(about) 1 % podman-volume-import 1 2 3 ## NAME 4 podman\-volume\-import - Import tarball contents into an existing podman volume 5 6 ## SYNOPSIS 7 **podman volume import** *volume* [*source*] 8 9 ## DESCRIPTION 10 11 **podman volume import** imports the contents of a tarball into the podman volume's mount point. 12 The contents of the volume is merged with the content of the tarball with the latter taking precedence. 13 **podman volume import** can consume piped input when using `-` as source path. 14 15 The given volume must already exist and is not created by podman volume import. 16 17 Note: Following command is not supported by podman-remote. 18 19 #### **--help** 20 21 Print usage statement 22 23 ## EXAMPLES 24 25 Import named volume content from the specified file. 26 ``` 27 $ podman volume import myvol test.tar 28 ``` 29 30 Import named volume content from stdin. 31 ``` 32 $ gunzip -c hello.tar.gz | podman volume import myvol - 33 ``` 34 35 Export the content from named volume and pipe it into the named volume via stdin. 36 ``` 37 $ podman volume export oldmyvol | podman volume import myvol - 38 ``` 39 40 ## SEE ALSO 41 **[podman(1)](**, **[podman-volume(1)](**, **[podman-volume-export(1)](**