(about) 1 % podman-pod-kill 1 2 3 ## NAME 4 podman\-pod\-kill - Kill the main process of each container in one or more pods 5 6 ## SYNOPSIS 7 **podman pod kill** [*options*] *pod* ... 8 9 ## DESCRIPTION 10 The main process of each container inside the pods specified is sent SIGKILL, or any signal specified with option --signal. 11 12 ## OPTIONS 13 #### **--all**, **-a** 14 15 Sends signal to all containers associated with a pod. 16 17 @@option latest 18 19 @@option signal 20 21 ## EXAMPLE 22 23 Kill pod with a given name: 24 ``` 25 podman pod kill mywebserver 26 ``` 27 28 Kill pod with a given ID: 29 ``` 30 podman pod kill 860a4b23 31 ``` 32 33 Terminate pod by sending `TERM` signal: 34 ``` 35 podman pod kill --signal TERM 860a4b23 36 ``` 37 38 Kill the latest pod. (This option is not available with the remote Podman client, including Mac and Windows (excluding WSL2) machines): 39 ``` 40 podman pod kill --latest 41 ``` 42 43 Terminate all pods by sending `KILL` signal: 44 ``` 45 podman pod kill --all 46 ``` 47 48 ## SEE ALSO 49 **[podman(1)](**, **[podman-pod(1)](**, **[podman-pod-stop(1)](** 50 51 ## HISTORY 52 July 2018, Originally compiled by Peter Hunt <>