(about) 1 % podman-system-df 1 2 3 ## NAME 4 podman\-system\-df - Show podman disk usage 5 6 ## SYNOPSIS 7 **podman system df** [*options*] 8 9 ## DESCRIPTION 10 Show podman disk usage 11 12 ## OPTIONS 13 #### **--format**=*format* 14 15 Pretty-print images using a Go template or JSON. This flag is not allowed in combination with **--verbose** 16 17 Valid placeholders for the Go template are listed below: 18 19 | **Placeholder** | **Description** | 20 | ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | 21 | .Active | Indicates whether volume is in use | 22 | .RawReclaimable | Raw reclaimable size of each Type | 23 | .RawSize | Raw size of each type | 24 | .Reclaimable | Reclaimable size or each type (human-readable) | 25 | .Size | Size of each type (human-readable) | 26 | .Total | Total items for each type | 27 | .Type | Type of data | 28 29 30 #### **--verbose**, **-v** 31 Show detailed information on space usage 32 33 ## EXAMPLE 34 35 Show disk usage: 36 ``` 37 $ podman system df 38 TYPE TOTAL ACTIVE SIZE RECLAIMABLE 39 Images 6 2 281MB 168MB (59%) 40 Containers 3 1 0B 0B (0%) 41 Local Volumes 1 1 22B 0B (0%) 42 ``` 43 44 Show disk usage in verbose mode: 45 ``` 46 $ podman system df -v 47 Images space usage: 48 49 REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE SHARED SIZE UNIQUE SIZE CONTAINERS 50 latest 5cb3aa00f899 2 weeks ago 5.79MB 0B 5.79MB 5 51 52 Containers space usage: 53 54 CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND LOCAL VOLUMES SIZE CREATED STATUS NAMES 55 073f7e62812d 5cb3 sleep 100 1 0B 20 hours ago exited zen_joliot 56 3f19f5bba242 5cb3 sleep 100 0 5.52kB 22 hours ago exited pedantic_archimedes 57 8cd89bf645cc 5cb3 ls foodir 0 58B 21 hours ago configured agitated_hamilton 58 a1d948a4b61d 5cb3 ls foodir 0 12B 21 hours ago exited laughing_wing 59 eafe3e3c5bb3 5cb3 sleep 10000 0 72B 21 hours ago exited priceless_liskov 60 61 Local Volumes space usage: 62 63 VOLUME NAME LINKS SIZE 64 data 1 0B 65 66 $ podman system df --format "{{.Type}}\t{{.Total}}" 67 Images 1 68 Containers 5 69 Local Volumes 1 70 ``` 71 ## SEE ALSO 72 **[podman(1)](**, **[podman-system(1)](** 73 74 ## HISTORY 75 March 2019, Originally compiled by Qi Wang (qiwan at redhat dot com)