
     1  #!/usr/bin/env bash
     2  #
     3  # man-page-checker - validate and cross-reference man page names
     4  #
     6  verbose=
     7  for i; do
     8      case "$i" in
     9          -v|--verbose)   verbose=verbose ;;
    10      esac
    11  done
    14  die() {
    15      echo "$(basename $0): $*" >&2
    16      exit 1
    17  }
    19  cd $(dirname $0)/../docs/source/markdown || die "Please run me from top-level libpod dir"
    21  rc=0
    23  for md in *;do
    24      # Read the first line after '# NAME' (or '## NAME'). (FIXME: # and ##
    25      #               are not the same; should we stick to one convention?)
    26      # There may be more than one name, e.g. has
    27      # podman-system-info then another line with podman-info. We
    28      # care only about the first.
    29      name=$(grep -E -A1 '^#* NAME' $md|tail -1|awk '{print $1}' | tr -d \\\\)
    31      expect=$(basename $md
    32      if [ "$name" != "$expect" ]; then
    33          echo
    34          printf "Inconsistent program NAME in %s:\n" $md
    35          printf "  NAME= %s  (expected: %s)\n" $name $expect
    36          rc=1
    37      fi
    38  done
    40  # Pass 2: compare descriptions.
    41  #
    42  # Make sure the descriptive text in matches the one
    43  # in the table in podman-remote is not a podman subcommand,
    44  # so it is excluded here.
    45  for md in $(ls -1 *-* | grep -v remote);do
    46      desc=$(grep -E -A1 '^#* NAME' $md|tail -1|sed -e 's/^podman[^ ]\+ - //')
    48      # has a two-column table; podman-* all have three.
    49      parent=$(echo $md | sed -e 's/^\(.*\)-.*$/\')
    50      if [[ $parent =~ "podman-auto" ]]; then
    51          # is special cased as it's structure differs
    52          # from that of other man pages where main and sub-commands split by
    53          # dashes.
    54          parent=""
    55      fi
    56      x=3
    57      if expr -- "$parent" : ".*-" >/dev/null; then
    58          x=4
    59      fi
    61      # Find the descriptive text in the parent man page.
    62      # Strip off the final period; let's not warn about such minutia.
    63      parent_desc=$(grep $md $parent | awk -F'|' "{print \$$x}" | sed -e 's/^ \+//' -e 's/ \+$//' -e 's/\.$//')
    65      if [ "$desc" != "$parent_desc" ]; then
    66          echo
    67          printf "Inconsistent subcommand descriptions:\n"
    68          printf "  %-32s = '%s'\n" $md "$desc"
    69          printf "  %-32s = '%s'\n" $parent "$parent_desc"
    70          printf "Please ensure that the NAME section of $md\n"
    71          printf "matches the subcommand description in $parent\n"
    72          rc=1
    73      fi
    74  done
    76  # Helper function: compares man page synopsis vs --help usage message
    77  function compare_usage() {
    78      local cmd="$1"
    79      local from_man="$2"
    81      # Special case: this is an external call to docker
    82      if [[ $cmd = "podman compose" ]] || [[ $cmd = "podmansh" ]]; then
    83          return
    84      fi
    86      # Sometimes in CI we run before podman gets built.
    87      test -x ../../../bin/podman || return
    89      # Run 'cmd --help', grab the line immediately after 'Usage:'
    90      local help_output=$(../../../bin/$cmd --help)
    91      local from_help=$(echo "$help_output" | grep -A1 '^Usage:' | tail -1)
    93      # strip off command name from both
    94      from_man=$(sed -e "s/\*\*$cmd\*\*[[:space:]]*//" <<<"$from_man")
    95      from_help=$(sed -e "s/^[[:space:]]*${cmd}[[:space:]]*//" <<<"$from_help")
    97      # man page lists 'foo [*options*]', help msg shows 'foo [flags]'.
    98      # Make sure if one has it, the other does too.
