(about) 1 % podman-update 1 2 3 ## NAME 4 podman\-update - Update the configuration of a given container 5 6 ## SYNOPSIS 7 **podman update** [*options*] *container* 8 9 **podman container update** [*options*] *container* 10 11 ## DESCRIPTION 12 13 Updates the configuration of an already existing container, allowing different resource limits to be set. 14 The currently supported options are a subset of the podman create/run resource limit options. 15 16 ## OPTIONS 17 18 @@option blkio-weight 19 20 @@option blkio-weight-device 21 22 @@option cpu-period 23 24 @@option cpu-quota 25 26 @@option cpu-rt-period 27 28 @@option cpu-rt-runtime 29 30 @@option cpu-shares 31 32 @@option cpus.container 33 34 @@option cpuset-cpus 35 36 @@option cpuset-mems 37 38 @@option device-read-bps 39 40 @@option device-read-iops 41 42 @@option device-write-bps 43 44 @@option device-write-iops 45 46 @@option memory 47 48 @@option memory-reservation 49 50 @@option memory-swap 51 52 @@option memory-swappiness 53 54 @@option pids-limit 55 56 @@option restart 57 58 59 ## EXAMPLEs 60 61 Update a container with a new cpu quota and period. 62 ``` 63 podman update --cpus=5 myCtr 64 ``` 65 66 Update a container with all available options for cgroups v2. 67 ``` 68 podman update --cpus 5 --cpuset-cpus 0 --cpu-shares 123 --cpuset-mems 0 --memory 1G --memory-swap 2G --memory-reservation 2G --blkio-weight-device /dev/zero:123 --blkio-weight 123 --device-read-bps /dev/zero:10mb --device-write-bps /dev/zero:10mb --device-read-iops /dev/zero:1000 --device-write-iops /dev/zero:1000 --pids-limit 123 ctrID 69 ``` 70 71 Update a container with all available options for cgroups v1. 72 ``` 73 podman update --cpus 5 --cpuset-cpus 0 --cpu-shares 123 --cpuset-mems 0 --memory 1G --memory-swap 2G --memory-reservation 2G --memory-swappiness 50 --pids-limit 123 ctrID 74 ``` 75 76 ## SEE ALSO 77 **[podman(1)](**, **[podman-create(1)](**, **[podman-run(1)](** 78 79 ## HISTORY 80 August 2022, Originally written by Charlie Doern <>