(about) 1 % podman-pod-stop 1 2 3 ## NAME 4 podman\-pod\-stop - Stop one or more pods 5 6 ## SYNOPSIS 7 **podman pod stop** [*options*] *pod* ... 8 9 ## DESCRIPTION 10 Stop containers in one or more pods. You may use pod IDs or names as input. 11 12 ## OPTIONS 13 14 #### **--all**, **-a** 15 16 Stops all pods 17 18 @@option ignore 19 20 @@option latest 21 22 @@option pod-id-file.pod 23 24 @@option time 25 26 ## EXAMPLE 27 28 Stop pod with a given name. 29 ``` 30 $ podman pod stop mywebserverpod 31 cc8f0bea67b1a1a11aec1ecd38102a1be4b145577f21fc843c7c83b77fc28907 32 ``` 33 34 Stop multiple pods with given IDs. 35 ``` 36 $ podman pod stop 490eb 3557fb 37 490eb241aaf704d4dd2629904410fe4aa31965d9310a735f8755267f4ded1de5 38 3557fbea6ad61569de0506fe037479bd9896603c31d3069a6677f23833916fab 39 ``` 40 41 Stop the last created pod. (This option is not available with the remote Podman client, including Mac and Windows (excluding WSL2) machines) 42 ``` 43 $ podman pod stop --latest 44 3557fbea6ad61569de0506fe037479bd9896603c31d3069a6677f23833916fab 45 ``` 46 47 Stop all pods. 48 ``` 49 $ podman pod stop --all 50 19456b4cd557eaf9629825113a552681a6013f8c8cad258e36ab825ef536e818 51 3557fbea6ad61569de0506fe037479bd9896603c31d3069a6677f23833916fab 52 490eb241aaf704d4dd2629904410fe4aa31965d9310a735f8755267f4ded1de5 53 70c358daecf71ef9be8f62404f926080ca0133277ef7ce4f6aa2d5af6bb2d3e9 54 cc8f0bea67b1a1a11aec1ecd38102a1be4b145577f21fc843c7c83b77fc28907 55 ``` 56 57 Stop two pods via --pod-id-file. 58 ``` 59 $ podman pod stop --pod-id-file file1 --pod-id-file file2 60 19456b4cd557eaf9629825113a552681a6013f8c8cad258e36ab825ef536e818 61 cc8f0bea67b1a1a11aec1ecd38102a1be4b145577f21fc843c7c83b77fc28907 62 ``` 63 64 Stop all pods with a timeout of 1 second. 65 ``` 66 $ podman pod stop -a -t 1 67 3557fbea6ad61569de0506fe037479bd9896603c31d3069a6677f23833916fab 68 490eb241aaf704d4dd2629904410fe4aa31965d9310a735f8755267f4ded1de5 69 70c358daecf71ef9be8f62404f926080ca0133277ef7ce4f6aa2d5af6bb2d3e9 70 ``` 71 72 ## SEE ALSO 73 **[podman(1)](**, **[podman-pod(1)](**, **[podman-pod-start(1)](** 74 75 ## HISTORY 76 July 2018, Originally compiled by Peter Hunt <>