(about) 1 % podman-volume-create 1 2 3 ## NAME 4 podman\-volume\-create - Create a new volume 5 6 ## SYNOPSIS 7 **podman volume create** [*options*] [*name*] 8 9 ## DESCRIPTION 10 11 Creates an empty volume and prepares it to be used by containers. The volume 12 can be created with a specific name, if a name is not given a random name is 13 generated. You can add metadata to the volume by using the **--label** flag and 14 driver options can be set using the **--opt** flag. 15 16 ## OPTIONS 17 18 #### **--driver**, **-d**=*driver* 19 20 Specify the volume driver name (default **local**). 21 There are two drivers supported by Podman itself: **local** and **image**. 22 23 The **local** driver uses a directory on disk as the backend by default, but can also use the **mount(8)** command to mount a filesystem as the volume if **--opt** is specified. 24 25 The **image** driver uses an image as the backing store of for the volume. 26 An overlay filesystem is created, which allows changes to the volume to be committed as a new layer on top of the image. 27 28 Using a value other than **local** or **image**, Podman attempts to create the volume using a volume plugin with the given name. 29 Such plugins must be defined in the **volume_plugins** section of the **[containers.conf(5)](** configuration file. 30 31 #### **--help** 32 33 Print usage statement 34 35 #### **--ignore** 36 37 Don't fail if the named volume already exists, instead just print the name. Note that the new options are not applied to the existing volume. 38 39 #### **--label**, **-l**=*label* 40 41 Set metadata for a volume (e.g., --label mykey=value). 42 43 #### **--opt**, **-o**=*option* 44 45 Set driver specific options. 46 For the default driver, **local**, this allows a volume to be configured to mount a filesystem on the host. 47 48 For the `local` driver the following options are supported: `type`, `device`, `o`, and `[no]copy`. 49 50 - The `type` option sets the type of the filesystem to be mounted, and is equivalent to the `-t` flag to **mount(8)**. 51 - The `device` option sets the device to be mounted, and is equivalent to the `device` argument to **mount(8)**. 52 - The `copy` option enables copying files from the container image path where the mount is created to the newly created volume on the first run. `copy` is the default. 53 54 The `o` option sets options for the mount, and is equivalent to the filesystem 55 options (also `-o`) passed to **mount(8)** with the following exceptions: 56 57 - The `o` option supports `uid` and `gid` options to set the UID and GID of the created volume that are not normally supported by **mount(8)**. 58 - The `o` option supports the `size` option to set the maximum size of the created volume, the `inodes` option to set the maximum number of inodes for the volume, and `noquota` to completely disable quota support even for tracking of disk usage. 59 The `size` option is supported on the "tmpfs" and "xfs[note]" file systems. 60 The `inodes` option is supported on the "xfs[note]" file systems. 61 Note: xfs filesystems must be mounted with the `prjquota` flag described in the **xfs_quota(8)** man page. Podman will throw an error if they're not. 62 - The `o` option supports using volume options other than the UID/GID options with the **local** driver and requires root privileges. 63 - The `o` options supports the `timeout` option which allows users to set a driver specific timeout in seconds before volume creation fails. For example, **--opt=o=timeout=10** sets a driver timeout of 10 seconds. 64 65 ***Note*** Do not confuse the `--opt,-o` create option with the `-o` mount option. For example, with `podman volume create`, use `-o=o=uid=1000` *not* `-o=uid=1000`. 66 67 For the **image** driver, the only supported option is `image`, which specifies the image the volume is based on. 68 This option is mandatory when using the **image** driver. 69 70 When not using the **local** and **image** drivers, the given options are passed directly to the volume plugin. In this case, supported options are dictated by the plugin in question, not Podman. 71 72 ## EXAMPLES 73 74 Create empty volume. 75 ``` 76 $ podman volume create 77 ``` 78 79 Create empty named volume. 80 ``` 81 $ podman volume create myvol 82 ``` 83 84 Create empty named volume with specified label. 85 ``` 86 $ podman volume create --label foo=bar myvol 87 ``` 88 89 Create tmpfs named volume with specified size and mount options. 90 ``` 91 # podman volume create --opt device=tmpfs --opt type=tmpfs --opt o=size=2M,nodev,noexec myvol 92 ``` 93 94 Create tmpfs named volume testvol with specified options. 