and use kubectl create -f to import 106 # it into Kubernetes. 107 # 108 # Created with podman-4.5.0-dev 109 apiVersion: apps/v1 110 kind: Deployment 111 metadata: 112 creationTimestamp: "2023-03-27T20:45:08Z" 113 labels: 114 app: dep-ctr-pod 115 name: dep-ctr-pod-deployment 116 spec: 117 replicas: 3 118 selector: 119 matchLabels: 120 app: dep-ctr-pod 121 template: 122 metadata: 123 annotations: 124 io.podman.annotations.ulimit: nofile=524288:524288,nproc=127332:127332 125 creationTimestamp: "2023-03-27T20:45:08Z" 126 labels: 127 app: dep-ctr-pod 128 name: dep-ctr-pod 129 spec: 130 containers: 131 - command: 132 - top 133 image: 134 name: dep-ctr 135 ``` 136 137 138 Create Kubernetes Pod YAML for the specified container with the host directory `/home/user/my-data` bind-mounted onto the container path `/volume`. 139 ``` 140 $ podman kube generate my-container-with-bind-mounted-data 141 # Save the output of this file and use kubectl create -f to import 142 # it into Kubernetes. 143 # 144 # Created with podman-3.1.0-dev 145 apiVersion: v1 146 kind: Pod 147 metadata: 148 creationTimestamp: "2021-03-18T16:26:08Z" 149 labels: 150 app: my-container-with-bind-mounted-data 151 name: my-container-with-bind-mounted-data 152 spec: 153 containers: 154 - command: 155 - /bin/sh 156 image: 157 name: test-bind-mount 158 volumeMounts: 159 - mountPath: /volume 160 name: home-user-my-data-host 161 restartPolicy: Never 162 volumes: 163 - hostPath: 164 path: /home/user/my-data 165 type: Directory 166 name: home-user-my-data-host 167 ``` 168 169 Create Kubernetes Pod YAML for the specified container with named volume `priceless-data` mounted onto the container path `/volume`. 170 ``` 171 $ podman kube generate my-container-using-priceless-data 172 # Save the output of this file and use kubectl create -f to import 173 # it into Kubernetes. 174 # 175 # Created with podman-3.1.0-dev 176 apiVersion: v1 177 kind: Pod 178 metadata: 179 creationTimestamp: "2021-03-18T16:26:08Z" 180 labels: 181 app: my-container-using-priceless-data 182 name: my-container-using-priceless-data 183 spec: 184 containers: 185 - command: 186 - /bin/sh 187 image: 188 name: test-bind-mount 189 volumeMounts: 190 - mountPath: /volume 191 name: priceless-data-pvc 192 restartPolicy: Never 193 volumes: 194 - name: priceless-data-pvc 195 persistentVolumeClaim: 196 claimName: priceless-data 197 ``` 198 199 Create Kubernetes Pod YAML for the specified pod and include a service. 200 ``` 201 $ sudo podman kube generate -s demoweb 202 # Save the output of this file and use kubectl create -f to import 203 # it into Kubernetes. 204 # 205 # Created with podman-0.12.2-dev 206 apiVersion: v1 207 kind: Pod 208 metadata: 209 creationTimestamp: 2018-12-18T15:16:06Z 210 labels: 211 app: demoweb 212 name: demoweb-libpod 213 spec: 214 containers: 215 - command: 216 - python3 217 - /root/code/ 218 image: 219 name: practicalarchimedes 220 tty: true 221 workingDir: /root/code 222 --- 223 apiVersion: v1 224 kind: Service 225 metadata: 226 creationTimestamp: 2018-12-18T15:16:06Z 227 labels: 228 app: demoweb 229 name: demoweb-libpod 230 spec: 231 ports: 232 - name: "8050" 233 nodePort: 31269 234 port: 8050 235 targetPort: 0 236 selector: 237 app: demoweb 238 type: NodePort 239 status: 240 loadBalancer: {} 241 ``` 242 243 ## SEE ALSO 244 **[podman(1)](**, **[podman-container(1)](**, **[podman-pod(1)](**, **[podman-kube-play(1)](**, **[podman-kube-down(1)](** 245 246 ## HISTORY 247 December 2018, Originally compiled by Brent Baude (bbaude at redhat dot com)