(about) 1 % podman-machine-info 1 2 3 ## NAME 4 podman\-machine\-info - Display machine host info 5 6 ## SYNOPSIS 7 **podman machine info** 8 9 ## DESCRIPTION 10 11 Display information pertaining to the machine host. 12 Rootless only, as all `podman machine` commands can be only be used with rootless Podman. 13 14 ## OPTIONS 15 16 #### **--format**, **-f**=*format* 17 18 Change output format to "json" or a Go template. 19 20 | **Placeholder** | **Description** | 21 | ------------------- | --------------------------------- | 22 | .Host ... | Host information for local machine| 23 | .Version ... | Version of the machine | 24 25 #### **--help** 26 27 Print usage statement. 28 29 ## EXAMPLES 30 31 Display default Podman machine info. 32 ``` 33 $ podman machine info 34 Host: 35 Arch: amd64 36 CurrentMachine: "" 37 DefaultMachine: "" 38 EventsDir: /run/user/3267/podman 39 MachineConfigDir: /home/myusername/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu 40 MachineImageDir: /home/myusername/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/qemu 41 MachineState: "" 42 NumberOfMachines: 0 43 OS: linux 44 VMType: qemu 45 Version: 46 APIVersion: 4.4.0 47 Built: 1677097848 48 BuiltTime: Wed Feb 22 15:30:48 2023 49 GitCommit: aa196c0d5c9abd5800edf9e27587c60343a26c2b-dirty 50 GoVersion: go1.20 51 Os: linux 52 OsArch: linux/amd64 53 Version: 4.4.0 54 ``` 55 56 Display default Podman machine info formatted as json. 57 ``` 58 $ podman machine info --format json 59 { 60 "Host": { 61 "Arch": "amd64", 62 "CurrentMachine": "", 63 "DefaultMachine": "", 64 "EventsDir": "/run/user/3267/podman", 65 "MachineConfigDir": "/home/myusername/.config/containers/podman/machine/qemu", 66 "MachineImageDir": "/home/myusername/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/qemu", 67 "MachineState": "", 68 "NumberOfMachines": 0, 69 "OS": "linux", 70 "VMType": "qemu" 71 }, 72 "Version": { 73 "APIVersion": "4.4.0", 74 "Version": "4.4.0", 75 "GoVersion": "go1.20", 76 "GitCommit": "aa196c0d5c9abd5800edf9e27587c60343a26c2b-dirty", 77 "BuiltTime": "Wed Feb 22 15:30:48 2023", 78 "Built": 1677097848, 79 "OsArch": "linux/amd64", 80 "Os": "linux" 81 } 82 } 83 ``` 84 85 Display default Podman machine Host.Arch field. 86 ``` 87 $ podman machine info --format "{{ .Host.Arch }}" 88 amd64 89 90 ``` 91 92 ## SEE ALSO 93 **[podman(1)](**, **[podman-machine(1)](** 94 95 ## HISTORY 96 June 2022, Originally compiled by Ashley Cui <>