(about) 1 % podman-manifest-push 1 2 3 ## NAME 4 podman\-manifest\-push - Push a manifest list or image index to a registry 5 6 ## SYNOPSIS 7 **podman manifest push** [*options*] *listnameorindexname* [*destination*] 8 9 ## DESCRIPTION 10 Pushes a manifest list or image index to a registry. 11 12 ## RETURN VALUE 13 The list image's ID and the digest of the image's manifest. 14 15 ## OPTIONS 16 17 #### **--add-compression**=*compression* 18 19 Makes sure that requested compression variant for each platform is added to the manifest list keeping original instance 20 intact in the same manifest list. Supported values are (`gzip`, `zstd` and `zstd:chunked`). Following flag can be used 21 multiple times. 22 23 Note that `--compression-format` controls the compression format of each instance in the manifest list. `--add-compression` 24 will add another variant for each instance in the list with the specified compressions. `--compression-format` gzip `--add-compression` 25 zstd will push a manifest list with each instance being compressed with gzip plus an additional variant of each instance 26 being compressed with zstd. 27 28 #### **--all** 29 30 Push the images mentioned in the manifest list or image index, in addition to 31 the list or index itself. (Default true) 32 33 @@option authfile 34 35 @@option cert-dir 36 37 @@option compression-format 38 39 @@option compression-level 40 41 @@option creds 42 43 @@option digestfile 44 45 @@option force-compression 46 47 #### **--format**, **-f**=*format* 48 49 Manifest list type (oci or v2s2) to use when pushing the list (default is oci). 50 51 #### **--quiet**, **-q** 52 53 When writing the manifest, suppress progress output 54 55 #### **--remove-signatures** 56 57 Don't copy signatures when pushing images. 58 59 #### **--rm** 60 61 Delete the manifest list or image index from local storage if pushing succeeds. 62 63 #### **--sign-by**=*fingerprint* 64 65 Sign the pushed images with a “simple signing” signature using the specified key. (This option is not available with the remote Podman client, including Mac and Windows (excluding WSL2) machines) 66 67 #### **--sign-by-sigstore**=*param-file* 68 69 Add a sigstore signature based on further options specified in a container's sigstore signing parameter file *param-file*. 70 See containers-sigstore-signing-params.yaml(5) for details about the file format. 71 72 #### **--sign-by-sigstore-private-key**=*path* 73 74 Sign the pushed images with a sigstore signature using a private key at the specified path. (This option is not available with the remote Podman client, including Mac and Windows (excluding WSL2) machines) 75 76 @@option sign-passphrase-file 77 78 @@option tls-verify 79 80 ## DESTINATION 81 82 DESTINATION is the location the container image is pushed to. It supports all transports from `containers-transports(5)`. If no transport is specified, the `docker` (i.e., container registry) transport is used. For remote clients, including Mac and Windows (excluding WSL2) machines, `docker` is the only supported transport. 83 84 ## EXAMPLE 85 86 Push manifest list to container registry: 87 ``` 88 podman manifest push mylist:v1.11 docker:// 89 ``` 90 91 ## SEE ALSO 92 **[podman(1)](**, **[podman-manifest(1)](**, **[containers-transports(5)](**