95 ``` 96 # podman volume create --opt device=tmpfs --opt type=tmpfs --opt o=uid=1000,gid=1000 testvol 97 ``` 98 99 Create image named volume using the specified local image in containers/storage. 100 ``` 101 # podman volume create --driver image --opt image=fedora:latest fedoraVol 102 ``` 103 104 ## QUOTAS 105 106 `podman volume create` uses `XFS project quota controls` for controlling the size and the number of inodes of builtin volumes. The directory used to store the volumes must be an `XFS` file system and be mounted with the `pquota` option. 107 108 Example /etc/fstab entry: 109 ``` 110 /dev/podman/podman-var /var xfs defaults,x-systemd.device-timeout=0,pquota 1 2 111 ``` 112 113 Podman generates project IDs for each builtin volume, but these project IDs need to be unique for the XFS file system. These project IDs by default are generated randomly, with a potential for overlap with other quotas on the same file 114 system. 115 116 The xfs_quota tool can be used to assign a project ID to the storage driver directory, e.g.: 117 118 ``` 119 echo 100000:/var/lib/containers/storage/overlay >> /etc/projects 120 echo 200000:/var/lib/containers/storage/volumes >> /etc/projects 121 echo storage:100000 >> /etc/projid 122 echo volumes:200000 >> /etc/projid 123 xfs_quota -x -c 'project -s storage volumes' /<xfs mount point> 124 ``` 125 126 In the example above we are configuring the overlay storage driver for newly 127 created containers as well as volumes to use project IDs with a **start offset**. 128 All containers are assigned larger project IDs (e.g. >= 100000). 129 All volume assigned project IDs larger project IDs starting with 200000. 130 This prevents xfs_quota management conflicts with containers/storage. 131 132 ## MOUNT EXAMPLES 133 134 `podman volume create` allows the `type`, `device`, and `o` options to be passed to `mount(8)` when using the `local` driver. 135 136 ## [s3fs-fuse]( 137 138 [s3fs-fuse]( or just `s3fs`, is a [fuse]( filesystem that allows s3 prefixes to be mounted as filesystem mounts. 139 140 **Installing:** 141 ```shell 142 $ doas dnf install s3fs-fuse 143 ``` 144 145 **Simple usage:** 146 ```shell 147 $ s3fs --help 148 $ s3fs -o use_xattr,endpoint=aq-central-1 bucket:/prefix /mnt 149 ``` 150 151 **Equivalent through `mount(8)`** 152 ```shell 153 $ mount -t fuse.s3fs -o use_xattr,endpoint=aq-central-1 bucket:/prefix /mnt 154 ``` 155 156 **Equivalent through `podman volume create`** 157 ```shell 158 $ podman volume create s3fs-fuse-volume -o type=fuse.s3fs -o device=bucket:/prefix -o o=use_xattr,endpoint=aq-central-1 159 ``` 160 161 **The volume can then be mounted in a container with** 162 ```shell 163 $ podman run -v s3fs-fuse-volume:/s3:z --rm -it fedora:latest 164 ``` 165 166 Please see the available [options]( on their wiki. 167 168 ### Using with other container users 169 170 The above example works because the volume is mounted as the host user and inside the container `root` is mapped to the user in the host. 171 172 If the mount is accessed by a different user inside the container, a "Permission denied" error will be raised. 173 174 ```shell 175 $ podman run --user bin:bin -v s3fs-fuse-volume:/s3:z,U --rm -it fedora:latest 176 $ ls /s3 177 # ls: /s3: Permission denied 178 ``` 179 180 In FUSE-land, mounts are protected for the user who mounted them; specify the `allow_other` mount option if other users need access. 181 > Note: This will remove the normal fuse [security measures]( on the mount point, after which, the normal filesystem permissions will have to protect it 182 183 ```shell 184 $ podman volume create s3fs-fuse-other-volume -o type=fuse.s3fs -o device=bucket:/prefix -o o=allow_other,use_xattr,endpoint=aq-central-1 185 $ podman run --user bin:bin -v s3fs-fuse-volume:/s3:z,U --rm -it fedora:latest 186 $ ls /s3 187 ``` 188 189 ### The Prefix must exist 190 191 `s3fs` will fail to mount if the prefix does not exist in the bucket. 192 193 Create a s3-directory by putting an empty object at the desired `prefix/` key 194 ```shell 195 $ aws s3api put-object --bucket bucket --key prefix/ 196 ``` 197 198 If performance is the priority, please check out the more performant [goofys]( 199 200 > FUSE filesystems exist for [Google Cloud Storage]( and [Azure Blob Storage]( 201 202 203 ## SEE ALSO 204 **[podman(1)](**, **[containers.conf(5)](**, **[podman-volume(1)](**, **mount(8)**, **xfs_quota(8)**, **xfs_quota(8)**, **projects(5)**, **projid(5)** 205 206 ## HISTORY 207 January 2020, updated with information on volume plugins by Matthew Heon <> 208 November 2018, Originally compiled by Urvashi Mohnani <>