(about) 1 % podman-machine-set 1 2 3 ## NAME 4 podman\-machine\-set - Set a virtual machine setting 5 6 ## SYNOPSIS 7 **podman machine set** [*options*] [*name*] 8 9 ## DESCRIPTION 10 11 Change a machine setting. 12 13 The default machine name is `podman-machine-default`. If a machine name is not specified as an argument, 14 then the settings will be applied to `podman-machine-default`. 15 16 Rootless only. 17 18 ## OPTIONS 19 20 #### **--cpus**=*number* 21 22 Number of CPUs. 23 Only supported for QEMU machines. 24 25 #### **--disk-size**=*number* 26 27 Size of the disk for the guest VM in GB. 28 Can only be increased. Only supported for QEMU machines. 29 30 #### **--help** 31 32 Print usage statement. 33 34 #### **--memory**, **-m**=*number* 35 36 Memory (in MB). 37 Only supported for QEMU machines. 38 39 #### **--rootful** 40 41 Whether this machine prefers rootful (`true`) or rootless (`false`) 42 container execution. This option updates the current podman 43 remote connection default if it is currently pointing at the specified 44 machine name (or `podman-machine-default` if no name is specified). 45 46 Unlike [**podman system connection default**]( 47 this option makes the API socket, if available, forward to the rootful/rootless 48 socket in the VM. 49 50 Note that changing this option means that all the existing containers/images/volumes, etc... 51 are no longer visible with the default connection/socket. This is because the root and rootless 52 users in the VM are completely separated and do not share any storage. The data however is not 53 lost and you can always change this option back or use the other connection to access it. 54 55 #### **--usb**=*bus=number,devnum=number* or *vendor=hexadecimal,product=hexadecimal* or *""* 56 57 Assign a USB device from the host to the VM. 58 Only supported for QEMU Machines. 59 60 The device needs to be present when the VM starts. 61 The device needs to have proper permissions in order to be assign to podman machine. 62 63 Use an empty string to remove all previously set USB devices. 64 65 Note that using bus and device number are simpler but the values can change every boot or when the 66 device is unplugged. Using vendor and product might lead to collision in the case of multiple 67 devices with the same vendor product value, the first available device is assigned. 68 69 @@option user-mode-networking 70 71 ## EXAMPLES 72 73 To switch the default Podman machine from rootless to rootful: 74 75 ``` 76 $ podman machine set --rootful 77 ``` 78 79 or more explicitly set with value true. 80 81 ``` 82 $ podman machine set --rootful=true 83 ``` 84 85 Switch the default Podman machine from rootful to rootless. 86 ``` 87 $ podman machine set --rootful=false 88 ``` 89 90 Switch the specified Podman machine from rootless to rootful. 91 ``` 92 $ podman machine set --rootful myvm 93 ``` 94 95 ## SEE ALSO 96 **[podman(1)](**, **[podman-machine(1)](** 97 98 ## HISTORY 99 February 2022, Originally compiled by Jason Greene <>