(about) 1 % podman-mount 1 2 3 ## NAME 4 podman\-mount - Mount a working container's root filesystem 5 6 ## SYNOPSIS 7 **podman mount** [*options*] [*container* ...] 8 9 **podman container mount** [*options*] [*container* ...] 10 11 ## DESCRIPTION 12 Mounts the specified containers' root file system in a location which can be 13 accessed from the host, and returns its location. 14 15 Podman lists all of the currently mounted containers, including external containers, when the command is executed 16 without any arguments. External containers are containers in container/storage by tools other than Podman. 17 For example Buildah and CRI-O. 18 19 Rootless mode only supports mounting VFS driver, unless Podman is run within the user namespace 20 via the `podman unshare` command. All other storage drivers fails to mount. 21 22 ## RETURN VALUE 23 The location of the mounted file system. On error an empty string and errno is 24 returned. 25 26 ## OPTIONS 27 28 #### **--all**, **-a** 29 30 Mount all podman containers. (External containers are not mounted) 31 32 #### **--format**=*format* 33 34 Print the mounted containers in specified format (json). 35 36 @@option latest 37 38 #### **--no-trunc** 39 40 Do not truncate the output (default *false*). 41 42 ## EXAMPLE 43 44 In rootful mode, Mount specified container. 45 ``` 46 # podman mount c831414b10a3 47 /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/f3ac502d97b5681989dff84dfedc8354239bcecbdc2692f9a639f4e080a02364/merged 48 ``` 49 50 In rootless mode, container mounting only works from inside the user namespace. 51 ``` 52 $ podman unshare 53 # podman mount affectionate_mcnulty 54 /home/dwalsh/.local/share/containers/storage/overlay/4218326b9a80619aef005ff95067f76687ad975ce101c176598fb416f6186906/merged 55 ``` 56 57 List the currently mounted containers: 58 ``` 59 podman mount 60 c831414b10a3 /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/f3ac502d97b5681989dff84dfedc8354239bcecbdc2692f9a639f4e080a02364/merged 61 a7060253093b /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/0ff7d7ca68bed1ace424f9df154d2dd7b5a125c19d887f17653cbcd5b6e30ba1/merged 62 ``` 63 64 Mount multiple containers: 65 ``` 66 podman mount c831414b10a3 a7060253093b 67 /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/f3ac502d97b5681989dff84dfedc8354239bcecbdc2692f9a639f4e080a02364/merged 68 /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/0ff7d7ca68bed1ace424f9df154d2dd7b5a125c19d887f17653cbcd5b6e30ba1/merged 69 ``` 70 71 ## SEE ALSO 72 **[podman(1)](**, **[podman-unmount(1)](**, **[podman-unshare(1)](**, **mount(8)**