    99      if expr "$from_man" : "\[\*options\*\]" >/dev/null; then
   100          if expr "$from_help" : "\[options\]" >/dev/null; then
   101              :
   102          else
   103              echo "WARNING: $cmd: man page shows '[*options*]', help does not show [options]"
   104              rc=1
   105         fi
   106      elif expr "$from_help" : "\[flags\]" >/dev/null; then
   107          echo "WARNING: $cmd: --help shows [flags], man page does not show [*options*]"
   108          rc=1
   109      fi
   111      # Strip off options and flags; start comparing arguments
   112      from_man=$(sed  -e 's/^\[\*options\*\][[:space:]]*//' <<<"$from_man")
   113      from_help=$(sed -e 's/^\[flags\][[:space:]]*//'      <<<"$from_help")
   115      # Args in man page are '*foo*', in --help are 'FOO'. Convert all to
   116      # UPCASE simply because it stands out better to the eye.
   117      from_man=$(sed -e 's/\*\([a-z-]\+\)\*/\U\1/g' <<<"$from_man")
   119      # FIXME: one of the common patterns is for --help to show 'POD [POD...]'
   120      # but man page show 'pod ...'. This conversion may help one day, but
   121      # not yet: there are too many inconsistencies such as '[pod ...]'
   122      # (brackets) and 'pod...' (no space between).
   123  #    from_help=$(sed -e 's/\([A-Z]\+\)[[:space:]]\+\[\1[[:space:]]*\.\.\.\]/\1 .../' <<<"$from_help")
   125      # Compare man-page and --help usage strings. For now, do so only
   126      # when run with --verbose.
   127      if [[ "$from_man" != "$from_help" ]]; then
   128          if [ -n "$verbose" ]; then
   129              printf "%-25s man='%s' help='%s'\n" "$cmd:" "$from_man" "$from_help"
   130              # Yeah, we're not going to enable this as a blocker any time soon.
   131              # rc=1
   132          fi
   133      fi
   134  }
   136  # Pass 3: compare synopses.
   137  #
   138  # Make sure the SYNOPSIS line in reads '**podman foo** ...'
   139  for md in *;do
   140      # FIXME: several pages have a multi-line form of SYNOPSIS in which
   141      #        many or all flags are enumerated. Some of these are trivial
   142      #        and really should be made into one line (podman-container-exists,
   143      #        container-prune, others); some are more complicated and I
   144      #        would still like to see them one-lined (container-runlabel,
   145      #        image-trust) but I'm not 100% comfortable doing so myself.
   146      #        To view those:
   147      #           $ less $(for i in docs/*;do x=$(grep -A2 '^#* SYNOPSIS' $i|tail -1); if [ -n "$x" ]; then echo $i;fi;done)
   148      #
   149      synopsis=$(grep -E -A1 '^#* SYNOPSIS' $md|tail -1)
   151      # Command name must be bracketed by double asterisks; options and
   152      # arguments are bracketed by single ones.
   153      #   E.g. '**podman volume inspect** [*options*] *volume*...'
   154      # Get the command name, and confirm that it matches the md file name.
   155      cmd=$(echo "$synopsis" | sed -e 's/\(.*\)\*\*.*/\1/' | tr -d \*)
   156      md_nodash=$(basename "$md" | tr '-' ' ')
   157      if [[ $md_nodash = 'podman auto update' ]]; then
   158          # special case: the command is "auto-update", with a hyphen
   159          md_nodash='podman auto-update'
   160      fi
   161      if [[ "$cmd" != "$md_nodash" ]] && [[ "$cmd" != "podman-remote" ]]; then
   162          echo
   163          printf "Inconsistent program name in SYNOPSIS in %s:\n" $md
   164          printf "  SYNOPSIS = %s (expected: '%s')\n" "$cmd" "$md_nodash"
   165          rc=1
   166      fi
   168      # The convention is to use UPPER CASE in 'podman foo --help',
   169      # but *lower case bracketed by asterisks* in the man page
   170      if expr "$synopsis" : ".*[A-Z]" >/dev/null; then
   171          echo
   172          printf "Inconsistent capitalization in SYNOPSIS in %s\n" $md
   173          printf "  '%s' should not contain upper-case characters\n" "$synopsis"
   174          rc=1
   175      fi
   177      # (for debugging, and getting a sense of standard conventions)
   178      #printf "  %-32s ------ '%s'\n" $md "$synopsis"
   180      # If bin/podman is available, run "cmd --help" and compare Usage
   181      # messages. This is complicated, so do it in a helper function.
   182      compare_usage "$md_nodash" "$synopsis"
   183  done
   186  exit $rc