(about) 1 % podman-volume-ls 1 2 3 ## NAME 4 podman\-volume\-ls - List all the available volumes 5 6 ## SYNOPSIS 7 **podman volume ls** [*options*] 8 9 ## DESCRIPTION 10 11 Lists all the volumes that exist. The output can be filtered using the **--filter** 12 flag and can be formatted to either JSON or a Go template using the **--format** 13 flag. Use the **--quiet** flag to print only the volume names. 14 15 ## OPTIONS 16 17 #### **--filter**, **-f**=*filter* 18 19 Filter what volumes are shown in the output. 20 Multiple filters can be given with multiple uses of the --filter flag. 21 Filters with the same key work inclusive, with the only exception being `label` 22 which is exclusive. Filters with different keys always work exclusive. 23 24 Volumes can be filtered by the following attributes: 25 26 | **Filter** | **Description** | 27 | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 28 | dangling | [Dangling] Matches all volumes not referenced by any containers | 29 | driver | [Driver] Matches volumes based on their driver | 30 | label | [Key] or [Key=Value] Label assigned to a volume | 31 | name | [Name] Volume name (accepts regex) | 32 | opt | Matches a storage driver options | 33 | scope | Filters volume by scope | 34 | after/since | Filter by volumes created after the given VOLUME (name or tag) | 35 | until | Only remove volumes created before given timestamp | 36 37 #### **--format**=*format* 38 39 Format volume output using Go template. 40 41 Valid placeholders for the Go template are listed below: 42 43 | **Placeholder** | **Description** | 44 | ------------------------- | -------------------------------------------- | 45 | .Anonymous | Indicates whether volume is anonymous | 46 | .CreatedAt ... | Volume creation time | 47 | .Driver | Volume driver | 48 | .GID | GID of volume | 49 | .InspectVolumeData ... | Don't use | 50 | .Labels ... | Label information associated with the volume | 51 | .LockNumber | Number of the volume's Libpod lock | 52 | .MountCount | Number of times the volume is mounted | 53 | .Mountpoint | Source of volume mount point | 54 | .Name | Volume name | 55 | .NeedsChown | Indicates whether volume needs to be chowned | 56 | .NeedsCopyUp | Indicates if volume needs to be copied up to | 57 | .Options ... | Volume options | 58 | .Scope | Volume scope | 59 | .Status ... | Status of the volume | 60 | .StorageID | StorageID of the volume | 61 | .Timeout | Timeout of the volume | 62 | .UID | UID of volume | 63 | .VolumeConfigResponse ... | Don't use | 64 65 #### **--help** 66 67 Print usage statement. 68 69 @@option noheading 70 71 #### **--quiet**, **-q** 72 73 Print volume output in quiet mode. Only print the volume names. 74 75 ## EXAMPLES 76 77 List all volumes. 78 ``` 79 $ podman volume ls 80 ``` 81 82 List all volumes and display content as json format. 83 ``` 84 $ podman volume ls --format json 85 ``` 86 87 List all volumes and display their Driver and Scope fields 88 ``` 89 $ podman volume ls --format "{{.Driver}} {{.Scope}}" 90 ``` 91 92 List volumes with the name foo and label blue. 93 ``` 94 $ podman volume ls --filter name=foo,label=blue 95 ``` 96 97 List volumes with the label key=value. 98 ``` 99 $ podman volume ls --filter label=key=value 100 ``` 101 102 ## SEE ALSO 103 **[podman(1)](**, **[podman-volume(1)](** 104 105 ## HISTORY 106 November 2018, Originally compiled by Urvashi Mohnani <>