(about) 1 % podman-secret-create 1 2 3 ## NAME 4 podman\-secret\-create - Create a new secret 5 6 ## SYNOPSIS 7 **podman secret create** [*options*] *name* *file|-* 8 9 ## DESCRIPTION 10 11 Creates a secret using standard input or from a file for the secret content. 12 13 Create accepts a path to a file, or `-`, which tells podman to read the secret from stdin 14 15 A secret is a blob of sensitive data which a container needs at runtime but 16 is not stored in the image or in source control, such as usernames and passwords, 17 TLS certificates and keys, SSH keys or other important generic strings or binary content (up to 500 kb in size). 18 19 Secrets are not committed to an image with `podman commit`, and does not get committed in the archive created by a `podman export` command. 20 21 Secrets can also be used to store passwords for `podman login` to authenticate against container registries. 22 23 ## OPTIONS 24 25 #### **--driver**, **-d**=*driver* 26 27 Specify the secret driver (default **file**). 28 29 #### **--driver-opts**=*key1=val1,key2=val2* 30 31 Specify driver specific options. 32 33 #### **--env**=*false* 34 35 Read secret data from environment variable. 36 37 #### **--help** 38 39 Print usage statement. 40 41 #### **--label**, **-l**=*key=val1,key2=val2* 42 43 Add label to secret. These labels can be viewed in podman secrete inspect or ls. 44 45 #### **--replace**=*false* 46 47 If existing secret with the same name already exists, update the secret. 48 The `--replace` option does not change secrets within existing containers, only newly created containers. 49 The default is **false**. 50 51 ## SECRET DRIVERS 52 53 #### file 54 55 Secret resides in a read-protected file. 56 57 #### pass 58 59 Secret resides in a GPG-encrypted file. 60 61 #### shell 62 63 Secret is managed by custom scripts. An environment variable **SECRET_ID** 64 is passed to the scripts (except for **list**), and secrets are communicated 65 via stdin/stdout (where applicable). Driver options **list**, **lookup**, 66 **store**, and **delete** serve to install the scripts: 67 68 ``` 69 [secrets] 70 driver = "shell" 71 72 [secrets.opts] 73 list = 74 lookup = 75 store = 76 delete = 77 ``` 78 79 ## EXAMPLES 80 81 Create the specified secret based on local file. 82 ``` 83 echo -n mysecret > ./secret.txt 84 $ podman secret create my_secret ./secret.txt 85 ``` 86 87 Create the specified secret via stdin. 88 ``` 89 $ printf <secret> | podman secret create my_secret - 90 ``` 91 92 Create gpg encrypted secret based on local file using the pass driver. 93 ``` 94 $ podman secret create --driver=pass my_secret ./secret.txt.gpg 95 ``` 96 97 Create a secret from an environment variable called 'MYSECRET'. 98 ``` 99 $ podman secret create --env=true my_secret MYSECRET 100 ``` 101 102 ## SEE ALSO 103 **[podman(1)](**, **[podman-secret(1)](**, **[podman-login(1)](** 104 105 ## HISTORY 106 January 2021, Originally compiled by Ashley Cui <> 107 February 2024, Added example showing secret creation from an environment variable by Brett Calliss <>