(about) 1 % podman-machine-inspect 1 2 3 ## NAME 4 podman\-machine\-inspect - Inspect one or more virtual machines 5 6 ## SYNOPSIS 7 **podman machine inspect** [*options*] [*name*] ... 8 9 ## DESCRIPTION 10 11 Inspect one or more virtual machines 12 13 Obtain greater detail about Podman virtual machines. More than one virtual machine can be 14 inspected at once. 15 16 The default machine name is `podman-machine-default`. If a machine name is not specified as an argument, 17 then `podman-machine-default` will be inspected. 18 19 Rootless only. 20 21 ## OPTIONS 22 #### **--format** 23 24 Print results with a Go template. 25 26 | **Placeholder** | **Description** | 27 | ------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | 28 | .ConfigDir ... | Machine configuration directory location | 29 | .ConnectionInfo ... | Machine connection information | 30 | .Created ... | Machine creation time (string, ISO3601) | 31 | .LastUp ... | Time when machine was last booted | 32 | .Name | Name of the machine | 33 | .Resources ... | Resources used by the machine | 34 | .Rootful | Whether the machine prefers rootful or rootless container execution | 35 | .SSHConfig ... | SSH configuration info for communicating with machine | 36 | .State | Machine state | 37 | .UserModeNetworking | Whether this machine uses user-mode networking | 38 39 #### **--help** 40 41 Print usage statement. 42 43 ## EXAMPLES 44 45 Inspect the specified Podman machine. 46 ``` 47 $ podman machine inspect podman-machine-default 48 ``` 49 50 ## SEE ALSO 51 **[podman(1)](**, **[podman-machine(1)](** 52 53 ## HISTORY 54 April 2022, Originally compiled by Brent Baude <>