(about) 1 % podman-volume-mount 1 2 3 ## NAME 4 podman\-volume\-mount - Mount a volume filesystem 5 6 ## SYNOPSIS 7 **podman volume mount** [*volume* ...] 8 9 ## DESCRIPTION 10 Mounts the specified volumes' file system in a location which can be 11 accessed from the host, and returns its location. 12 13 Rootless mode only supports mounting file volumes unless Podman is run within the user namespace 14 via the `podman unshare` command. All other volume types fail to mount. 15 16 ## RETURN VALUE 17 The location of the mounted file system. On error an empty string and errno is 18 returned. 19 20 ## EXAMPLE 21 22 Mount specified volume. As Root: 23 ``` 24 # podman volume mount foo 25 /home/dwalsh/.local/share/containers/storage/volumes/foo/_data 26 ``` 27 28 In rootless mode, volume mounting only works after executing the podman unshare command to enter the user namespace. 29 ``` 30 $ podman unshare 31 # podman volume mount foo 32 /home/dwalsh/.local/share/containers/storage/volumes/foo/_data 33 ``` 34 35 ## SEE ALSO 36 **[podman(1)](**, **[podman-volume(1)](**, **[podman-volume-unmount(1)](**, **[podman-unshare(1)](**, **mount(8)**