(about) 1 % podman-network-update 1 2 3 ## NAME 4 podman\-network\-update - Update an existing Podman network 5 6 ## SYNOPSIS 7 **podman network update** [*options*] *network* 8 9 ## DESCRIPTION 10 Allow changes to existing container networks. At present, only changes to the DNS servers in use by a network is supported. 11 12 NOTE: Only supported with the netavark network backend. 13 14 15 ## OPTIONS 16 #### **--dns-add** 17 18 Accepts array of DNS resolvers and add it to the existing list of resolvers configured for a network. 19 20 #### **--dns-drop** 21 22 Accepts array of DNS resolvers and removes them from the existing list of resolvers configured for a network. 23 24 ## EXAMPLE 25 26 Update a network: 27 ``` 28 $ podman network update network1 --dns-add, 29 ``` 30 31 Update a network and add/remove dns servers: 32 ``` 33 $ podman network update network1 --dns-drop --dns-add 34 ``` 35 ## SEE ALSO 36 **[podman(1)](**, **[podman-network(1)](**, **[podman-network-inspect(1)](**, **[podman-network-ls(1)](**