(about) 1 % podman-system-connection-list 1 2 3 ## NAME 4 podman\-system\-connection\-list - List the destination for the Podman service(s) 5 6 ## SYNOPSIS 7 **podman system connection list** [*options*] 8 9 **podman system connection ls** [*options*] 10 11 ## DESCRIPTION 12 List ssh destination(s) for podman service(s). 13 14 ## OPTIONS 15 16 #### **--format**, **-f**=*format* 17 18 Change the default output format. This can be of a supported type like 'json' or a Go template. 19 Valid placeholders for the Go template listed below: 20 21 | **Placeholder** | **Description** | 22 | --------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 23 | .Default | Indicates whether connection is the default | 24 | .Identity | Path to file containing SSH identity | 25 | .Name | Connection Name/Identifier | 26 | .ReadWrite | Indicates if this connection can be modified using the system connection commands | 27 | .URI | URI to podman service. Valid schemes are ssh://[user@]*host*[:port]*Unix domain socket*[?secure=True], unix://*Unix domain socket*, and tcp://localhost[:*port*] | 28 29 #### **--quiet**, **-q** 30 31 Only show connection names 32 33 ## EXAMPLE 34 35 List system connections: 36 ``` 37 $ podman system connection list 38 Name URI Identity Default ReadWrite 39 deva ssh:// ~/.ssh/id_rsa true true 40 devb ssh:// ~/.ssh/id_rsa false true 41 ``` 42 ## SEE ALSO 43 **[podman(1)](**, **[podman-system(1)](**, **[podman-system-connection(1)](** 44 45 ## HISTORY 46 July 2020, Originally compiled by Jhon Honce (jhonce at redhat dot com)