(about) 1 % podman-system-connection 1 2 3 ## NAME 4 podman\-system\-connection - Manage the destination(s) for Podman service(s) 5 6 ## SYNOPSIS 7 **podman system connection** *subcommand* 8 9 ## DESCRIPTION 10 Manage the destination(s) for Podman service(s). 11 12 The user is prompted for the ssh login password or key file passphrase as required. The `ssh-agent` is supported if it is running. 13 14 Podman manages the system connection by writing and reading the `podman-connections.json` file located under 15 `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/containers` or if the env is not set it defaults to `$HOME/.config/containers`. 16 Or the `PODMAN_CONNECTIONS_CONF` environment variable can be set to a full file path which podman 17 will use instead. 18 This file is managed by the podman commands and should never be edited by users directly. To manually 19 configure the connections use `service_destinations` in containers.conf. 20 21 If the ReadWrite column in the **podman system connection list** output is set to true the connection is 22 stored in the `podman-connections.json` file otherwise it is stored in containers.conf and can therefore 23 not be edited with the **podman system connection** commands. 24 25 ## COMMANDS 26 27 | Command | Man Page | Description | 28 | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | 29 | add | [podman-system-connection\-add(1)]( | Record destination for the Podman service | 30 | default | [podman-system-connection\-default(1)]( | Set named destination as default for the Podman service | 31 | list | [podman-system-connection\-list(1)]( | List the destination for the Podman service(s) | 32 | remove | [podman-system-connection\-remove(1)]( | Delete named destination | 33 | rename | [podman-system-connection\-rename(1)]( | Rename the destination for Podman service | 34 35 ## EXAMPLE 36 37 List system connections: 38 ``` 39 $ podman system connection list 40 Name URI Identity Default ReadWrite 41 devl ssh:// ~/.ssh/id_rsa true true 42 ``` 43 ## SEE ALSO 44 **[podman(1)](**, **[podman-system(1)](** 45 46 ## HISTORY 47 June 2020, Originally compiled by Jhon Honce (jhonce at redhat dot com)