(about) 1 % podman-pod-top 1 2 3 ## NAME 4 podman\-pod\-top - Display the running processes of containers in a pod 5 6 ## SYNOPSIS 7 **podman pod top** [*options*] *pod* [*format-descriptors*] 8 9 ## DESCRIPTION 10 Display the running processes of containers in a pod. The *format-descriptors* are ps (1) compatible AIX format 11 descriptors but extended to print additional information, such as the seccomp mode or the effective capabilities 12 of a given process. The descriptors can either be passed as separate arguments or as a single comma-separated argument. 13 14 ## OPTIONS 15 16 #### **--help**, **-h** 17 18 Print usage statement 19 20 @@option latest 21 22 ## FORMAT DESCRIPTORS 23 24 For a full list of available descriptors, see podman-top(1) 25 26 ## EXAMPLES 27 28 Print top data for the specified pod. 29 By default, `podman-pod-top` prints data similar to `ps -ef`: 30 ``` 31 $ podman pod top b031293491cc 32 USER PID PPID %CPU ELAPSED TTY TIME COMMAND 33 root 1 0 0.000 2h5m38.737137571s ? 0s top 34 root 8 0 0.000 2h5m15.737228361s ? 0s top 35 ``` 36 37 The output can be controlled by specifying format descriptors as arguments after the pod. 38 39 Print the pod top data fields pid,seccomp, args and %C on the latest pod created. (This -l option is not available with the remote Podman client, including Mac and Windows (excluding WSL2) machines) 40 ``` 41 $ podman pod top -l pid seccomp args %C 42 PID SECCOMP COMMAND %CPU 43 1 filter top 0.000 44 1 filter /bin/sh 0.000 45 ``` 46 47 ## SEE ALSO 48 **[podman(1)](**, **[podman-pod(1)](**, **ps(1)**, **seccomp(2)**, **proc(5)**, **capabilities(7)** 49 50 ## HISTORY 51 August 2018, Originally compiled by Peter Hunt <>