(about) 1 % podman-network-ls 1 2 3 ## NAME 4 podman\-network\-ls - Display a summary of networks 5 6 ## SYNOPSIS 7 **podman network ls** [*options*] 8 9 ## DESCRIPTION 10 Displays a list of existing podman networks. 11 12 ## OPTIONS 13 #### **--filter**, **-f**=*filter=value* 14 15 Provide filter values. 16 17 The *filters* argument format is of `key=value`. If there is more than one *filter*, then pass multiple OPTIONS: **--filter** *foo=bar* **--filter** *bif=baz*. 18 19 Supported filters: 20 21 | **Filter** | **Description** | 22 | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | 23 | driver | Filter by driver type. | 24 | id | Filter by full or partial network ID. | 25 | label | Filter by network with (or without, in the case of label!=[...] is used) the specified labels. | 26 | name | Filter by network name (accepts `regex`). | 27 | until | Filter by networks created before given timestamp. | 28 | dangling | Filter by networks with no containers attached. | 29 30 31 The `driver` filter accepts values: `bridge`, `macvlan`, `ipvlan`. 32 33 The `label` *filter* accepts two formats. One is the `label`=*key* or `label`=*key*=*value*, which shows images with the specified labels. The other format is the `label!`=*key* or `label!`=*key*=*value*, which shows images without the specified labels. 34 35 The `until` *filter* can be Unix timestamps, date formatted timestamps, or Go duration strings (e.g. 10m, 1h30m) computed relative to the machine’s time. 36 37 The `dangling` *filter* accepts values `true` or `false`. 38 39 #### **--format**=*format* 40 41 Change the default output format. This can be of a supported type like 'json' 42 or a Go template. 43 Valid placeholders for the Go template are listed below: 44 45 | **Placeholder** | **Description** | 46 |--------------------|-------------------------------------------| 47 | .Created ... | Timestamp when the network was created | 48 | .DNSEnabled | Network has dns enabled (boolean) | 49 | .Driver | Network driver | 50 | .ID | Network ID | 51 | .Internal | Network is internal (boolean) | 52 | .IPAMOptions ... | Network ipam options | 53 | .IPv6Enabled | Network has ipv6 subnet (boolean) | 54 | .Labels | Network labels | 55 | .Name | Network name | 56 | .NetworkDNSServers | Array of DNS servers used in this network | 57 | .NetworkInterface | Name of the network interface on the host | 58 | .Options ... | Network options | 59 | .Routes | List of static routes for this network | 60 | .Subnets | List of subnets on this network | 61 62 #### **--no-trunc** 63 64 Do not truncate the network ID. 65 66 @@option noheading 67 68 #### **--quiet**, **-q** 69 70 The `quiet` option restricts the output to only the network names. 71 72 ## EXAMPLE 73 74 Display networks: 75 ``` 76 $ podman network ls 77 NETWORK ID NAME DRIVER 78 88a7120ee19d podman bridge 79 6dd508dbf8cd podman6 bridge 80 8e35c2cd3bf6 podman5 macvlan 81 ``` 82 83 Display only network names: 84 ``` 85 $ podman network ls -q 86 podman 87 podman2 88 outside 89 podman9 90 ``` 91 92 Display name of network which support bridge plugin: 93 ``` 94 $ podman network ls --filter driver=bridge --format {{.Name}} 95 podman 96 podman2 97 podman9 98 ``` 99 List networks with their subnets: 100 ``` 101 $ podman network ls --format "{{.Name}}: {{range .Subnets}}{{.Subnet}} {{end}}" 102 podman: 103 podman3: fde4:f86f:4aab:e68f::/64 104 macvlan: 105 ``` 106 107 ## SEE ALSO 108 **[podman(1)](**, **[podman-network(1)](**, **[podman-network-inspect(1)](**, **[podman-network-create(1)](** 109 110 ## HISTORY 111 August 2021, Updated with the new network format by Paul Holzinger <> 112 113 August 2019, Originally compiled by Brent Baude <>