(about) 1 % podman-manifest-annotate 1 2 3 ## NAME 4 podman\-manifest\-annotate - Add and update information about an image or artifact in a manifest list or image index 5 6 ## SYNOPSIS 7 **podman manifest annotate** [*options*] *listnameorindexname* *imagemanifestdigestorimageorartifactname* 8 9 ## DESCRIPTION 10 11 Adds or updates information about an image or artifact included in a manifest list or image index. 12 13 ## OPTIONS 14 15 @@option annotation.manifest 16 If **--index** is also specified, sets the annotation on the entire image index. 17 18 #### **--arch**=*architecture* 19 20 Override the architecture which the list or index records as a requirement for 21 the image. This is usually automatically retrieved from the image's 22 configuration information, so it is rarely necessary to use this option. 23 24 @@option features 25 26 #### **--index** 27 28 Treats arguments to the **--annotation** option as annotation values to be set 29 on the image index itself rather than on an entry in the image index. Implied 30 for **--subject**. 31 32 #### **--os**=*OS* 33 34 Override the OS which the list or index records as a requirement for the image. 35 This is usually automatically retrieved from the image's configuration 36 information, so it is rarely necessary to use this option. 37 38 #### **--os-features**=*feature* 39 40 Specify the OS features list which the list or index records as requirements 41 for the image. This option is rarely used. 42 43 @@option os-version 44 45 #### **--subject**=*imageName* 46 47 Set the *subject* field in the image index to mark the image index as being 48 associated with the specified image in some way. An image index can only be 49 associated with, at most, one subject. 50 51 @@option variant.manifest 52 53 ## EXAMPLE 54 55 Update arch and variant information to specified manifest list for image: 56 ``` 57 podman manifest annotate --arch arm64 --variant v8 mylist:v1.11 sha256:59eec8837a4d942cc19a52b8c09ea75121acc38114a2c68b98983ce9356b8610 58 07ec8dc22b5dba3a33c60b68bce28bbd2b905e383fdb32a90708fa5eeac13a07: sha256:59eec8837a4d942cc19a52b8c09ea75121acc38114a2c68b98983ce9356b8610 59 ``` 60 61 ## SEE ALSO 62 **[podman(1)](**, **[podman-manifest(1)](**