(about) 1 % podman-load 1 2 3 ## NAME 4 podman\-load - Load image(s) from a tar archive into container storage 5 6 ## SYNOPSIS 7 **podman load** [*options*] 8 9 **podman image load** [*options*] 10 11 ## DESCRIPTION 12 **podman load** loads an image from either an **oci-archive** or a **docker-archive** stored on the local machine into container storage. **podman load** reads from stdin by default or a file if the **input** option is set. 13 **podman load** is used for loading from the archive generated by **podman save**, that includes the image parent layers. To load the archive of container's filesystem created by **podman export**, use **podman import**. 14 15 The local client further supports loading an **oci-dir** or a **docker-dir** as created with **podman save** (1). 16 17 The **quiet** option suppresses the progress output when set. 18 Note: `:` is a restricted character and cannot be part of the file name. 19 20 21 **podman [GLOBAL OPTIONS]** 22 23 **podman load [GLOBAL OPTIONS]** 24 25 **podman load [OPTIONS]** 26 27 ## OPTIONS 28 29 #### **--help**, **-h** 30 31 Print usage statement 32 33 #### **--input**, **-i**=*input* 34 35 Load the specified input file instead of from stdin. The file can be on the local file system or on a server (e.g., Also supports loading in compressed files. 36 37 The remote client, including Mac and Windows (excluding WSL2) machines, requires the use of this option. 38 39 NOTE: Use the environment variable `TMPDIR` to change the temporary storage location of container images. Podman defaults to use `/var/tmp`. 40 41 #### **--quiet**, **-q** 42 43 Suppress the progress output 44 45 ## EXAMPLES 46 47 Create an image from a compressed tar file, without showing progress. 48 ``` 49 $ podman load --quiet -i fedora.tar.gz 50 ``` 51 52 Create an image from the archive.tar file pulled from a URL, without showing progress. 53 ``` 54 $ podman load -q -i 55 ``` 56 57 Create an image from stdin using bash redirection from a tar file. 58 ``` 59 $ podman load < fedora.tar 60 Getting image source signatures 61 Copying blob sha256:5bef08742407efd622d243692b79ba0055383bbce12900324f75e56f589aedb0 62 0 B / 4.03 MB [---------------------------------------------------------------] 63 Copying config sha256:7328f6f8b41890597575cbaadc884e7386ae0acc53b747401ebce5cf0d624560 64 0 B / 1.48 KB [---------------------------------------------------------------] 65 Writing manifest to image destination 66 Storing signatures 67 Loaded image: 68 ``` 69 70 Create an image from stdin using a pipe. 71 ``` 72 $ cat fedora.tar | podman load 73 Getting image source signatures 74 Copying blob sha256:5bef08742407efd622d243692b79ba0055383bbce12900324f75e56f589aedb0 75 0 B / 4.03 MB [---------------------------------------------------------------] 76 Copying config sha256:7328f6f8b41890597575cbaadc884e7386ae0acc53b747401ebce5cf0d624560 77 0 B / 1.48 KB [---------------------------------------------------------------] 78 Writing manifest to image destination 79 Storing signatures 80 Loaded image: 81 ``` 82 83 ## SEE ALSO 84 **[podman(1)](**, **[podman-save(1)](** 85 86 ## HISTORY 87 July 2017, Originally compiled by Urvashi Mohnani <>